i i i -to it- & dtUm Rupert Dailp f3cfos Wednesday. March 5. 1947 PACKERS ARE JUST NOSED OUT AFTER THRILLIING GAME WITH SAVOY -MACEY'S COP SENIOR "B" HONORS B. C. Packers fought desperately last night to get into the win column in the first of three Senior "A" games coming up with Savoy but, in the closing minutes of the game, Savoy snatched a four-point lead on the Packers which was jupst a little too much for the fishmen to overcome. Savoy took the win 56-52 in one or the best Senior A i gan 3; Davis 6; D. Arney i; Aior- battle's this season. The Senior "A" brand cf games is getting better with each match and if ihi play-offs are anything like the game last night they will be eood. DOUBLE IAUTOMATIC BOOKLET i J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15o 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds . Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners . PHONES; Green 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Phone 174 Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers g-an 14: Murray 56. ' 3. C. Paer Oalderone 2; Cteeoae II, Fitch, kcuston 31: White 4; Dcminato 14: Brown: Bird. Mawone 2. SWIMT SIXTHS Savoy sot the jump In the i FAIWU JllfiH SCHOOL firtt frame and before the Packers knov what was happening, they weTe on the short end by Urt 111 count. They pulled thfmseh'ps together somewhat Although 8eet Sixteen last by an Qyerwheinuns 41-11 drubbing, the ?eore gives very little indication of the game. It was the Bo-Me-Hi ItainioirdY shoot- 3 u.st ai the period ended andin ability that gave them the had crept up to make the .score win. The Sweets had a fair share 11-4. In the second quarter. Packers fought hard, battling their way to witMn three points of Hie hstelmen. 23-23. Again in Ihe (hird frame the Packers fought uphm. but this ti.ne they '.vrre rewarded by being in the lead r. ?cant one point at the three-quarter mark, 40-39. The last frame was a killer, with both "quads pounding at each other with all the drive they could muster. Firnt Packers were out in front, then Savoy, and then the Packers rnaUhcd thf lead, 48-45. 8ud-l "ctenly Packers were behind, 50-48 then it was 52-48. But grimiy hey fcught on, narrowing it t'own to 52-50. Still Savoy moved and now the score was 55-50. Packers were drjving'hard and agai.i they were within four points but the pace was too i much. The game slowed down and then It was all'over. Savcy wen but it was a .sad rolow to Packers. BcU Houston of the Packers, was the key man in the scoring bracket pounding in 21 points with ev Dcroiuato and Herb Morgan vying for second-place honors, each with 14 points. Handling the whistle by himself and doing an A-l job of it was Johnny Ccaiadina, who commented after the game that the Senior "A" was sure putting on some bang-up ball games. But the most noticeable thing was that they were playing basketball instead of carrying on feudJ. A mere 24 fouls were dished out and Savoy copped the honors in that department taking 13 cf them, while Packers got by with 11. Savoy M. Holkestad, T. Arney 10; R. Holkestad 9; R. Hau- of the play, but when it came to dropping tiie ball in the net, they had considerable trouble. Jackie Budinich oi the Rain-birds, had another one of her big nitftrts as she' led the scor- Bo-Me-Hi Rainbirds Hamil ton 2; Thaln C; Badinlch 16; Bill 2; Meraiee 2; Howe 4; A. Hamilton 6; Youeman 3; Kennedy. 41. Sweet Sixteen Currle 3; Kil-dal, Wendle, Simosson, Mc-Kinnon 3; Youngman 2; Hitch-ins, Macintosh 1; Dumas 2. 11. MACEY'S EDGES OUT. CO-OPS. Once again Maeey's took the win in the Senior "B" division, chaining up their sixteenth straight victory and their eighth in the second haK. by squeezing out Co-op, 32-29. It was a close-cteekins battle which started off ricwiy, with Mae?s having the lead at the first frame brea ther. 6-4. f3nu name floVltino- I back in t'he second stanza and snatched the lead from the vic- 'THIN STRONG PAPER NONE fINtft MADE Vl- sssssssssssssssasssssssssssssssssssssWsssslBsssssssssssssssVAssssssssssl Business and Professional GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets 'Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novtflries MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. LABELLING CONTRACTORS BLUE 980 rot PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVKi your ifttft to COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. U tors just before Mie half ended with the score standing 15-12 Macey's took over, a fain aftr the half and led by one lone point at the start of the last ( frame. 