Hi OME-QF-THE-MONTH 'mi mini ,.1 lr titutlon. , i Uullon iy I. the 1 ' t.ic same i it 'j.-e Aupie- dosel I IM! :X - lor ( ii :ir i additional in rx quired . 3 A't. ,. . ii BCi V,'UI cansuueuon i . hnl "9 clapboara Df i' - h- 4?9 permit approximately :nt of iccess I have not subt thai- British do as always and le amQunt," say amber campaign tBrltlsh Columbia ping Red Cross fcr:-k whlr.h com- 3 The national CO.OOO, the Brit- bjec'.ive. $500,000, I Rupprt objective, members of Mr. iltu'e are Arnold ce Rupert and A. Prince George. r SUMMING" go on 'slimming" dor'Dr'i, lnstruc-(inTsr their health bc s oodles of. nec- , Eht, CP -Wlth- Pd rjck Money. 7, Shilling, 53, died causes. fe just received lent of An Qitrpctiys three JjedQoin one-storey, house has been se lected as the N.H.A. Home-d-he-Month lor January. Designed or the Canadjao VPY ol living, It provide interring ideas ibi &th&js. who, plan. to buJJd yM N.H.A. or private financing. Cost 'eatimates and working drawings lor d house of this type miry be obtained from- a local architect. Under th National Housing Act, loans for new houses are made on a basis of Joint participation by Cenral ylortgage and Housing Corporation and All nwotiutlons ure. conducted selectftJ by the borrower. three badroorrw and bath are lev.l a the living room, dining sulficlently separated to ensure space, is included and the full ' Llll- 1! l. J... ftll nODOiJPS, jeCJWiUUti, luuuuiy juvur storage. The bedrooms are under the Minimum Standards ol . 1 - ...:iU ..t is wuuu uujuw wmi.u oiuut) ' i .r .i i tm. on tne siaes ana rear, ine almost any type of exterior 2Q.O0Q cu. ft. The Markets Vegetaoies Mushroom,1!, lb. ...V. .. 75 Spinach', 2 lbs 29 Beets, lb. 0C Cauliflower, each .25 r .45 Lettuce, each 18 Celery, lb. 3 ! Garlic, lb 75 Cabbage, lb 09 Calif. Carrots, 3. lbs 25 Brussels Sprouts, lb 31 Parsnips, 2 lb. 15 Sugar White, lb. 09 i Golden Yellow, lb. .: - 09 I Fresh Milk Quart .19 Pint 10 Cream, Vi-Pint 15 Eggs Grade A: Large, lartonet, doz 47 Fish Halibut, lb, - .33 Salmon, lb . .35 Cod, lb 25 Black Cod, smoked, lb 38 Smoked Kippers, lb - .22 Milk" Evaporated Milk, 10-oz. tin, 2 for 23 nutter First Grade, lb. '. .45 Classified Advertising Pays! laranteed to Keep Regular" Naturally double your money back DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK guarantee Eat an ounce of Kellogg'a All-Bran, every day. If after using Just one package you do not agree that Its continued use Is a simple, pleasant, dally precaution to help you keep regular, mall the empty flat carton to us with a note stat ing the address of your grocer and the price you paid. We will refund you not only what you paid but DOUBLE your 10KED EASTERN ddie Type Fillets !Ask for (hem today at your butchers 'IAN FISH & COLD STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C; Seasonable CANADIAN DISHES AWEISl rKU YE VERY INTERESTING since January i ot this year, as everybody knows, a great many persons of fpreign origin are now Canadians. In their honor "Citizenship Week" was recently celebrated, These new uanaaians, pesiqcj tne many other valuable contributions thcy will make tjQ Canada, brin? with them food habits so far unknown here. They in turn wijl familiarize themselves with food custom.? and cooking methV ,ods here, with- the result that tyiere.will be an Intermlngljng of redoes which gradually will enrich the Canadian h.omemak-er's dally menus. Home economy are always iQij. the .alert fop now ways of prepalns . fpfljj'. Food, as su.d, Is the same. In eyery language 'and In- "iW c."n.M"y hut .th,e way3 of preparing ft vary a sfeat deal. Sometimes this variation, is. In, ihe seasonings only or in an "upusual comblpatjon .of food arui. ingredients. IJpme . .econcjrijsis have asked their, hierids Who have ' recently become Canadians for tvnieal , and ' pracilcal dlshcjj' "frj)m the 'rn.m'lrv 'hprn f l.v hnrn I Qeca.us? space is linked all the recipes collected cannot be gly,eh, at. thjs. tjjnfi but another group will be. given at a later date." . . Ovocnc Knedliky Varene ' Fruit Dumplings (Czechoslovakia) 3 tablespoons shortening 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs 2 cups cotta.se cheese ',2 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 tableipoori'J farina 4 tablespoons flour Vi teaspoon -salt Cream shortening and sugar, add slightly beat?n tjgs. beating vigorously. Force the cot tage cheese through a sieve and add, to creamed mixture. Mix bread cfumts, farina, flour and salt and add I to first mixture, blonding well. Pat out on floured board about '4 inch thick. Cut into 3tJnh squares. Place a little canned fruit (cherries, apricots, pfums, peaches) in the centrc:of each square, pinch the corners, together and roll thr dumpling into, a ball; Dropthe dumpings Into lightly salted 1 1 1 Km v, Si rt i r' ff Mi . ;.v.I I" -r A Pro Pure . . 1 1 k iiiWiMlfclawjiiiivi'w Jf.tM.-f. .ww Aunvav. .'. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 Ideas for Housekeepers WITH FOREIGN .boiling water and boil gently,1 uncovered for about 10 minutes. The dumpings w,ill sink tp the bottom of the pot when they are puj in but win rise to Uie surface when almost done. They will float for 3. or 4 minutes before being completely cooked. yh.en cooked', lift trqm the boiling water, drain and serve hot, prlnkled with; a. mixture of" 2 tablespoons melted butter, 3 .taiWe&poQns sugar and 1 tea-, spoop cinnamon. Six s.eryjngs. LanUuJ;iatikluTuriiii Casserole , Finland) 2 euJ boljed mjed turplp? 3 taVlfTOons butter 1 4,abjej9Qii 1 tpasppbn sa)t Dash pepijer 1 cup soft ijrcad. crunibs 2 cs MX Wjgljpr tujnlps, butter., sugar, .iajt, pep?pr, cup of bread crumbs anl beaten eggs. Place in greased casferole, pctnKie witn remaining Vi cup of bTV crumbs. Bake in a mqd- W de8,ccs p- 25 W.nUte.S Ot Until tflp is lightly loined. Crumbs may dotted '"' wm"Xi n ae- sfred. Fgur servings, as lunch or sppper dh or G servings as .dinner yesjttpjbl.e. Hungarian Apple Pudding 4 large sour apples 3 tablespoons fruit Juice 1 cup fine soft reread crumbs 1 taJjlenpcon butter 2 egj yolks ',3 ci'ip sugar V'2 teaspoon salt 2 egg whites 3 tablespoons sugar Pare and grate apples. Add fruit Juice and blend. Add bread erurrbs. Cream butter, add g.2 yelks, sugar, and beat thoroughly. .Add to first mixture and combine well. Beat egg whites until light, aca remain-ins; sugar gradually, beating Ufltil mixture will hold in' peaks. Fold Into flrsf mixture and turn Into Mhtly greased baking dish. Oven-poach in a moderate oven 360 degrees F: for 1 hour. Serve With hard sauce. Six servings. Gi'.a:.ma Burtdha. who found-d Purir 1 m, wafs Vo'rV in In-d a in 5G3 B C duct of The Experts Say . . . By KAY HEX Canadian Press Staf Writer MAKING COFFEE Her pies may be tpuah and her cakes Jail in the middle, but just as long as mother can turn out a good cup of coffee In the morn ing her family will forgive her. Il&me economists say there are iricks in making a tasty cup of coffee. And whether the brew is made by the drip, percolator, .or glass vacuurn. method, hr,e W.c some rujes to observe: Two level tatolespoqns of coffee to one measuring cup of water makes coffee of good strength; use freshly drawn, cold water; serve as soon as possible after brewing; for best results always brew coffee at'bpatcr upj.il smooth, then ad1' full capacity of the coffee maker; never boil coffee; never re-use coffee grounds; never al lw cloth filters to become dry, keep them immersed in cold water; never use soap in wash- ing coffee filters; keep coffee-maker Immaculately clean; al ways scald coffee-maker before using. If brewed too long coffee becomes bitter. Individual tastes vary, but generally percolator should be percolated slowly for six minutes. For the glass vacuum cofifee-maker let i waler in lower bcwl come to boil. Put upper bowl In place and leave water in upper bowl i one to three minutes before removing from heat. OLD FRIENDS. BACK These lat few years we have had. to he practical cookli and skim ever seme of the mere exi l ing recipes, but the grocery shelves are filled again with a nurr.oer , of tasty old friends. DATE CORNFLAKE DROP COOKIES (afcout 40 cookiesl-Beat two eggs, then add gradually '-3 cup sugar. When well blended, stir in: 1 2-3 cups crushed cornflakes, 2-3 cup3 1 chopped nut mealL. 