1 tMW &J)Ji jL'K0' f&iM Bulletins A21V HOSE f SOX ZSJIQCCTS W WAS KILLED uuuit rsmi. mat 4Vrm Trunr &ugi? Hues? jnnmrameC im w ur 6 $m jHM - t.v,' jt bun it "it 3- jiuiniC lit ;utat zt, itxmz tiim. ax. She- vtfffc mot fit tet&sf Mftnapr tT Sairarc auf'ii ;h Zfriuar- 'dif 13C - -r-jfl, - I X $ MK&any auiftwa: into-.-t3h5 iicxiKi m -eiK'nfevT ainuiennr: Aa ftf it! J V. VOMAtt 0IZD OF I KATUZAL CAUSES ar H ft ft ft ft ft ( w aft i 4- vC Wallace's Y'4t4 ti4 DRAPERY AND SLIPCOVERING tf W W aiiace s Reliable Prescriptions Vimt your m'fMyiiu h i:ntuntumii fy w. jnn ute nmttt'ii of yritiuv vUni tint htvUtv W'WwK Son arc i-ti"i of famtiit it; itrt'wr'iulion coutuoutuWA tru'ry f;y mt t'ypoi''wim:(l find fu)y ijunlifii'il iihunuiwld. nvttilnUU Ormes Pioneer NEW ROYAL HOTEL ft iHitiiH ftitr l"tum iUmti HhU'H 'Ida ui W tUx una, tint mid Uli hlfJIU) W I'X), liDK W CONSUMERS mm, 1?A. n0: -u-- '- ' Item e n.U'V is- Wis: wsy. 'Mi' .'. & ' 5Hf (ft. u u u m u m n M n n i (AHtrM'l Ltd DruryiaU TERRACE Transfer&Taxi VJ', MIW MA. rilMttH MAIW K TO Ml' t'tlltVV 111 rim umriit:r (II, MmIIIi) l',U, llox Vi'l 'latum DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS 60 TOO LATE! Oilier tile J'ili'iK I'M ""I'M'.y hll"-'!'"" '" '.,,",, Vdll IIM IHlviMll III li'I'M ,V"" 'HllflN Will Hi illl-Vh'hM' III llK' Hi Illl" lll'fcl lltlllllll lIl.MMI! Ill lll'l'll Illl MII'I'U' ll. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phono 1HI unci 117 RIHh AND IIUIMMN(J JMATIOIMAI.S lAfaSUtzAsOhStctian ,xmi t A mm JWWft &m XT ? ' , IjS jH .- , ... .-v ami ajAr fx y-st h4 tern itatr;,i tr ''Xt'm fmm mm fxtffm , bit m Ktt0tr bttftt nmo m , 1 Mt, itM w fade J 4,lt4H tnt iS,miUt'l thfU "tut hM h tnutf. 4hm 4 vHk it'- itttU tMt, I. 'th tAf t'tvntil h n '4 .pt thni h m it U.. l.'A,l ffitfn vtml f'umPt ha tpti itpttAW'ii ' I ir lh trrU uA fiS nut Ah m," II HUt.4 tfwl iiif. (Ait t.titftiff ti, plM m pft- latum an tih MM tmMitu 'aUMh Oih tuvttrsr, ' hu.ufir. r, n, v;m. mc, Umi it tiiy tmlwn li ''iirti t U iitti r?Aw ! ; Um wnt mt tfl Jwt tte. t ' wnlwA Us e1ki lot their Mt Uww. I nitk In ttw (My 1 tavstimmi-!'' Alderman jJJacfc mW. ! " Hh'hU! &U&SV ha wmt tern i tittwMtttlly mtt'4d. I tn mii I viitetitd with Mr, VhWlv witY. n 1 Mm vay' VIm MGanimi I'AwM itrXtd i.wi htmltwr I'liHIlp th; riHt ,t ztiftiutttw riiUd Avenue lrwti Kirs. Mtrcct U Wlitlie, Mr, I'hli );( , rr,rt-, "JJKtWfittJ $1,100 i'M :h, Miiirt) r,t it Mtm m-. in iiiukitm the Joint IMvttti the tn it mw Viiwncmr MMftimn hum uma ti'at Mr, cilJllj)) l! !llwt'iJ kchnfiul i.' ll) on tii';t v,'rk, "U we jitl .Mm wi jwtwll'ii, council wilij i.t lit; ftiillrtly fn front lAwm ,t it flo'.