Prince Rupert Daily X3cuis Monday, January 6, 1947 An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and nil communities comprising northern and central Erltlsh Columbia. Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) I Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. ; Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS ( CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES ? By City Carrier, per week, 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, $4.00. i . . Now we are Canadians I?71 WAS A SIGNIFICANT and epoch - marking ceremony in the Supreme Court, of Canada at I Ottawa last week when Chief Justice Thibodeau Rinfret formally conferred tangible Canadian citizenship on twenty-six representative persons including Prime Minister Mackenzie King himself. , For Mr. Mackenzie King it was a culmination of a long ambition to make Canadian citizenship something in name as well as reality as it has, of course, been for many years. By act of Parliament a Canadian can now be known as a "Canadian" instead of having to describe himself in official documents by racial origin. In other words, "Canadian" is now a racial Origin such as it should appropriately be. It is something to be proud of and it is gratifying enough that at long last the red tape which prevented a Canadian calling himself a "Canadian" has been cut away. Fives and Tens flUMANITY likes counting in j fives and tens. Why the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary should merit a dray-load or so of silver while the ?4th is lucky if it gets recognition, or why the fiftieth should get marked by gold watches and such, while the fifty-first goes unwept, un-honored and unsung has never been adequately explained but there it is, mankind likes the anniversaries that end in ive or zero. 3t freedom of the Press HE FIRST ESSENTIAL freedom T for the press is that ; there shall be no government censorship, dictation, or control. No newspaper shall be compelled to say only what the government says it must 'say. That would be dictatorship, and "Canadian as well as other democratic people do not want their newspapers dictated by the government. Jio matter how good or popular the government may be! ' The second essential freedom the press is concerned .with is. something quite dif ferent. As we all know, newspapers depend for a large part bf their financial support upon advertisements, which bring in 'money to the newspaper proprietors. Now it might happen that certain business people might Itry to exercise some control jriver the policy of a paper by ANNOUNCEMENT George Brown and Bobby Woods, proprietors of Cut Rate Shoe Store, announce that the store -will henceforth be known as Brownwoods They thank their patrons for generous support in their first few months of business and hope to merit a continuation thereof. BROWNWOODS ' "FOOTWEAR FOR ALL" REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 6 ajn. to 2 a.m. PHONE 173 rnTT A fJF ! CHEESE iNew Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE PLACE ANJVD IN THE DAILY threatening to withdraw advertisements unless the editor adopted a point of view more favorable to their advertisers' policy. Freedom of expression is the life-blood of a free society and unless there is freedom of the press freedom from government control, freedom from commercial domination there can be no real freedom of opinion. If people are not allowed to read all sides of a political argument, then they are not fully equipped to play their part as responsible citizens. Highway. or Steamers KETCHIKAN Chronicle THE says that it won't be long until tourists will be driving over the Cariboo-Skeena roads and the Alcan highway, which they would much pre fer to steamer travel, because of the chance to stop over and to travel more reasonably, plus the opportunity to explore as they go. We still believe that to change the Jones Act so Canadian ships could h? idle our passenger "business and part of our freight cargo, then to let American freighters handle the remaining car-,go, would be the wisest and most ecohomical policy. Alaska is under no obligation to support the steamship lines in the style to which they have been accustomed, or to be used as a bludgeon over the U.S. congress for the purpose of extracting shipbuilding subsidies. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 NEWS CIRCULATION COUNTS CANADA'S QUEEN OF COUGAR KILLERS Mrs. Joan Yates, of Sooke Hills, B.C., gets her title, "Cougar Queen of British Columbia," by being a dead shot with a rifle. Here she is shown with one of her victims. C F'PR 1240 Radio Kilocycles Dial (Subject to change) "A M MONDAY P.M. 4:00 Edmund Hockrldge 4:15 Mid-day Melodies 4:30 Songs in Sweet Style 4:45 Story Time 5: CO Top Sands 5:30 Sweet and Low Down 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 Accordiana 6:15 Mdrtial Airs 6:30 Hawaiian Echoes 16: 45 Tombstone Talks 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 1 : 15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Recital Time 7:45 City Desk 8:00 Parade of Bands 8:30 Feidler Conducts 9: CO National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 Toronto Ukrainian Choir 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Neighborly News 10:30 Dance Orch. CBS 11:00 Weather and Sign-off TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8: 15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 .Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES . AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN O Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West SINGER Sewing machines for rent by the week or month PHONE 864 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 639 3rd Ave. West HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBride HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 1 1 : 00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 1 1 : 3 1 Message 1 Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude' 11:45 Ethel and Albert " P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Artists or Tomorrow 1:45 Commentary 1 :48 EthelwynneHobbs 2:00 From the Classics,-.-. 2:15 Family Favorites . 2:30 Sheila presents 3:00 Western Five 3:15 Serenade to America 3 :30-The Enchanted Pine 3:45 BBC News atid Com.- Mrs. MacPnerson, doing her shopping, met Mrs. McTavish, nearly bentln two. Said Mrs. MacPhcrson: "My,. Mrs. McTavish, your rheumatics must be awful bad today. I've never seen you walking like that before.'' "It's nae my rheumatics," snapped Mrs. McTavish. "It's thae new-fangled ankle socks. I'm having an awfu' job wi' ma .susipenders." Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Are your joints arnl muscles stiff and roie from Rheumatic Pain? Get quick, safe relief with Tenii.lctun's T-R-Cs. Used and recommendcl by thousands, T-U-C's are specially made to relieve Rheumatic, Arthritic and Neuritic pain and stiffness. Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Get a box today. Sue, $lRt druggists. T-38 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot. and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 While ir? Terrace T errace in this Prince Rupert by BIDDEE JINKS At exactly 12 o'clock midnight December 31, I received a visi tor. He was a stranger to me. yet I knew he would arrive at ihat moment. Hp was a buoyant fellow, very cha.mlng, but, as he stepped across the threshold, an old and weary gentleman slipped noiselessly out through .he back door. The old man lent with an agil-.ty and punctuality that belled his appearance for he was stoop-Ed and feeble, as if he had borne many cares. His eyes held a sombre quality as though they had seen much of sorrow, yet-there lurked a twinkle that spoke too of joy. His cheeks were sunken and furrowed and his brow heavy. Not entirely responsible for the trouble and crisis of conference or labor, yet he had borne them for a year. And until the last moment he had kept them his own. But now. without so much as a sigh of tearet or of satisfaction, he left them all to his successor, the young chan with the smooth Jbrcw, the lad who as yet did not know the name Molotov or Gramyko. He had stretched a'k'nd hand in my direction, that old man. To most of us ii this hemisphere, his rein had been good. Thinking of this, I remembered an, old philosophy that said: "If all the cares and sorrows of the world were gathered together and then evenly distributed, the majority would receive more than hitherto." 'Knowing full well that was true and misht apply to me. yet standing at that moment between the old and familiar and the new and untried. I saw one going never to return tout involuntarily my E2 STRAINS. SPRAINS and MUSCULAR PAINS Three sailings Fer Week for VANCOUVER -T- VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. .STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 12:00 Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fortnightly. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) "P.O. Box 167 Terrace stay at . ,. . Hotel for Convenience and Comfort RECENTLY REMODELLED .' . . UP-TO-DATE CENTRAL HEATING TROUGHOUT . . . HOT AND COLD WATER TERRACE MACHINE SHOP & GARAGE TERRACE, B.C. Dealers in GENERAL MOTORS Products MACHINE WORK GAS and ELECTRIC WELDING DIESEL and TRACTOR REPAIRS For minor repairs and gas hand went out to the new! The newcomer as young and he was radiant, in reflection of the gladness with' which he had been greeted from place to place acrosi ihe world Whether in cottage or castle, hospital -.bed or ballroom floor, he is received with joy. Perhaps not hilariously, bue reading the warmirh of a heart, he is glad. And even as he came to' us, a bell tolled in rythmic chime: "Ring out the old, ring In th new, Ring happy bells across the snow; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in th? true." At that moment, I tried to conceive what a New Year would meain to the millions of th world. In reality, it is just oni day following another. In hard facts, it is only the calendar that makes; it different yet who can explain the mixed feelings of wistfulness, joy, exhilaration that fills the soul of us all when we enter, have entered the vast unknown of a year? So much has been changed in the last year, so much will be different in a year's time. To some th'at thought brings the' sadness of loss, to others it sounds hope, the signal for greater effort. Nor would we wish it otherwise. Somehow, the shedding of the old year' sheds a certain lethargy of spirit. Looking back, we see in true perspective the value of a day or its utter waste. We find in the small deed, or the commonplace, a joy to remember. Thinking of -the let The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING estimates oil Burner sales and service Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. I MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewellry" ter v:e did not write, or the smile we did not smile, there is a moment of ploom which passes in the light of a clean slate that we may mark this yar .with satisfaction. Wishing for happiness, but Join and Support Prince Rupert's NAVAL H.M.C.S. Chatham Requires Especially Young Men Between 17Vi and 22 Years of Age withGrade X Education. Enquiries and Applications .. H.M.C.S. CHATHAM First Ave. and McBride St. Day or Evening This Week For your wall and ceiling decoration use ... MURESCO It can be. applied over almost any surface including most wallpapers. It's easy to apply, and the colors and rich flat finish are most , pleasing. It's economical too; for $1.50 you can Muresco the average' room! McBride Street .. Introducing . . . OUTBOARD 313 3rd Ave. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. L 0 V I N ' S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Setfond Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Bob Parker FORD AND MONARCH "The Home WE CARRY THE COMPLETE FORD PARTS IN Out-of -Town Orders "HONE 8.'l SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert knowing that If Is not measur in the things that are caxi our feet, nor in the lack c: j we straighten our shoulder tighten our grip, and with will to do, shout "Happy Nt Year." MURESCO I Lit Phone 311 1947 CHAMPION Immediately available. Standard Single 4.2 H.P. Readily portable, strong and powerful for hard going. Perfect for trolling. CANNOT BE FLOODED. Positive lubrication and cooling. Quiet underwater exhaust. Now on display at Rupert Radio and Electric Phone C44 Geo. L Dawes Tim Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission ! Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSE HOLD GOODS WRAPPED PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bid?! PHONES: 5in Blue 145 Res. Red 12jl Ask: for George Limited SALES AND SERVICE of Friendly Service" LARGEST AND MOST STOCK OF GENUINE AND ACCESSORIES NORTHERN B.C. Given Prompt Attention , PRINCE RUPERT, B.C JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue