r 4 prince Rupert Daflp J3cto3 Saturday. April 19. 194? Classified Advertising - - - - UaKUflrds: 2c per wort per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c Birth Notices, 50c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marrlaee and Engagement Announcements: (2. FOR SALE FOR SALE Rebuilt 45It. seine-boat. Can be seen at Dodge Ccve. B. Bendlclcion. (98) FOR SALE Canary, cage and stand. Phone Blue 325. (94) FOR SALE General Electric 'Radio, table model, 7 tubes, shortwave, $45.00; Clvest ol Drawers, $18.00; Chesterfield Table. $3.95; Olass Bookcase or China Cabinet, $12.00. Miscellaneous articles. Oreen 818 Kergin Apts. (94) FOR SALE 7 h.p. Easthope engine. Call 1110 Cth East. (96) FOR SALE Jtcfrlgera tor, washing machine, sewing machine, bedroom suite, chesterfield suit?, trl-ln-mp, etc. Practically new. 434 8th Ate. East. (91) FOR SALE Large hardwood crib, high chair, commode chair, carriage. All good condition. Apply No. 6 Clinton Apts, Fraser Street. (92) FOR SALE Five room house, furnished, vicinity of Cold Storage, Seal Cove. Write Box C23, Dairy News. (tf) FOR SALE White and black enamel cook stove, like new. Also small coal and wood heater. Call at 245 Cth Ave. West. (91 6 ROOM House; 3 Bedrooms; Dining Room; Living Room; Full Plumbing; Near Schools. Full Price $3,000. AND 7 ROOM Modern House; Fireplace; Garden; Close in. Priced for qdick sale $2,400. For Inspection call ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342. (93) FOR SALE 2 metal cribs complete; 1 high chair; 1 commode chair; 2 dozen quart size preserve Jars. Black 695. Suite 9, Besner Apts. D4i FOR SALE Snap. Westlnghouse electric stove, chesterfield, tables, chairs, buffet, beds, bureau, carpet 9x12. Phone Green 215 after 6. (92! FOR SALE Restaurant and t property. Good location. Reasonable price. Apply B.C. Lunch Hazelton, B.C.- (110) FOR SALE Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Blijck 889. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen Sets from $14. Slightly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Pails from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugs, lovely designs from $1.65. All kinds of other useful articles. Come In and look them over. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Resort site on Lake Lakelse. Price consistent with assessed valuation. Write Frances Pee, 147 linden Avenue, Wilmette. Illinois. (104) FOR SALE 36-ft. troller, completely equipped. At Imperial - Oil dork. Phone Black 511. (tf) FOR SALE 65-ft. beam trawler I .. "Colnet," completely equipped, , Al condition. Reasonable price. Phone Black 304. (94) FOR SALE Farm at Terrace consisting of 5 acres with 2 acres cleared, small unfinished house In good shape, 2V2 miles west of Terrace on Crown's Island. $800.00 full price. FOR, SALE Large lot at Sixth Avenue and Hays Cove Circle on the south side of 6th Avenue. $550.00 or nearest offer. T . Cleared. FOR SALE Three Lots In Section 2. $945.00 or nearest offer. FOR SALE Six Room House. 6th Avenue and Immanuel St. $1,000.00 or make us an offer. H. G. HELGERSON LTD. (93) FOR SALEr-Scrap lumber for firewood. 'Reasonable price. Phone Green 471. (07) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery .. Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple. Phone 264, (tf) WANTED Maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital, Apply Hospital. (tf) FOR KENT FOR RENT Four roomed flat close in. Phone Red 932. 93 FOR RENT-furnished, - Two-room cabin, r u i 1 bathroom plum&ing. (66-87 FOR RENT One bedroom with kitchen privileges if desired Apply 744 Taylor St. 93- FOR RENT One or two fur nished housekeeping rooms, private entrance, 5th Av West. Apply HelgerSon Bio: Suite 1. 93 WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Married woman will lock after child or working mother. '94' WANTED WILL Pay Cash for good 'at. model car. Phone Block 496 PERSONAL MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look afterchildren afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) HAVE YOU FILED YOUR INCOME TAX RETURNS? Ail personal returns must be filed by April 30. Have your return filed by a competent Income Tax Accountant. Consult S.G. Furk, Room C, Stone Building. Phone 563. 101 NEW "Golden Stomach Tablets." Don't sutfer needlesslv from stomach distress such as add Indigestion, gas disturbances, sour stomach, heartburn, belching, bloating, hyperacidity. Get fast lasting relief with "Golden Stomach Tablets" for sensitive, touchy, nervous, stomach conditions. 360 tablets (90 day treatment) $5.00; 120 tablets (30 days) $2.00; 55 tablets (14 days) $1.00. Trial size 10c. At all drug stores and drug departments. SCHOOLS ANI COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring ex- aminations. Write M.C.C. Civil Service School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. SCHEDULE OF FIVE-PIN BOWLS ADril 21 Grotto vs. Burns: Stones vs. North Star; Fish Dock vs. Morgans; Moose vs. Post Of- flee; Gyro vs. Peoples Store; Co-ope vs. Malklns. April 28 Malklns vs. Gyro: Fish Dock vs. Moose; Grotto vs. Co-op; Burns vs. North Star: Stones vs. Post Office; Peoples Store vs. Morgans. FINDS GOLD IN STREET TEMORA, New South Wales 0 Right in the middle of the street, Ernett Feckner found a five-ounce gold nugget. Temora Is cn the edge of an old gold digging and it is believed the nugget fell frcm a gTavel truck passing through the town. IN THE SUPREME CODRT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP THOMAS KENNET, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THOMAS KENNY. DECEASED IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by ordor of His Honour Judge W. E. PUhcr. made the 8th day of April. AX). 1047. I was appointed administrator of the estate of Thomas Kennev. nthpfwlt ! known Thomas Kenny, deremsed. nu jjurkiiTB iiavmg claims aguinsi the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of May. AD. 1947. after uhlch Claims filed msy be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And 11 parties Indebted to the rs- i tate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED this 9th day of April, A D. 1D47. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 04 CENTRAL HOTE! Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Koomi CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) r II ONE 11 PATIENT CONTROLS DENTAL DRILL At last the guy in the dentist's chair eets a break! This patient holds in his hand a remote control device perfected by a Pueblo, Col., dentist to stop the whirling driil when It becomes too unbearable. When patieut pushes the button the drill stops, regardless Of what the dentist is doing. The dentist says the gadget gives patient confidence; that few ever use it. Social (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) ORANGE LADIES' The Orange Ladies" tea zr& sate held yesterday afternoon In the Civic Centre was quite successful in spite of tne unfortunate all-day-!ong April shower. Patrons of the affair found that the articles offered for sale were of a very high quality and the tea hour passed pleasantly. Corveners of conunitteeS were XE1V D.VA. HOSPITAL VICTORIA Victoria Veterans' Hospital with 250 beds has been opened here completing the western link in a chain of department of veterans affairs treatment institutions. Costing D omgs TEA SUCCESSFUL more than $1,000060,' it contains I numbers for the prizes. Winner-, the largest medical and surgi were: Mrs. A. Christensec. Dlg-cal equipment. I by Island, a chicken, ticket o. IIUJLW ROAD BLOCK PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. 0 Be- Dnton, 0f hcmc-iriad?" can-cause dy- No- 30: F Ellison, pm0w of a beligerent prospector i whom he wished to avoid, Wat-; son Moyese, Indian, had to go ICS miles out of his way to shop. Police moved the human road block and Moyese now can travel lhe comparatively short 75 miles to Fort Ware instead of 200 miles to Telegraph Creek for his gro ceries. SHOW-PLACE AIRPORT SYDNEY, Australia. T The government hopes to make K inasf ord -ftnit h airport here an Australian show -(place with hotel accctrmodatlon. shops resXaurantf and a theatre for the convenience of air travelling, i ADVERTISES SCOTLAND EDINBURGH, V r-ootland is to hold an Industrial exhibition called "Enterprise Scotland" in August 1947. All Scottish industry will te represented and visitors will see developments in pottery, glass, leather and shipbuilding. RLONDIE Ll1 LIFE 'n me uPert by DWDM JINKS It happened In a doctor's : cuter effice where I and several . ethers each waited for the nurse to aFjrear and turn her eyes in her direction. The door opened and clcred, and our group number increased by two. It was a 'woman and her daughter, the latter about 14 years of age They stood uncertainly together for a moment, then tcok teats on opposite sides of the office, expresslon-Icssly facing each other . . the mother was two chairs to my le't. the chair between us hold-ii. my knitting ar.d handbag. LifUng them immedtely. I id, "Peihaps Your daughter wouW like to sit with you." She nlled a toothless smile. "Oh, she's alright" but without hesitation, moved into the now Viicant chair herself. Suddenly she reached a forefinger to isuch a strand of red wool Ain't it nice to be able to knit;' She said, "ain't It tho!" , "Do you knit?" 'Land, no. Ain't never had . time to learn, and now my fingers are too thick I euess." She wild it pladdly. but then I not- Meed her hands. Large hand?. j roii?h and calloused. Having Weed beyond the reddened stage, they were dark, and the fingers were blunt from broken nails. . They were not tinlike her face, which rilso was darkened and 'seamed, shcwimjihe1 penalty of circlet cl white elastic. "That's better," remarked her mother, and gave her full attention to 4he marvel at hand. "Ain't It -wonderful to knit." she raid uroroKen ion aueueu oy pcrv-Mrs. Frank Ellison, general con- crty. Yet both were kind; slm-vener; Mis. J. Johahsen, Mrs. C. ply kind, kncwihg no guile. "Bet-Mclntyre and Mrs. J. R. Carr. ter pull your stockings, honey," ' fancywerk; Mrs. W. H. Hill and she said gently across the of-Mrs. Win. Way home-cooking; flee, and -unabashedly, her Mrs. H. KlUin, drawings; Mrs. daughter 'pulled' them. First one Louis Wide, cashier. i and then the other, heavy cot- ' Catering and serving were ton. held above the knee with a Mrs. Ray Bean, Mrs, George Geddes Jr.. Mrs. Wm. Field, Mrs. Armand Lund, Mrs. Jack Wide and Mrs. W. J. Richards. Mrs. J. P. Moller, Worthy Mistress of the Orange Ladlrs. received the callers. The little Misses Sandra Bean and Alleen Howe drew the lucky 100; Mrs. Geo. 'Ruddrham, wniHng cream, no. 204; Alice !mP3- a immimm'm'mmmmml J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday again. 'To make something so purty out of cne straight string W wool." While I tendered the truth cf Her last remark, she spoke .j again. "Aaln't you lucky down here. No snow-Atnd It's purty here, ain't Jt?" "You Hve out of tewn then?" I asked, and on the moment Khfickinely observed that this oclrewcrn lady was Wttle older than myself. "Yes. Out beyond Francois Lake. There's wre lots f snow up there yet. Have you ever keen up?" When I had not, she urged It upon me. She would be 'nwul gtad to see ya If ya' did ' Jut thsn the nurse beckoned rind I hw her no more. But I have not forgotten: In plte of the casual. "Purty. ain't It?" I knew that cotnlng to Prince Rupert was an evetit ; That In her .world of realism, 'and stark necessity, trwre was I not a vocobularly that might i clothe beautifully, or attempt to , express her thoughts. The train i trlu was pxxritinc as the first merryg-round to a four-year c,d- And she dW xme by tra,n- I As Rupert becomes more and more flfmry einfcedded upon the i map, a larger number of visitors will come to the city. Whether they arrive by boat, train or by Mftwvay. It Is Important that they think ttie city, and its surrounding, 'purty' which brings to mind a certain spot Jut beyond the city HmHs. On the highway, which cculd in non wise be labeled thui. Apart from being an eyesore, an incinerator and durrm-ground, does not sweeten the air no matter how bright the day or charming the vale In which It lies. Motor-tourists must pais this f pet, and enter the city with an Impression dependent upon how sertitive sre rcme of their five senses. And others wishing to I visit Milter Bay or Por Edward j - .i i-.- - . i . -.. . . - . , . I Don't be Satisfied I, I with your Watch-- I I UNLESS YOU CAN It ELY AnSOl.lT IT I I I If It raricii do one of two things let us fix I I' I I It ... or get a new one. I j II I Often the latter plan Is better. I I I If you think It Is, you can find n rholre here of I I many dependable ' watches. :'- WE SELL EVERYTHING , , . i And we can prove them t5 you nn our I : Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted WATCHMASTEU reEulatine machine. Prices from at Your Convenience $20 to $00 for the guaranteed kind. I ' I j FURNITURE AND HOUSE- HOLD GOODS WRAPPED, I . I 1 PACKED AND CRATED ! Jk I) Estimates Given Free JP. MM B WM MM &k I i PRINCE RUPERT WwJ fmJGr MW' li AUCTION MART ! VSAkjLMTZy I (Opposite Civic Centre Bid.) j UmWWM7XT I phones: ! r W Bus. lilue i'ir Res. Red 127 j .0 W -On General principles. By Chic Young most brave it vwu: - Many if our own citizen- tnusv face p daily. In the wamr it u u,- enough, they say but summc Is upon us. Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Itupert George Cringle, Calgary; A. Currte, Claxton Cannery; N. H. Franchuk, Pott Simpson; R. E. Peel, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. I. V Hall, Edmonton; D. Defleux, Vancouver. Pinochle Fever. : ' ' ntMtiliiliiiiiiiiii tJ!'?l lCUf ls S!CK !!lC VOJT3 SETTER I l BET HE'D jlVf" 1 " 1 ) Virr 'N Bed and S. go, OEAP- apppeoate rr) VS ll iS3kSSl?j, r ..r r SS.CUFf WE WANTS ME ) ( )!ES SUCH IF "yOU CAMS tv" OKAY ' 3WNlifc' MMwk ( I'M AWFULLV TO COME OVER J -f A DEAR ALONG WITH JfwEU. B(?INS WReV HKD Sam J SORRY TO AND READ tiL, Svw rf ME J--HIM SOME f hMLmWK ; mJ -owe's j ff Business and Profmioml J. P. MOLLTJll PHONE BLUE lSd 124 Hh Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 200 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs ot all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PAINTINO and PAPERIIANGlNO Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER Grandvlew Hotel PHONE BLACK KV2. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box m If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 639 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Certified Weighers BLUE 980 vrdj - vi. flhHlv n),i. n Mm. Tea hein. -" nnH Kmi Kf Mips, sauce fans, u"i - . ... -i- .r.iii u-.rk i.-i.liii. Also a 'ine rrcsrrving nriun, Cannlster Sets, Bread Boxes and Cookie 1'ns. a w . da.- - P a nr'ni . ... INTEn'tm v paintikg" fHONE r? W. B.. ALL . f;r r 1 i is r ..'.cr ere: t the ' , li. :::c r ki l l) ' CT. -C PHONE RQ 4!! A r Income TiX Rf"m2 c P N Kilborn T.! 11U 31EHUM- Lumber - Coal- Wood- fncne a:n tin Nieht Caus-Ortn Prince Rnpert I'K ni.r. nuruii il. A. R. LOCK De.usns Pott B;,:t3 & Prompt tf.e-.-siKi Box 516, PfcaeTH, Magaztnei Sixth Street N O R T II t K i' BOON nil' (Over Wi ICti a-Grfftinj Car p.ibtes and Ttachm' See Our Display of mi ma mmtm. r mtf inn tnnslstlr.3 -I v u,4 rnmp nnd :?a tnc w XJH ill t ilk 1 1 V v - COTTAR E CHEESE iNew Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE - f AMI . I I A UM Y WUI'V rl MIA m ' " - Wholesale FRUITS ANU 214 Bixm s- CHARTS AND SUPPLIES ...pit rilAIITS rVlllAV flllVI IL.UI.ill v' ....trc n..., ,, ll1lir AI.l Cfl KKiiinn ' ...,rp4PIIll' 1 rl!irAV IIVimOGRJUi' sr" Complete coverage of all 1 n.C. COAST PILOTS - AMERICAN COAST TlUfl Coast ; On Capt. Llllie's B.C. Capt. Hansen's Handbook PARALLEL RULES 15-Inch - S2-25 Plastic, 6 18-Inch Brai, 7" 24-Inch 1,lJ PltOTKACTORS SHir S True to Magnetic, 2f Aim A