fMrs. G. P. Tinker sailed on the Hnce Rupert last night on a p to Vancouver and the Okan- Jan, accompanying ner son, Ircy Tinker jr., who will re- Ime his studies at Vernon. Announcements 1A11 advertisements m nils column frill bo charped for a full month i.l 25c a word. jBurns Banquet, Friday, Jan. at 6:30 p.m., Presbyterian hurch hall. ISki Club Dance, Civic Centre, iday, January 31. Conrad School P.T.A., Bridge, list, Cribbage, Friday, Janu- 31. Refreshments. 35c. day night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' 11. Everybody welcome. Prince Rupert Basketball Association general meeting Friday January 10 at 8 pjn. (8) Miss Lois Comer sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. A Annual general meeting of the Pi'inee Rupert Vessel Owners Mutual Protection Fund will be held in the Civic Centre Sunday, January 12, at 3 p.m. All members are earnestly requested to attend. (9) Gerald MoBeau, general manager of Union Steamships Ltd., has written through the company's local agent to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce expressing appreciative acknowledgement of kind reception and good wishes accorded new vessels of the Union line on the occasion of recent maiden voyages to this port. In view of the extraordinary expenses that are anticipated this year including the reception of the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia and the early summer quarterly meeting of the Pacific Northwest Trade Association, the finance committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce will soon set itself to the problem of ways and means, a report to be brought in at the next meeting. G, R. S. Blackaby is chairman of the finance commute of the Chamber of IN AMATEUR IIGHT COMING To Raise Fujnds For Boys' Camp To Inslal Terrace Club The Kinsmen Club plans to Id an amateur night in the vie Centre sometime in mo ar futur to raise funds for eir summer boys camp this ar, and also has begun pre- inary arrangements for the ay 24 celebration which will : devoted to the same cause. Installation of the club's new ficers will take place at the xt meeting, January 31. A imber of the members plan to sit Terrace, on January 16 to ke part in charter night of'lhe Errace Kinsmen Cluib, which ie local cluib sponsored. Local News Items . . . A Little Theatre Meeting to cast play, Tonight, 8 pjn. (7) A Valhalla Lodge meeting tonight. 8 p.m. Election of officers. A. E. Martin is sailing Satur day on the Camosun for a holiday trip to Vancouver. A Moose Whist Drive and Dance, Sat. Jan. 11, 8:30 p.m. Members and friends. (9) H. A. Black, local representative cif Marshal Wells Ltd., sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a business trip to Vancouver, Mrs. G. D. Parent arrived in the city on last night's train from New Hazelton to pay a short visit in Prince -Rupert. W. A. Runale, chairman of the transportation bureau of the Vancouver Board of Trade, has written to the .Prince Rupert Chamber ,of Commerce expressing his pleasure at having 'been of assistance recently in connection 'With this Chamber's presentation to the Air Transport Board in Vancouver of representations in regard to the need of a scheduled air service between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. If ever in the future he could again be of assistance, Mr. Rundle said it would be his pleasure to help. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I shall not be responsible for debts or money contracted in my name or by my wife, Mrs. J. W. Douglas. 13 J. W. DOUGLAS. George Yule of .War Assets staff Is sailing tonight on the Catala on a trip to Vancouver, E. E. Hyndman, inspector of schools, 1. sailing Saturday night on the Camosun on a business trip to Ocean Falls. Mis Dorothy Evans and her brother George, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Evans, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night to spend a two-week holiday in Vancouver. Ole Evlndson, pioneer Alice Arm hotel man, now living in Vancouver, sails tonight by the Catala to return south after visiting the city to attend the funeral of his old friend, Arne Davidson, this week. Members -of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce who have already signified their intention of proceeding to Terrace at the end of next week to attend the annual meeting of the Terrace Board of Trade are G. A. Hunter, W. D. Lambie, E. D. Forward, G. J. Dawes, Arnold Flaten and J. T. Harvev. Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert S. Luck, Prince George; W. Williscroft, Terrace; K. Merri-man, Portland, Oregon; J. Er-mann, Edmonton; F. Justice, Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. G. Parent, New Hazelton; Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson, Ketchikan; H. F. Wet- more, Ketchikan; A. Kreidler, Ketchikan. At the Schoo '' I I ITS THE SHOW THAT61 ( THEY FURNISHED . r, Ar,V N ' ' . GIVES AWAVTHOSE. f A WHOLE. HOME ! A OH, DARLING, 1 'HjHE GRAND ) I Egg V'LLTRy VDLI 1 jjgfrSL A WHERE WAS fll 1 PLEASE WIN ME) f PRIZE IS S Mr OUT ON SOME (NAPOLEON BORN?-f 1 L CLEANER AND' 7 Cfflk BRAND-NEW) 1L FROM THE A Vks I children 73pi II ppg II I mOf-the next Lmr. winkle wins a V ,-amamCOME ITS TIME TOR THE S $&3 C WKL WILL PROBABLY) ( GOLD WATCH AND A J ' SSmS Ml s THE NEXT CONTESTANT--) I HHLf VimCSD. I ill III Iowths ys p II ( YOUR TIME IS Uf? 2 I MH WHV .DIUNT YOU I 5 - A MV MIND K AHmmt s prfOKn Ipcf r. 1547,1308 features Syndinic, lnt . 'nij righ' f rtved A Department Open to All the Schools of Prince Rupert and District KING EDWARD Festive fevers having finally subsided, King Edward School and staff ring up the curtain on a prospective happy 1947, laced with an enrolment of 264 children, six additional over the holidays. Members of the staff outside of Prince Rupert were Miss Maiden, who celebrat ed in Vancouver and Seattle, Miss Beale in Victoria, Mr. Gos-coe in Edmonton and Miss Peate in Victoria where she saw her sister married. Inaugurating Citizenship Week a reel on Canadian Citizenship shown. F. E. Anfield gave an assembly of over 150:'of the older children a timely and very ln- NOTICL OF MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Civic Centre Association will be held on Thursday, Janu ary 16, at 8 p.m. in the Civic Centre; Lounge. Nature of busi ness to be dealt with includes the election of four members to the Board of Directors, presenta tion cf financial, report for the year J946, President's report. Every Civic Centre 'member of the age of 19 years or over is entitled, ' to vote,, Notice of motion has been filed to change .Clause No. 39 of the by-laws whereby the fiscal year be changed to end September 30 Instead of December .31. j9, 14 terestlng talk on the merits of our new Canadian citizenship, stressing that the issue of "be longing to" begins in the home and evolves continually through out life. With spirited response the school building was cleared of all children in a little over one minute when Fire Criof H. T. Lock eave King Edward its first fire drill of 1947 on Tuesday. Plans have been laid to make the school paper self-supporting. Integrated activities are well under way in' all divisions and scientific, experiments have left the building still intact. Topping the program for the coming term is the induction of the King Edward P. T. classes at the Civic Centre where the pupils will train with greater facility under the supervision of Neil Ross and the King Edward staff as part of the school program of studies. LARGE AUDIENCE SEES PICTURES Feature FrogTam at I.O.D.E. Meeting Last Night Under the auspices of Muni cipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, Sergt. Lance Potterton, city police chief, lasit night showed to an appreciative audience which filled the I.O.D.E. Mall to capa city moving pictures of many of the beauty spots of British Columbia, all taken by himself. In addition, he. showed a very in structive film of the lobster industry on the Atlantic Coast. The hour and a half which it took to show the pictures passed very quickly. Sgt. Potterton was assisted by M. J. Harper of the National Film Board-Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. G. L. Brown and 3. A. Teng and pianoforte selections by. J. Franky. Mrs. Stewart Donaldson was accompanist for the evening. Mrs. J. A. Teng presided at the door and the chair was occupied by Mrs. D. C. Stuart, Municipal Regent. The proceeds from this entertainment will go to the I.O.D.E. Second War Memorial Fund. WEEK OF PRAYER J:in. 5-12 This is a project in which the churches combine. Fri., Jan. 10, at United Church. Speaker: Rev. F. Antrobus. Please Note This is a week of prayer and not a week of sermons; come to pray. The chairman each evening will be the minister of the church in which the gathering is held. "Lord, teach us to pray." (Clip this for reference) BABY'S D, A I ft I RUB ON Relieve misery direct without "dosmg.r VAPORU0 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Tlircc sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays. 1:30 p.m. - CoquiUam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. ' Saturdays, 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 12:00 Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fortnightly. Further Information. Tickets and Reservations I RANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5G8 prince tUincit Daily Friday, January 10, 1947 SEASONAL CLOTHING that is SMART COMFORTABLE DURABLE I 1 INDIAN SWEATERS Made from hand-carded and hand-spun yarn. Figured Pull-over style. Sizes 36 to 48 .... $18.00 to ,$2.'J.OO ZIPPER JACKETS Red check in good weight, all-wool mackinaw cloth. 3 pockets .... $8.75 KNITTED JACKETS O.V. Carlcton cloth. Shades of Green, Navy, Brown, Tan. Knitted collar and cuffs. Two styles. Price $0.00 and $0.25 Reliable Prescriptions When your prescription is compounded by ua you are assured of getting exactly what the Doctor specifies. You are assured of having the prescription compounded properly by an experienced and fully qualified pharmacist. We use only the very best grade materials available. 77he Pioneer Druggists Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PIlOIlC Blue 737 We buy . . . all sizes rerfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 3 KWONG SANG HING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE G12 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE Ulit Complete Automobile Repair Service Fast Nailery Charging Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Rel'inishing RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Phone 5((i Corner Scioml and Park Ave. NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 5C1 P.O. BOX 731 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.SiA. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAJtEFUI. AND RELIABLE SERVICE ' Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68