1 ( 4 ISrincc Rupert Daily JftcUis Tuesday, January 14, 1947 An Independent dallv newsnaDer devoted to the unbulldlne of Prince RuDert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia, Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month,' 40c: Per Year, $4.00. The Real Ties THE: WAX WAS OPENED yesterday by a judg- ment of the Privy Council in London, for Canada : to take another highly important step forward in the way of completely autonomous nationhood. Canada may now, if her own Parliament sees fit to fenact accordingly, make her own Supreme Court the court of final and. ultimate appeal and decision. The Privy Council, which is itself now the final re-. $ort, has made judgment accordingly. During the war, it would have been, of course, inappropriate to cut this last constitutional tie which binds the Dominion with the Empire's capital in a jurisdictional or legal way. Now, of course, no . objection may be taken on the grounds that such action might -have appeared in any way as a break of solidarity. The only objection that appears to be made against the abolition of the recourse of appeal to Privy Council is that final authority over the provincial sphere should not rest in the Dominion but that there should be protection further afield. That does not sound very well for the internal content of Canada and smacks of sectionalism from which this Dominion should be getting away through mutual understanding.. i As for the act itself breaking this final judicial tie, it need only be reflected that it is not any authoritative or judisdictional machinery that binds the Empire together in loyalty and goodwill; but bonds . of sentiment and. spontaneous fealty far more fundamental, than anything like that. Canada may be a completely independent daughter but Britain is still, her mother' and; the. more constitutional freedom that exists between them the greater and;more lasting will their moral .bonds of affection, esteem and .lpyalty one to the other be. v 1 ! It looks like a case of-"sink or swim" lor'lhe city council : and the city, engineer on "Hecate Straits." Issue Shaping Up A Long Reign is an issue of great THERE importance shaping up in Canadian affairs one over which the next general election may, indeed, be fought. In its starkest form it is the question: Who is the real master in Canada the National Government at Ottawa or the jiine provincial legislatures? Is Canada growing into a real homogeneous nation, or is it going backward into a league of autonomous states? ! .There are ten governments imthe Dominion and, in certain respects, written itothe constitution their autonomy is equal. Of course whenever war breaks out, the national government immediately inherits overwhelming authority, but when hostilities cease it quickly becomes a ten-government federation again. During the war, the provincial authorities co-operated magnificently; but, just the ame, it was thoroughly, understood they were only loaning their power, and once the fighting stopped they demanded their rights back again. We are just now in the stages of changing back from a central-If ed union into a federation of nine provinces. ln Canada, in regard to a reat many matters of growing importance, the final say is vith the nine provincial governments rather Uian the federal. That would not be too jiwkward if all the provinces 5 III-VVAY SERVICE Now Open Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY Sc. TWEED 404 McBride IS JUST over twenty-five IT years ago since- the present Literal' Prime Minister of Canada,. Mr. Mackenzie King, took office for the first time, and except for one Parliament, when he sat in opposition to' the Conservative leader, R, B. Bennett, Mr, King has been Prime Minister of Canada virtually ever since. It is a long reign for one man; in fact, he is rapidly overtaking all previous records for tenure, of office. Last) Juno, be passed the last Canadian mark set by the first Prime Minister of Canada. Sir John A. Macdonald, and there is only one record left in all the annals of Britain and. the Commonwealth for Mr. Mackenzie King to shoot at. It appears that Sir Robert Walpole remained in office for, nearly twenty-one years. Now some industrious Canadian statistician has worked out the exact date when Prime Minister King, if he is still alive, and still in, office, will, surpass Walpole's record. The date is AiprillQ, 1913, 15 months from, now; were similar in. size, wealth and power, and if each of, them had the finances to discharge, its own special duties. But, we have within Canada the greatest diversity in this respect and it makes a very complicated situation. t Frank Parlett J. H. Jefferies t -x : ; K: . ' -Kl -( ' -K -tc .$ 313 3rd Ave Experts in General Electrical Work ' and RADIO SERVICE I Full Electrical and Radio Stock J CONSULT' US Rupert Radio and Electric Phone 644 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles . (Subject to change), A TUESDAY P.M. 4:00 Giselle La Fleche 4:15 Mid-Day Melodies 4:30 Songs, in Sweet Style 4 ;45 Ad ventures of Weenie Gopher 5:00-McMillan Club Quiz-Si 30 "Song of the Islands" 5:45 Norris Trio 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah. Shore 6:30 Aristocrat Cab; Time 6:45 T.B.A, 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to ' Old Broadway, 8:00 Citizen's; Forum. 8; 25 Citizen's. Forum. News, 8;30 Record; Album 9:00 Recital 9:15 They Came to Canada 9:30 Muslcana 9:55 Solo Spotlight 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News. 10:15 Milton Charles 10:30 Dance Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sisn Off WEDNESDAY A.M, : 7:30T-Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15-r-Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns. 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning; Cpncer.t 9:59 Time Signal, 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and. Console 11:15 Songs of,-Today 11:30 Weather Forec'asti 11 :31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and 'Albert P.M.. 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 OBC News 1 2 : 45 Easy Listening 1:0! The Concert Hour 1:30 Music Styled for- Strings 1 :45 Commentary 1:48 Talk 2:00 B.C. .School Broadcast, ' 2:30 Footliglxt Favorites. 2:45 From, the Pages of Melody, 3:00 Messer's Islanders 1 3:15 Serenade to America. 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News 3; 55 Canadian Commentaries TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Vancouver .Bralorne 12.50 B. R.' Con 08 B. R. X .12 Cariboo"....- 2.75. Deiitonia 29 - Grull Wihk'snc .; 10 Hedley Mascot. ,. 1-.1.4. Minto .05& end. Oreille 3.00; Pioneer. 3.45, Premier Border 07; Premier. .". ,. 1,25 Privateer 54, Reeves McDonald. 1,25. Reno 13i Salmon, Gold. 2Q, Sheep Creek 1.30, Taylor Bridge 73 Whitewater; Q2"8 Vananda, 25 Congress MVz Pacific." Eastern 52. Hedley Amalgamated;.. .09. Spud-; Valley 18 Central, Zeballos .Q6, Oils A, P. Con, 1Q ; Calmont '. , .26 C: & E 1;70 Foothills 2.05 Home 2,85 Toronto Aumaque 66 Beattie 68 Bobjo. 1.4 Buffalo Canadian i21 Oons. SmelteYs '84.62 Eldona . .70 Elder 1.06 Giant Yellowknife ...... 6,00 Hardrock .52 Jackknife .1Q Joliet Quebec .77 Little Long Lac 1,90 Madsen Red. Lake 3.5Q MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.91 Mpnetat 52 Omega -. 18 Pickle Crow , 2.95 San, Antonio , 5,20 Senator Rouxn 55 Sherritt Gordon 2..10 Steep Rock. .. , 2.10 Sturgeon River .23 Lynx .26 Dapaska - .345 God's Lake .57. INegus ! 2.00 Aubelle .30 Heva Gold 80 Harricana .....i 17 McKenzie Red. Lake 82 Donalda 1.45 You saw It in The News! INDUCTION AT ST. PETER'S Archdeacon . Hodson. Formally, ; Takes Over St. Peter's An Interesting service was held at St. Peter's Churcht Seal Cove, Sunday evening,, whe.n Archdeacon Edward Hodson, formerly of Ocean Falls, was 'inducted as rector of. St. Peter's Parish. Bishop J, B. Gibson.-conducted the ;ser,vice, assisted; by Canon W. F, Rushbrook. I Preceding his. sermon,, Bishop. Gibson spoke . of Archdeacon. Hodson's outstanding life as a clergyman and said he considered St. Peter's, parish: was .extremely fortunate. in its choice. Announcement was made that SEEKS; TO USE SINKING FUND (continueu from page 1) fund is composed of the following bonds and currency; City of Prince Rupert bonds bearing interest at four per cent, and maturing 1955: $905,-697 (in this case the city owns almost $1,000,000 of its own refunded bonds which are returning-Interest to-the sinking fund at the rate of four per cent). Dominion of Canada bonds, bearing three per cent interest the parishioners would be afforded the opportunity of per-, sonally. meeting Archdeacon. Hodson at Uie annual-meeting and social to be held on Wednesday evening. 