1 a JANUARY BIN HOOD FLOUR b. sack HNSON'S WAX i. tin I) ARROW SODAS A)E "A" LARGE EGGS toned, dozen & V. LIQUID GRAVY bottle Fruit Department MUST ORANGES e 344's, 2 dozen . . NTER PEARS bs jXAS GRAPEFRUIT for or That Party ... sailings Per Week for COUVIill VICTORIA SKATTI.M ays, 1:30 p.m. uquiuam. 5. 12:0(1 Mirlnlfrhf-. ataln. Ns. 0:15 p.m. ""losun. KETCHIKAN s 12:00 Midnight. AUT and WAY POINTS Vs 12:00 Midninht. L'MN CIIAIILOTTE ISLANDS . fe'htly. B1" Information, Tickets Reservations HANK J. KKINNKIt rte Rupert Agent ve P honn nr,!! At ASSETS COAL Double screened Sacked, per lon..$12.0() iacks 0.25 ... 3.50 I" lots. sacked 11.00 WlnP, mine run. ..$10.50 " I0,'S 10.00 iertn 9.00 llck, per ton 7.50 PETRANSFER ''"ONE 580 89c 2ic 51 $2' Don't Forget to Visit Our MEAT MARKET &CKEYE SALMON p. tin ... c 39 23c 32c 2-oz. bottle PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. oration use ... MURESCO can be applied over almost any surface hiding most wallpapers. It's easy to ly. and the colors and rich flat finish most pleasing. economical too;, for $1.50 you can fresco the average room! IBridc Street ) Geo. The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience' FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free Fit INCH It U PERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Hus Blue Mf Res. Red 127 Ask for George. BULGER OPTOMETRIST 0 John Bulger Ltd. A Third Avenue SALE ROUIN HOOD FLOUR 4i)-lh. suck CAMI'IJELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 tins TERRACE SPUDS Excellent quality, 100-lb. sack . . LIRBY'S TOMATO JUICE 20-oz. tins, 2 for , ROBIN HOOD OATS large pkt PARI) DOG FOOD 2 pkts. . , NURSING ROTTLE WASH large tin ; . CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS ONLY WIFT'S PREM tin . 30c GLO-COAT pint CLASSIC CLEANSER tin 5c H.P. SAUCE per bottle . . . BUY AT THE 100 INDEPENDENT CHOP SUliV CHOW ME IN 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. r your wall and ceiling I MURESCO SI Phone 311 $1.69 35c $3-40 25c NAROli PURE EXTRACTS Mp Vegetable Department UTAH CELERY lb 15c No. 1 ONIONS 3 lbs 22c CAULIFLOWER lb: 15c See Our Stock of Fresh, Preclcaned Vegetables FROZEN FOODS SPECIALS GOOD JANUARY 15th to 23rd INCLUSIVE jBl and COFFEE still at the old prices pINZ BABY FOOD tins APEFRUIT JUICE or fcLICIOUS APPLES wrapped, box C 18 c 25c 10c 53c OXO CUBES pkt 22c All Short Supplies Arc Distributed As Fairly As Possible 34c Phones 585 - 586 LTD. ENTHUSIASTIC OVER HIGHWAY Two Alaska Families Had Delightful Drive Starting Here and Ending in Indiana Two Ketchikan families, who had passed through Prince Rupert last November, bringing their cars with them and driving east to Indiana from here, were in the city again last week returning to Alaska by steamer. Calling on J. H. Black, president of the Prince Rupert Automobile Association, they enthused over their trip and agreed that one of the really delightful features of it had been the drive from Prince, Rupert up the Skeena' Valley and through the central interior. Announcements All advertisements in Uil3 colymu will bo charged for a full mouth at 25c a word. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, January 23, 8 p.m. Burns Banquet, Saturday Jan. 25, at 6:30 p.m Presbyterian Church hall. Ski Club Dance, Civic Centre, Friday, January 31. Conrad School P.T.A., Brklgc, Whist, Cribbagc, Friday, Janu- ! ary 31. Refreshments. 35c. Hill 60 Valentine Tea, Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Harmoncer's Dance, every Sat urday night,' 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I shall not be responsible for debts or money contracted in my name or by my wife, Mrs. J. W. Douglas. 13 J. W. DOUGLAS. NOTICL OK MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Civic Centre Association will be held on Thursday, January 16, at 8 p.m. in the Civic Centre Lounge. Nature of business to be dealt with Includes the election of four members to the Board of Directors, presentation of financial report for the year 1946, President's report. Every Civic Centre member of the age of 19 years or over is entitled to vote. Notice of motion has been filed to change Clause No. 39 of the by-laws whereby the fiscal year be changed to.end September 30 instead of December 31 j9, 14 Local News Items James N. Killas returned to the city on the Coquitlam this morning from a brief business trip to Stewart and Premier. Burns Banquet date changed to Saturday, January 25. (121 Charles Graham, inspector of mines, returned to