20-19. Tr.e last period was a dirrg- ;don bailie with .Co-op vainly I uy:i g to take over the lead and 10 bold it. But Macpy's weren't to be stepped although it did look like it fir awfofle. The scoring honors were divided yth Menales of ilacey's and Viereck of Co-op each netting 11 points. But Menzje had a little more support than did Viereck. Co-cp's usual big gun. Slatta, bad another of his off nights, netting a mere five points. 11a-oey's win last nifht puts them up as tbe winner .cf the second half cf the Senior "B" Jea3ue. w.th the Bo-Me-HI Rainmakers the winners of the first hall just before they were sent up to the Sepior "A" division. As yet though a play-off date has pot been set. Mwejr'f Metjzte 11; Arastec 8; Haufan 2; B. Pierce 5; E. Pierre 2; Tf ag 2; James 2.-32. Co-op-Menzks J; Petersen C; Leland, Vicreek II: eiaWa 5: Lewis, VVhiU'ubiotk, Sheppard 4. W. riiiono roin:s HOME AT LAST In the Junior loop last niaht. Or otU) came oat at the doldrums ing parade with 10 beauttmi rHh a roar and downed th? points. Jackie has one of the I U'atU and Klefciftcn squad 43-23 prcl-tiert shots in the Ladies League-in fact, toe Junior League fouW be'lncluded in that and last night it. surely paid off. In the absence of Coach Alex! Bill, the tiirOs were handled by Mr. J. A. Teng, who did a fine job. On the very riiort side at the end of the first frame. 18-2, the Sweets drc-pped still farther back as the half closed. 20-3. Then in the last bnsT -of the game, al though the Co-eds out - scored them, they fought right up until the finai whist!?. At the three- quarter mark, it was 2-6, with High S:hool still plugging in the.r shots from all angles. in a fast show. Watts and 'Nlck-erson (railed aM the way but stUl they manaaed to have a good half of the play in their hacds. Grotto )4 the shooting eye last night, with Andy Owens sparking them with 16 points. Tialhng 10-1 at the flat tfuarr ter majrK, Watts and Nickersos still cowfdn't get rolHne in the second frme. And: Grotto ended up the bff by increasing the In the second half Watts and Nickerffcn beyan to show a. little better form but still they trail ed 27-13 at the three-quarter post. In the coining minutes of the last nericd. It looked a$ though the ekWers might get bak Into the battle-as Ray t 5ERViiN'Ci;-C;A t: .:.' SHORT SPORT In the 16th annua! heekey game between the West Point Mittary Academy and the Royal Military College at Kingston, Ont., eight years ago ody the United States eadets won their first victory over the Canadian Previously the West Pointers had Ued only one game to breach the R-M.C.S itrlnfi of wins. The mile bkjrcle record held by Tarchy Peuen of Vlstorta was betered at Los Angeles 12 years ago by Frank Parte!!, bewlakered , Czecholavalcian, do fkfepmed ' around a trade at 80.531 miles an hour, four mues better than the ' Canad'an red head's mark. i TEK-I'IX STANDINGS Savoy B.-A. Oil 99 Taxi Gen. Motors Imp. Oil W; and N W L P- Pins 13 10 10 9 7 5 5 8 8 9 11 13 13 14843 1 10 13786 10- 13649 9 13216 7 14GI6 5 13466 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE March 8 B.C. Packets v Savoy. March 11 Savoy vs. B.C 1 Packers. March 15 Savoy vs. licrli School. . March 18 Iligh School vs. B.C. Packers. Spring led oM with three quick ihots. Jurt as they were beginning to roll, Grotto moved and Watts and Nickerson bogged d-cun again. Watts and Nickerson -Ratch- iford 1; Kelly 4; Bill. Jrrs 2 Sflni 9; Echai'T 7: Web-ter Garner. Laurie. 23. Grctto Hetb fl; Youhgnian 8; Currle 1;' Owens 16; R. Anderson 4; Graham, B. Anderson 2; Johnson. 40. ' , i -. BIGTEN ., Games Total Average Bury. S.. Savoy .............,,.. 48 8494 177 Sparks, R., Savoy ; -.w'81 87W) 172 Klnslor. N., 0.-A. Oil ... 45 7695 171 Gunderson, N.. Imperial Oil - .45 7494 1G7 Morrison, F.. 99 Taxi 39 6393 164 Arney, D.. Imperial Oil 51 8256 162 Dell, V., Imperial Oil .- 39 6301 162 McMeekln, T, B.