-x not work oiit," he He-; Hiircd, ; Mr, KiilfMH to!d ,it (lJr- .. . I 3 M. I. - - ii:n; I rCli'JVe I '.ran inar.! a ji on tint lloi V. on Tlilnl Av-i'iiiic If not, I vlll retire." AiJveili;;i; in The Oully Nefc. ricta RHEUMATIC Pain Air v'dir Mnlliiii'l muff i lill lil rni". i,,ll, I'.ln ,)i;iIi! I'ilfl ln't (infill, v-m 'fill i ln,'l ,d' 'I ICI ', IJic'l Mini ic iiiiiiik ii'lcil liy Ii'iiIp'I, 'I'H-i 'n mi- i!i'ij,illv iii.i'i'i In hIIkvh Kli'rMiiiiilICi Aiilnlili fip'I Ni-nilH" iwln mt'l Uf ", I.iiiiiIiiI('i vl'illi l, MciiliifijUi (('All I'.'lw, 'Ih.tlfl'iHltuMl. 'I'M UILDER Wit have 1,1 io iiio;it(;oiii)li:loM.M;k or HtHU, VVINDOWH AND .ntAMKK iii Vc;il,eni Uiiintilii iiviilliihlo fur Iniiiicdliito delivery, WiiUi for eoimilcUt eaUluKno to p,o. iiox zm, Norlli Viincoiivrr, II.O. TV0 CHILDP.ZH CHR.ISTEKED 21 fWW vlSSe it. t?!Ax(2cZ- LAD ON SLEIGH' STRIKES CAP. iuD ftSseiip tfefci ii(fe)t feat. m Aetm, the M iArmk ; WbttxtA. JfeBrt4 ."-.pi'rt- a rwiecir, 48kw anaaa9Br, iagxaSuia t sveeqavier, '.ftkr rf Ar. mii 36- tscs&A Tag Mi Staut i CftBQr CMsae teas demaed I t-lW &9 Use fWHf Ssr Sfc- ;fcaeent of Wcfefe j MAIM SmiCK Htm 1st Fstd &MOt&. Vsz - m ota1&. ?iaaai Ursrerla? t 2 pan fMK Ornflfc C,.! Oil firi)!S are r?t'.t!d I alven are approximate. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SALE BY TENDER V;r Av;U C'yrp(raU 'il rJ;vc offr f purchAic ;! r any of Uv- Crwn-fwsed building denbd ty;So7. piri'Mium tMall twm'ttiie bwlWirw; or bulldln. fill n rzavatli, a.' d reaUrt the around Ui it omWul tK-Vd.iui, Unvtn th tAU; n a, neat and tidy cftodlttrin In a mtttihi-r mmiauVry in v.: uniUHljt-A rt-prt-wntatlvc of the 0rfratU;n. Military JfmpiUt Wing t I'ririrc ftup-r(, Oencral IUiMaI r,lh ami f;rM?ri Slrrrf, Viimt: Kiirrt, I5.C, liiilldloic No, lUnturr Zt'xW. MiilliJInc Su. zi'rmnt Zt'xW. mix of ihisms buildlmtn shall Include only mich normal plumb-Im;, fieittln and ll(4htln fixture a may Us hwtalled therein at , the d;tle of ale. - 'Hum building are mul for reirwval and reAration of the All aresw and dlrnenxion A certified cheque or bank dralt to the value of ten percent of the lender price, made payable to Var Aa:l; Corporation miwt be lorwardtd with the lender in a nealcd - envelope plainly marked: TCNIH.Il NO, 102-379 I'OK HOSPITAL KIIIMHNGK, at vmxCk uupi:kt, DC Adilrewcd l: Dramh Kale Manager, . War AvhcIh Corporation; 1 f OH Went Georgia Street, Vancouver, I5.C. Tender will rloie al twelve o'clock noon Pacific D.S. Time, Mniiilay, .la ii h i ry .(, I'U7. The tenderer muxt KtaUf the um: to which the bulldhifi or building, or ifialerlnl.i contained therein, will be put, as this will be !i (IttcnnlnltiK factor In deciding the acceptance of any tender. Tender received after cloning time cannot be considered. Tlu liltihcKt or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. Chcquci or hank dralU vlll be returned to uiunccewsful tenderers. The BiHtfeKHful l.einlerer will, when notified of accepi-iince of IiIk or her Lender