IV owna Lau Kjuitiuitz r mill . ,.n 111 IP I S .. .- . . . Prince Rupert will seek permission from the pro-cial government J;o inject money from the city's ie-than-healthy sinking fund into the anemic blood earn of its streets and sewers which, civic authori- recognize, are making a dying gasp for rehabili- ion. finance committee recom- fl 1 .11111 UiblllH Ulll, wiu !.i ruinnnn i nni t-t mrn t nn I'll 111 llLllL,t 111. UlilUll U annually into the sinking n i.nrl Viof mi nn ftif vertea towara repairing w:e Ml UV tu UtlU OV T VI 111 1- H .. . T... v, t v III flllll A kllUlllL. VUlilllllVVbll rman T. N. Youngs.Vwho will 11,1 VH.LUWLL lillltltUlClbE V . :ll 1111111)1 LUJLlblCd UILll 1LS 1C isU of the citv's reauest for iisioii of capital navmcnts :t ..t r...-. ...111 u R Miming iuiiu wiu w miu that even without these pay- i.. n.. r.....i i. : ,1 r I n. . r. . n ml. ..!. R 11 1.11 .1. .NL.LI.I'IIl 11 1 L lt i mail luuugo, vtiu jui uivii required to be in the.sl:il:- fuifrt ' T. nppMnhpr 31.. 1D4 M.! Hi. At nrpspnt. nnvmprts the fund which matures in total $999;G92. sinking fund as of Dccem- 31. 1946. is almost S5.000 the amount of traffic via xn rn imt u: r . 04 - Services for the period 1M5. to June, 1946. Shows sc volume of travel between terminals Vancouver and It, VV I ill VallUUlMIl IT 1 n 1 t-x - I. 1 1 TT..in DOES NOT LIKE UNITED STATES British War Bride .no Longer Loves Her Husband or American People VANCOUVER, B Beatrice Wall, aged 24, British' war bride, who' fled from her veteran husband in Philadelphia last April because she, "no longer loved him," has no intention, pf returning to the United States. "I went back four times,'' Ars.. Wall said here--Monday, "Never again. I think four times'. Is enough. People fn the United States don't want to be friendly when they hearyou arcan' Eng lish' girl. I like the people-in Canada. They "really try to1 be friendly." ( Mrs. Wall denied a statement made earlier by her husband that she had deserted him four times. nnce iupen s v.ase ror Air arnrac, Curiimi in Ciinnnpf ri vii r-M mi vrv . iniiiiiii i (Ueccnlly, in an effort to establish tlifc public convenience n nnnnctirir At nor n n 1 1 c n i n ry rt cn nnnii ion nir enrv pn npi.ui'i' ni in c nrno- s;innn inn n I'onnn n n Mnrmn Air imif's iih.s I- iiic lruormation wius. uutumuu aim piuciitcu w .vAs TRAFFIC OVER ROUTE A" 1 i ! .1 J. t P . ?1 jii if 1 1 r i r i f i ii ni nil) :inifiiiiu in ;i 1 1' i 11 v: 1 1 iniiiu t in nAninoMfivnhf liirrn nillYinoi nl angers carried by Spillsbury and Hepburn, oper- y ;i sn'Kzinnflm nnti-cnhpnii or corvifA" It. IS POH- 11 . II 1 1'IVAM ita 11 r r -f- n 1 M Tnt I Steamships operating similar services, it may be estimated that the total, traffic by boat would be at least double that sliown for B.C.C.S. . Passengers carried between underm6ntloncd ports via; B.C, C.S. July 194-Junc '1946: One Way Return itar nrn iiinprr. ija ji n tiinn r..i. n 1. 1 nnn '""L'lTll ' IflllHTl. l.UiU UWU Rupert-Vancouver 1.367 ' 158 OUllS I.T11 it. f..... 1 f '.i oiiiiu nuyci also OU.- ''iti uiiu rniice ixu- v'a all-rail service, as well means of tlic, combination a,,d rail and air and rail ;t's Canadian Pacific, Air : t-"timatc approximately 30 '"scrs a month out of Van-'r tlesliii'cd to Prince Rupert ht-' air and rail route. 0 lumbering and, associated ll'cs in the Port Hardy 'id on the Queen Char-Islands require servicing by scntatives of. 'equipment ,aics, as well as of food and wholesale houses, Simil-Pfince Rupert, having a "umber of offices and serai extensive lumbering, and fishing industry, s fonsiclerable amount 2,896 . 637 of ' travel by representatives, of various companies. The industries mentioned at the points in, question! recruit their labor, for the most part, through' the large urbari centre of Vancouver. ,Thcre is a fairly high turn-over of such labor particularly In thc:morc remote districts such as I Port Hardy and the Queen Charlottes. This creates a volume of travel which would move by air if a scheduled service were made available. The residents of the Prince t Rupert and Queen' Charlotte areas, totalling over 20,000 'in number, would themselves travel for business arid pleasure purposes by air should a scheduled service at the comparatively low rates proposed be established. WARNING SECTIONALISM 3 A Minister of, External Affairs St. Laurent Speaks fn Toronto I TORONTO, ,( Hon. Louis St. Laurent, minister of external af fairs, last night urged Canadians to ibe on their guard against claims of extravagant regionall&m, whatever origin, and