3CHAT IS Prince Rupert Dnfly jftchis Thursday February 20, 1947 MINISTER EYRES SPtiAKS (Continued' Irom Page 1) wards new enterprise and the readiness of the Coalition government to assist with all its facilities for study and research, and one sees at once why this province Is becoming the chosen field for industrial and commercial expansion. PROVINCE HAS PROGRESS - ''It has b?en said, and I think .very truly, that in recent years JUritish Columbia has made more rjaeal progress than perhaps any S&ther section of the Dominion. There is no doubt, certainly, that this province was never in healthier 6r more robust condition, that never has a keener or more soundly based optimism prevailed. 'This & strikingly apparent in the' industrial field. Very definitely, business is moving to British Columbia. In 1946, 1,518 companies were incorporated, with a total capitalization of $90,759,300. 547 of them were incorporated for industrial pur-poses, as nearly as can be as-j certained at present, with an authorized capital of over $63,-090,000. "The Department of Trade and Industry of your Coalition government is proud to have played its part in developing this great Industrial province. ' Reviewing the wide field of activities of his Department of Trade and Industry, Mr. Eyres said that, briefly, its functions are to investigate matters of economic importance, to encourage industry, to collect and publish statistical inforniation, and to develop and foster tourist travel and settlement. In the interests of efficiency, these several functions have been seperately grouped and apportioned to bureau known respectively as the Office of Trade Commissioner, the Bureau of Economics and Statistics, and the British Columbia Gov ernment Travel Bureau, The office of Trade Com missioner does not parallel or overlap in any way the work already being done by the Federal Department of Trade and Commerce or by local organiza tions. On the contrary, and from its Intimate knowledge of the aims, objects and facilities of those other agencies, it de votes itself to Increased co operation at the Droducing end. increased use of those facilities, and the co-ordination of all ac tivities wheh have in view the expansion of foreign and domes tic trade. This requires the closest co- WITHOUT A GARDEN? GROWING GARDEN PLANTS IS FUN THAT SAVES MONEY TOO Every home gardener should "know how to start seeds In a 'seed box, which, florists call a -flat," and move the plants when large enough to their destined place in the garden. In seme sections whole gardens are made of such plants, usually purchased' But your own plants can be grown easily Tat far less expense once a few simple methods are learned. There are both advantages and disadvantages in starting feeds this wav. It takpt lnrrpr to grow either vegetables or Qcwsrs, because of the setback which is caused by transplanting. But when the seed box- can be started we.eks before teed imuld be own outdoors. an -earlier, harvest Is possible, even, though growtn takes longer thickly, then transplant seedlings when very small to pots, or another flat where they are widrly paced, the amateur can save time and make his plants 3row faster by sowing his seed thinly in the first place and thinning out excess seedlings to give ample room for others to inaiuit, wjmoui oeing dis-tuit2d. Precautions against disease should always be taken. This Is easily done by using soil substitutes rather than soil. Snhncr. num moss and vermlculite are substitutes widely used and easily obtainable. Both are sterile and sphagnum moss actually destroys fungt. A thin layer of sphagnum moss, passed through a sieve, ari'd spread over the soil in a Hat, can be used to fcv nw sow the tile seed secu Some nlanU are difficult to in: - -i ' -. 