the city on the Coquitlam this morning from a trip to Stewart on official duties, A COME, LISTEN, LEARN, at yearly meeting, St. Paul's Luth eran Church, Tucs. Jan. 14, 8 p.m. how the congregation is run. (ll) Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCam- mon, who have been guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson since before Christmas, sailed this af ternoon by tne coquitlam on their return to their home at Burnaby. The City Engineer was auth orized by a board of works report approved by council to constructs ditch on the south side of Sixth Avenue east above the Hays Cove Avenue junction and to instal a culvert across the highway at the city limits to protect the main wate'rline from Basketball Centre. Tonight, Civic Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stephens of Vancouver arrived In the city on the Coquitlam Sunday to spend a few weeks, with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Unwin.. G. C. Withers, local manager of W. H. Malkln Co., will represent the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce at a Citizens' Forum meeting in the Civic Centre this evening when the subject will be "Should Price Controls be Maintained in Canada." Carlo Hanson, accountant of the Bank of Montreal, will represent the Junior Chamber of Commerce. A Women's Co-ordinating Council will meet Thursday, 2:45, Civic Centre. All women's organizations are invited to send a representative. (11) What .City Council Did erosion. . . . Accepted a board of works recommendation that recommendations contained in the City Engineers' annual report re garding preparation of master plans for sewers, water lines and roads, and the hiring of techni cal assistance to enable this work to be done be approved, and that his recommendation for proposed road work in 1947 be held in abeyance pending re-, ccip of information on what funds will be available. . . . Approved a board of works report authorizing the City Engineer to do the following work: repair a hole in' the dry dock road adjacent to Sixth I Avenue East, instal a catch basin and culvert across Borden Street and to make arrangements to conduct water across Borden Street School grounds. . . . Approved a recommendation by the board of works and the city engineer authorizing replacement of 1,500 feet of existing 18-inch steel pipe between Shawatlans Lake and tidewater with a 24-inch enamelled steel pipe and that tenders be 'called for the pipe. ; . .Adapted a utilities com mittee -recommendation that a one-year contract be signed with Northern B.C. Power 'Co. cover ing the power; to the city's water booster, pump. . . . Approved a.board of works recommendation that council sit as a board of health to condemn the existing sewer crossing King Edward 'School ' grounds and order the construction of a new sewer on Eighth Avenue East. ... Approved' the licencing committee's action In issuing of trade licences to: Olof Martin- Son, taxi operator; A. E. Field, broker; Einar Eiharson, barber; F. S. Robertson, hotel keeper; Western General Adjustment Bureau, collection agency. . . . . Received a police commit tee report, stating that the de puty commissioner of B.C. prov incial police has been requested to meet the committee to discuss the' iicvpolice coritract.. ; . . Approved the action of the finance committee in: communicating with: Canadian Pacific Airlines and Queen Charlotte Airlines, tp learn if they are sufficiently liiterested in the Seal Cove air base to give financial assistance toward its retention for civilian use. . THIS AND THAT sit ' ''''''' Ilill " MiiiIi tin-. "I'd like to exchange these boys' boxing gloves for' an electric train!" f Smartness combined with guaranteed comfort V I make the Murray Heel-Huggers definitely a shoe V ' I of distinction! , I A SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT I I Brownwoods I Formerly II (CUT RATE SHOE STORE) MANY CELEBRATE THEIR WEDDING Native Village cn Fete for Nuptials of Jvitwancool Couple KITSEGUCLA The marriage here recently of Miss Rosabclle Douse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douse of Kitwancool, and Jonathan Derrick, also of Kitwancool, which took place here recently with Rev. Mr. Morris of Kispiox officiating, was an event of widespread interest with guests in attendance from various villages in the neighborhood including Kitwancool, Kitwanga and Kitscgucla. Mrs. Fanny Williams of Kitwanga was matron of honor and Albert Douse of Kitwancool was groomsman. After