ImriorS I ,i:eens- '.o-e ' Lynn each Hit HSU u: :an ooia, carh ."Se o jlici: Llbbys. 'J for ::. DOG FOOD i) Board's '9 c- tin i :S."n' MEATII OOG CUHES ' C pk.n. tores Ltd. Thursday, Friday and Saturday , M KV ;iO-31-FKMUJAKY l '....v PHONE BILMM" hf fruits and vegetables ks- ES- RCH- OTS Nuvels, 288's. - (loz. 2)c wels, 220's (loz. 39c .Hirious, Fancy box $3.79 . - jioror H). 27c i i-osh, Green 2 lbs. 35c resh, Full Bunches ... 2 lbs. 21c COM-Green, Fresh QUALITY GROCERIES h:B-En;.:.;n bTS C' 1 BEETS- u it'. eacn -? each Ktc inmbia. each Be :t each 17c ayimcr. each M riiMtiiixt i I Mtitaat I lb. 23c NABOB ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING 2-oz. Raspberry, Lemon, Maple, Pineapple, Orange, Banana, Strawberry, Vanilla each ""t EXTRACTS Nabob, 2-oz CAKE FLOUR Swansdown, 234-lb. pkg each '.I'M j KAKEll'S CHOCOLATE Unsweetened . 'z lb. 'ZVti COCOA Nellson's, 1-lb. tin each U!)c CHOCOLATE-FLAVORED SYRUP Sifer's, Hi-lb. jar. each CUSTARD I'OWDF.R Harry Home's, 16-oz. tin. each 1!V M I N CI E G ELATI N Iv 1 -OZ. pkg.. 4 envelopes, each IHt II.P. SAUCE 3i-oz. bottle, each 55 W KITCHEN ISAMJUKT OKAVY .MAKER each ."U (.0 CURLS Large, each ice Rupert Bottle Collector MESSENGER SERVICE IMlOnC lilllC 737 my . . . ALL SIZES rfcx Beer Whiskey, Gin and ttlcs Bottles Wine Bottles n PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Local News It Mrs. Colin McCarthy returned tills morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver. Art Murray returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Miss Dorothy Evans and her brother, George Evans, returned on the Prince Rupert today from a holiday trip to Wlilst Drive, Civic Centre Cafeteria, Wednesday, Jan. 29, 8 p.m. Prizes, refreshments. Ad mission 50c. (24) Pleading guilty to a charge cf Intoxication, Wilfrid Thompson was fined $25 with an option of seven days in Jail by Magistrate Vv D. Vance in city police court Tuesday morning. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Large and small son, of Toronto, ar rived in the city today on the Prince Rupert. Dr. Large will join his brother, Dr. R. O. Large in practice here. He formerly was Royal Canadian Air Force medical officer at Prince Ru pert during the war, and Is vell known In the city. PORT SIMPSON MAN SUCCUMBS Peter Fredrick Alexcee, of Port Simpson, died at Miller Bay In dian Hospital last night after an illness of several months. He was 46 years old and a widower He Is survived by several broth ers and sisters in this area. The funeral will be held here Friday with B.C. Undertakers In charge, FUNERAL NOTICE MOORE January 25, Cecilia, beloved wfe of the late Harry Moore. Funeral services will be held by Rev. Basil S. Prock ter at Grenville Court Chapel 2 p.m., Wednesday, January 29. Interment Fairview Ceme tcry. B.C. Undertakers in charge. (23) baby's rm PlC Relieve misery dlrrrt -without "dosing." ' ems Mrs. Dennis O'Ncil arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver to Join her husband here. Sgt.-Major Marcel Girardet, R.C.E.M.E., returned on the Prince Rupert today from a two weeks' trip to Victoria on army duty. OFFICERS OF RED CROSS Annual Meeting Last Night Sum of $5000 Was Raised During Year The Prince Rupert Red Cross Association will emphasize blood donor clinics and possibly take ptfrt in a financial drive this year while'its work room, which did valiant service during the war, will remain on an "on call" basis, the annual meeting of the organization decided last night. Held in the Civic Centre, the meeting returned Arnold Flaten to the presidency and most of its former executive members to leading positions. The new slate of officers: Honorary President, Bishop J. B. Gibson. Honorary Vice - President, Mayor Nora Arnold. President, Arnold Flaten. First Vice-President, Mrs. E. Fitzpatrick. Seccnd Vice-President, Mrs. C. II. Elkins. Secretary, H. A. Breen. Treasurer, Stanley Saville. Executive Mrs. G. A. John son, Mrs. Arthur bmltn, Mrs. J. Bouzck. Ordinarily, the executive con sists of five members in addition to the officers and the execu tlve committee was given power to add to its present number. $3,000 RAISED IN CAMPAIGN Reports outlining last year's work were received from work room committee chairman Mrs C. H. Elkins, Treasurer Stanley Saville and President Arnold Flaten. The treasurers report showed that more than $5,000 had been remitted last year to the provincial headquarters as a result of the financial campaign. President Flaten reported that to far about 100peoplehav3 turned In their names as volun- ACOUSTICS DEFENDED Vancouver Expert Sees Little Reason For Complaint at Civic Centre Auditorium Critics of the acoustics of the Civic Centre auditorium, which have been under discussion since the recital last week of John Beadell, Vancouver tenor, do not find a sympathizer In Trevor New. acoustical engineer for the Dominion Sound Equipment Co., who was here during the last few days on a periodical visit to the Capitol Theatre and who made tests at the civic centre auditorium. For this type of building, Mr. New is reported to have said that the acoustics are quite good. Of course, Improvements might be made at considerable expense but Mr. New believes there should be no very good reason for com plaint. COLOR DOESNT COUNT Don't Judge an egg by th color of its shell which is no in dication of the yolk color. teers for the blood denor ser- vice. He anticipated that, with the arrival of the Red Cross caravan, public interest In the project will increase. The meeting appointed S. H. Saville delegate to the annual convention of the provincial Red Cross, to be held in Vancouver this spring. Announcements ' All advertisements m VtAs column ulll be charged for a full month M 25c a word. Ski Club Dance, Civic Centre, Friday, January 31. Conrad School P.T.A., Bridge, Whist, Cribbage, Friday, Janu ary 31. Refreshments. 35c. Hill 60 Valentine Tea, Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Borden School Rummage Sale, Feb. 12, 13. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, February 13, 8 p m. Cantbral Valentine Dance, February- 14; Civic Centre. Job's Daughters piano concert, presenting Joe Franky, Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, Feb ruary 19, .:iQrang:LadiesTea and Sale,- Civic Centre, April' 18. BILL HANSON IS RECOVERING Has Completely Regained Consciousness Now and Is Out of Danger William Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson, who sustained a severe skull ffocture In a fall on the ice while curling at Smithers ten days ago, has now regained consciousness fully and is well on the way to re covery, according to word reach ing the city from the interior today. While he is gaining steadily, it will be some time! yet, however, before he will be able to leave hospital. Following the accident, Dr. L. M. Greene of Smithers performed an operation for the removal of pressure. Special nurses were brought from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and Mr?. Don Sutherland, sister, came north from Vancouver as did Mrs. David Ritchie, mother of Mrs. William Hanson, and they are still at Smithers. Douglas Frlzzeil returned to the city on this mornings train from a trip to Smithers. Jack Mussallem returned to the city on this morning's train from a trip to Prince George. KEEP SLIM KEEP REGULAR For Iti'ihwiiifi IHvIs ALL BRAN tut wit iwi mi riMMf tt AjsfS) V TtJT -SS?TK3k vM'W4fcSX I titnd Trod Moil Im I mAi "3? mmk llfl prl ;:Spir RStlTr I rr ' ' J ' - '-..:...:.:.!;.,i:-:;:;-:'::!-;::::-;;:ir , A Product of Cnrol Food j DON'T LET . YOUR ORDERS VERS GO TOO LATE! Pre piling up and lhc supply situation is not 8 Rood. Pju are ailvise.l to keep your orders well in ad-Im n!ti-iVU us the best possible tliantc to keep LBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 l.'l u K" Ami IWIUHNC MATISKIALS VALENTINE for Young Cardt Make this a COUTTS Valentine Day or Old pi L mix now n us HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale und Retail IRU1TS AND VEGLTABLLS 214 Sixth Street Black 289 Venetian Blinds Steel or Wood Slals CLOTH WINDOW BLINDS Made to Measure and Installed DELIVERY IN TWO WEEKS Free Estimates Gladly Given EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works Phone Illue HO I'.O. Ko'x 30:! COTTAGE CHKKSK New Creamed Fresh Made! VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS Induce Etipctt Dally J3cUis Wednesday, January 29, 1947 i Harvey Woods AT AT OUR HATCHWAY AND , P. D. Q. Underwear Comfort . . . Fit . . . Durability ... Medium weight, buttonless combinations, In fine rib cotton and cotton and wool mixtures. Prices $2.75 - $3.25 - $3.75 We are here to serve you and guarantee a you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 517 -:- ' T-O. Be 171 Maybe you do not know we have some LOVELY DRESSES a. THEY ARE REAL BUYS BUY AND SAVE ON OUK BUDGET PLAN AT LAST Community ,d, Rosers SILVER SETS Wc have received several large shipments In several of the most popular patterns Including; . . . LOVE, ADORATION, ETERNALLY YOURS, LADY HAMILTON, FORTUNE, etc. Some sets have 2G-plccc service Tor six. $m have 34 pieces for eight people, and softie have service for twelve with 54 pieces. These are mostly In chests but we have some bulk sets for those who do not need the chest. WE CAN SUIT ALMOST ANY POCKET t, FOR THE PRICES RUN FROM . . . $15.95 to $64.00 plus tax These arc all at the approved ceiling price, the same as all over Canada. . Might b'c well to look early though. I I .A f J 3 -ii. 2