3rinrc Uuprrt Oaili? rectos Wednesday, January 29, IM7 Aa Independent dt!y tmnaprr deroted to the cpbTHkUc? of.Prlnee Rupert umI an communities ecrepntlrt northern nd central British CottmbU. (Authorized u Second CUss VfaTI. Pact OSIct Department. OtUwa) PubUibed mr Hxerooaa except 5uxlT by Prince Rupert Dally Xm Ltd Ird ATeaoe. Prtoee Rupert. Eritisli Cohrmbli. O. A. HUNTER. MjlcjUm; Editor. H. O. PERRT. Minaglng Director. UKUBTR OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BCREAO OP CTBCCtATIONS CANADIAN DAZLT S2TVEPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES By City Carrier, per week. 15c Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, I7J0O: By Mm. Per Month. 40c: Per Tear. 14 00. Development Ahead POWERFUL INTERESTS we know are moving the?e days toward the development of industrial enterprise in this area through the utilization of natural resources of the district which lend themselves to new manufacturing processes. Investigators and organizers are known to have been hereabouts for seme considerable time with this end in view. True no official announcements have been made. Anything in the way of definite commitments have been difficult to obtain in spite of efforts that have been made. Enough is known, nevertheless, to make us feel assured that, before long,' something will develop along possibly even more substantial lines than might have been hoped for. There is no reason to be downhearted. These are days of transition and uncertainty. Before long we impatient newspapermen are hopeful of having announcements to make that will revive us all As we have said, strong influences are at work and they are not just playing around. The fact of their presence here is most encouraging. H- A Northern Senator IS NO QUARREL with THERE the quality of the new sena- toriai appointments as far as the persons of Gray Turgeon and Sam McKeen of Vancouver are concerned. Both are estimable and destrving gentlemen, long prominent in political and public life and both of whom have given good service' to party and province for which they are entitled to the honor and reward of senatorial appointment. It appears, however, -that Vancouver has taken the bacon again in spite of our appeals fci the north Including those of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia and various constituent member boards that this part of the country Is entitled to bona fide representation 14 the Upper Chamber. .In fact, such representation is long since overdue. There are men of the talents and ability that would well grace and enhance the Setate. Certainly. Southern British Columbia has had its share by now. It is to be hoped that the next time a British Columbia senatorial appointment comes up that we in this part of the country may at ion; last be rcr-ognlzed. Britain's Troubles IS AGREED EVERYBODY concerning what the economic problem of Britain is. They have to have an excess of exports in order to provide for pre-war living levels; t A NEGLECTED SMILE It s s I yt INJUSTDMS! Watch the extra sparkle Dr. Lyon's your smile in just three dsys. No other dentifrice will get your smile brighter, more beautiful than Cr. Lyon's. , vi. Lyon s tastes so good ... is easy to use . . . and so economical. Matched for price, it outlasts tooth paste two to one. Here's a motor you can rely on JUST ARRIVED . - , another shipment of the popular Blue Ribbon Champion outboard motors The 1917 Champion, an unhurried precision-built outboard motor, brings you permanent, certain startability ... a smooth .flexible flow of power ... a performance that fills your highest expectations. - POSITIVE LUBRICATION 4 CANNOT BE FLOODED Rupert Radio PJione and unless they can do that they are lost; and what they need to do, therefore, is to get their costs of prod action down so that they are on a com-, petltive level with the rest of the world. That has become a terrific problem for the British. la spite of the need to reduce costs the London Economist's editor points out, nothing is being done to secure