the, ceremony, the Kitse-1 gucla band escorted the bridal party from the United Church to the hall where a wedding least was held with 100 or more persons in attendance. Selections were played by the band during the feast and speeches were made by leading chiefs from Kitwanga and Kitwancool. Wallace Morgan proposed a toast to the newlywed couple and Alfred McDamcs closed the proceedings with prayer. In the evening there was a dance and, with some ICQ cou pies on the floor, the hall was fiited to capacity. Refreshments were served, at midnight and it was 4 a.m.' before the yjarty broke up. Music was by Douglas Wesley ana his orchestra. Fred Sampare was master of cere monies. ROAD IS NOW SNOW CLOSED Between Rainbow Lake on West and Amsbury on East Between the Rainbow Lake summit on the west and Amsbury on the east, it now appears that the Prince Rupert Highway is now closed for the winter because of snow conditions. Just what the situation all the way between the two points may be is somewhat ob scure although there is snow of considerable depth over a geod deal of the' section of "the road which skirts "the railway line and can be observed therefrom. From this end driving is possible from the city to Rainbow Lake summit and froni Amsbury through Terrace and east. MOMS-EYE VIEW? 1 V m No fun for parents looking at scenery like this. Perhaps Fccn-a-mint is all you need to start smiling like this. Feen-a-mint is a dcli-ciously mint-flavored chewing laxative that everybody likes. It's gentle, yet really effective. And won't upset ySUr stomach or disturb your sleep. Millions use Fccn-a-mint. Get a package at any drug counter and keep it handy. 9r KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE 012 Seventh Avenue West (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE litSt tfhfnce tttiifrtf Dnflp 53fttotf Tuesday, January 14, l'J17 THE WEATHER Synopsis Extremely coftl weather pre vails over British Columbia today. Vancouver reported the lowest temperature during the night in the coastal region with a minimum of 7 degrees while Prince George was the eoldes. spot in the interior with a minimum of 36 below zero. A storm is developing in the Gulf of Alaska which is expected to bring miWcr weather to northern British Columbia tonight and Wednesday and is expected to give snow over southern British Columbia late tomorrow. Forecast Prince Rupert, Queen Char lottes and North Coast North ern portion: overcast with snow-flurries today becoming intermittent mixed rain and snow tonight and Wednesday; winds southerly (15), increasing to southerly (25) tonight and Wed-neday. Southern portion: clear with increasing cloudiness late today; overcast with intermit tent snow Wednesday; winds light; milder tonight and Wed nesday. Low temperatures to nightPort Hardy, 24; Massctt, 31; Prince Rupert, 29. Highs Wednesday Port Hardy, 32: Massett, 36; Prince Rupert, 35. LONDON, m In eight weeks1 the London Law courts have tiled 5,500 divorce petitions, mostly undefended. "WhyWdriti DoTht's Before!" It your nose ever fills 'i up .-..( with stuffy tran-cBfiSn sicnt congestion r.tf mm. W rm mm next time put a little 'XCXv nostril. Quickly con- i ..Xitwi gestion Is relieved, breathing Is easier. Va-tro-nol works right where trouble Is to relieve distress of head colds. Try Itl Works fine! You'll like it' VICKS VA-TRO-NOL CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 9 Wf:iM i Fashion-Craft Suit For QUALITY For STYLE For VALUE The skill of. crafts men has gone into the. a e s i g n . and manulactiirc 01 a Fashion-Craft suit Our stock now of lers you a go 01 selection i n pat tern and styling a prices W" to 53-r, A. MacKenzie Furniture "A GOOD LIMITED PLACE TO Lloyd's Baby Cairiascs The latest design, fully upholstered, waterproof lining, 5-bow hood; specially adapted for this climate. Colors blue, maroon and grey. Priced at $:tN.."tO Four-wheel Pavement Carls Ideal for child who is out of infant stage; can be used as walker; equipped with rubber protection .$l!).7."i Mail Orders can be given immediate delivery Phone 775 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Be Sure of the Best Bulkley Market wi: di;i.ivi:i: daily 3rd Avenue Flionc 178 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED. STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS' OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOB QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAKEFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors FHONE RED 5G1 P.O. BOX 721