dl Mews Items . . . ..t Md.. April .' .,...11 M.r-. urnv, vvuiaiiip C0iu .hm as usual Good pippins cream on i i. ... .Inn A rtt1 1 u-ftlirTlini -lay . job'i Daughters ilr Marcu ami - (70 i . .u t 'mlllhtr- r.. JCIsr III " " Loral kaUon Army, win vC 1 n the Conuitlam lc Glllingnam to Lr corps o the Army , ifincolith an uunyuu (ley expccl 10 1)0 away arter Ab ;lta rcprcs.-n- Co. from Seattle, ar- lhc dty vesieruay on n . ,r.,m Mi f d spendins a coupe here on buune"; bcrore j tomorrow nlnt on ,'uti to Ketchikan and Lrta point-" fcfflTS nunm your ay., w will offer you br W.n- Hanger m-uv- ; ,,(t;fi- An additional ; tx- presented to r :n who delivers the ix5e ire hangers i- durin,". the Holiday k;.ilK" hai the num- Ifds 500 and are tied todlr f 25 A record'! test ol vour individual tOST WASTE TIME! four clothes cupboards then ask your nel?h-iOXEER 11 - CANADIAN IIES 178) Inouncemeiits -tr.nrnt in tnw column rnr lull monin 1'liarewi it JV word. I Mary 1.0 .DD Tea, April hrkins ftew'j WA. Easter Sale, pOranrje Tea and Sale, rWdfellows Hall. renan Spring Sale. red Nurses' Association iv!e Centre. Thursday. Esquires Orch. $1 per Singers entertainment fiy April 10. 8:15 p.m., hi Hall Partv. Catholic Tea Civic Centre. April Ladles' Tea and Sale. 'tre, April 18. i Dance Masonic Tem- N. 13 Sojourning breth- i of the Moose tea and ri 30. Church Spring Sale, Camp Tea, May 3, Mr.. noveiup- I'f Spring sale. May 8. Auxiliary Sale. Mav 9. r Day Tea Sale. S.O.N,. ' ' ! Livlfl t.,ii, ." VttJEVtX St. 'Paul's Lutheran Church, Holy Thursday, 8 p.rn, Wdrshlp: Good Friday, Norsk Kl, 11 f.m. (It) "Arnold Platen, manager of the local branch of the Royal 'Bank I of Canada, left on last evening's train for Tprrace on bank business. Prince Rupert Aero Club meeting, Civic Centre Ladle;, 'Lounge, Wrdnesday, April 2, '8 p.m. All Interested Invited. (78) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lamorlt of Victoria arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert yesterda.v to visit with Mrs. Lamont's son and daug7iter-ln-law, Mr. arid Mrs. George Peters, 339 Fifth Avenue Wet. O For your shopping convenience, the following stores will be open Monday, April 7 (we will be closed on Good Friday only) : Wullace's Department Store, Ru-pcrt "People Store, 'Rupert Men's and Hoys Store. (CO) MYSTERY HANGS OVER TROPHY PRESENTATION , A climactic mystery Is hovering over the local sports picture .today as basketball fans creep into secret corners, singly or in groups to dope out who will be ;the winner of the coveted "Good Sportsmanship" cup which will toe awaded torrtghl in the Civic Centre gym as the fioop season goes out In a blaze of shining .trophies. The secret Is being so closely guarded, that Rup Rec Director Nell Ross, who conceived the award, defied even the bribe of a free dtp of coffee, with extra sugar, rather than Jeopardize the imystery. The "Good Sportsmanship" award, which Is the highest individual honor available, "will be (presented by Civic Centre Association President T. lN. Youngs, who will also present the Junior trophy to Gyro, winners of the Junior League. The Senior "A" trophy will be presented to the triumphant Bo-Me-HI Rainmakers by Mayor Nora Arnold, following the senior "B" game which will decide whether Co-op or Macey's will keep the Grotto trophy, emblematic of "B" League champion ship. The Grotto trophy will be Awarded by Bert Morgan, the donor. The Ccmmander Cree trophy emblematic of championship In the Ladies' League will be awarded bv Lieut Eric Jones, iR.N., to the Bo-Me-HI ... uumcrun L.iiurcii mnmtil -napter Spring Tea, I" Concert, civic Centre, I N Cathprtrnl r-v,i May 22, Mrs Nora BINGING 'DEBUT-it Is estimated that a radio audience of about 15,000,000 Heard Mar-, fcarct Truman, the US. oresl-i ltit's tlatishtcrmake'her debut as -a. coldratilru wprano with the Detroit 'Symrihohy 'Orchestra. She ls shown Just 'before she sang the first' of three solds. ' J a Simplicity Patterns; Needlework Patterns: 15-0-25c, at THE VARIETY STORE. .(alt) Mrs. L. B. Lambly, after spending the 'past 'three months here as the gue3t of her orother 'arid sister - In - law. Mr. 'and 'Mrs, James L. Le, is leaving tonight by the Prlnee Rupert or. "her return to her 'home at Naramata. 'Mr. 6. Cummlngs of the Trimz Wallpaper Co. will display Trlmz Wallpaper and Trimz Drapes In Gordon & Anderson's Store, Tuesday, April 8. Don't miss It. Fre"e consultations on your spring decorating problem. (81) CARD OF TITANKS 1 Mrs. 'Be'thurem and family of Usk wish to express deepi appreciation to many friends who assisted 'arid 'Offered sym pathy at the 'time Of their re cent sad bereavement. wish also to express special V,nn1a r .. IUA 1n.,A1 flrtnl . itauiv iui liic many luvcijr uvii Offerings. Those sending flowers i i were: I Percy "Foster, Mrs. and Mrs. Jones anil 'family, the Christ! sons and the "DOdds, Mr. arid Mrs. George Turner, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Adams, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. T Keririe'dy, Margaret Hugo and family, Mr. -and Mr. Sundal, , The FamilyLeslie arid Ivy, Mary and Bill 'arid family, JOe and Helen, Woodworkers' Union, Usk, Mr and 'Mrs. Blackhall, Mr. and Mrs. Var'ner, "P. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J.'oreer.'Mrs. E. "Laurie, Little, Haugland und kerr, Usk Community, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. D. 'Lafrifole and idn, John, left on last evening's train for an Easter visit to Terrace. Mrs. M. P. McCaffcry and daughter, Nora, are leaving to- nlgTit 6n the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs, A. S. Nlckerson anil 'family are sailing tonight on (he Prince 'Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 'Mrs. TibydTrahk arid son will arrive on this evening's train from Terrdce arid proceed On the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. The city hall will not "be open f Iter this -arternoon until next Tuesday, this, toeing the Easter season. Tomorrow will be Good Friday. Hoiel... arrivals P. S. 'Murray, Alice Arm; N. They , Carter, Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, Vancouver; J. N. Slal-lie, Montreal; Miss L. Macarthur, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Riddle and family, Inverness. Miss Joyce Leslie, Miss Olive JcTlnson and Mis Joy Foster of the local public health unit arc leavlp; tunight on the Prince Rupert lor Victoria to attend the annual institute of public health workers. Dr. L. W. Lane, director of the local unit, will leave Sat urday night on the Camosun. 'KIN DISCUSS MAY .24 f ETE biscusslon 6f plan's for the Kinsmen'Cluib's May "24 celebration took up the greater part of the short 'business session 6f the seml-morithly "meeting last night i in the Civic'Centre. The meeting added to the list 6t regular committees for the everit toy appointing Dan 'McDonald as chairman of the parade committee. Two new members, flf. R. Young and Wesley Manning, were received Into the club. I'Guests were Joseph Goscoe and Dan Wick. There were 24 members present, with president It. E. Montador In -the chair. GOOD 'FRIDAY 8 PIM. SACRED CANTATA "Olivet to Calvary" (Maunder) Presbyterian anil Anglican Chairs ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL - l 1 1MHII Admission Free Collection j I Hill) I B'1 more out of brisk tasting Lipton's Tea: j SsvB$ I Scald the feapot j ; use one teaspoonful of H STARTS waRK iNlBMi , for each person .apply fresh, bubbly, I VB JUST OSF CON rii aK, bollJhg Vater i:. then stir... let tea brew for , JJjjJJJJJK 6v'e minutes. .. then stir again before serving. fTm 'FOR MdRE "REAL TEA ENJOYMENT . - . MARKID THIS WAY wM) I I1 ri rtXTlMP r .;- Vt t f ol.uj.nlie. iouv,an i ninj By Chic Young iAHARSHl aTl W 4 rK 1 spopt shirt'-J CI :rt a V-fCJ wobett;:;.' :?;v 1 TMfr.n.tir RinSr!5 - On t'lic Buitistcad Circuit f " - V, r . SME AND IIBOO'HOO.'SHE . 'lllJBLrrHE'. AOt7E T4IMkr IT'LL BE t II Wall" L i wS. ?s as? ri r?zif u ' K 00KE A lice In His Bonnet 'ti WG t ' j Prftue Rupert Daflp I3eto0. Thursday, April 3, 1947 Tope oats in the Famed 'LAMKASHA' Fabric Shades of llrowii & lilue S4Q.00 m Headquarters for Your SPRING NEEDS GARDEN TOOLS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, LAWN MOWERS; PAINT CLEANERS, WALLPAPER CLEARER, WAXES, POLISHES. A complete line of quality paints for inside and 'outside use. , ,. "i McBride Street Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and 68 "WE DELIVER" Phone 311 It it's Rock Work CALL 4 ... M. SAUNDERS BLUE 93D CONCRETE SIDEWALKS .BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. MECHANIC'S SPECIAL . 1910 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN IN DAMAGED CONDITION No Reasonable Offer Refused This is an excellent opportunity for a man with mechanical ability to procure a late model car at a good buy. Bob Backer Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS We carry the largest and most complete stock of Ford parts In northern B.C. and give prompt attention to all mall orders P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's modcassin front Oxfords See them while sizes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS VOR SLATER SHOES 524 THIRD AVENUE Next Commodore Cafe PHOTOGRAPHIC Developing Printing Enlarging Coloring PORTRAITS and I'ASSrORTS Chandler & CowgfH 21G 4th St. T.OBox 613 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 LING THE TAILOR We re taking cleaning 'anil pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street "COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made Valentin dairy Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. m '! :) ft 7 .A i2