lower costs in England. "Wage rates," he observes, "are on the increase. Costs are being raised in other ways. Perhaps, the most powerful cost riser of all is the factor that cannot be registered In statistics, the universal reluctance to do a hard day's work, to which almost every employer could at present testify." This conditiop, which the Economist portrays is contemporary England, it &ys at the door of the labor movement "Ji is a Lifetime of socialist teachings," writes the Economist editor, "that is coming home to roost on the beads of labor ministers, that the wage earner, who believes that all his demands can be met out of the surplus value accruing to the exploiter of La-bar, is beyond the power of being convinced that there is any connection at all between his own efforts and his rightful deserts. So long as there is a single capitalist left in the country, the worker will 'go on believing what the labor movement has always told him, that he is morally right and economically sound to work less and demand more wages. JSjk r ittr:. tBmi&inuH' 'Win puts into so Jt CERTIFIED HORSEPOWER 5 POSITIVE COOLING and Electric 644 Navy League Local Sea Cadets in Excellent Training Position Election of officers and receiving of annual reports were the principal items of business be- fore a small but VeenJy interest-! ed annual meeting cf the Prince j Rupert Branch, l.avy League of Canada, held at the Civic Cen- tre last evening. S. P. Woodsade was unanimous' re-elected as chairman for the year 1&4T. Other offMMm, all eleeied by acdsaiatscB being: We-OhairmaB. Tfceo Frtur Secretary. Edward T. Apple-whatte. Treasurer, Philip M. Ray. Executive G. Dsutas Yawfe. A. Ogilvie. Once Stuart, H. S. Harrison, James Forma a. Al ' Morgan, A. T Lashmor, A L. i Hoitby. Capt. 1. R. Eifert Mrs C. H. EJklns. Mrs. 3. R. E4frt Mrs. J. E. Baddie. Mrs. A. L Hoitby. with Lt. Com dr. Ale: Mitchell, OoaHaDd;ng Officer, j Sea Cadets, ex-offieio. j me ;ea waaet eomsmu toi the year was appointed by the chairman to consist of E. T Applewhaite, H. S. Harrison, Capt. J. R. Eifert aad S. P. Wod-side. ' In his report for the Mt year Chairman Woods tde mentioned the particularly Keen interest shown by the members of the executive and their faithful attendance at meetings. He atoe expressed his thanks to the Women's Auariliary and the other officers. Mention was made of the good fortune which befel the Sea Cadets Corps when H M CJB. Chatham was reeommis-sioned and it became known that the Nary Drill Hail would be available for the Sea Cadets. Ke expressed the hope that the Women's Auxiliary would continue as an organization although the end of the war brought an end to most of therr duties. Great appreciation was ex pressed of the hrp given by thf Royal Canadian Navy and ! eepecially Lt. Comdr. Eddy and ' Lieut. G. Brown. The chairman's report also spoke highly of the For TEACHING and SERVICE $1,000,000 Campaign-Feb. 2-22 FOUNDED in 1099 A. D.f The Venerbl Order of St. John, the oldest Order of Chivalry in ihe world, has been .serving humanity, for more than eight centuries. In Canada, St. John Ambulance Association and Rrigade the active members of the Order operate from coast to coast. The St. John Ambulance Association without charge teaches First Aid and Home Nursing and the St. John Ambulance Brigade renders a First Aid and Nursing Service Provincial Chaliman Annual Meet arcosajriiflicnents of the Sea C-cei Ctnjt and its ccmsiand-iag Officer. Lt. Comdr. A5?x Mitchell. It also stressed ihe point that, although the country is not now at war4 the Uavy League still bad many duties and services to TJerform. -MONEY IS REQUIRED. The inaneiai statement showed that the income was, not equalSag the expenditures And efforts vCl be made in 19ft to remedy this. Mrs. J. R. Eifert, uresident, presented the report of the Women's Auxiliary which mentioned assistance at dances lor visiuag warships, presentation of a treafey for the most elfid. er.i WreaeUe. won by :hej Htfamoas. presentation of a tro- pry for a whakr race, and active paKtapation ia the work at the Navy League. on the year's activities of the sea Cadets Corps, '"Captain Cook." showed a postwar reduc- tioa in attendance. 21cweer, the beau were kept busy All easoe and the rifle range work was rarneo out resmariy. &ur cesilal parades were held during the year. bar. With, the re-establish- . meat f yp- viva! , . "eset., I new interest! nteresU were available to Co. ni0.ti tc ininin in.iini . .Q d?al oi the jno modern oaral i lies today a,ter tt was leanied eo4pment (largely secret dur- "eht incur iia-ryr tfae war ant! Lbe servises of i biliiies in case of accident untrained Eoyal Oanadian Navy!less precauUons were nsnietQrs. (taken to safeguard the sleigh-TW wi the last meeting to 1 riders, be "tiended by-LI. Ccmdr. Eddv. original plan was to re- who wil! hartiy be leaving the cit-'. He enthusiastically thanked for all his support and help ari. in making his Xarewe! remarks he wished the Navy L?ague and the Sea Cadets at Prince Rupert every sucees3 in i the years ahead. Tt was rhe ontrCorr of -th meeting that parents of Sea Carets were not taking the n terest in the Coras or he League that misbt be expected and ef- forts will be made to arouse a mcr ar'iv interest pa the part if the parents - Chief Justice W, B. Fa'rrls. Mail your cheque, made put to CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS, 1P0RT1A WHITE lUMInb HtKt One of Outstanding Kinsers of the Day Booked for Civic Centre March 20 Portia White, outstanding Canadian negro coniraito. has JAeu tentatively booked for appearance at the Civic Centre here on March 20. aoeordiag to announcement by Don Forward, Civic Centre manager. Her appearance here will be sponsored by the Business ajd Professional Women's Club. Miss White is one of the outstanding vocalists of the day and has won international acclaim. Prince Rupert musk Lovers will, indeed, have good eauie for gratification if asrangeirwnte for her appearance here to recital are finaliiad. She will visit Prince Rupert in the course of a western tour which includes Edmonton and Vancouver. mq STREETS i i; rJZ-r , KtSER VED rr-r V rrtn OK SLEIGHRIDING Announcement yesrday that certain cenain city ty streets sireev. would wovua be oe re re - i . served from traffic to permit I 1 children a.oren to m) sleieh sign ride noe safelv sajei, : : was was recinded recinded by by civic civic authori authori - ; serve several sloping streets in different parts of the city 'for sleigh riding between 4 pjn. and pjn. so that the youngsters would not be endangered by traffic-However extent of the precautions that must be taken to safe guard the children against ac cident does not Justify the risk, ; tfce authorities feel, and there- 1 iXore rnr..nt,nh,.h..n the plan has been ,..11 cancelled. : RENFREW. Scotland. Q John fcOregor. iormer provost of Renfrew, has died, aged 72. wherever disaster may strike or injuries be suffered. The activities of St. John Ambulance reach into many fields. In factory and home, at sporting events and public gatherings, on the open highways and on city streets, St. John Ambulance steadily goes about its business of saving lives and alleviating distress. When you support the activities of'St. John Ambulance, you play your part in saving lives that would otherwise be lost and in reducing the ill effects of injuries am sickness. Prince Rupert Division Thomas St. John Ambulance Ajipral' to BESNER BLOCK, PRINCE RUPERT 'Paralyzed Boy I ' rr KAxanco Of necovery uvea a Leoaard Oaatpbell. li-yrold cree.iing paralysis victim who was pronounced ' incurable by Vanrcuvar doctors two weeks vro. has been given a "50-50" chance of survival by southern ch roprsctors. aocordinc to Mrs. Rc5s Richardson, who took the boy south for medical examination. Mas. RJsfciftiaon Hturoed to ftee aty at the beginnaiMf of the vek after placing the boy in a private home at Duncan,' Vancouver. I.'ilartd. where, she said, he is 'very happy.' '$b fuads ojamUkI by local f-lisem. LeoAard wac takra to the Vancouver Chi)dre Hospital