Home Recipe RAISIN, SPICE. LOAF 1 cup seedless raisins 1 cup. 'golden, raisins 1 cup lukewarm milk 2 cakes compressed yeast cup. granulated. 'sugar,-4 tablespoons; butter, or, margarine 2 tablespoons salt IV2 teaspoons cinnamon i2 teaspoon mace1 '-i 'tcaspopn. clov.es, 1 egg . 5'2 to. 5 cups sifted all-purpose flour Rinse raisins. .In. hot. water; drain and dry on a, towel. Com bine milk and crumbled yea$t ar.:l stir to dissolve yeast. Cream sugar, butter, salt and spices. Add beaten egg and mix. Add yeast-milk mixture, and 2 cups flour and beat Add raisins and slir to blend,. Add remaining flcur and mix. Lift to board and knead 4 to 5 minutes. Return to mixing .bowl cover and let rise in warm place until double in bulk (this dough is rich and heavy with, fruit, so will require more time for rising than or dinary yeast bread), about 23,4 to 3 hours. For minto one. large loaf to fit a pan, about 2 to 3 hours. Let rise in warm' place until double in size (about l'2 hours). Bake in a moderate oven (350. degrees F;), 50- to 60 minutes. Remove from pan and brush top" with melted butter. Dough may be divided and - - Classified Advertising - - Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, 5Qc; Cards of. Thanks,. Death Notices; Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements; S2. ' BIRTH NOTICE LEWIS orn- to Mr. and Mrs. F. G, (Fred)- Lewis, in Prince Rupert General Hospital, January 14, a son. Both doing well. FOR, SALE FOR SALF 40 ft, trailer com plete, including halibut gear. Inquire Standard Oil Dock. (13) FOR SALE 31. Studebaktr, sed an, Serial 5952831, engine No. 36039. Good tires,, heater. Just been overhauled, Phone Green 832. (11.) FOR SALE-rNew and used, fur niture and hardware at the lowest possible, prices.' New electric- plates, scatter- rugs from $1,65, tumblers 10c, mattresses all sizes, Billy Boy. tricycles, aluminum pots from 60c, used 3-plece. beds $10, couches $7, desks from $7, hassocks tfroin '$2.50, smoking stands 95c, 5rpiece kitchen, set $12.50, men's top coats slightly used all, wool, new price $35, now $8.50; pails for coal or water from 45c 3.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 8 room house on 5th Ave. E., divided in to 3 housekeeping rooms and 3 2-room suites; $3500, or. exchange. lor trolling boat in good condition. ALSO Well built duplex house with 2 4-room suites; good location; full concrete basement; harbor view; furnace; $3400 cash. Contact Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (11) FOR SALE One mouton coat, size 16, $95. Room 21 Mclntyre Building. (14) FOR SALE 1. settee, 2 occasion al chairs. Phone, Black 805. (tf FOR SALE 18 12 H.P, boiler, ver tical. Valentin Dairy. (15) nnrl tnlin rnnn rivUa 4-110 ne (11) FOR SALE16-18 h.t. Re-ral ?asoline engine. Apply 743 -Al fred Street' after 6 p.m. (13) FOR SALE (Perfectly new 4- tube Philco Battery Radio. Phone Red 318. (13) FOR SALE Heavy 6-hole range, 'o. racKard-Beil electric radio, practically new, $30. 1214 Jark Ave. Call after 6 pm, (12) FOR SALE Model A 1991. 1A ton - f, ord. Soare lire. Ceiling price $248. Apply C, Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines. (16) SWAP SWAP 20x20 propeller and 8' of "ionze shaft for skiff or row-boat, p.o. Box 1323 or Phone Bue 518i (12) MACHINERY To SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern up-to-date type National portable Sawmills, manufactured ty National Machinery company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) 1 j Princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the King and Queen is shown in this latest charming pose reading in her own private study in Buckingham Palace. It has been reported that the lovely princess may marry Prince.Philippe of Greece, with whom she has been frequently seen at- various social, functions in the British capital. shaped into two -small' loaves wriic.h require, a. little less baking time. ' minimum charce. 50e. nirth Nnt.lri FOR KENT FOR RENT 2 furnished house keeping rooms. Private entrance. Phone Green 937. (11 FOR RENT Two 2-roomed apartments. Newly decorated. Private entrance.-221 5th Ave. East. Phone Red 807. (13) FOR RENTW-Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Apply 805 Fraser Street, after 5 p,m. . . (tf) FOR RENT 2 partly furnished housekeeping rooms, private entrance. Alsp 6-room flat, partly furnished, 5th Ave. West. Apply suite 1, Helgerson Blk. (15) KOOIU AND HOARD J ROOM. AND BOARD Table meals; Home away from home. Men preferable. C22 Fraser Street. - (32)' ROOM AND BOARDr-At reason- able rates. Apply Box 185, Daily News. (tf) HEM WANTED WAINTED Women for filleting shed, work starting immediately, union wages. Apply in person to superintendent. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Seal Cove. tf LOST LOST Blue baby blanket from sleigh. Finder please leave at Daily News. (15) WANTED WANTED -condition. Play pen in good Phone Green 395. (12) WANTED Davenport, slightly used. Phone Black 512. (12) W1AINTED For Prince Rupert, J Terrace and Queen Charlotte areas, energetic salesman of good1 personal appearance to represent the known-to-be leading sickness and accident nssnolntlon. No experience nec essary as nlan is always most rrtiiv nr"r.Pnt.Pd bv evervone you contact. Reply to Box 1251, Prince Rupert. (12) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received toy the undersigned up to, Noon on Wednesday, January 15th, 1947, for the purchase o(f the business known as Royal Lunch Cafe at 721 Third Avenue, West, Prince Rupert, B.C. as Is. Particulars, can ue obtained from the , undersigned during banking hours. Rental arrangements may be made with H. G. Helgerson Ltd.The high est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., December 23rd, 1946. CARLO S. W. HANSEN Accountant, Bank of Montreal, Prince Rupert, B.C. (12) COTTAGE CHEESE !New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ' The Experts Say . . . I By KAY REX. Canadian Press Start Writer Outdoor Appetites -There's snov-for skiing and ice for skating and. if there are any .chllden or athletic adults in the family chances are the winter outdoors, will cause their appetites I to demand hot, nutritious 1 meals.- Not only does an oven-cooked "meal save on your fuel bill, but it also allows you plenty of scope and Is usually something you can prepare beforehand and just slip' In to cook at the last minute if you're pressed for time. And for the main course, how about macaroni and cheese. Ingredients; one cup macaroni, one teaspoon salt; two cups milk, (or milk and vegetable stock); one cup buttered crumbs.; two teaspoons grated onion (If desired); four tablespoons flour; two tablespoons dripping; one cup (one-third pound) grated, cheese. Break macaroni into pieces, wash, cook uncovered In large amount boiling water . (salted) half an hour. When -tender, drain in a sieve. Save this water for sauce or soup. Rinse macaroni, Make white sauce; stir In gratedcheese and onion, then add' macaroni Heat through. You may, serve this way or turn into greased baking dish, cover with crumbs, cook. Set In pan cw water in even until crumbs are browned. Steamed Fruit Pudding Here is a baked or steamed fruit, pudding for dessert. Ingredients: six cooking apples; three-quarters cup brown sugar; one and one-half cup flour; three teaspoons baking powder; one teaspoon salt; three tablespoons shortening; three quarters cup milk or water. Wipe, quarter, core, par? and slice apples. Spread in buttered bak,ing' dish; sprinkle with sugar. Bake or cook on top of stove until apples are nearly tender Combine the remaining ingredients and pour over apples. Bake or steam half an hour. Serve with a sauce. Raked Stuffed Apples Home economists suggest baked stuffed apples as an ideal winter dessert. Ingredients: six medium ap ples; six tablespoons grated cheese; one-quarter cup sugar; peppermint flavoring; one-half cup water. Wash and core aPP-es. Place in baking-dish. Mix cheese and sugar and add three or four drPs Peppermint flavoring. Fill centres of apples with this mix- ture,. Pour water into pan and bake in a moderate oven until apples are tender. Serve hot. This recipe allows for six servings. UP WITH THE BEST SYDNEY, Australia Australian clothes can keep company with the world's best now, according to Mrs. L. R,. Coleman, who has returned to Sydney from an eight-months' tour of the world. She examined clothes In the United States, France, England and Belgium, and de-pided she could not do better than her own all-Australian outfit. IPSWICH, Eng., .ffl Workmen discovered a skeleton believed to be over 400 years old at nearby Foxhall. Men, Women Over-40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Norma! Pep, Vim, Vitality? Tine weak, rtimlown, rxhaimtnl condition make you tPi'l fwweU out. old? Try Oatrpx. t'ontnln gfiifful tnuliu.M IniulsiHH, Mto tiwilrft &fir :m op 4(1. Kunpllm Iron, on I Hum. )tnn)ioriiN, vl turn In Hi. Heliw yciu Rfl normal vfw, vliullty. In-tmductfirv U" W-n'K Tonlit Tiiliiettf only :tfie. 1-ur sale HI all K"hI drug hires everywhere. TERRACE RED GROSS ANNUAL R. Cory and Slate of Officers Elected Last Friday TERRACE The annual meeting of the. Terrace and District Reel Cross, was held on Friday evening in, the Red Cross rooms. with a. fair attendance. Report were, submitted and R. Cory was returned as president by acclar mattpn. Slate of officers is nearly the same as last year and is as follows: President R, Cory. First Vice-President M, Du-beau. Second Vice-President C. Michiel. Secretary Mrs. Mary Harris. Treasurer Mrs. T; E. Brooks. Members of the Executive Committee Mrs. D. G. Little, Mrs. G, Dover, Mrs. W. Robin-son, Mrs. S. Mills, F. Gavan, F, Npakes, Mrs. Dubeau, G. Mc-Adams, Miss G. Fisher. Mr. Cory is to be the delegate to the provincial council being held in Vancouver February 20 and 21. DUBLIN, (P This, harbor is having its. first boom since 1939. and customs and shipping company staffs are working long overtime to clear shipments. .... THIS AND SUGAR SAVING APPLIES TO RECIPES FOR FINAL APPLES; NOW IN SEASON As long as there are crips egg and beat well. Lastly add juicy apples In the larder It j semis that summer Is still on the doorstcip. This year'3 crap of apples is, abundant. It is a treat io crunch a raw apple or to have , apple sauce or apple pie or any one of. the dozens of ether apple desserts. Hie problem, of planning de-serts was a. real endurance test to the homenjakers tluring those apple-less, years However blue the sky there is always a cloud somewhere. The cloud in the apple picture may bo rationed sugar. Heme economists, are experts. hi making the sugar ration stretch to the limit and their recipes for apple desserts are no,! exception. Here are three good apple des-. serts. For iix servings V?. cup of sugar is allowed. Spicy Apple Pudding A cup shortening '2 cup sugar 1. cup pastry hour OR 1 cup less 2 tablespoons of all- purpose flour 1, teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt V- teaspoon cinnamon-Vz. teaspoon nutmeg 1 egg 2 Vs cups chopped apple Cream shortening and sugar. Add sifted dry ingredients. Add THAT bread! I The Ctotf, Mifllli-w A.l.m. Smicf. lot. " ljjf "It's simply marvelous, dear! I have a completely automatic kitchen I" Bake sweeter, tastier use FLEISCHMANN'S 'P YEA5T NO WAITING-no extra steps! Tull-strength fleischmann's fresh active Yeast goes right to work. Makes sweeter, finer bread! And makes it aster! You can be sure of tender, smooth texture lightness delicious flavour every time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist on Fleischmann's fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's depend-able Canada's tested favourite for tnore than 70 years. MADE IN COMMENCING WILL BE ,IA.,f nnFAEt HOVIS BREAO JANUARY 17 MADE Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Hollywpod Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 AJtt. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTS1DF ORDERS POONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST (Sl7 W CN ADA CHOW MEIN chopped apple. Place in greased baking dish and bake In a mod- .erately slow oven, 325 degrees F.. until done about 40 minutes. Serve hot with top milk or pudding sauce. Six servings. Apple JVIeringue Pie G medium apples i'2. cups Custard Sauce 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar Apple jelly Remove cores from apples. Prick the skins, place in a casserole and, bake in a moderate Qven, 350: degrees F. When tender, remove from ovep, pour sauce over and. around apples. Beat egg whites, until stiff but not dry, then beat in .sugar. Top each apple with meringue and garnish with a spoonful of jelly. Oven, poach In a moderately slow oven, 325 degrees F., until meringue is brown, about 10 minutes. Servo hot or cold, Six servings. Hulterscott'li Apple I'ie cup brown sugar G-8 medium apples 3 tablespoons brewn sugar 2 tablespoons shorten (half butler) 3 tablespoons flour- 1 cup milk 1 deep, uncooked 9-inch pie shell Sprinkle the- V4 cup brown sugar ever the bottom ct the uncooked pie1 shell. Peel apples and slice thinly, fill the pie shell, heaping apples slightly in the centre. Cream the 3 tablepsoons brown sugar with the shortening and the, flour until well blended. Crumble the mixture over the top of the apples. Pour the milk into the me and bake in a hot even, 400 degrees F until top. is brown and apples are tender, about 45 minutes. Cool and serve. Makes 1 deep 9-lnch pie. KEEP SUM KEEP REGULAR KEEP LOVELY 'or Hvdueintf EHcts mm mill,. 1 1111 m ,1,, Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL lUIRNKIt SALES AND SERVICH Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Protect Your Boat From FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX CO 2 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C.0 2 Extinguishers after use, in. our own plant In Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coat Phone 651 and 652 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and- steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street lrfitrc Htiucrt. 2?aIj? J3ctos Tuesday, January 14, 1947 SENSATIONAL VALUE AT Bargains Galore $ DRESSES GLOVES PURSES COATS SUITS HATS BUY AND SAVE ON OUR BUDGET PLAN No Carrying Charges No Interest. Terms in accordance with W.P.T.B. Regulations. We are here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDER'S BI.AIN BROTHERS' "HOUSE OP PINE POODS" PHONE 517 : P.O. Bix 174 Mavwe filly our prescription Place your prescription In the skilled hands of a Nyil Druggist, and receive all the professional care and exacting standards, that the Nyal Druggists of Canada have maintained for over Ihree generations. For satislaction tiring your next prescription to US. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED 3rd Ave. at 6th OUR . id St. Phone 79 You A KtghltrtJ Pharmacist Alwayt On Defy To Sirv EL - WmbWM mm. Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE Phone Blue 737 We buy . . . all sizes Perfex Beer Whiskey, din and Bottles, Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dlsbea our specialty. Open S ajn, to 2 a.m. PUONE 17S