-A. Oil '. 5 1 8234 1 61 Pierce, E.. Watts and Nickerson .'. 50 7932 159 Currle. J., Imperial OU 45 7165 159 Ladies 'A' Bowling March 11 Orange vs. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. Annettes. Moose vs. Miller Bay, Toilers vs. Big Sisters, Variety vs. Savoy. March 18 Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose. Lucky Strikes vs. Milter Bay. ToUers vs. Savoy, Variety " vs. Big Sisters, Orange vs. An-j nettes. 1 March 25 Annettes v. Miller Bay, Ideal Cleaners vs. Big Sisters, Toilers vs. Variety, Orange vs. Moose, Lucky Strikes-- vs. Savoy. Aprrl 1 Lucky Strikes vs. Variety. Tollers vs. Miller Bay. Orange vs. Ideal Cleaners, Moose vs. Big Sisters, Annettes vs. Savoy. Classified Advertising Pays! VSJHAVI cjv N.A.D.I.A.N S (tC'I-O) SHAVING COMBINATION! nr mi time? i . ' . L J -X 1 I BssWsTLkwTi To speed 6having, use the Gillette Tecii Razor and today's Gillette BlueBJade. These two arc precision made, fit exactly, and give you extra shaving comfort. You save money, too, for Gillette double edges mean tliBtt f 'fi double economy. feel, f he f use Gillette With thenedges ever honedl T H R O U C H-i C H E;MI S TRY ' Yot'R stoki'KRKPKK may lliink lie Wtil liaiiillc clifiniktn, Imt every tiling In tfU from MiMume jewelry In n-fripvratoni, U In vlwile or in art, a h-iural jinxluet. Cuin'itry U a ilstl facti.r in falirirn anl AhmIs, lea titer and lot s, It's at lltenMitU'iwmiifilrr anil in the hardware department. Vkii find it more and inure whenever yon Ihiji as njlou hiMery, fairies and hristles, in new plastie arlieles and a "d lLiiihanK' wrappings to pniteet gMMls and make them more attractive. The lirinieal itiduntry never f tsnd riill. It mntinues to create new useful prodneii and In improve many old ones. It rontrihutrt to the wcll-lieing of all f w . . . villi the C-f-L oval the bviiiIk,! ()f an organization devoted to wmng Canadians through chemistry. "IWe's a lacL NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT lirSCIVING an ll-ur rr- v formance' - with tip and driic to spare! NAlilSCO SHKEDOED VCllEAT it ihc nut.tni, lilting cereal park-ttl witb bonrst nourishmmi and energy. In tcodt'f-baktd cruncby Rooditu aluars "srorM" with tad old alike. It'i made from 100'' Canadian hole wheal with all tlie btnetcial bran and wheal term. Enery-buildinc whole wheat tteamcd, ihrcd- ded and baked to a nrhhune-brown. Nothing added! Canodifln Sltrddtd Whtst CmH"t ltd. Hftm fatlt, CMla Mm, It Won't Be Long ne . " and e am me re i. b truck operators will have to have deper.Jit!e ci t free service from their equipment We Suggest 71181 'ou comf !:i arJ Vt 2J2 the necessary repairs NOW! t prevent costly tie-ups later on. OUR MIXILVMCAL AND BODV It EPA I It DEPAtT are well equipped and fully st.if.fcd to rrry ct ti promptly and efficiently. All Work Guaranteed Dtimates Glatyl Bob Parker Limhm I Phone S:t roil I) AND MONARCH DEALERS SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FKASER STREET Prince Rupert Prinrt Kapotl Km 1208 - M PRINCE PLUMBING (K ESTIMAII1 OIL I51KXER SALE SlltVlft Cor 2nd Ave. ti&'A Until You Get a New Cat take cood care of your present car? ItfmrmW loilav means a liieher resale rrire tomom SEE US FOR KEdUIdAK SEKVIftJ W nr. tt-'iffsH an on,, Insert in handle jH naJ! and repair work on all makes of vehicles. DnrJ TEKUACE MACHINE SHOP AND GAM GHNRRAL MOTORS DEALER Unreserved Auction m . of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE To be hA on Thursday, March"1 Commencing at 2:30 p.m. Sharp, in AucJ' ' I t uapp iJtock (opposite i NOTICE: On instructions of the owner ar.d . . tn be 010' I ui our customers i, nave -above premises for sie 'I 3-piere Chestetfield Suite (wme: w ".mM Record Player; 1 Walnut P.edroom ullr . in ,ni1 IJeusher Saxophone, C Melody; Junior Snt 2 U'J "no. Kut.. 9'xir; 1 w . nuw; uoai ana vooa uange; tJ."' -nlftd! 'J field Table; Single and Double IVo f0"; 5'1 Coffee Tabic: Table Lamp: Axminster Mf. .rfM Couth; Carpentet's Lathe, 30-inch; u . Boffet: ette Set; Jacknlfe Table; C Chairs nd ruts ni p Toaster; Set of Dishes; Pillows; Illanh'15' P.O, Jiox 274 .airvu.a. Terms: Cash These goods are not to be held over and by auction. GEORGE J. DAWES The Auctioneer t4 Plume RW w A