THIS AND THAT Happy Bolthday to You-u-u " Classified Advertising , a. net word por Insertion, minimum charge. COc. Birth Notices, 'rri. ,1, Death Notice. Funeral Notion. Marriage ana r.iBivKr,Ilrl11' v-. KI) or THANKS Iwisft to extend our heart- h,nk to all our irienas ir acts of kindness in our bereavement Special , to the Canadian LeRion. oi prince Rupert; Uic Men Benevolent Asso-)i Metlakatla; the Rev. Prockter Indian Agem E Anfieia. me Prince Ru- henerai Hospital staff, and w Kergln Also for the i flora) tributes. The Leighton Family. FOR SALE SALE- -Stove In very good Red 781 (2D New set of the Unl- al World Reference Ency-dia Apply 1000 First Ave'. (18) ME Home In Section ith double garages; tly seaview. near town. (COO First Ave. (18) iSALE- -One moutfincoat. 1 16, $95 Room 21 Milntyrc (21) SALE Model "A" Ford lor Suitable for boat, in- Itriai and Marine, Cow Bay. (18) LE ABC washing ma tie and Hoover vacuum fnet like new Phone Red (18) J SALE Johnny's Snack Bar cue Blue 318 after 6 p.m (21) B3ALE- Hillman sedan, 1937. !H P one ;,-narc tire. 1000 ve East (20) 40 ft. troller com fe includlne halibut near. Hre Standard Oil Dock. (19) 9ALE- -Noah coupe, model H. Serial No xasM. Two , . - - . re tire Phone Green 873 (1G SALE- -New and used fur- fire and hardware at the rest possible prices. New f tric plates, scatter runs " 165. tumblers 10c, mat- -ses all sizes. Billv Bov tri fles, aluminum nnta fmm l!ed 3-nlcce beds 1510. ffhes $7 desks from $7. has- IWS 95c 5"1iePi klt.c.ipn set 50' men's ton coats sllchtlv p all wool, new price $35, wau, palls for coal or !,er from 45c B.C. .Furnl- vO Tllnelf aM SALE Babv bmnrv a; Ktvi !h Phone Black ouh Street. (17) 1 n. 1 " nil I OALF NfW R.frwnf eb-Wf wary wood heater. Perfec- " oil stove. 112 nth Street, MACHINERY pnomicallv. use ih ,H.r i Up-tO-datp tvno Mollnol r'-iDie sawmills mant. f" y National Machlnery" "y Limited, Vancouver, FOR RENT Two kitchens and tw. bedrooms and furniture. 33G 9th Ave. W. (21) . FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. Apply Suite 7, Washington Block. (191 FOR RENT Comfortable room Phone Blue' 9G7. 42"! 5th E. (19) FOR RENT Heated office space, Apply O. P. Tinker &t Co. Ltd , Phone 57. (tf) FOR RENT Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Ap ply 806 Fraser Street, after 5 am. Uf) WORK WANTED VETERAN, 23. married, needs work immediately. Must earn at least 80 cents per hour. Do .anything honest, anywhere. Box 197 Daily News. (17) HELP WANTED WANTED Women for filleting shed, work starting immediately, union wages. Apply In person to superintendent, Canadian Fish it Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Seal Cove. tf WANTED WANTED Second hand piano for Booth Memorial High School Student's Council. Write particulars to Box 198' Daily News. (17) WANTED Will buy Brunswick I records, limited number, Gilt, or Purnle Label, and cata logues, 1928 or later. Search your old record cabinet, basement or attic. Phone serial numbers to 3G9 or write "Records," co P.O. Box 519. (20) LOST LOST Wallet on Saturday night containing money and papers. Finder please return to Arrow Cabs. Liberal reward. (18) LOST Flashlight 'between De- Jong's arid Spero's Groceries. Finder please phone Black 731. (16) LOST Bunch of keys between Post Office and C.P.R. wharf. Phone Black 480. Reward. ROOM AND HOARD fincc Rupert Bottle Collector (17) ROOM AND BOARD Tame meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. G22 Fraser Street. 32) ROOM AND BOARD At reasonable rates. Apply Box 185, Daily News. (tf) LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam presslnt while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street MESSENGER SERVICE PhonC BIllC 737 e buv . Porfcx Bottles ALL SIZES Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Good Board Year in Terrace (Continued from Page 1) how it had been Instrumental In the following: Bringing banking 'facilities to Terrace. Securing a general road suo- rintendent. Having long distance telephone service established. Getting a hospital project going. Arranging conferences with government ministers. Ssnding representatives ouUlde conferences. Associated Boards of Trade held in Terrace last summer. The chairmen of the various committees were then called on to present their reports. American Setllers ' Coming Into Area Reporting for the Industrial committee. Will Robinson stated that some Americans would be brlnslng modern- land clearing machinery into Terrace soon with th object of clearing and bringing a large area of land under cultivation. A Prince Rupert man, who has purchased a I'srfc tract of land near the I.akclse Hot Springs, was ex pected to bring the Hot -Springs to advantageous use In the near future. Oeorse McAdarm, chairman of the resolutions committee. stated that the following: resolutions had received attention Anpolntmcnt of a senator for Northern B.C. Air mail service Development of the Lakels.e H ;t Springs. Time limits on leases -of natural resourrvs. Better radio rcc'Tion. Broadcasting to the Orient. Freight rates. As a result of the work of thl3 committee, reports on the condition of the Skeena Highway are now bing sent regularly to the Automobile Association and to daily newpapcrs. A building has been purchased for the lb-bed Red Cross Outpost Hospital. ' William Oiborne Jr., on behalf to , of his father, thanked those who had aMirted the entertainment Supporting the village com- committee during the year. mlssioners in the purchase of I C. J. Norrlngtcn spJc of the army building. eKorts that had been made to Arranging and ensuring the secure a radio booster station at succors of the meeting of the , Terrace. Alf Yoxall, for the puAlc rela tions eonralttce, rpokc of the large amount of favorable pub licity Terrace had received dur- Ins the past year and how the co-operation of the people of th community had made possible the purchase of the army drih hall for a civic centre. Ctf. Sherwood presented the treasurer' report which allowed . favorable year-end balance. Emil Haugland, chairman ot the Board of Village Commissioners, expressed the apprccia Hon of that body for the cooperation received. during the year from the Board ot Trade. Snow. Is Being Coped With Now For the Highway Commission, Will Rofoinson reported that new equipment had come in to cope with any unusual snow condition and this machinery was now being ably and efficiently used by J. A. Kennedy, road superintendent. Duncan Kerr, secretary of the Board of Trade, was presented with a club bag as a token of ?T"-eriation for his eight years ThoJonr 7n brothrrs attempt to cultivate, their land, after the. Japanese had destroyed mora than ,11,000 uater buffaloes. of efficient service In that capacity. The presentation was made, by Clarence Mlchlel, chairman of the board of school trustees. The guests were then called upon for a few words and ably responded. Peter Van StoUc expressed the opinion that Terrace could expect rapid development fci the near future. During the past six years the population had doubled. Quite a few Hollanders could be expected at settlers when immigration made their entry into Canada possible. Mr. Van Slolk, after spending six years with the Netherlands consulate, recently returned to his home here. Kenneth Kerr, president of the Farmers' Institute, spoke of the co-operation of that organiza tion wltH the Board of Trade In tending two men to Ketchikan recently to look Into the possibility of finding a market fov farm produce tliere. ' C. W. Mlchlel, chairman ot the Terrace District School Beard, thanked those ratepayers who lvad supported the plebis cite on the of army1 buildings for extra school ac commodation. He stated that other places in the district were badly in need of new schools. Officers For 1!U7 Elected Election oi officers resulted as follows: President, George McAdams. Vice-President, Duncan Kerr Secretary, W. Osborne Jr. Treasurer, Nigel Sherwood. Honorary President lor the ensuing year, J. H. Smith. Honorary PrSSitlent for lif Harry King. N. Sherwood moved a vote of thanks to the retiring officers. SOMEJRAT! The beaver is the largest mem ber of the rodent family. Young People's 1 Leader Is Coming Brigadier T. II. Mundy, Toronto, territorial secretary of young people's work for the Salvation Army, will arrive in the city on February 5 by train from the east for a two-day visit, leaving February 7 for Vancouver. He will speak at special Army meeting here during the I two evenings of his visit and will (also address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club on the Wednesday Brig. Mundy recently returned from overseas service with the Army. Hotel... - arrivals Prince Rupert Clarence Salter, Vancouver; II. stobble, Abbotsford; W. Dia mond, Vancouver; K. Garland, Vancouver; G. M. Sleben, Ter race; H. Campbell, Vancouver; C. N. Shears, Vancouver; H. Christenscn, Queen Charlotte City; R. R. Mallory, Port Cle ments; D. Bcvans, Victoria; W. McLeaurin, Esqulmalt; J. T. Sweet, Vancouver; G. A. Green, Vancouver. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it considered good form to shake hands with gloves on? A. It is not correct to remove the glove before offering the hand, as this necessitates an awkward pause. Jiut shake hands and forget the love. Q. May a telephone be used to acknowledge a gift? A. No, it is not good form. O. How should a man refer Ito his, wife, when among non-; Intimates? A. As "Mrs." th Prlnrc ttupctt Daflp j3cUjs Monday, January 20, 1947 Exemplifying Skirts Jumpers DRESSES PURSES SUITS GLOVES COATS HATS National Junior Chamber of Commerce Week T 15 - 112 errace 4? f Values f BUY AND SAVE ON OUR BUDGET PLAN While, in Terrace stay at . . Hotel for Convenience and Comfort RECENTLY REMODELLED UP-TO-DATE CENTRAL HEATING THROUGHOUT HOT AND COLD WATER I Too weak lo cultivate their war-lorn fields, these Chinese farmers struggled ten miles to a rel ief station for a lillle soft rice. Uprooted from their farms, women and children of Hunan Province, have been reduced to eating grass and roots. There are millions like them. Peasant farmers form 83 per cent, of China's population. Their one hope is the compassion of more fortunate peoples who can send them food, clothing, medical supplies, hospital equipment, NOW. UNRRA's work is ending. Voluntary agencies must ' carry on. Our interest in world welfare, our pity for a good neighbor who will be a good customer in days to come, bid us be generous NOW. This is the only national appeal to be made, in Canada within the. next twelve months for Chinese relief. 'Beft""!' China, a Good Neighbor, calls to YOU! CANADIAN A I li uf and mail lo Provincial or Local Head Make cheque payable to Canadian Aid to China quarters or to any Chartered Uanu. PROVINCE British Columbia TREASURER CHAIRMAN W. M. Sellens Malor-General Victor W. Odium Imperial Bank of Canada vnnrnuveiv B.C. Vancouver, B.C. Provincial IIeadquarters-736 Granville Street (Basement), Vancouver,. B.C. f imartness combined with guaranteed comfort make the Murray Heel-Huggers definitely a snoe of distinction 1 SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT Browntooodi Formerly CUT RATE SHOE STORE) 506-Third Avenue "e l,reen JJ'' Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST t UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT 1 FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PnONE 1 33 7S5 THIRD AVENUE WEST CONSUMERS DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and the supply situation Is not no good. You are advised to keep your orders well in advance to give us the best possible chance to kefp yea supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD! Phones 116 and 117 S FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIAIjS A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING ESULTS