be it quired to furnish a certified elu-que or hank draft lor the ieinahiln ninety per cent of his or her tender, iind hi addition, n certified cheque or bank dralt lor an amount equal to the estimated cost, of re-r.liirhijj the site or sites, a a Biiaraiil.ee that he will cmpply wll.li nil tern ii and conditions of the lender. This cbeoue or bank draft Kiiuranteelnit restoration will not carry In-leresl and will be returned upon the satisfactory completion of the term': or the lender. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION IIOX tVesl Georgia Sired Vancouver, 11.(1. Note: Passes fur Inspection of the above bulldlnys must bo obtained from Hales Jlepiescntntllve, War Assets Corporation, 1'UINCM IIUPJCUT, 1.1,0. iurjiC sss iiCigr SVf: 3r-dm tC f'siacs fiuatiin.il la-mnfir- pflUn a mew a SK Sc Sie 3CMVxexwa e-yifUiiiai f-vjiiinan gnrrnTifjta, reencrLi sees Snr liffiif (Gait 1 irrifrtrisnuf ni4 vxfvm&c it 5t --jaaf USh- 'Yo S reef rocm Until Funds Found aas scpar jcrnim ftKCrfsSSses eT Use tori g( Say 4nrs. noAgtasrss as tilgs aw iaat 2. A3bb9 TTftiMia:lliJMi t sag wwr j fmsJ" tint aaal aaiictcftSEies sir ects S Tusri rrX i. jftV SHi MANSON'S JEWELLER'S I (Tin: Home of Better Jcwcllry' SINdKK fiewlng machines for rent by the veck or month 1'ifONE VM Siuser .Sewing Machine Co, CM 3rd Ave. West SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zurclli, Prop. I'houc 37 P.O. Box 514 "UASHU STIIKKT Prince Uupcrt HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail I IUJMS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street - Phone 23') ftp" It L?3nar wwtjfSt diiri mscie. V "NwV unsure zjb TELEX H EYEING CEfTER ECTEET EAUIO & I1XCTEIC CONVNKNC J1 r3 'fa job t22s aitacks yaa aat irit; jtw t oar easy STORE jjcr irsi--six THE VARIETY VrHEHS YOUR DIMES The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON ALSO Varga Calendars "I nm HEAR even a whisper! Kssr fit esryinB: tike; Htt-vj& tm suit J?jCmimtj ajaAfcaw,&aiia&! Aft TOra . CJO Wf lM: &rr wi-t ma nasi' TTi F.X. V is i Sy-Twocifi at ir. central kcaA. -' have oacie as btrdrtfii of IriesuSs . psr. rho SRXttiaSe or frietsdlr smce and : censtant stris; W fiTt at prices yoe sa-st to paj- TV- wzj So rsaie TEE YARC7TT STORE ARE LITTLE DOLLARS"- We Serre You XoJiisg But tbc Best . - SPECIAL i:ed BRAND Bttf CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRCITS COMPLETE USE OP GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Jleals Roast Chicken .Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE WE CAN MAKE RE pah; PLACE ALL CANVAS PRODUCTS PHONE BLUE 12G EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 160 East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekin's) 1947 DIARIES Pocket Diaries Of ficc Diaries Appointment Books IDEAL CALENDAR PADS Jeauliful Canada" Calendars