1 You saw It in The News! arid maturing in. 1962, 1963, and I960: $93,500. Cash; $495. From these bonds, the sinking fund is receiving annua' interest of $39,032 each year, in addition to the capital payments of $58,977, "It appears absolutely necessary to' get funds for rehabilitation work," Alderman Youngs told his , colleagues.' "I understand that it has been indicated to some members of council, unofficially, ' ttiat. the provincial government would not turn down our reqbe.st." WOULD. IIAINlRlIiK AT KKDFJtAL GOVERNMENT While agreeing that the $58,- SUPPOSE WE HAD Well it wouldn't come to this ... bulldlng the city's services. Al- for deiman Robert McKay insisted thrt the city still keep hammer-, nz at the federal -government for its compensation ofiered by the Walsh commission which, proved into military damage to the city's streets tinft -services more than a year ago. "I am glad to see that we are doing something to help ourselves, Because it might give us a better chance with the federal government when they decide hoy much we should; get as compensation under the Walsh report," Alderman McKay declared, Mayor Arnold recalled for benefit of the aldermen that the v What! No sheets no pillow slips! One f can't even go to bed in comfort and forget it all in a country without imports. ir-fl m iTrfflnnm rr aww, damage done yeiucies, Alrlermnn Hloplr. et, .Walsh report, set.. $344,000, as the. department who estimated, cost of rehabilitating ; the fund so ably by -"iJtiurf derman McKay's contentiorl the city should keep afte'l federal government for the I pensation money. Alderman McKay moved I Mayor Arnold and AldJ Youngs be sent to Victoria! and .make the proposed arrj ment with the provincial! ernment. The motion WaKl onded by Alderman liuuj passed by council. Alderman, Brpoksbanksui. ed that the delegates eJ the city's compliments toi . ... ....... I 1 : r.... .'i i smiuiig iiuiu, uusiees ap..l ea by tne provincial nj had haj Many o the city's streets and suggested j city's own bonds were purctl 977 annual capital payments that the city should get half at depreciated values and should; be diverted toward re- that, sum, $172,000, in payment are well above their 0Cf. CONSIDER CONSIDER a.wardrobe without cotton . . . a ln-eakfast table without tea, coffee, or citrus fruit juice . . . a long walk to. work in a country without enough, gaS for cars and buses . . . and: then, perhaps, no job when you did Ijet there. And .thai is just a bare beginning. For nearly all the things mined, manufactured or grown, in Canada contain, or are produced with, the. help of, some imported article. From diamond drills to , insecticides, from sole leather to perfumes, ve must use things that, other countries produce. To get these things from people in other countries, we muat. trade our goods for theirs. And. the more we trade, the better off. we are, the higher our standard ot living. In' fact; oyer one-thud of our tional pay envelope comes, from foreign trade and work: that is equal to three jobs in eight.; J So no matter whatyou help to produce or what service, you. perform do a good job. What you do, or help to produce should add to Canada's good reputation bo that our customers abroad will continue to buy from us for years to come. The Foreign Trade Service of your Department of. Trade and Commerce is helping jour importers to obtain the things we Tieed from other countries and our exporters to sell Canadian goods abroad. Trade Commissioners are located in 30 countries, and an experienced export and import staff at head office'collects up-to-date information on foreign markets and sources hf supply, 35 CENTS OF EVERY 51.00 YOU QET... COMES FROM -CANADA'S TRADE ABROAD.. i You start the day. No shirts! Cotton and linen aro imported. Mayl'R you'd wear just a turtle-heck sweater, for Canada hasn't enoii?'i domestic; wool (n give, everybody n suit! Aw heck let's have breakfast anyway. Hut what's this? No coffee? No tea? No orange juice? Breakfast doesn't look the same as it used to or taste as good, No gas or oil for your car in fact, no car at all,. unless we could find substitutes for materials now imported.; And of course the buses wouldn't be running!: VES..AND NO 0APERS fOR 7 Shaving would. present problems with not enough soap or razor blades. We depend on imported vegetable oils, stef I and other com modi lies to make our soap and razor blades. Then probably no newspaper! For evon Canada, great paper producer that she is, is dependent to 'a very large extent n other nations for essential chemicals. used iri "paper making. When you got to work you might frni yourself one of the many Canadians out of a job . . . for lack of imported materials used in the manufacture of your own product. Q "What's the use niight as well end it all." cT But a man can't even hang himself decently without a. rope! And it takes fibres, imported from abroad, to make our ropes. DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE OTTAWA, CANADA HON. JAMES A. MacKINNON Mlnlittr, r- M. V. MACKENZIE Deputy MInitU'