warned that a disunited Canada would be a Jpowerless Canada. . "No policy can be regarded as wise which divides the aeople whose efforts and resources must put it into- effect," St.. Laurent-said. "The consideration applies not only to the two main cultural groups. It applies equally to sectionalism of any kind." "Amusement Tax" Might Replenish City's Coffers, City council, one of the aldermen suggested whimsically last night, might be able to turn a badly-needed penny if it capitalized on the audience-interest of its meetings and charged amusement tax on' those who sit in the public chairs at the rear of the chamber. The audience at last night's meeting was the largest" to witness a council session in many years. CONFERENCE ON AUSTRIA , Important Parley ' Starts in London Canada Interested In, European Solidarity LONDON ((PJ Smaller Allied powers were marshalling their forces today the opening day of the. London "deputies" (to foreign ministers) conference at which representatives of Big Four foreign : ministers start work on German and Austrian peace settlements. A Canadian spokesman Said the Dominion has no special interest in the German settlement but has strong views on the need for long-term stability of Europe to which the treaty will contribute. ONLY TONSORIAL CHARGES GO UP VANCOUVER, it) The only immediate price Increase in Vancouver in reaction to the lifting of price controls' In Canada was the increase In price of haircuts and shaves. The Barbers' Union, which had already been moving toward obtaining a lifting of the ceilings, raised the price of a haircut and shave in Vancouver to $1, starting Monday. Haircuts now cost 65c and shaves 35c. Children's-haircuts cost 4Cc. Prcflous to the removal of controls haircuts were 50c and shaves 25c. SNOW DEEPER IN VANCOUVER Death tot One Man Attributed To it Thousand Men Shovelling Streets VANCOUVER, h Vancouver's worst snowstorm In 12 years claimed one life yesterday George MacLeod, aged 60, provincial roads engineer at New Westminster, who collapsed and died while pitting chains on a snow-stalled automobile. He' had been in the service of the department for a long time and was known in various;, parts of the province. Milk companies brought out horse-drawn sleighs for the first time In years. , Some one thousand men shovelled downtown Vancouver streets. Two Burnaby schools" were closed, the snow being so deep that teachers and pupils could not get to school. 'Nine Inches of snow fell Monday and more is expected. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAXI PTAXI TAXU Phone o9r 00 Phone J We 537 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE i Stand: f Joltl Empress Hotel, Third Ave.t Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Hill on,1 U1IU Way XkV.il "VUoV.it llttJUIbt . VOL. XXXVI, No. .10. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS hAAAiiiiAiliiAAliiitlli, RITSH STRIKE CONTINUES PREAD 1 Y T r1 T -w-l greater than it. is required to be two years hence. In addition, payments into the sinking fund by Dorember 31, 1949, are required 16 be $1,094,575 while interest on the portion of the fund already paid up would assure that three years from now the fund will be $1,116,790, or $32,314 greater than would be required by law at that time. Accord! li g to Alderman Youngs' statement, the sinking Continues on Page,?) PLANE DAMAGED IN MID-AiR COLLISION A damaged C-47 transport which collided with another,. airliner while flying 2,000 feet over Aberdeen, Md., is inspected by Capt. William Fairfield, at Aberdeen airport where the ship was forced to land. The C-47, carrying 25, was enroute to Puerto Rico when the crash with a DC-4, carrying 00 persons, .occurred. The accident was unprecedented in U.S. commercial air travel. Council Airs Street Objections in Defeating Alderman Casey's Motion Alderman George B. Casey's attempt in city council last night, to have City Engineer E. A. Phillips, dismissed and 'to, replace hjm with a "successor with proven experience and ability in road constmc- of the other aldermen, each' of whom aired an opinion on the subject.' The seven other aldermen decided to toss out Mr. Casey's motion after agreeing that Mr. Phillips' future as City Engineer here should "stand or fall" on his ability to produce satisfactory streets during the coming summer. Mr. Casey's motion, which termed the year's work 'most unsatisfactory under the direction of Mr. Phillips," was seconded by Alderman Youngs, who explained that he did so "because" it is necessary that this motion