Prince Unpen Daily Jftclus " Friday, January 10, 1947 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) : Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince P.upert, British Columbia. I a. A. HUNTER,. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, $4.00. Mr. Hart's Stroke COLUMBIA'S urbane and astute Premier, BRITISH John Hart, whose persuasive tact and f in- ancial acumen has been a boon to the public business of this province for so many years, appears quite obviously to have negotiated a particularly favorable bargain in the 'taxation agreement which he made for British Columbia at Ottawa Recently. Mr. Hart was quite hlodest about it all in his radio speech Wednesday night. Others, under similar circumstances, might haVe been more boastful than he was. Not long ago this editor heard the Premier of another Canadian province, also known for his political arid financial sagacity, justify the acceptance for his province of the terms of the Ilsley budget proposals. He suggested that other- provinces 'would do well to fall in line. Now, however, Mr. Hart has struck a much better bargain for British Columbia. Very likely, as Mr. Hart suggests, Ottawa would negotiate with other provinces on the basis of the feame formula upon which the five-year agreement between British Columbia and the Dominion is lounded. So the other provinces Should now be hble-to benefit from the good offices of Mr. Hart who, therefore will have b'een a "benefactor not only for British, Columbia but for Such other prov inces who may desire to follow up at this time. ' Possibly, Mr. Hart may have been instrumental in bringing the provinces and Dominion tbgether at long last on a common basis of agreement of the jong outstanding dispute over intergovernmental finances, particularjy in regard to taxation-prerogatives or grants in lieu thereof. 3f r r A sqrles of .mysterious stabbings in I a Canadian city were recently solved j through the Identification of a knife from a picture in the daily newspaper. Citizenship IN THE LARGER CITIES throughout Canada historic ceremonies have been featured this week giving signi-cance to the conferring of Panadian citizenship as provided under the Act. This how provides for the establishment and recognition of Canadian citizenship and states for j,he first time in our naturalisation statute that a Canadian citizen is a British subject. All native-born Canadians, British subjects domiciled in Canada, brides of Canadian servicemen, and those who already possess naturalization certificates are declared to "be Canadian citizens Immediately and are not required to make any application. In future there will be more Solemnity in the proceedings of conferring naturalization and citizenship upon those applying. It is important that hipre emphasis should be placed upon the blesings conferred by the granting of naturalization and citizenship and he. duties andi responsibilities of a Canadian citizen, and on the moral and spiritual foundations upon which all true civil virtues rest. While there have been a few immigrants from countries where freedom was barely experienced, who have assumed the liberties and rights Conferred by naturalization meant to them a licence to Jrespass upon the liberties of pthers and upon the law's of the country (as Indeed a few of our own people likewise do) , Ihe great majority of new Canadians have been proud and happy in the possession pf their citizenship and have tnade great contributions to Ihe nation's material, cultural arid social progress. i To be a citizen of Canada and an associate citizen of the British Commbnweaiih is a jnat'chless privilege In which one may 'share the glorious traditions of f'reedom-lbvirig peoples and their 'high aspirations for the future. "A Phone 775 Tax Reductions PUBLIC is justly expecting THE substantial reductions of Income tax at the forthcoming session of parliament. These bughtjto be madejap-plicable' to the current year. Mr. Ilsley innovated the unique policy of announcing tax reductions last session applicable riot to the current year for which estimates were subletted but to the following year. j That was a bad practice. It took away from parliament the right to decide upon the current year's taxation and gave it the right to decide on the taxation for the suceed-ing year which privilege belongs to the sitting members in the House that year. As these could be different people in case of an election in the meantime, they would, therefore, find themselves legls- lated out of their rights by their defeated predecessors. Slight reductions of income tax are effective this