Y..M fli : 1 1 ; -1J-J Prfnrc Bmicrt Dnily jftclusf Monday, February 24, 1947 THIS AND THAT "This doorman must BASKETBALL POINT-GETTERS ' TOP TEN SENIOR "A" Players' T. Arney (S) - Hartwig (HS) Domlnato IP) Thompson (HS) Gurvlch (P) ' Forman (HS) R. Holkestad (S) E. Ciccone (IIS) . Davis (S) Calderone (B) SENIOR "It" Gurney (PE) B. Pierce (M) Slatta (CO) ' ( B. Menzies M) ... ' Clayton (PE) ....... KHaugan (M) .a Vlereck. (CO) Sheppard (CO) ... . Barton (PE) '"Arnstan (M) JUNIOR LEAGUE " - D. Scherk (Gy) .. Carlson (LV . .....;i...:.; Boulter (L) Wong (L) -i :.. 7 c 6 6 Hebb (G) Shier (Gy) '. Spring (WN) Haugan (Gy) Currie (G) . Sunberg Gy) "SHORT SPORT Sportsmen are chucklins over a suggestion that cricket be na tionalized along the lines of the . coal Industry. Nationalization .--..was advocated in a magazine " "article after EngVand dropped two humiliating matches Ui Australia in the Test series. The article said. the Labor . govern-nient might be able to get the -country not only a plentiful and cheap supply of coal but first-.; class cricket players as well. Tongue-in-cheek, It said that the failure of the English side .against Australia was caused by the failure of private enterprise ."".lb attract outstanding players. Cricketers east of Suez, the (article said, were becoming convinced that the Mother Country lias, decadent when Britain could not choose a team from her 40,000,000 population capable to beating one reperesent-rhg a country of 12,000,000. This had state, it went on, "might be aemodied when the red flag of Ithe 'N.C.C. National Cricket 'Corporation flies over Lord's terandstand in place of the dis credited flag of the discredited be new on the Job! SCORING C.anies Total Points Ave. Points 4 G3 15.75 4 43 10.75 4 39 9.75 4 37 9.25 4 35 8.75 4, 33 8.25 4 32 8.00 4 31 7.75 4 29 7.25 4 29 7.25 ..'... .7 111 15.86 ....... G . 65 10.83 ....... C GO 10.00 ....... G . 55 9.17 . 6 ' 54 9.00 ....... G 51 8.50 ....... 5 26 5.20 7 35 5.00 ... 6 27 4.50 G 2fi 4.33 83 12.58 59 9.83 56 . 9.17 .52 8.G7 G '48 8.09 7 54 7.71 7 49 7.00 6 40 6.67 6 39 6.50 7 39 5.42 Marylebonc Cricket Club (governing body of cricket)." Britain's tennis professionals, led by Davis Cup coach Dan Marskell, are working on plans which they hope may result In the country's beet showing in pavjs Cup tennis since the days of Fred Perry and Bunny Austin. The professionals seek to Improve standards of play by standardization of strokes, presumably through meetings and practices among the professionals. Along with this striving for a greater uniformity of play, the professionals have organized a winter course in tennis designed to Improve their financial standards. As things stand now, the British tennis professional Is lucky to earn as much as 500 ($2,000) a year. Formation of the North American Soccer Football Confederation., announced recently, has Written fans visualizing a series of international clashes with opponents across the Atlantic. Everything is still In the development stase, of course, but already It has been announced that the Scottish Football Association team will leave for North America at the end of the current Scottish season. It is hoped some games will be played In Canada. MARINE VICTIM OF STORM RATTLES Today in Sports HIGH SCHOOL WINS CLOSE VICTORY OVER PACKERS TWOVAY TIE FOR SENIOR RASKETRALL LEADERSHIP MACEY'S CONTJNpE UNREATEN Putting on a liist-minute drive in Saturday night's Senior "AM hoop loop, the Bo-MeHi Rainmakers went into a two-way tie with Savoy for top spot in the league y virtue of the 02 to r5 win over the cellar-dwelling R.C. Packers squad. Sev Dominate of the Packers racked up 19 points to take the scoring honors as well as played a strong defensive game to be cu -op lone free throw, Macey's classed easily as the outstand-! inmued Into an overwhelming: lng player. But Sev's efforts were not quite enough anc the Packers bowec) down to the extra driving power displayed by the younger Rainmakers