2-43 en chopped dates. Add a pinch of salt and V2 teaspoon vanilla. Permit these ingredients to 'ai:d for 30 minutes, then drop them from a teaspoon on a p,r..isrd ccck sheet. Bake in a 4 Quality . . . . . soft .-. . , . safe creped for extra refinement. PUREX COMMENCING WILL BE ijWic DHtAn JANUARY 17 HiVia DKtAU MADE Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Timely Recipe RAISIN PIE A small wedge of Raisin Pie au Naturel makes a fine dessert par excellence. There are plenty jqf the new, plump golden rajsln3 Ml L n lri). in. it give a, PAeasing fryjjy texture jjp4 flavor throughout,. laiMu ,1'ic Au Naturel 2 cups golden raisins 2 cups water 2 tJesppcns cornsrih . cup grapulated sugar 2 tablespoons cider vinegar moderate ven of 353 degree for about 10 minutes. PEANUT BUTTER PUDpiNG One cup softened teal crumjbj, tiwp cups sjalded rnVfe, .'? wp peanut putter, v2 cup cold mdlk, one egg dljbUy beaten, two 1 tablpspoons sugar, V'i tcascpoou sa)t, Jij teaJ4Jflon van- ijff. Soak bread Jn scalded milk for 15 minutes. Place peanut butter in bowl, add haljf ol the epid milk, whin with rotary remaining milk, and whin until smpotli. Combine egg, sugar, salt, and vanjlja; blend thoroughly Turn into buttered baking dish, pjace in pan of hot water, and. pake one hour in a moderate oyen. Serve with cream or hard sauce tciMoed with grated nut-mg, Serves nix. LOWER OVEN SHELF Nutritionists cf the Red Cross Society say that placing foods on the lower oven shelf directly upder those on top prevents them from browning. w a. . . tta quick ironing. fcJJ COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made I VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally' . j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I f IN SltVERPUTE m 1 T) toil wof4 b ilKtf plot wit) b th fiat chok ol ifiany dif Imtootlng ConodidA omi - lor W "Etormtty Yfrurt. No finf pottorn hot mr ba producod. "Eiof fully Youfi" k a boautiM, 0Vol.f-lull crooiion of fino illvtrtmithlng "Etvrrtnlly Yown noy outstanding chorocterlitici - pouiwd by no othtr tilwrplait potisrn to matt M truly Conodo't Flr oil StlvrplQto. ChooM It lot ..-11 KtcrnaUy flours 1847 ROGER BROS. 'Canada's fines Silverplate t ntnm tiM MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewelry" VS&i Service tmWmm pRINCE 1 1 1 1 Prince Uupctt Daflp ilctos Thursday February 20, 1947 SALADA teaspoon ground claves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vf teaspoon salt 2 tablejoons butter a Pairy for double. 9.-in.cli crust Rlpse and drain ralsin8. Oom,- hins all fjlljng ingredients. In a saucepan and stir, tp, blend. Brjng to a bpil and cpntjnue bcjling about 2 minutes. Pour "FIEaL 0 (J FREE AS BREEZE . . you'll A Steamer J Geo. OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Kiver) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT ; - 1 r 1 Be Sure '''i Buikley Market CONSUMERS Into pastryrllned p!e pan' fif ep type); cover with yp crust and brush top' witn milk. BaKe ii? very hot oven .(420 degrees. F about 25 minutes. Serves 6 to 8. ROMAN BIRD HOMES Aviaries, structures foe the keeping pf bjrds lp qaptlyityi were first erected. by the Romans JfcS J C3 SS, m A SPRING . that's hpy feel in this full, beautifully s t y 1 e d, all-wool coat. It's rippling back, collarless necklih.e, aboundant sleeves Avq new notes of the. new season. In colors to mujke your heart melt. : ' NEW SPRING STOCks ARRIVING DAILY? J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING. . Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED. PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free I'UINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Blil'g.), PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 15. Res. Red 127 Ask for George. of the Best VE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and the supply situation Is not so ood., You are advised to keep your orders well in advance lo give us the best possible chancp to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS