4 drluct mivttt Dnfly Bclus Tuesday: January 14, 1947 JTodimj in 'Sports MAPLE LEAFS AND CANUCKS Canadian National Hockey League Leaders to 'Meet Both Wettne&day and Thursday TORONTO Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens, who appear to have the fight for so all i tXallonal Hockey League supremacy exclusively to themselves 4s the season advances, will be playing against each other both Wednesday and Thursday night of this weekon Wednesday in the Maple Leaf Gardens here and on Thursday at the Forum in Montreal. At present the Leafs have a comfortable lead of seven points in the standing so they are in no danger of being dethroned at this time, even if the Canadi-ns did happen to win both games which is hardly to be expected In view of the sensational showing which the young Mp'jle Leafs have been making so far. Of interest almost equal to the first Place struggle is the battle being waged among Boston Bruins, New York Rangers and Detroit Red Wings for third place, only one point dividing one from the other. Having won their last three starts, the Chicago Black Hawks who seemed firmly esconced in the cellar, appear now to be making a comeback. They are only four points behind the fifth place Red Wings. The schedule for tomorrow night: -Montreal at Toronto. Detroit at New York. Chicago at Boston. The league standing to date: W D L F A Pts. Toronto 22 4 8 117 82 48 Montreal .... 19 3 10 10G 7C 41 Boston 11 8 14 88 96 30 - Ntw York . .12 5 18 93 101 29 i-D'etroi't -11 6 18 97 119 28 Chicago 11 3 18 91 124 24 liooknff for a job or offering SHORT SPORT Just seven years ago last night New York Rangers defeated Toronto Maple Leafs 4-1, and set a new league record of 19 consecutive games without a loss. Their mark surpassed Canadiens' win ning streak of 18 set in 1926-27. However, Boston Bruins, in 1940-41, established a record of 23 games without a loss, a string which still stands. Bob Fitzirwmons stopped Jack Dempsey "The Nonpareil," at New Orleans January 14, 1891, winning the world's middleweight title. He stepped into the heavyweight division and climbed to the top in 1897 with a 14-round knockout of James J. Cor-bett. He was dethroned in 1899 by James J. Jeffries. Four years later Fitzimmons won his third title lightheavyweight ruler. He died in 1918. . LADIES "A" .LEAGUE SCHEDUL January 14 Savoy vs. Toilers, Variety vs. Orange, Luckies vs. Big Sisters, Miller Bay vs. Annettes., Moose vs. Cleaners. ' January 21 Cleaners vs. Tollers, Savoy vs. Orange, Variety vs. Miller Bay, Moose vs. Big Sisters, Luckies vs. Annettes. . January 28 Big Sisters vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Toilers, Cleaners vs. Orange, Savoy vs. Miller Bay, Moose vs. Luckies. Ladies' "A" League Standings W L P: Big Sisters .". 31 14 31 Savoy 29 16 29 Annettes 28 17 28 Variety Store 28 17 28 Lucky Strikes 22 23 22 Ideal Cleaners 21 24 21 Orange v 19 26 19 ; Moose 19 26 19 Tollers 15 30 15 Miller Bay 13 32 13 i. ' ifd 'if, .-. ILLUMINATION may see As long as you can read the printed word, you can have the world before your eyes! Foreign diplomacy; fashions in Paris; the rebuilding of wars devastated lands. Politics in Canada; the latest society romance; Hollywood gossip. .Housing. right here; Mrs. Jones' new baby; what the stores have for you to buy. Read all, know all through the illuminating columns of your news- paper. one? Got a house to sell or want to buy? Interested in the stock market. Head nil about it! Want to have the best of everything you can afford? Find it first in the ad columns of your favorite paper; then enjoy it in your own home. void 01 Wfr. OMltlMI 7 Your, newspaper serves the commu nity by enlighten ing its people. Read . . . and you know! The DAILY NEWS FOR THE NEWS . . . FOR THE ADS BOOTH PLAYERS ASKED TO ROYAL CITY TOURNAMENT Booth Memorial High School basketball team's .invitation to take part in the New Westminster high school hoop association's Inter-city tournament In the Royal City on March 7 and 8 was confirmed Monday by Ken Wright, Duke of Connaught coach, thus admitting the local youths into select company. The invitation was originally issued following the Connaught's invasion, of (he local basketball terrain when Coach Wrlgflt, who is the moving spirit behind the intercity series, found himself impressed by the showing put on by the Booth hco.psters. Melon tossers in all categories here are congratulating the Rainmakers on the Invitation which, in effect, places the students among the top eight high school teams in the province and gives them the opportunity to shoot for the George Sparling trophy, a desirable piece of In selecting teams for the com petition, the executive of the New Westminster High School Easkqtball Association does not merely cast a cursory eye on the record of wins piled up by the team. They consider . quality of play, sportsmanship and other factors as well. Teams selected to.fake part in the invitation tournament this year are Vancouver College and McGee High School, Vancouver, Duke of Connaught High School and Trapp Technical School of New Westminster, .Victoria High School, Penticton High School, Kamloops High School and Booth Memorial High School, Prince Rupert. In addition to the George Sparling Trophy, the Rainmakers stand a chance of having one cf their players selected as "the nlayer most' valuable to his team." thereby winning the .Bill Gifford Trophy, a high personal honor. Loss of its first "ame would eliminate a team from a chance at the grand championship, the Sparling Trophy, but the team then would have a chance at one of the consolation awards. Thus each teanvls assured of ac l?ast. two games. When the Booth team, which is now devising ways to raise funds, goes south, it will have to pay Its own transportation costs, but billets fr 10 players cinri hr floach-nrfl assured In the Royal City. Net proceeds from the games. -which may-either -be played in New, Westminster's arena, arenex, or the Y.M.C.A. gym, will.be div'ded between the visiting teams on a pro-rata basis. ao aa a bod a 0000 0 ot ao 0 ft no t 1 Whiff lets From The Waterfront 0 0000000-00 ctaoDaooaofrcm 00 Two vessels of the Canadian Pacific Railway's British Columbia Coast Steamship Service were in port late yesterday af ternoon. Princess Norah, Capt Graham Hughes, arrived at 4:15 from Skagway and other Alaska points, sailing an hour and a half later for Vancouver. At 5:30 ,p.m. the Princess Adelaide,' with Capt. W. Hubenet now in command, arrfved from Vancouver, sailing at 10 p.m. on her return south. ... ROSSAL, Lancashire, Eng., W Highest beacon guiding shipping off the Lancashire coast a 131-fcot steel mast with four lights has been built here. WATTS & NICKERSON- Dewar 130 Pierce 153 Vuckovich 197 Anderson 146 Garner 168 Handicap Tlie Cforgo MxtlMtr.Adima Strri", Inc 788 40 I don't ike this workin' days up here. I'm usta workln ! 1 l. iMPWIII 1 UNSINKABLE .LIFEBOAT TO BE LAUNCHED A mid-Atlantic launching to test an "unsinkable lifeboat" is. to be made from-a liner next May. Thetlifeboat.is the work of Professor Harold A. Gaskin, of Kn'lghtsbridge,. London, who since 1912, following the "Titanic" disaster, has made 124 models of lifeboats for' patent rights' and Board-of Trade .tests. In America and England. His first modeliwas made from old. milk cans. 1 His latest is. a full size craft fitted with two Diesel engines and' radio. It can be described as two boats fixed bo'ttom to bottom. If either section is uppermost an air-cushlln underneath makes the craft non-sinkable. On May ill the lifeboat will be taken to Southampton, loaded on to a United States-bound liner, and launched in mid -Atla'ntic from where the vessel will be sailed to New YoFk. This,photo shows two replica models of the unsinkable boat. The mirror shows the reverse bottom of the boats and illustrates how they are similar to two boats fixed bottom to bottom. SAVOY, IMPERIAL LEAD 10-PINS Watts and Nickerson kegleni took two games from 99' Taxi In, the latest session of the men's 10-pln bowling league while, in the same session, Savoy garner-ed in three wins from Imperial Oil. B.A. Oil lacked a competitor when General Motors failed to how up but, under the new "no- default" rule, the motorists will have to play off this game at a later date. ? G. Anderson of Watts and Nickerson rolled the highest in dividual single game score with 212 while Sip'arks cf Savoy bowl ed the highest three-game score, with 575, for an average of; 195. Watts and Nickerson are now tied for league leadership. Here are the latest game scores: 154 155 172 212 !157 850 40 140 171 133 118 170 732 40 99 TAXI , BeaUdry 12l' 111 .105 Str'omdahl 136 ,; 159' 195 Comadlna 136 159 195 ' Comadina 148 154 ,170 Morrison 171 197' .190 733 750 754 Handicap 30 30 30 Totals 7G3 780 784 SAVOY Sparks 191 -200 184 Smith 156 164 160 Ciccone 148 138 177 Simundsion 154 138 177 Buly 168 191 198 817 875 872 Handicap 25 ' 25 25 Totals 842 900 897 THIS AND THAT nights!" IMPERIAL OIL Kershaw Ill 161 178 Howe 138 143 137 Currie 134 158 191 Arney 171 173 174 Gunderson : 167 158 157 721 793 840 1 Handicaps 27 27 27 1 Totals' 748 820 867 I B. A. OIL Wick,...,.:. . 183 151 154 Klnslor-';'3:...". 1' 172 158 185 Wlndle : 117 126 180 Comadlna 147 177 122 McMeekln ,.. 182 178 161 Handicap 32 32 32 Totals 833 824 834 GENERAL MOTORS Default. v SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLS January 15 Pirates vs. Pushovers; Co-op vs. Headpinners; McMeekins vs. Midgets; Rockets vs. Thistles; King dinners vs. Lipsetts; Reddy Kilowatts vs. Atomics. 206 Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES; Green 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth. Street BLOWING UP OF ROME HOTEL IN NOTE OF THREAT .ROME There was considerable excitement yesterday. lhfthf. Hotel Mllano here, where :the Royal Air Force is quartered. following receipt "of a threat that the place was to )i blown up. A Jewish terrorist, organization is believed, to have been responsible for the threat. INCREASE IN BACON PRICE Advance of Two Cents .'Per Pcund is 'Expected This Week OTTAWA, fP Announcement an increase 1 In.the retail; price of bacon and other pork products is expected to me made .this week. It will possibly be 2c per pound. Red 808 PLAIN SEWING CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Phone.Red 495 or call at 1805 Eighth Avenue East SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Hotel, .' . t "v arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. Franklin, Chicago; F. L. King, Vancouver; Mrs. iD. Johnson anal son, Mas-sett; Mr; and Mrs.'.E.. Smith, Ketchikan. CARLISLE, Eng., W) Foundation of a university -college as first step toward setting up a lull university in Carlisle district has gained wide support over much of northern England. Advertise In the Dally News. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given, special care. LOWS CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Business and Professional HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP . Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M.SAUNDERS Blue 666 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements Ix don't take work I cannot do .myself. JERRY VREBOSCII PAPERHANGING and PAINTING ' PHONE 372 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave FOR PROMPT and EFFICIENT SfRVKI Mil now 4SMS COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LP Why a . . . Self-Windinq Watch? Many people, wonder f a self-winding watch could 'be reliable. These watches are not really new but it was not till about 1930 that they came into quantity production. The timekeeping parts are similar to the regular watch with the addition of the self-winding attachment which is a swinging weight which operates by a ratchet when the .wearer's arm is moved. Some advantages are that the watch is always fully wound making a constant tension on the stem mainspring, preventing breakage of springs artd stem. There Is a special device to keep the watch from overwinding. We have a very satisfactory model at ;$37.50, Also the famous Mido at $60.00. Omega has recently produced their master at $82.50! All phis tax. Bob Parker Limited FORI) AND MONARCH SALES AND SERVICK "The Home of Friendly Service" WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST . COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE FORD PARTS AND ACQESSOPJES IN NORTHERN B.C. Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt Attention PHONE 83 PRINCE RUPERT. E Until You Get a New Car... take good care .of your present car! Remember, rl today means a higher resale.; price tomorrow,, SEE US FOR REGULAR SERVICE We are staffed and equipped to handle, all mainlrnal and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Drive in toil! TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GAKAfl GENERAL MOTORS DEALER NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD . Expert Foundation Work and Interior Alterations CONTRACTS LARGE OR SMALL Planning arid Designing Estimates 5 STONE BLOCK P.O. BOX l'l Phone 563 Evenings: Blue 370 SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consuit us for your needs In all types of printing wwi Everything in high-class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPAH BESNER BLOCK ' THIRD AV0" Complete Automobile Repair Servil Fast Battery Charging Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Refinishing RUPERT MOTORS LTD Phone 566 Corner Second and rarkAl General Contractor Wc do basements, reshingling, build fenccj aiuuvviinvo, xt-uiuuei yum kiluiicu. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUAUANTKK" CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE SS