squad. The game was another of the fast, hard driving games being featured currently in the Senior "A" loop wth the students having the' slight edge. Packers got off to a quick start and led 6-6 early in the first frame but this was whittled down to 12-11 by the first quarter mark. The second period was fast and furious with the students moving into the lead quickly before the Packers defences could get organized. However, in the closing minutes of the first half the Packers got started again, although on the short end, were still only 2 points down 31-29. When the second half got under way the killing pace began to show on the Packers with the students Increasing their lead by a few points closing up the third frame 47-42. In the fourth period with still about five minutes to go, Packers tied the game up at 52 to 52. Then the students put on a powerful drive which the Packers could not keep up to. Although the fish men have stilt to win a game In the second half, Saturday night was the most points they have lost by, which gives some idea of how closely the senior loop Is matched. Handling the whistle In this game was' left up to two recruits from he; Savoy squad who did an outstanding job of keep this crucial play clean. Ted Ar ney anc". Met 'Holkestad ran tha risk of. some pretty loose talk when they undertook to arbitrate, but they did such a fine Job that there was scarcely a murmer of a dissenting voice to be heard. Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers Thompson 7, Hardwig 9, Lavlgne 6, Ciccone 10, Forman 14, Flaten 11, Skog 5, Davidson, Intermela. Total 62. B.C. Packers S. Domlnato 19, Houston 5, Brown 4, Mazzonl 2, Gurvlch 8, Calderone 7, Ciccone 5, White 5. Total 55. MACEY'S. EASILY OUTPLAY CO-OPS Macey's continued on their merry way by lashing the Co-op five 52-24 in the Senior "B" hoop battle. This was the high flying Macey squad's fourteenth straight win and their sixth straight In the second half. Macey's wer really In Uie clouds Saturday night with the Co-op showing spirit oniy In the first frame. Then as the Co-op slowed down in the second frame Macey's began to drive. Thereafter the game was never In doubt with Macey's completely shattering Co-op's weakness. The match started off fairly evenly with Macey's having the slight edge in the first frame 15-10. In the second quarter Macey's moved slowly farther away closing the half out in front 26-16. After the halt time breather, it was Macey's all the way with Co-op barely in Uie fight. Racking up 12 points to STRONG WINDS AND lead with the quarter closing 38-17. In the last frame po-op put on a much belale4 drive which netted them 7 points but, meanwhile, Macey's were chalking up an additional 14. With Bud Pierce of Macey's and Menzies of Co-op vying for top scoring honors, Macey's took the field when Pierce came out on top with 17 points followed by 'Menzies of Co-op with 14. But Pierpe was given good support by the res of his forward line while Menzies had virtually no! support at all. Macey's Menzies C, Gilt 11, Haugen 10, B. Pierce 17, Arnstan 6, Teng, James 2. Total 52. Co-op Leland, Petersen, Johnson, Slatta 4, Wesch 6, Sheppard 6, Lewis, Vereck, Whitenbrock. Menzies 14. Total 24. GYROS CONTINUE THEIR WINNING WAYS After winning their last two starts in the Junior league, Watts and Nickerson were stopped cold Saturday night by the first place Gyro squad 30-23. It was a fast game with the Clothiers taking the 'Initiative early but, before the first frame was over, Gyro had Jumped out In front to lead 12-10 by the first quarter mark. Then In the second period Gyro moved way out by holding their opponents scoreless while, netting themselves 8 points. Thi3 'closed the first half with Gyro leading 20-10. The second half started off slowly with Gyro still having things pretty much theif own way. But as the quarter? came to a close" the pace speeded up and Watts and Nickerson be gan to get moving. Going into the fourth frame on the short side 29-13, the Clothiers made a desperate effort to overcome the big lead Gyro had racked up. The gap was too big, however, and, although they out-scored their rivals 10-1 In this last frame, they still ended up away behind. In the absence of Syd Wood-side the regular coach for Gyro, Don Forward took over the reins and guided the club reps on to a decisive win. This loss for Watts and Nickerson puts them down in the cellar position which they hold all to themselves now. Gyro is still on top with neither of the other junior squads showing any definite threat to their supremacy. Don Scherk of Gyro stayed on top of the scoring list by dropping In 12 points to lead the scoring In last night's game. Watts; and Nickerson Spring 5, Kelly 4, Bill, Ratchford, Web ster 4, Scharff 4. Laurie, Gar near, Jones 6. Total 23. Gyro D. Scherk 12, S. Scherk, 2, Shier 9, Sunberg 6, Moore, Mercer 1, Donaldson. Total 30. The league standings to date: Junior Tea'm Won Lost Pctge. Oyro 6 1 .857 Legion 3 3 .500 Grotto ,2 4 .333 W. & N 2 5 .285 Senior "IJ" Team Won Lost Pctge. Macey's 6 0 1.000 HITTER COLD ... .. i.-t-r.fS:..:. .- ..-Mp The deckhouse of the barge Temple of Baltimore, a marine victim of the storm, shows Just above the choppy water following the collision with the tanker Wagon Box which was proceeding north In the Upper Bay. The Wagon Box kept her bow in the hole which she had driven into the barge , w w. TjJ..jy,))1(l,, 0 In an effort to keep It from sinking whilet the crew of three men launched a small lifeboat. They rowed to 39th St., Brooklyn, N Y., struggling against strong winds and bitter cold. The barge Is now resting on the bottom of the bay off Red Hook. BOWLS RACE , Vasjs, Gulls and Spitfires , pressing: Ijtlj Hirers in War 'Assets League , llell Divers were on the short .end of a clean sweep score with ,the Wasos in the War Assets .Bowling League at the weekend but managed to slay on top . !n the standing with a scant one ,point lead over Wasps, dulls and SpH fires. The Oulls and Mosquitoes won clean sweep? from Chickens and Sharp shooters. Iii the fourth fixture Spitfires won two games to one oyer Wing Dingers. Gulls had the high total team score for the session with 3197. Sill Dustin had , the ' highest single ttwe of 3127. Eva Mancll of the Mosquitoes had the high individual score of 7)0. Individual scoring: WASPS S. McDonald ICS 134 170 D. llagblad 25 184 156 N. Vuckovich .. J04 109 05 E. Bulsey' 210 240 172 A. Matheson ... . iff? 131 3.32 Total? 774 798 862 HELL DIVERS- II. Brewer 126 146 83 E. McManus . ..123 88 113 F. Dcrry 123 236 158 R. Holland 152 1G3 205 J. Ham - 144 155 169 Totals 674 788 733 C1IICKENS-N. McCaffcry ... 106 104 113 L. Hltchlns ... .... 152 188 6 D. Houston 195 185 189 B. Long 145 iC0 184 I. Miillin .. I.. 65 199 209 J. Berg D3 137 M5 , Totals 856 982 1000 GULLS-0. Nelson ..... 192 208 198 M. Munizabc 176 14S ICO P. Dustin 127 142 155 B. Dustin ... 53 163 312 L. Raabe 130 19.1 121 B. Cowgill .... 199 276 151 , Totals 977 1133 1037 SHARPSHOOTERS E. Marsc . . 210 154 150 D. Chappie . 156 185 218 V. Carreir 140 173 94 R. Cornish 100 201 99 P. Moore 108 89 113 Totals 714 802 674 MOSQUITOES D. Brown 136 191 185 ,v. Chamberlain 133 164 141 II. Hartz 205 228 243 C. Michle 176 173 184 J3. Mennell 241 ?ir ori Totals 899 972 1003 Co-op 2 5 .285 Port Edward 2 5 .285 Senior 'AAM Team Won Lost Pctge. Savoy 3 1 .750 High School 3 1 .750 B.C. Packers 0 4 nnn HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian 'Ma'le Puppies For Sale $25 Phone Black 823 Business arid J. P. AIPWU PHONE BLUE 155 124 4 th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PATIP HELEN'S REALTY SHOP permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 488 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 WING DINGERS R. Goodlad 202 142 166 P Aird ' 130 180 143 L. Ham 173 200 141 K. Aird 152 172 140 E. Parker 159 169 183 Totals 810 809 786 . SPITFIRES- Potuk - 148 145 212 .Towns 182 216 191 De Macre 145 117 111 D.ilgJeifh 122 161 184 Sharks "3 221 157 Totals 770 890 855 The second half standing to date: W L Pts. Hell pivcrs 13 8 13 .Gtu 12 9 12 Spjtfircs 12 9 12 .Waps 12 fl 12 ,vfn$ pilfers 1 10 11 Sharpshooters .. 11 10 11 Mpqultoes 9 12 9 Chickens . .. 4 17 4 Speed Champ Builds Unique Racing Car VJCTOniA O Jack Smith, former British Columbia champion, auto racer, has bftl'.t a four-cylinder racing car engine which he claims Is of unique cUslgn. Built frcm a 1923 popular car engine-block, the design Includes automatic suspension nlth no rear axle or differential. The machine Is chain-driven. Stripped d3wn to a piece of casting, the engine black was mounted with a cylinder head 'aclng opposite to the exhaust. Smith believes the four-wheel independent suspension feature will aid In eliminating skidding. He estimates maximum speed will be 135 miles on hour--enough to test feasibility of the design. Hockey Scores Saturday Montreal 3, Detroit 7. Rangers 0, Toronto 2. Sunday Toronto 2, Montreal 2. Detroit 2, Rar ers 2, Boston 9, Chicr-o 4, (en RHEUMATIC PAINS end STIFFNESS NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1SS Professional GEQHGH L. HORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. fncome Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 JERRY VREBOSqi PAPERHANGING and . PAINTINO PHONE 372 P. N. KUborn w. Peterson RERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baseaee Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 077 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES PromDt nltrnMnn ...... in moll - vav.. w iiinii ui Li C 1 1 , Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry 1VI.IXS (lK.) LTD, ' A It T , (1 1: OrtlflMl WHghrrs -- Samplers IteroiHlltloncrs Lnbclllnit Contractors HUH: 980 PROMPT W EFFICIEKT SEKVKI Mil Our qUt( H COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. LB II I f" t I Iff II I i T T it,,... i-e v. i 14 f f-r f f ae( "n, ' ur u i u 1 jjsi u j tutin SCHEDULE "tl February 20 -insn usnool v; Savoy. March 1 B.C. Packers vs High School. March 4-Savoy vs. B. C. Pack-ers. March 8-U.C. Packers vi. Savoy. Mflch U Savoy vs. B.C Packers. tyVch 15 -Savoy v. High School. I March 18-Iifth School vs. I 11.0. packers. ! Inarch 22 - Savoy vs. Hlrth" School. , March 25 High School v. li; C. packers. ACTIVE AT 103 CARMAN. Man. Elle Pierre Major, Caiman's eldest resident, recently celebrated hi:; 103th birthday, lie rUes at 5 a.m. daily and tluu.ih he L un J able to get downtownhc walks around tlu' vii ini:y of his nome I Ten of his Tumiiy of 12 still sur ! vlve. 1 IN EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD PLAYER'S NAVY CUT CIGARETTES HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light nepalrs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 40 1 McBrlde hi ' '"una tl. rim BRAKE Here's ih elonmtnt in kilt It'i tht NETC TOM-DRIUiDB t . tlfvtlopfj h Rinctrs. LnJtr CIIRYCO UlCl hive prpvta dui mcrtasn iheird: (ted for all fotrr ith better ailTt Ccmtnnl "CHRVCO"ltWs1 Iride sjmc cuMiiil fvintbo PmudiJ th.i indcnurfc mpfcl ho drifn Ctmi-'l tin. tjfio u4 tn ll inJCirrOo RUPERT II umitJ Prince E I'honei U Won't lie Long u"u B- , . . , and romraefii truck operators villi have to have depcr-iatlti; free service from trjelr equipment Wp SiifTfrpjf LThat you come tn irik ::.V ,t3h''L? the necessary reratiXOI prevent costly tle-ups later on (imp uie iivinn i ininv iirni t n ri promptly and efficiently. All Work Guaranteed rsumna inn 1 I'OUD AND MONAKCII nMIXHS 1 none fin. 1 rin' HATCH COVERS Mv' l 1 1 nit 1 iri 1 il 1 iri a iiik in 1 r. mi i : ... ...... I'Ikiiw I'M P fit ten I.Vic Th nl Arr. inc' SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Rll FRASER STREET Prince Rupert We have just received a shipment of n run U TCDD simii mi? MEET AH cmVICE TO 1 IX (11. P.O. BOX 15' ' SMOKED JEAgS! I I II. IT Li 1 Haddie W3 Ask for the m Unlay at J"r CANADIAN FISH & COLD I COMPANY LIMITS rniNCB rupf.kt, I