month. They are so trivial little thanks is being given the government. On the contrary there is much dissatisfaction among married couples who have been working to raise their standards (and thereby increasing production so much demanded) and who now will be disinclined to work and pay even higher Income tax. The recently appointed Finance Minister, Mr. Abbott, has forecast an unanticipated surplus for the fiscal year ending March 31. This should permit him to make an immediate reduction in personal and business income tax. Higher exemptions should be provided. These would reduce the high collection costs of smail taxes arid remove the annoyances of form-filling and remitting by many ' small taxpayers and employers. By agreement with the provinces higher pensions for the aged are now in sight. A. MacKfeiizie Furniture LIMITED G OOP PLACE TO BUY" Lloyd's Baby Carriages The latest design, fully "Peered, specially for this waterproof lining, 5-bow. h6od; adapted climate. Colors blue, maroon and grey. Priced at .. Pavement Carts-Ideal for child who is out of Sfant Four-wheel stagef can be used as walker; equipped with rubber tlnn 9 J '' v MaiLOrders can be given Immediate delivery LOYAL CANADIANS MCETVE CITIZENSHIP 1. Polish-born Jerzy Wladyslaw Meier takes the oath of allegiance prior to receiving his' Citizenship Certificate from the Chief Justice. A metallurgical engineer employed :by 'the 'Department qf Mines and Resources, Jerzy Meier served with, the Polish Army during World War II, Awas captured by the enemy but escaped to London, England. 2. Already known as "Canadians, but eager to re-affirm their loyalty to Canada by receiving their Canadian Citizenship Certificates are '(left; io right) Mrs. Stanley MynarsXi of Winnipeg, a native of Poland and mother of the late Pilot Officer Andrew Charles Mynarski, second R.C.A.P. member to be awarded the Victoria. Cross; Andrew Boswell McRae of East Royalty. P.E.I.; Mrs. :Ri. P. Steeves of Vancouver, one-time Member of the Legislative Assembly bf British Columbia and representative, of 'the Netherlands Canadians. 3. "I speak as a Canadian," .said ROTARIANS HEAR BISHOP GIBSON Sees Danger in Power ' Without iMoral Control The danger to Individuals and communities in which 'power is without moral control was stressed 'by Bishop J. B. Gibson in a New Year address to 'the weekly luncheon meeting of the Princa Rupert Rotary Club Tnursday afternoon, Noting the Tast developments n power at human command in the last 50 years, Bishop Gibson made a plea for moral guidance of the wills which control this power if humanity is to progress in the ways of peace and higher living. "Looking iback in my lifetime during the last 53 years I can see that we have advanced from the days when horsepower meant the power cf a horse to the days when horsepower is a standard cf energy for many different types of machines," he said. He named the telephone, Ta-dlo, motor car and airplane as the four forms of technological power that have been pressed upon mankind during the last half century, advocating for the airplane control 'by an international tribunal so that it might be used only for human good. The control which must govern all sources of power used by man is the close awareness of God, expressed through self-discipline, he declared. Bishop Gibson inducted two new members into the Rotary Club in a brief ceremony prior to his speech. They were C. II. Elkins and David Scott. Guests at the meeting were J. G. Steen, R. G. Moore,. J. Y. Lee; W. D. Vance, Sgt. L. A. U: Potter-ton, William Glass, George Green, H. D. Foster, and Maurice Greene, a member of the Victoria Rotary Club. Ore Sampler arid Assay Plant Are Being Retained The Department of Mines assay office and ore sampling plant at Prince Rupert, which have been inactive Ifor some years, are being retained Intact u'h'tll such time as it is determined whether there will be sufficient business to justify their reopening, according to information received by the Associated Boards of Trade of Central Bri-' tish Columibia from Hon. R. C. MacDonald, minister of mines. RUPERT'S CASEfFOR AIR SERVICES ... (continued from pa'ge-1) weekly sailings, and" -Union Steamships having . tri-weekly. failings. In thjsdlr-ect service, Canadian Pacific St2amships Alaska boat . serves Prince Rupert, both nor.trT and south bound, three times per month in the winter, and JM-i weeKiy during the summer. The' minimum elapsed time between Vancouver and Prince Rupert is 40 hours. Elapsed time between-these two points toy hieans'of the.' proposed air service would be approximately four hours, cover-; some'572 