CM on ...,!nI till I .. irlll' snn ,ma 111' Part 7. fl D41 EU 0 V,l1 ..ri News It ... Npodlc- mnW-:ja. at STORE. a8) in-rlved In 01 101 BUMUCM ; the home and aauu"".-i-"'-"". W. F sione. nnuncemeiits ii j 1 Cln ,1. fWITt U11U W'l-I ..jrAltiMi' H.'lll. yattiuivn . ... cit win taie. Civic cent - Ctntrtu. nun Association Thursday, urch. $1 per ci,i.ertalnment 10. 8:15 p.m., nolle Hall, if Tea u'vii wmif n,., Musonic Tcm- oi Nnrw. store mining brcth- n Fishermen's refreshments, Hail, tickets at Moose tea and Spring Sale, Concert Civic Centre, ;. United t'hurch April 30 ; Camp Tea May 3, Mr I .... .121 It:. (Via o. iwa. -- .III nUAi..J V hJUil. v. :5. Da-. T .a Sale, S.O.N., May lu Uitneran Church :;. ( .a!.ir..!al Chancel Tu M 22. Mri. Nora Dai.. . Ma 29 Tea, Mrs. H. B.;;: ;, Winnipeg the wcck-fi:.a in the dls- nriflr'. in. !. tin - ....... .., utaMMJ !) Tcs to be back In the near we ret imed from Ocean f 1 1 slay in the t nl ,1.- i. .lui I'm h, .m.. 1 , II ti fni..-.-,.. . . J V;. . .. . . . - u: uon aiiQ a " i; :e uuncn were Win. - !j V ,L Wll.n MM TERRACE Storage MELT ALT, tommo u ANr POINT i 0 - THE DISTRICT "I. Smitb) Box 167 T(irpn. ems David McGreish returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Harold E. Winch, C.C.F. Prov incial Leader, broadcasting Wed nesday, 10:30 pm. CFPR. (It) Allan Benson, Hazelton stage operator, arrived in the city this morning enroute to his home in the interior after a trip to Van couver. Free shewing of the film "Child City" showing at the Moose Temple Wednesday April 9, 8 p.m. Two showings, 8 and 9 o'clock. General public Invited. A. O. Franks left on Monday evening's train for Fraser Lake where he plans on resuming residence on his farm. He may be back In the city again for a brief visit next month. Mrs. At Boas and eon arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to Join Mr. Boas who was recently appointed Sanitarian with the Prince Rupert Health Unit. William L. Baker, publisher of the Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle newspaper, will pass through the city on the Prince Rupert to morrow evening bound for Wash ington D.C where he will attend the Alaska statehood George Little, who has been spending the past few days in the city on business, is, leaving by this evening's train on his return to Terrace. Mr. Little Is planning to go back soon to the Yellowknife country where he has been spending a good deal of his time the last few years. Prince Rupert Gyro Club was In regular monthly business ses slon at its weekly luncheon today. President C. G. Ham was in the chair -and there was a sood attendance of members, Next I week the Gyro speaker-will be Evan McOormack of Montreal field secretary of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and, for that occasion, Gyros are expected to foe Joined by members cf the Prince Rupert Chamber I of Commerce. TERRACE Jolinston's week-end. 'family over the Easter services in all churches were well attended over the week-end. The Easter Mondiay dance, held in the Orange Hall by the Orange Lodjic, was a very suc cessful aHfalr. Mr. and Mrs. W. McLean of Prjnce Rupert were in Terrace over the week-end. TerracefTheatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 15 "GUNTLCMAN JOE I'ALOOKA" Starrlnir Joe Klrkwood, Leon ; Errol, Guy Klbbee. Elyse Knox and Lionel Standcr. Friday and Saturday April 11 and 13 "MADONNA OI' TIIK SEVEN MOONS" Starring Phlllls Calvert, Stewart Granger. Peter Grenvllle, Jonn( Stuart, Nancy Price, Reginald Tate, Jean Kent. Until You Get a H lull l,"0T0C "VVP 1,1,1... KAIMIIC Coloring 1'0RTA1TS " 'in st. UllNCE & Cuwiril! 'O- Kox ""A C15 It,,. - J M a CTS ew Lar... 'arc of your present oar! Kcmrinbcr, tare ay means :i iilp-iar JEE IS FOR REGULAR SERVICE e stance and equipped to handle all maintenance JJwwk on all makes of vcliiclcs. Drive In today! TE,lKACE MAniiMP. cnni amd n Alt AfJE ;i;nlkal motors dealer Managers; SCIENCE'S MOST MODERN THERAPY -Pc niciiin na:i been found to be highly effective in saving turkeys nut have become infected with swine-erysipela3 organism to which turkeys as well, as swine are susceptible. The intention In turkeys usually attacks the flock Just before marketing when the fowl are most needed. Here Dr. C. G. Grey, who conducted the experiments, Injects penicillin suspended in peanut oil Into the wattles of a turkey. C. N. R. Carmen's Benefit I Dance, Oddifellows' Hall, Friday. April 11. George C. Mitchell is sailing tomorrow night by the Prince Rupert for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Presbyterian Spring Sale and Tea Plants, fancywork, aprons, home cooking, woollens, white elephant, delicatessen. April 10. (82) Mrs. Agnes Rochester arrived in the city this morning on the Prince 'Rupert from Vancouver on a business trip. Canadian Lesion, Annual General Meeting, Legion Hall, 8 pin, with Initiation of new members and election of officers for en-suing year. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Browne and child, after a visit of a few days In the city, are sailing b the Prince Rupert tonight on their return to Ketchikan. Mr. Cummlngs of the Trimz Walhpaper' 6o.. who Is demonstrating Trlmz Wallpaper at Gordon and Anderson today win demonstrate at Gordon and Anderson tomorrow' too. DonU miss it. J. II. Black, president of the Prince Rupert Automobile Asso-clallon, Is leaving on this evening's train fpr a brief trip to Prince George'for a British Columbia Automobile Association organizational meeting there. EDINBURGH Oi Rev. John B. Logan, whose wife had twins three years ago, now Is the father of triplets two girls and a boy. The smallest child weighed pnly two pounds, eight ounces. NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified DEVELOPING PRINTING & ENLARGING Amateur Supplies - Cameras Enlarges - 35 m.m. Projectors WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Prince Rupert, B.C. NORTHERN LIGHT HOOK ROOM (83) (Over Wallace's store) for Bibles, Easter Cards, Mottoes KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, 1'LEASANT, l'LACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ROOMS REDECORATED ' LICENSED PREMISES MATTRESSES SPRING FILLED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TOM l'ESUT STEVE VKKLAKN SISTER OF HARRY ERRY SUCCUMBS PRINCE GEORGE Harry G. Perry left on Tuesday's plane for Victoria to attend the funeral services for Mrs. Emily Hagger, 64, his only sister In Canada who passed away late Sunday evening after a lengthy Illness. She Is survived by her husband, Wllllaim Hagger, and one daughter, Mrs. Roy Rankin, also of Victoria; two si&ters, a brother in England, and H. G. T. Perry cif Froice George. Mr. Perry visited his sister two weeks ago while on a trip to the capi tal city. SHOREHAM. Sussex, Eng. 1 A lifeboat searched unsuccess fully for four hours to find a man reported clinginc to a mast three miles south of Worthing $ fjfs your FRIENDS-EYE VIEW? 4p So you feci as sour as that, huh? Well . . . Fccn-a-mint may he just what you need to start you smiling again. It's the modern chewing laxative. Deliriously mint flavored. Gentle, yet really effective. Never gri pes or interferes with sleep. Millions turn to Feen-a-mint when they need a laxative. Get the handy package at any drug counter. 57 HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 Three sailings l'cr Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m CoquiUain. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pjn. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAV I'OINTfi Sundays. 10 pjn. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prin' Rupert Agent Third At e Phone 568 REORGANIZING TRAFFIC DEP'T Officials of T.C.A. Assigned tu New Duties General Office Moved WINNIPEG Reorganizing of the general traffic department, TransCanada Air Lines, with a view to a more direct and clear-cut handling of the various divisions is announced today by G. R. McGregor, general traffic manager for the company. Included in ihe above reorganization is the transfer of the general traffic offices of the company from downtown Winnipeg to their new location at Stevenson Field. Included In the new allocation of duties are the following; W. Gordon Wood to be general traffic supervisor. V. H. Fulcher to be general supervisor of methods. R. E. Deyman to, be general supervisor of passenger sales. C. E. Woolley to be general supervisor of reservations. W. G. Rathbone to be general supervisor of reservations procedures. , H. D. Harjlng to be geenral supervisor of publications. A. R. Goldbold to be general supervisor of personnel and training. J. Lane to be general super- THAMES FLOOD NEARS. CHATHAM CHATHAM ONT, The worst flood .peak in 10 years was expected here today as the rain-swollen Thames River bore its flood crest irresistibly westward to Lake St. Claire after Inundating many small communities upstream. A 17-year. eld farm boy in nearby Dover township was the first flood victim in this immediate area. visor of rates and tariffs. B. A. Hay to be general supervisor of special services. I. F. Thomas to be general supervisor of customs and TRUR.O, Cornwall V) Perturbed by heavy poultry losses, Cornish farmers are attacking foxes with gas. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 am. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. Superior Grocers CUT G KEEN BEANS Bestoval, 20-oz. tin, 2 for 'JOc DICED BEETS Aylmer, 20-oz. tin l-l? G R APEFKUIT Sections, Polks, 20-oz. tin :5tl PEACHES Royal City, Sliced, 20-oz. tin 117 4 FLOUR Ogilvic's, 7-lb. sack COFFEE Chase Si Sandborn, 1 lb. bag YEAST Fast Rising, Royal ir,' Dog Food Dr. Ballard's 19-oz. tin 2 for :$." DOG CUBES Kellogg's 2-lb. pkg. 27f LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleanlne and pressing and steam pressing while 70a wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street LTD. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 10 -11 -12 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 18 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT 96's, Good Size .... 1 for 27c ASPARAGUS Young, Tender Stalks . . lb. 25c ORANGES 288's, Sweet, Juicy doz. 38c SWEET POTATOES Ib. 18c CARROTS Bulk, Young Spring ... 2 lbs. 15c CAHHAGE Small, Green, Solid lb. 9c TURNIPS Medium Size lb. Gc CELERY Crisp, Crunchy lb. 21c ONIONS Spanish lb. 10c QUALITY GROCERIES TOMATO JUICE Libby's, 20 -oz. tin 1 If PEAS Delta Pak, Sizes, 20-oz. tin Ho J SOUr Mushroom, Clark's, jf 10- ozvtin 'J. for 2rt(- Quick Quaker Oats Non-Premium 3-lb. pkg. each 27c SHREDDED WHEAT 12-oz. pkg 11 COCOA Fry's lb. 'Me CHOCOLATE Baker's, Unsweetened 8-oz. 20- FLOUR Five Roses, 24-lb. sack ALL- BRAN Kellogg's, lG-oz. pkg -Uk BOLOGNA York Brand, 12-oz. tin -"C PREM 12-OZ. tin SHRIMPS High Seas, Wet Pack, 10-oz. tin ..... SCRATCH COVER POLISH Old English. 4-oz. bottle 25? SWIFT'S NEW CLEANSER ' for 25 c SCOURING PADS S.O.S., pkg. lJc SNAP Paste tin U:tf JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Dr. Shields answers Halifax -Lunenburg Presbytery in THE GOSPEL WITNESS of MARCH 27th, also Rockwood s Sermons which Presbytery ordered Burned of Truro, N.S. Both series, "Protestants Awake," and "The Church Sick Unto Death." The exact text yt the sermons upon which Mr Rockwood's "Trial" by Presbytery was based, are contained iu THE GOSPEL WITNESS of March 13th (special issue, 32 pages), as well as a verbatim report of DR. SHIELDS' ADDRESS, entitled: "Rev. Ferry F. Rockwood a Hero of the Faith, or a Fundamentalist' Fanatic"? as preached in Jarvls Street Baptlst'Church, Toronto, Ont., Sunday, March 9th. Send this advertisement with fifteen cents In stamps, or coin, to THE GOSPEL WITNESS. 130 Gerrard St. East, Toronto 2, On tario, Tor March 13th, 20th and 27th issues, that you may be in formed of Mr. Rockwood's exact words, and Judge of the merits of the case for yourself. Prince Hupctt Dailp; JcUis Wednesday, April 9, 1947 They're New ... They're Smart . . . Tliey're Comfortable . . . SQUALL SHIRTS CORDUROY, in Ski Designs Shades of Dark Brown and Coco COTTON GABARDINE, Sport Figured Sand and Wine, Sand and Green. Sand and Brown 1 McBridc Street Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping- and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and C8 -WE DELIVER" $1.25 $5.50 Headquarters for Your SPRING NEEDS GARDEN TOOLS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, LAWN MOWERS, PAINT CLEANERS, WALLPAPER CLEANER, WAXES, POLISHES. A complete line of quality paints for inside and outside use. "l Phone 311 It It's Rock Work CALL . . . M. SAUNDERS BLUE 939 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. MECHANICS SPECIAL . . . 1910 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN IN DAMAGED CONDITION No Reasonable Offer Refused Tills Is an excellent opportunity for a man with mechanical ability to procure a late model car at a good buy. Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS We carry the largest and most complete stock of Ford parte In northern B.C. and give prompt attention to all mail orders P.O. Box 38 Prince Rupert, Ii.C. Phone 83 JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's moccassin front Oxfords See them while sizes are full, GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES B21 THIRD AVENUE Next Commodore Calc INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 COTTAGE CHEESE f j VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Be Sure of the Best Bulkley Market WE DELIVER DAILX rd 'AVenffe Thorie 171