Idrfnrc tluprrt Dailp f3ctus Wednesday. January 29, 1&4? Today LUCKIES, ORANGE inn a dutyu J.ackv Strikes and Orange each , ".took three straight wins in last ; night's ladles' "A" league bowling. Lucky Strike roBin op the i hlshczi team aggregate, 2.503. against Moose. Orange defeated Idfji Cleaners. Miller Bay, previously the per-renlal underdog of the league, stepped out under the powerful leadership of Mis Vincent to take two games from Savoy f singers. Miss Vincent without benefit of handicap, bowled a three-game total of 779, resulting frcm a 314, 274 and 191. Game scores: Lucky Strikes 3, Moose. Orange 3, Ideal Cleaners a Miller Bay 2, Savoy Swingers 1 Big Sisters 2. Annettes 1. ToHers 2, Variety Store 1. LUCKY STRIKES ). Baalter 161 67 243 M. Scharfe 131 124 111 C. Barrie 220 178 1U A Postak 157 119 181 J. Warren 209 187 133 Handicap 31 31 31 MOOSE Hilton 96 100 165 Sandbars-:-...-.....:, m 113 84 Kasper. 78 100 94 Ritchie 83 94 121 Irvine 155 188 18" ";. Handicap .. 37 37 37 Totals 647 C32 633 oraAge O. Newton 103 127 111 A. Deriton 95 89 E. Anderson 103 160 209 P. Andrew 125 116 12 M. Wide 51 73 P. Otodes 90 118 Handicap 137 137 137 Totals 619 719 770 . IDEAL CLEANERS ' "h. Schmidt 115 83 116 -: R. Suden 121 114 156 . Ballinfer 126 141 93 ; G. Campagnola ... 174 141 95 Ixrs Score 51 89 70 . Handicap 13 18 18 ; Totals ...I 604 531 548 ' BIG SISTERS 1 1 E. Alexander JL. 152 157 -75 I i E. Eond , 155 1M 183 j . J. Dickens 190 74 141 E. Rath ell ,131 160 144 V. Alexander 43 144 12o j , Handicap 96 96 96 Totals .. 767 797 761 iC ANNETTES i Montgomery 172 117 131 i Smith -148 133 241 Ostashower 135 116 159 .." Dickens .. 125 145 149 McMeekin 90 125 239 : Handicap 19 19 ; Totals 670 656 938 . VARIETY STORE I. Ciough 151 145 76 f J I. Lykejgaard 107 187 99 H. McKinnon 184 101 151 il F. Cimbella 153 1 66 163 A. McLean 150 207 155 Totals 745 806 C51 ; TOILERS il M. Smith 159 125 96 j. ma 191 112 148 : i C. McLeod 129 105 129 if J. Menzies 140 137 111 . i B. Ellison 76 143 59 Handicap ill 111 m Totals 806 733 654 y ' SAVOY SWINGERS McPhee 213 150 108 - -m McLeod 145 114 139 . Basso-Bert 140 162 145 ; Menzies 216 129 145 McCallum 95 191 155 Handicap 32 32 32 Totals 342 773 723 MILLER BAY Peterson 133 149 163 '.. Kelly 86 45 80 Roberts 71 120 106 r.r.; Morton 72 109 192 r; Vincent 314 274 191 :" Handicap 98 93 93 Totals 774 795 830 The Seal of -tu v Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON IIMVAY SERVICE How Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBride in Sports Hnnn Gamp1' 1 r . r israsvuose Fijblui' Paekers Lose 3S to 3 to Savy -'SLitetnV' Near Win Fighting hard toe B.C. Packers dropped a closely played Senior "A" Basketball League gone la night to the fast Savoy anaad by a scare of 38 to ST- H iu a hard games to lose and just as hard a ame te wis that is how close it was. Savoy aee showing the way in the first half bat the Packers came back and took the initiative in the second half. After staying very close in the opening minutes of the game. Savoy opened up the scoring gap to come into the first quarter rest leading 9-5. The four- point lead did not ebaaae in the second quarter and the half end ed 22 to 18 with the Packers still on the short side of the score. After the half-time breather, the Packers came back and out-scored the hotelmen 7-5 lo end the third quarter with the Savoy squad SUM showing the way, 27-25. The last period got under way with the Packers trying desperately to beat down the two point difference in the score but they only managed to whittle eff one point. Ted: Araey of the Savoy sqtfad led the searing parade wNb It points followed by Boy Gur-v:ch of the Packers wHh 10. The senior loop Is definitely he strongest and evenest league that has been, seen for a long in Prince Rupert. Specta tors