miles. , In addition to the boat" service between Vancouver arid Prince Rupert, other indirect means of, surface transport exists, as, for example, the rC.i.V.R. all-rail service to Vancouver, Via Red fPass Junction (riear Jasper) to Prince Rupert, which round-about route requires seme 49 hours. Combination bus service Vancouver to Prince George and rail "service Prince George to Prince Rupert, as well as combination air service via Canadian Pacific Air Lines to Prince George, and rail service thence to Prince Rupert,1 is also possible. Travelling by either means of land transport means at least 'a two-day journey, Th' need for rapid air service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert-Bri-tish Columbia's fourth largest ' city is, therefore; apparent. Between the other points' on the proposed route, boat: service provides the only means of transport. Inauguration of a scheduled air service would, riot impair the economy of existing surface transportation oyer the route in i.uestion; it would, however, provide a time-saving service foi those demanding it. From the economic charcter-'.stics of the points coneerried, it is apparent that such-3 demand for air service exists. The large distributing centre of Vancou- r Prime 'Minister Mackenzie King as he addressed the distinguished, gathering assembled to witness the Canadian Citizenship Ceremony in the Supreme Court. Flanked by the former Secretary of State Paul Martin and Hon. Colin Gibson, Secretary of State, Mr. King expressed his delight at having been chosen as Citizen-Number 1 and welcomed the others as ' fellow1 Canadians. 4. Number one Canadian, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, accepts his Canadian Citizenship Certificate from the Chief Justice, The Prime Minister ffiead'ed the list of twelve well-known citizens already known for their "contribution's to 'Canada who, in turn, were followed by a dozen others' born in other countries and who had been chosen as representative individuals to take the oath of ver'provides t'rafific to arid from the various joints oh the route during 'the entire year in the process of "serving the communities themselves, as well as the lumber, mining and fishing industries. Prince Rupert is ths-northern distributing point for .the mainland area as well as the'Queen Charlotte Islands and direct air connections between these two centres would greatly facilitate the conduct of business. ' ' A scheduled air service over the route proposed would enable tne postal authorities to pro- vide'alr 'mail' service from East- ' ern Canada and American cities, to; all. points ;ori the route. At the; present time, mail from Eastern Canada takes approximately 14; hours to reach Vancouver, and then over two days to cover the remaining 500 miles between Vancouver and Prince 'Rupert.- Provision of a scheduled air operation into the Queen Charlotte Islands would also en-ixble the residents of that now Isolated section of the country Uo enjoy dally mall service. Vancouver being an air ter-mihal.for TransCanada Air Lines as weil as American and transoceanic companies, requires an outlet 'by air to points along the proposed 'route, The Various nubile foodies of localities along the route feel that in this air age they require air service in order to compete Industrially With other sections of Canada which are so served. 'Friend: "Well, how is married life?" Bride: "Lovely, but what do you think? My husband really does stutter and I always thought It was emotion." Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain .Are your joints and muscles stiff nnd foie from Rheumatic Pain? Get'qiiiclc, safe relief with Temf)lcton" T-i.-J'B, Used anorqcprnmende'l tfy thousands, T7R-CS pre specially made to relieve Rheumatic, Atthrltlc and Neuritic pain and 'stiffness, Lurnbaeo. Sciatica. Neuraleria. Get a box 1 today.. 50c, $1 at druggists. T-38 ' V V VV ' V V V V A DREAM 'COME TRUE! New Telex "22" one-piece hearing aid how available in rPrince 'Rupert; No seperate batiery pack , Weighs only 6i ounces HIGH FIDELITY 'HEARING UNMATCHED CONVENIENCE Telex Model "22" has Veen 'designeel with this Idea in ihfnd . . .to bring yoii'the very "finest one-piece aid available today . . . 'to. excel in all 'qualities you require in YOUIl hearing aid . . . to brinjr you 'thehearing happiness you desire and demand. Rupert Radio and Electric 313 3rd Ave 327 Third Avenue prince Rupert, B.C. You saw it in The News! JhHHkTlrVr Phone C44 a a a a a 00 0 oa ana a a atxya a aoao Whiff lets From The Waterfront 1 Two Union Steamship Co. coast-liners will be in port this evening. The Camosun, Capt. Alex McLennan, is due at 3 o' clock this afternoon from Vancouver arid ' Ocean Falls ' and will sail at midnight for Ketchikan whencevshe is due back here to morrow evening southbound. The steamer Catala, Capt. Wil-liav. McCombe, is due at 9:30 p.m. and will sail also, at mid night, returning to Vancouver and waypoints. Classified Advertising Pays! MANS'ON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewellry' P F D D Radio Dihl IV 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) a1, FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Carl Trevors 4:15 Mid-Day Melodies 4:30 Songs in Sweet Style 4:45 Sleepy Story Time Teller 5:00 T.B.A. 5:30 t!b.a. 5:45 T.B.A. 6;d0 t:b.A. 6:30 Community Calendar 6 !45 Panties to p'arkas 6:50 Recorded Interlude T!00-iCBC News r 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Montreal Festival 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Winnipeg Drama '9:00 T.B.A. 9:30 Three Suns Trio 9:45 Lee "Sims 9:55 Solo Spotlight 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Milton Charles 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather arid Sign Off ATURfJAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC NewS "8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC "News 9:15 Pops On Parade 9:30 The Adventures of Monte Cristo 9:59 Tithe Signal 10:00 Medley Time 'lO:15World( Church News 10:30 Hits of the shows 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather 'Forecast . 11:00 Music For Dancing 11:30 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Musical Program 12:25 program Itesiirrie 12:30 Polka Time 12:45 Serenade for Strings l:C0-John Charles Thomas 1:15 English Favorites Miiice FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Cover's Drapes Car and Trick Cushions 'Repaired arid Recovered Out-of-town "orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 'p'tion'e 'dreeii '974 117 Second Avenue West islte Civic centre McBride Strict i nit. "v 1 Ule this coupon for your SPECIAL introductory, subscription five weeks 30 Issues only. (U.S. funds) How KILROY IS 'ELSEWHERE A sigh of normalcy in tlv 'north, and a glo'vc in the fao. of the usually ublquitou Kilroy is this legend chalkp; on the newly-painted wall C; the Canadian National water front freight shed: "I Jfrip With glee I Jump with joy Because I was here befot. Kilroy." 1:30 Hit Songs of Yesterday 2: 6d Tea and Crumpets 3:00 El Ritmo Tropical 3:15 CBC News 3:30 Music from Scotland ITCi 1 CHECKED or Money Back For qu ick relief f rom I telling caused by crzen, I untune s itiui, 0tttuii.-3, lumpjes ana otiieritt h'r Conditions. ue pure, cooling, medicated lin!. stainless. Sootncs.comforts and uirklyralJ ntense iiciunK won i niiht. sk- vonrunioir today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. SINGER Sewing machines for rent by the week or month PHONE 8G4 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 639 3rd Ave. West Box 1308 Geo. Phone 108 1 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL 'nUIlNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 8 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN 'Consult lis 'for your 'needs in all types of printing work Everything hi high-class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRiNTir16 CtJMPAHY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE "SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission 'Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED 'Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART f'rvwisitn rivc ' ripntrfl Bld8.II PHONES: rPn Blue I! nea. 1 Ask for George For your wall and ceiling decoration use . . . MURESCO It can be applied over almost any surface including most wallpapers. It's easy to apply, and the colors, and rich flat finish are most pleasing. It's economical too; for $1.60 you can Muresco the average room! MURESCOl fiPiMi ritttne 311 for YOUR home to take the; ruts out of your breakfast routine mane ike your your kitchen witnen "homey"; numtryj . t .,. .,. wiiui what color w.. to ' . nr. jng ways TO for vbur livina room . .i . These are iust a few of the intng" riew ideas furnished daily oatbe Womon's Page of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR These helpful Ideas are "plus value" in this doil newspaper 'the home .that flives you world news Interpreted to snow impact, on you otuf "... . The Christian Science Publishing Society n li ... n n i tr Liirri'kiKTK vne, (Norwuy jirtrui, . dwiwm i j, muM.ii' Pleose enter a special introductory suDscn"- J( The Christian Science Monitor 5 weeks (30 issuqsi Mnmp Street , PB-4