0 V'J mtii ouiwiwi transplant, all the vegetable moss. This will nrsvent. "d root crccs. for exarmale: and juaiiy nowers sucn as poppies, and apiglosIs. But skilled operators, can transplant almost any subject. " ' An advantage of the seed box jfnethod is that teztii go further .since all can be arown tn niontc If desired; and the plants arc placed In the garden in the exact position where they are to mature, and require no thinking. It Is easier to grow very mall eec? and difficult subjects in a box; and when the weather is tco wet, or dry, too hot or cold, the box can be removed about and sheltered from damage. While professionals usually sow seed In one box, rather l Ing off and similar diseases. wWch . sometimes destroy seed3 as they are sprouting, or soon after. The entire box may be filled with sphagnum moss, or vermlculite, and the seedlings plants grown in these substances up to transplanting size, cut in that case some? fertilizer must' be used when the plants have reached a sufficient size to need it. This will be about when they have made their second pair of leaves, called the "true leaves." Stir a level teaspoon of balanced chemical plant food Into a quart cf water and use this to water the plants. One amillea- Iticn weekly should be sufficient. THIS AND THAT "Did you ring?" operation with all producers and exporters In British Columbia, and a keenly sympathetic interest In their problems, large and small. It requires, too, the co-operation of all the basic industrial interests, of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, Boards of Trade, foreign consulates, shipping companies and banks. In the matter of new industries, the office undertakes frank surveys from production and marketing angles and the development of all possibilities for establishment or expansion of overseas trade. All organizations and other3 interested, are urged to use his services, for the Department of Trade and Industry has de veloped this llasion with a sole objective of practical and' inti mate assistance to industry in the province. FACT FINDING AND ADVISORY The Bureau of Economics and Statistics is, as its name implies, a fact finding and ad visory body. It has two pri mary functions: (li To collect and compile economic statistics of interest to the provincial government. 2) To provide economic coun sel and, when necessary, to con duct investigations into economic questions affecting the province. In order to carry' out these ob jectives the Bureau is divided into several sections dealing with statistical service and one section dealing with economic research. The main objective of the British Columbia Government Travel Bureau is to attract tour ist travel to this province. To do this a planned program of advertising is carried on in newspapers and periodicals throughout the Western States. Further publicity Is obtained by the preparation and distribution of thousands of pamphlets and folders describing all sections of British Columbia. Another medium for publicity is the distribution of films, many or them in sound and color. mese films are taken bv the photographic staff of the Motion Picture Branch of this bureau. Many sections of" the province are now covered by these films and the worki is still in progress. An Important part of the work of this bureau is in answering enquiries from all parts of the world, requesting information on the province from the pros pective visitor, as well as the prospective settler. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Realizing that . scientific re search is one of the keys to industrial advancement in the Province of British Columbia. the government in January, 1944, organized and financed the1 British Columbia Research Its aims are; (1) To co-ordinate the work of existing and prospective research units so as to avoid danger of duplication. (2) To initiate, and channel new research work in all fields of particular Interest to Brit ish Columbia. (3) To relate -this problem to other problems of Industrial re habilitation in, the post-war period. (4)To apply results of researcn to the creation of new Indus. tries, actual trade extension programs, and relate the work of laboratories and field units to Industrial and market extension of the province. TIMBER SALE X41166 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon on Monday the seventeenth day of March, 1947, In the office of the District Forester, Marine Eldg., Vancouver, B.C., the License X411C6, tO' cut 46.500,000 f.b.ra. Of Cedar. Hemlock, Balsam and Spruce on surveyed pulp -timber sale X9231 situated at Palls Creek, Klldala Arm. Range Pour, Coast' Land District; Ten (10) years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction In person may-Bubmtt tender to be opened at tlie hour of auction and treated as one Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria, B.C.. or the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. We Serve You Nothing But the Best ... . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West STARS ON TCE Ladies 'A' Bowling February 25 Annettes vs. Bis Sisters, Savoy- vs. Miller Bav. Orange vs. Variety. Ideal Clean ers vs. Toilers, Moose vs. Lucky Strikes. March 4 Savoy vs. Big Sisters. Orange vs. Tollers, Ideal Clean ers vs. Lucky Strikes, Moose vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Miller Bay. ' March 11 oranae vs. Luckv Strikes, Ideal Cleanersvs. An nettes, Moose vs. Miller Bay. Toilers vs. Big Sisters, Variety vs. Savoy. March 18 Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose, Lucky Strikes vs. Miller nay, ToiieTs vs. Savoy, Variety vs. Big sisters, Orange vs. An nettes iety, Toilers vs. Miller Bay. Orange vs. Ideal Cleaners, Moose' vs. Big Sisters, Annettes vs. Savoy. Steamship Sailings For Vanroavn . Tuesday-- Coqultlam 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 pm. Friday ss Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 pm. From Vancouver i Sunday ss Coqultlam, p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. p.m. ASTHMA SUFFERERS Get welcome relief from the wheezing. w.wu,K, gushing mruKK'e lor Dream caused by Asthma. Take KAZ-MAH, ppecially made to relieve AMhma miseTy quickly ftnd aafelv. hlna t-hn et,... i .! j 1 ai i i nnu nuik in comfort. Don t uer n iIIrmIv, Don't loseanothermxht RHlrep Take RAZ-AIAII today. Sue, 11 i,t druggists. K-2S HI-WAY SKKVICK Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBride Gel ALL the Vitamins you need CONTAIN VITAMINS A Bi Bj C D plus IRON and LIVER CONCENTRATE urncTiTH MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you take just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins In your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VIM IAMph i, Njal Quality PrtJiul, uld ini at Hjtt Drt Stru. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMJTEI) HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies For Sale ?25 Phone Black 823 By ED IGOE j J CA'-t .-rnrr c rtAcnc Wl'ffKK I SENIOR "B"- STANDING Maeeys Is still on top of the Senior "B" basketball standing while Port Edward occupies the cellar position alone. Macey's 5 0 1000 Co-op 2 4 333 Port Edward 2 5 .2S5 SCHEDULE FOR LADIES "B" BOWLS February 20 Co-op vs. Revenues, Atlin vs. Docketles, WJ T.B. vs. Bankers. Khatadas vs. Watts Sz Nlckerson, Whirlwinds vs. Peoples. February 27 Atjin vs. Peoples, w.ivr.B. vs. Revenuers. Khata fine v rvlrnMe Whlrlntlnrfs " - .... -ww. vvh,, Miuiiniiliu vo. uay, iaeai uieaners vs. Big Sis- 'wicserson ters, Toilers vs. Variety. Orange ys. Moose, Lucky Strikes- vs. Savoy. April 1 Lucky Strikes vs. Var March C Watts is Nlckerson vs. W.P.T.B., Khatadas vs. Whirlwinds, Co-op vs. Atlin, Bankers vs. Dockettes, Peoples vs. Revenuers. March 13 Khatadas vs. People Co-op vs. W.P.T.B., Bankers vs. Revenuers, Whirlwinds vs. Atlin, Watts & Nickerson vs. Dockettes. ma SHORT SPORT Howard Wood, who skipped his Winnipeg Granite rink ta victory In the recent $12,000 bnmcniel at Ninawln. Sask.. Pre v-'.vu dicts an early - . j iiMv lise to -v I'" power - - of - l 'The game has taken a hold in the country, and the terrific I enlihuslatm Is bound to pay o;f scon," Wqod said. "They have :. greater opportunity for practice ( in the country than is available I hi the city, and that Is going to , decide the issue in the end. All our Ice li booked for games continually." Enthusiasm for the game in many areas Is running so high that farmers are donating grain and other farm produce, to. be sold by community cemmlttees, and the proceeds help defray the cost of building curling rinks. Schoolboys also are luggins bales of hay several miles to school to make shelters for schoolyard rinks. No person is better qualified to pass Judgment on curlinn matter than Wood, who was Initiated into the ancient Scottish sport when about 10 years old on a vacant lot with blocks from a nearby highway for curl-ins stones. Three times winner of the Macdonald's Brier, Do minion curling champioaship, t in 1825, 1930 aud 1940, and four times winner cf provincial hon- j ors in lyza, luau, i40 and 1943 as well as various other 'spiels, he has competed with and aTaimt seme cf the best In the game. . Wood says jays he he docs docs not not see see I .B FEEL FEEL mm Business and Professional J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. ' 206 4th Street : Phone 055 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH. & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block - Phone 387 JERRY VREBOSCII PAPERIIANGING and 372 P. N. Kllborn w. Peterson RERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties iMnilKDATIt IJIJTrr.'o t'romnt nU.fnt.lnn tn moll Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving theJMsheries Industry n.I,I,S tl'.K.J LTD, , CARTA Weighers Samplers Itecondltloners Labelling Contractors BLUE 980 fOM. PROMPT an4 EFFICIENT SEXVtCI Hour Ums U COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LB May Organize Hoop "School" For Junior Girls Popularity of the Junior boy', oasxeiDim ciasves nem evei , Saturday morning in the Civic Centre hs inspired Rup rPc 1!rwtnr Nll Uam tn nlo oX the plan have nnt been worked out yet but uhe asu-group would be for glrfe from 12 to 14, and the clasies may bo held on Saturday afternoon if gym schedules can be arranged suitably. Attendance at the be$' basketball training clawes has averaged more than CO at each session awl enthushum run ; high, Mr. Ruu aay. The boys' class?s are designed to train bays from eight to L4 who al ready are nat affiliated with one of the operating Junior league teams. any great chances in thp emm? since lie first took it up. "Thr play- a m&re open hit and rn" game now and .the delivery tvi has changed. The youngster-have a sliding follow-throu?"i dellvery--we used a stationary swing delivery, never leaving the hack." Howard Incidentally still uses th? oM-tyle delivery and it still brings htm down In front cf the pack. An all-roum: athlete in his vounaer davs. he 1 was a membw of the 1915 Winnipeg ScotUh club that cap tured the Dominion champion-, ship. He was regarded as one of the strongest ha.1bacs in West em Canada soccer. You saw it m Tne Newsl ! ffnr,UF CIGARETTE Ljl LOOK " , 1 MN2 """" BE Msvj SHA"P - ill HOOPSCO 1 ? 'rt B u .', ,: IPS i " f u , ICI players developed by rural clubs similar instructional pfriocl for B, Mc-ju. , U4iu J uiv3 (LAittiiutrvi uj n.v jwutig, , j ......... M4uwMirwu JftTB" Lj. rlffCg I TUT er generation. Never far reinov- tertfay ed ed from from thp the silverware silverware In in 38 38 1 Dela Details years of competitive curling. Wood, now 58, was particularly impressed by the standard of play of rural rinks In the Nlpa-i win 'spiel. He said many of to day's country rinks have already, sounded their, challenge to the "city slicker" and that it might not be long before the Dominion Utle wiouki go to some rural community. BRAKE Li mi ; 1 T ' nDI'V3l , - P:. fa mm BnlHIO I Ncrc'i the i III -41 If" I . i i I it ui t "Si elnnmnf In KmV. developed bf G 'llllll AH .- 'W'VM U1M skcJ for ill fouf i wiin neiieri mkt vnni in mL.Myr " ej.ii. i.w in wtm , . . . . . n ... tri.i"!(ll.hfr 1.11 in lit I l.lkl .Ml LIMITD rnnre Knpm Phone p EVEBEADY BATTER "B" BATTERIES No.CSG 15-volt Extra Heavy Durj No. 770 15-volt Heavy Duty No. 1585 15-volt Medium Duty "A" BATTERIES No.7'10 Dry l.-vo1t No. AlJiOO Air Cell U .-volt No. A2G00 Air Cell 2-volt "A-B" BATTERY PACKS No. 748 Superlayerbuilt No. 750 Mini-Max . Now available ar nil 1 1 Ar ill IJcJ. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. ' riione'37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert PAI)T)VfPtIP T ATjnTT.ST III P.O. BOX 167 Bob Parker ! FOIM) AND MONARCH SALES AN" m Stotal1 . .i--rT ATI WE WW nrrnrrrV TO A" - - ,tflr 1 1M 111" - mi smilB "The Home of Friendly Service' ,00 COMPT.TCTrc RTHfiTv' OF GEN'. ACCESSOR IN NORTHERN H.G Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt a r,. .... otMrE R11