seem assured of dose and xutln? ball games now regard- ess cf which of the three teams playing The B.C. Packers featured the addition of Sonny Beynon in last night's game and now that their shuffling Is completed, they wijl be right up on top with the other two dabs la the league. Savoy M. Holkestad 7, Haug- an. T. Arney 16R. Holkestad 7. ! Davis 4, Murray 4, D. Arney. J ' VuckoTich, Total 3S. B. C Packers - Houston 4. Dcmir-ato 5. Btynon 7. Calder-! pne 6. Bill, Gurrich 10. Cicconc -!. vasoiu 1. TQWI 37 ptcpirs STOUE BEATS -SlXTtENS" la the Ladies' League game the Sweet Sixteen squad came very close to downing $he' powerful People's Store quintet. The People's Store won the game in tse last quarter with the final wncmj ai ii-ii. aui i r i three quarters the Sweet Sixteen VAVA i n fMHl It.. ' . vin. n iwt uc COT- j- iw -uc oeis a the end of the first quarter. Peoples Store were taken com pletely by surprise by the fight shown by their opponents. Again in the second half, tbe Sxeet, Sixteens were held down by the determined People's Store girls Still, the score at the end of the third pentad was 11-9 with the Sweet Sixteen quintet stiB on top. The gone was iron si the last quarter by three per.-; alty shots teat the Peaoje's Store j dropped in ta give the the ex- 1 tra points needed for the Tin. Bat the Mfyrigitg tHteg is j thai the so mnea store Inex- ! per eiwed "Sweats" weee able to come so close, to vtanJag. it ; CAofnc tkat tls-A 44 a at tJ. . t ' k nn Vn? Aw'n'nTnflla'ntnTaTnTWn! , ; ' "TT " a 4-2 decisioo over the 1s5 Z l U fnU!sextt in the final The Cana-! r Weed w 1:W1U,Ui 1 dans went through their aeven- " " " s uiciv W ; he . tcaif minor nni in K. I taaies league. People's Stort BJauv Saad-hals. Grey 7. Beqr x BflJ. Bl-aeno. Vockovfch 4. lotaJ 14. Sweet Sixteen Curste 4, Jor dan 1. Ycungman X trrHm Klldal 4, Dumas, W indie, Mcln- tcsh. Hitcbins. Total II rvno :OS " ..,, tKE IUnu PKKS,D Although leading an the way, ! Gyro vro still still hri had to work hard 1. . L to i Nickerson Miid hTi.- -Z. Junior League match. Tneftaal ! score stood at 32 to 36. D. Scherk t and Haugaa of the O$ro were high mtu for the night with 14 ; and H points reapeothch. Watts I and Njekeeson got the tosnp on I the winners in the opening mir. - 1 utes of play but. by the Mm the I iirsi quarter was ended the Gyro were oat la front 13 to 7 11.1 . . . . . nnnunl latf H ICJWI OHt in ircn. tor the rtauainaor of the game, they were hajd-preased when Walts and Nlckenon nar-rced the aaor dm i 1,.11 by the first half mark. Early in I Bill 1. Jones . Ratchford, Laurie the third frame th innrc!2 Wehstr 1 KpIHt s rtapnM- found the ran acain t in. greased their lead by five mor - points to lead 2S-16 at the ead of tbe third quarter. Watts & Nickerson fought hard to over- rAMAnicuc SHORT SPORTiS W:naipeg Monaitrhs woa the world's International amateur hockey ehsjnnionship at Dttvos, Swiucrland. 12 yean aao with vr -..Knot a kv and retained the title won In 1183 by Edmonton Superiors and In 1934 by Saskatoon Qoajbam Hcwie Moron suffered a broken leg la a .Vastonal Uoafcty League game at Montreal 10 years ago. Taiiey-eigM days later he died. One of hockeys all-time greats. Howie tar Red pro with Montreal Canadiens In mJTuI Cturaao Black Hawks. He re- turned ta the HaWtant fold in 19M bi, old tiM' hrUli ien he was in- JU HSYSHAM. Lancashire. Eng., A fraanvent of a Norman chaliee which has been in l "laJS case at the ancient parish church for more than 80 years has been stolen. coaae the lead in the iast period but the best they could do was to tie the Gyro with 10 points each in this frame. Watts & Ntekemon Spring 5 i Scharf i Total as 1 Gyro-Schier 1. D. Scherk 14. 'Haugan 11. S. Scherk. Moore, Suneerg 4. Mercer 2, Sharpe. 