wberehe wa unable to remain aftw spaeiaitats had pro-nniiniwd hu progressive paralytic tondition as "insurable." The kteapital is only for "curable" CAMS, "I was ti that, if he was eurabie, thef wwiid have kept ttini we. eyM if it had taken five years." says Mrs. Richardson. Leonard was turned over to the Provincial Welfare Depart- " Into! . h aoal m Ur, " -uoea tawocd 01 of Duncan where he is accepted as P!.01 mt ramuv Follow-in? the pronouncement of h: "iaeurablltty" by medical specialists. .Mrs. Richard- son yieMcd to reqiKi.s by a number of Vancouver cha-c praetors thai he be examined by them. X-ray nfeturec and con-sttUattesM among the chiropractors rmHe4 in a decision that the lad tliU had a "50-59 chare." The bv will be treated by a Duncan chiropracter. Money for the treatm?rt will come out of ReOtve RHEUMATIC Pain A" 'our l0"" muci ma nd rn irwn be.imic 1'ainf Ort ;ick. late rtuel Vrttn Itm.Jrtu t T K-C t. U4 nd rccomiscndr I by tkc iiiKlf,T-R-Ci fe ijccially tn.iile o rtlieve Khfumitic. Arthritic nd Nruritic fain and MiMoeM. Lutirtujp,. ii.a. Kturalf ia. Get but toi-, ilk. SUtOiuftiau. Tvll V, Hrown, Chairman. ' May Haw 50-50 Kfw J 77 .. Dies In Host!? OSpltal the subscribed fund which is still more than 53CJ. Incidental', publicity given the boy by a Vancouver newspaper resukfd in $187 belrvj doiwted by Vancouver people. One anonymous donor attached a cryptic "give the kid a fighting chance" to a donation of $120, ( The Provincial Welfare De ' paruneni is responsiote lor war ancj f. Leonard now, wren iiwuti he service In ' nas Dfn laxen imo a nrtvaie home. The boy is sard to be "very hafpy at his foster-home, and is already a favorite of Mrs. Lo-wood's two sons, aad 15 and 12 To; older carries Leonard a'aaut and the ynusser is o;s p'.ayainte Leonard has taken it on himself to look after another losk. child, a two-year old, whom the Lowoods have taken into their hame. However, because of lUs wn he'pies nesi, he must coniine his attentions to watching the a child "so be won't hurt himself." Canadlans spent $99.01)0 every day during 1915 to keep abreast of the news w in Canadian dally , "fvcpanexs oooochxkk OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Protfct lour Boat From FIRE See Us lot KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge c O 2 Extlngulshf r after use. in our own plant in Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Kuilding Supplies Coal Phone 651 and R52 KM) OOOOOOOOO oooooooo oooo f CDuJiami &acc FOR A FRESH COMPLEXION SurJc-liU and Trap-ant DuIUrry Fare I'uuifrr w of iimlium trxtiirc . . . vnlrly j.HiIjr Wau- il g mil v i Knp in a Lry kLi'h . . . uill nut ralr m an oily clm...l)y KUutrd HiiJiiut.. '2. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY M M IT I D am SEE US FOR vsV" MNitltCl CARDS OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING, STATION!'." CARDS FOR EVERY OCCASION EVERSIIARP "CA" PENS DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVE Reliable Prescriptions When your prescription is compounded bj you are assured of getting exactly what the prescription compounded properly 1J experienced and iuily qualiiied pnai;i We use only the very best grade rnaterl avaiiaoie. Ormes Ltd 7hfi Pioneer Druqgi REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE RlTPERf Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty' Open 0 ajn. to 2 ajn. PBONC 17S INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 32f 2nd' Ave. Phone 88 Rupert ? thi- moi pert Gene He- h in nines oi jf.,, - 11 rj Born ,.i ;c -Kenny hi K J the Prln;:? t -'-. last 20 yc HrK. 18 month.-, eran of tl unmarried. You zz-u i mm HSJJIJI I (Ginuini AsMimnj MARKtD THISVVAtl 1111 mm Three sailinrs Ftr ' VANCOUVER YKTJ 5UTTLE Tuesdays, 1 SO pm CoQUitlam. Fridays, 12:C3 MidftJ uaiau. Saturdays, 915 pa- uamcsun. KLTCUIK15 Fridays. 12 CO Miliftl STEWART and VitttA Sundays, 12X3 MidJf.1 (JUEEN CIIAELOml Fortnightly, FRANK J. SKIOTl Prince Rupert Ajcl Tnira Ave re 31 f "'I HICKS j,, FRASERHJ Warm, Clean tfj" S'f 714 FRASEB Phone D!ack v-