be spoken to by council." Emphasizing that he did not intend to support, the motion, Alderman Youngs assorted that City Engineer Phillips "nas worked under difficult conditions from the standpoint of material, finance and labor and he has not always had the support of council." "The big complaint," Alderman Youngs continued, "undoubtedly is that block of Third Avenue known as 'Hecate Strait.' Mr. Phillips says that he believes he can correct that this year. I think that we should call on Mr. Phillips to put that block case's saved the city a lot of money. "I have been told that he saved the city an amount equal to his own salary for two years in his work on estimates for the 48-inch sewer outlet in Section One." CASEY DENIES ULTERIOR MOTIVES Alderman Casey denied "ulterior motives" in asking the dismissal of the City Engineer, saying that he did so only. out of a feeling of responsibility to the citizens of Prince Rupert. Mr. Casey asserted: "My complaint is that Mr. Phillips lacks (Continued on Page C) ' on Third Avenue in shape and I ami nc hoped to,announce the that lvc should stand or laii oy changes shortly. the job he does on it. "i know our streets are im portant hut, if our waterworks and sewers were on top cf the streets here people could see, their coi,ri!licn, wc would get a lot more complaints than wc di-now," Alderman Ypungs declared. "Mr. Phillips has in many Local Tides .Wedneiiday, January 15 High :02 1B.C fuel 21:01 15.4 feet Low 1:32 8.0 feet 14:55 7.9 feet CHANGES IN IMMIGRATION New Tolicy to.be Announced Shortly Minister filcn Says WINNIPEG, (CP; Hon. J. A. Glen, minister of natural resources, told the annual convention of the Manitoba Liberal Association ycsterdaV that changes in Canada's immigra tion policy were in the making Police Search For Drug Store Robbers VANCOUVER, KP; Police are still searching for safe-crackers who broke into a downtown drug store here eaV.y Sunday and escaped with an amount in cash and checks now placed at $1,145 They cut their way through the wall of a drug store lrom an adjoining apartment building and blew the safei They dropped $500 in stamps in getting away but the loot included $704 in cash. CALLS FOR INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT; MINISTER SE B!GBUSINE5S MENACE VANCOUVER ft In an Interview here, Rt. Hon. James G. Gardiner, minister of agriculture; called for Industrial development through Western Canada. "Development from here to Winnipeg has to come and, if the industrialists will not do it,, the people will take over and see that it is done," Gardiner said. ; ' Often in the past, said the minister,, industries had bought up smaller localized Industries and closed them up to provide selling fields for their own products instead of opening up and developing new territories. RUDDERHAM WINS ON REFUSAL TO HEAD BOARD OF WORKS OF CITY Alderman George Rudderham's refusal to accept his appointment by Mayor Arnold to the chairmanship of the board of works culminated last night in the merging of the works board and the utilities committee under . Alderman Robert McKay, utilities chairman. I excuse me on these grounds, you Alderman Rudderham defend-' will have to accept my reslgna-2d his refusal in a closed com- tion." mittee cf the whole session after Mayor Arnold had insisted in open council that he either accept the appointment or resign from council. "Ihc mattsr is now up to Alderman Rudderham," she said. Alderman Rudderham then pleaded personal reasons for his refusal and declined "to air his personal troubles" iVi public meeting. "I have not refused to work on the board of works," he declared in council. "I have merely declined the chairmanship for personal reasons. If you can't McG eer's Complaint Not Sulsficd with 1'rcniier Hart's Deal With Ottawa-West is Being Overlooked VANCOUVER, p; Mayor G. G. Mc'ueer- complained yesterday that provincial tax sources ef $150,000,000 had been handed to Ottawa and the province would get only $21,000,000.' lliesnator-mayor said that Vancouver "wuTdT Spericf the" whole $21,000,000 and "you would hardly know it had been spent." He continued: "I am inclined to think Premier Hart is overlooking the needs of Vancouver as Ottawa is overlooking the nseds of British Columbia." NONE INJURED IN FIRE IN HOTEL VANCOUVER, P) No persons were injured in the two fires within three hours which visited the Strathcona Hotel here and sent 100 guests fleeing to the street in their night attire Sunday. It has been- ascertained the first fire started from overheated furnace pipes and the second from oil and grease in the elevator shaft igniting from the first. Alderman Youngs halted discussion of the crisis in open council by moving that it be referred to committee of the whole. During the closed session that followed the meeting, the merger of the two committees under the chairmanship of Al derman McKay was accepted as an escape avenue. The resignation of Alderman Rudtierham would have necessitated a by-election early this year. In effect the merger merely placed Alderman McKay at the head of the board of works as well as the utilities committee, since both he and the. other two members of the utilities commit- Youngs. CHARGED WITH BIG ROBBERY 'Chinaman Ticked Up in Ontario, for Theft :of $34,000 In Victoria TORONTO (CP) Chin Dong Gin, aged 34. started back to Victoria Troops Are Moving Food Into Ships Employers and Union Officials Meet With Labor Ministry Today LONDON (CP) A mass meeting of London; dock workers voted today to join some thirty thousand union laborers in a walk-out in protest at the use of troops to move food supplies held up by the nine-day strike of London truck drivers. The decision, which may affect all of London's 24,000 organizsd dock workers, was reached at a meeting attended by 1200 to4400 men who irgnored appeals of Union leaders to remain at work. Earlier, laborers at two if the city's large food markets Billingsgate fish market and Spiral- tee, Aldermen Youngs and Casey, fields announced their decision are also boara or works mem- to quit. hers. I More than two thousand sol- The combined boards now con- diers, angrily termed "black-sist of Aldermen McKay, Rud- legs (strike-breakers) in uni-derham. Casey, Black and form by the strikers, and 800 service vehicles meanwhile began a second day of lugging ' meat and other food to the retailers serving ten million inhabitants of the Greater London area. With the soldiers taking over deliveries, food in limited quantities began re-appearing in London shops that had'feceiralmost' drained' of supplies during the worjc stoppage. Employers and union officials were meantime scheduled to meet with the Labor ministry to last night following his arrest at Peterborough on a charge of stealing $24,CC0 from the crockery cupboard of ms employer in Victoria. Details of the robbery were not disclosed, set up machinery designated to end the strike. Fruit is reported to be rotting at Calais and London docks because the strike has prevented its being moved. OH! DON'T THE WIND BLOW GOLD IN VANC0UVERM.8 ABOVE TODAY While Prince Rupert was having a moderately bracing minimum overnight temperature of 23.8 above zero , with a mere f lickery dusting of light snow, weather-boasting Vancouver, was struggling about in a foot of the "beautiful" while the thermometer slumped down to 4.8 above there at 8:30 this morning. Nor was it the end BEAUTY AND DANGER IN WAKrl OF ICE STORM Sleet and wind storms which lashed central and southwestern Ontario turned roads into skating rinks andi seriously disrupted hydro service in some areas as ice -laden wires snapped or were broken by trees which fell under weight of ice. The storm also produced some of winter's loveliest scenery. Here hydro linemen rushed to exhaustion in trying to cope with the storms, are pictured cutting away ice-laden branches, yet of winter's icy grip on the southern city for whose people there wp.: only the discomforting promise of more snow and no break in the cold. Evidently, the Japanese current was still wafting its balmy breath on Prince Rupert while by-passing Vancouver which was left to the cruel mercy of, a "mass of xold air" coming out of the Arctic. Vancouver meteorollcal stati-cians were looking up records of yesteryears to find that the coldest weather ever recorded there was 2.3 above on January 15. 1907( with other low marks 4.3 above in January 1935 arid 4 above on the night of January 21-22, 1943. Coldest weather in British Columbia last night was 41 :be-low at Plnnlay Forks with Prince George recording 35 TRAGEDIES IN SASKATCHEWAN REGINA, TO Three are dead and one man is charged with murder after two separate weekend tragedies in Saskatchewan. John McLaughlin, aged' 63, railway conductor, Is charged with tlie murder of his wife, Mary, whose axe-scarred body was found Saturday near Rad-vllle, 80 lftfies south of here. Police are, investigating the deaths of David Asworth 'and his wife, Florence, both 65 years of age, whose bodies were discovered Saturday night on the farm home near Rocenvllle, 120 miles east of Regina,