1 Donah'son. Total 32 inn MvMin Defeated Chicago Blaxk. Hawks and Will .Meet .Maple. Leafs in Crucial Game Tomorrow CHICAGO Montreal Cana. cheo defeated Chicago Blait Hawks by a score of 4 to 2 last night to reduce the .Wtional Hockey League leadership of the lotORtQ Maple Leafs to a scant and a half and tomorrow night win meet the Maple Leafs in a crucial game at Montreal Fornax Meantime Detroit and Boston are playing at the latter city tonight. The league standings to date: W D L F A PH. "Toronto 34 6 10 135 93 54 Montreal 23 5 11 128 83 51 Boston 15 8 16 108 113 38 Now York 16 5 19 109 115 37 Detroit 12 7 21 119 138 31 Chicago 11 3 24 110 162 25 HUGE BRIBE IS OFFERED "Fixing" of S ports Events In New York Is L'ndrr Investigation NEW YORK 0 An investigation into "fixing" ol sports events was intensified Tuesday when District Attorney F. S. Ho-gan told tfce grand Jury of a $100480 bribe which had been offered To the middleweight boxer. Rocky Orariano. Hogan said Graaiano "admits using a sore back as an excuse" to call off the fight th Reuben Shank ! j j ITS UiKz. r vi,sV,vE GOrTA vELL Fin.'SH S OKI lilt v -r'"' t 'Meat'- j7 evue youmg- IMs 5ft lm y e UCa r ' j ZPif zZj j awl JL3 "A I"-W2 YCU J I (I nniiiPW-C-OMEON IN WTW ' ! v;t MNH ) YmeamdU'ELlmak-E JSm Sixth TtVx' '!yn n t" Street HrS?9 VCXJ LIKEVOURS.) I Mm DO VOU SMELL) ; L ITS JUST THE GARLIC, J I . Jl CW ( ?U?EJ,NE SOMETH.NG,-. BOYS, I'VE GOT THEM J r55 )" I Y THAr WASK-r HBueGER. g?Z r rn have to ) I BARBADOS CONSTITION BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, --Proposals amending constitutional practice in Barbados, wherein the governor has the whole responsibility of government but no power, while the home assembly poiseses power but no responsibility, has been put forward by the governor for consideration by the house. three days before its was scheduled on December 27 after being visited twice by a man offering the large sum if Graziano would throw the. fight. Graziano decided to pull out of the match. It was also said that Graziano was previously approached by gamblers to throw he fight. You saw It in Tiie News! C Av-nJ i MAMA ALVIN AND I J RUSM DOWM A l JH i j'JM 1,48 VVSZlrWi U'T) 1S MP 1 11 , 11 " Business and Profession. J. P. MOLLER PHQNE BLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone C55 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRA CTOflS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Red 808 PLAIN SEWING CHILDREN'S CLOTHES Phone Red 495 or call at 1805 Eighth Avenue East SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers P.O Box 274 BELGIAN STEM Ilnyally Assorlmfnl GOBLETS SIIERBEE1S WINES -- COCKTAHJ FOOTED TUMBLERS tlieso are hand-cut beit qual glum glass.. Canberra chape til prices. See them on display ai THE VARIETY 5 "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLL' FOR THOSE Qjjjj AROUND TIIE HOME Con 11 s rn nnnF tnnnlifS. YOU I wvc IW U1 jrvu our stock adequate to meff reqircments. McBride Street JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue iSiifi km JZlnnnni Force-'or,' qvol Minom - x "ft rout DoUllf. j V A. SiX IQffl GEORGE Uj PubUc Ar- .. Income T;x Rf-, Bcs'ncrB! .A If it-! n P- .u t . " -J-l C- ill CM M. SAl'NDll Concrct? C:J: I I don't riks xcrj ; d:; c;" . JERRY VRIKjJ PAPERHAxd I'.UXTBO PHONE r i- x K.;s:-n 1 BERT'S TRAM AND SIES.SD Lumber - Czu 1 Prr :it Ei? N C v j p -ir..r PRINCE RUPESTM A. R. LOT Weddi-- E:ur '. Dc 1 P'M-t MODERATE PE l Prompt t" .. ii BOX 515, F 'iT' H ELLS (PJt A c ":- vv Bi.iE Ja aoa raauvTuU EFRC5I Mil 0W IM'I CDtUUBIA OFIId.1 tMHWMBI U14U IlilMtl iiiuH.w.. I . . . . . i Hl.r' M pami, varnisnes ano waters' and power tools aanaBaMnmnrfBMiaBBwM-' 1 Moving", 'a,"7f,,. Shipping and i,lf. Kl r-ffirifnt Son' Lindsay's & Storage1, and ? Cor. 2nd R,tablis ilmnes C" ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRlNCiS