OHIES ,1 Weekly Prince Ru ri wou cub .... lnrir- u 7('iiHU- v PI s Prockter, I"Jh il. .'.harter at P'V" .' ...ht In St. I Dixon ' ; I ... , ...,nri an Bo ik no Lia "' 01 .-- ...!m 'it tne cuij f. n, rurally re in . . . L j0i.. cnairniau i mii.w" rU 1)1 co1 Di,T. them well vs Wiji- th. hope that hi. ..nricus of an .hr st:. Boy Scout spc. u:ident df last night's meeting was the presentation by F. E. Anfleld, chairman of the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Boy ecouus Associaiion oi a certifi cate oi proficiency In woodcraft to Col. Dixon who had passed a theoretical examination, The boys enraged In aarncs and exercises much to the In terest of several guests who were present and Bobby Mitchell was Initiated Into. Wolf Cub rcvemberihlp while Dick Flood was presented with his first star Not only to the boys themselves but to several visitors, the telling Of the Indian Thunder- bird tradition by Mr. Anflied was of the greatest Interest. Mention was made of a provincial drive for 'funds which is v.ow being instituted. The objec tive for British Columbia Is $20,-000. It was pointed cut that some oT this money would ccme back to Prince Rupert for local Boy Scout work. notice Prince lluperl Florist This store will be closed until May 27.- A. R. LOCK. (116) ERRACE ace Theatre Len Tuesdays and U Saturdays at 8 p.m. j maUr.ff at 2:30 p.m. I liy and Saturday kliy 16 and 17 Lmerican co-eo" he unstord, Johnny luarjort: Woodworth, it Esther Dale tr; an:i;: and Tanner Sister: L; and Wednesday, luy 20 and 21 bruits or to.m SAWYER" i:i Tc:hnicolor to Great Story 1 1 perfect cast ERRACE isfer&Taxi Storage BET ALL TRAINS ICE TO ANY POINT THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) t U7 Terrace A New Terrace Service Skeena Shoe Repair Shop Park Avenue, TERRACE illlliW iSSBa. Si"' WHV DO LITTLE G. E. Loveless, Prop. Gel Sel... GO! Our complete Spring Tunc-Up includes these leu services: 1. Complete EiiRinc Tunc-Up 2. Electrical System Inspection 3. Thorough Lubrication 4. Summer Oil-Change 5. Careful Tire Inspection G. P.rakes Tested and Adjusted i rmiiiiir Svstem Hushed 8. Worn Fan Bells Replaced S. Hose Connections l'v:i mined 10. Air Cleaner Reconditioned TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE General Motors Ucalcr Classified Advertising Pays! You saw )t in Tne Newsl iood News! ?hay from Prince topcrl lo Terrace IQW OPEN W'lic:. aklng that lotig- tenco .rip, be sure to Irracc Machine Shop & Garage OENEUAL MOTORS DEALER and let us check your ITTEifiES TIRES, OIL AND WATER lilt, HAUGLAHD 8 KERR HO- Lumber Manufacturers Ni ami Lff. 1 ,,,( s I.,.. i . m i) it it l (1 f i1" Lumber l U it iv A v & mid Pilii'S Ascnli For International Harvi-slcr Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Wiliard Batteries Cramping His Style Local News Items . . . Hear the Chanters! (11G) Mrs. C. II. Elklns returned on the Prince Rupert this morning irom a month's visit to Vancouver and Victoria. ATTENTION ALL! Program, refreshments and dance In hon or of Norwegian Indeoendence Day sponsored by S.O.N. I.O.O.F. Hall, 8 o'clock, May 16. (115) Non-members of the International Typographical Union I arc still being; employed to produce the Vancouver Daily Province. Inserted by Local 413, LT.U. Canadian Legion B:E.S. L. Regular Monthly Meeting (with Initiation of new members) Legion Hall tonight at 8 p.m. NOTICE On and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts incurred In. my name. O. W. WILSON, Stewart, B.C. May 14, 1947, Announcements All rtuArtnAtiMium TTi1. rntumn will bo charred lor & full month at 26o word. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, May 14, Mrs. Platen's. Cambral Chapter Spring Tea, May 15, Mrs. J. Munthe, 437 4th West. Catholic card party at School Hall, May 15, 8 p.m. Norwegian Independence Day Celebration, Oddfellows' Hall, May 16, 8 o'clock. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Port Simpson Celebration Committee will be holding their anual dav of sports on May 23 and 24. Cash prizes and trophies for field, track and water sports. Tea and Food sale May 28, Salvation Army Home. .Tnh's Daughters' Tea. Mrs. Berner's, May "29. Eastern Star Tea, Civic Centre June 4. Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs C. G. Ham. United Church W. A. Tea on June 12. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs Watts. Don't miss the Khatadas Hoe- down, Valhalla Hah, Friday May 16. 15 E. A. Williamson, Alfred Street teturned this morning on the Prince Runert from Vancouvet where he spent the last week visiting his mother who is in. Giggle With Gizch! (116) Flying Officer Eric Lee has arrived In the city from Ottawa for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee. He will return East on Friday evening's train. . .11 Jack Breen, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Breen, arrived in the city this morning or. the Prince Rupert from Victoria, where he has been attending Victoria. Col lege and will spend the summer wjth his family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Toronto arrived in the city this morning to spend s short visit as guests of Dr. and Mrs. L, W. Kergln. Mr. Smith, who Is a pro fessor at the University of Tor onto, has been at tne university oi British Columbia for the last year. He Is a cousin of Mrs. Ker gin. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will leave tomorrow night on the Prinze Rupert to return to Van couver. Sea Cadet Orders K.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK" Lieut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding Inspection Cadets fall in 7 pm. Colors 7:15 pm. Pravers 7:20 p.m. Divisions and inspection by Lt. Cdr. Orme ruuart, 7:30 p m. March Past 7:40 (at Court House If weather permits in drill hall if ralnln). Instructional Classes 8 p.m. Gunnery, Sub-Lieut. Young- man. Seamanship, Midshipman Mc- Chesney. Signals. Midshipman Kennedy. Stores and Supplies, Midship man Eddy. Bends and Hitches, PO Charles Currle. Semaphore, LS EyoVfson. Boat Work. PO .Currle. V, 1 r - - .V By Chic Young rmrmrnn If T .1 I I I I W I - .illliPipilTO -r Z i-,re-r-rs7l ( I'l L. CALL VOL) J 1 1 y v I 1 LIKE W11 J 4. S h aTm a 4. 1 mi tjKwwiN t - 1 &mr ' jrsYivrA 1 1 ittlp while, i i ME? William CrukksJiank return ed to the city on the Prince Ru pert-this morning from a briet trip to Ocean Falls on business. C O. Norman, assistant trans port economist for the Canadian National Railways with head quarters in Winlnpeg, and Mrs. Norman arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning Irom Vancouver and will proceed East on this evening's train. Mr. Norman is here In connec Hon with the application of Can adlan National Transportation Ltd. for a trucking licence over the highway to Burns Lake and expects to be back in the city for a hearing on the application which will be held by the pud lie Utilities Commission early In j Secure, 9:20 pm. The inspection is open to parents, friends and the general public. - K It - -It -H -It -It -n -n -It -n n -n Mrs. A. W. LiDsin returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a visit to Vancouver. Mrs. W. Odborne is sailing on Thursday evening aboard the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will spend the next month -visiting her daugmers. Miss Edith Miller of Vancou ver is. a guest at the home of Mrs. E. A. Williamson, Allrea rppt. She arrived In the city Mondov on the Princess Adelaide and will leave for the south on the Camosun Saturday night. "You used to say that there wa something about me you 1W VMI Yes, Tom, but that's all speni now. JOIN THE HIT PARADE! I Kinsmen 24th of May Parade The biggest and best parade ever witnessed in Prh.ce Rupert, will, under the auspices of your local KINSMLN CLUB, roll down Third Avenue on the 21th of May. Prince Rupert will be the host to scvcial hundred out-of-town guests. The KINSMEN CLUB, with the SUMNERS, is endeavouring to make this one of the biggest days in the history of Prince Rupert, and is confident, with the enthusiastic support of the town in general, guests and tour-ists alike, will leave Prince Kupcrt'with a very favourable impression.. PARADE HIGHLIGHTS Shriners' 23-Piecc Band and Drill Team. Six Blocks of Colorful Floats and Decorated Cars. Decorated Doll Buggies, Tricycles, Scooters, Wai-ons. Bicycles, and Pets. CHILDREN'S PARADE ENTRIES I fct NO APPLICATION tuiwis im. i-ii' lDeeoraled Doll Buggies. 1st. 2nd and Third Prhes. 2Dccoratcd Tricycles and Scooters, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. , . 3Decontcd Wagons. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. 4. Decorated Bicycles. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. 5Fets, Boys'. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. 6-Pels, Girls. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. 7. Bcst Dressed Boy. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. 8. -Bcst Dressed Girl. 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes. 9 -Funniest Costume. Boys'. 1st. 2nd and 3rd I rues. 10 -Funniest Costume, Girls'. 1st, 2nd and 3id Prizes. llDecoratcd Private Cars. 1st and 2nd Prizes. 12. Decorated Floats. 1st and 2nd Prizes. Parade to LEAVE CIVIC CENTRE 1 P.M. JUDGES M. BRYDGES - INSPECTOR HYNDMAN I). FORWARD - Buy a Ticket from a Young Salesman and Help Send a Kiddie to Camp IT IS HOPED THAT THE PUBLICITY DERIVED FROM THIS GREAT DAY WILL HELP TO ADVERTISE PRINCE RUPERT'S GREAT FUTURE. INQUIRIES: Sec Dan McDonald, Fashion Footwear, Chairman, Parade Committee. Have Fun this Summer... Under the Sun ! Play, relax, enjoy every precious moment of wonderful sunshine in clothes made for fun. See what we have then into the good old summer time you go. FIRST in STYLE and QUALITY mm) Pfw USK OUU CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES Prince Kupctt Dnilp I3clujs Wednesday, May 14, 1947 Arrow Shirts Yes, the Spring range of these smart appearing, perfect fitting dress shirts has arrived, and includes . . White Broadcloth Fused Collar, from -- it- $2.75 to $3.50 White Broadcloth Soft Collar. The famous "Trump" .11 $3.25 Patterns In Broadcloth Fused Collar $3.00 to $3.50 " m Arrow Pajamas . . $3.75 and $4.50 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 I I DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. Complete Assortment of Available Pyrexware INCLUDING Mixing Bowls,- Casseroles, Cake Pans, Loaf Pans, J3pen Bakers, Pic Plates, Measuring Cups, Custard Cups, Gift Sets - AT SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs hi all types of printing wprk. ' Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Fens Cams lor every occasion OIBB PRINTING COMPANY DESNER BLOCK LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yoa wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street THIRD AVENUE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern KacMie Fillets l'lacc your order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT ttRTTISH Company Limited Columbia 1