, Rupert IBBBQflHBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBHBEBKnBaaH It's IBHHBBI Sale starts Tuesday - Tomorrow 9 a.m. - see you there! AT 7 Hi r $8.95 -LADIES' CHENILLE HOUSECOATS Only 10 of These So Hurry 200 PAIR LADIES' GLOVES REDUCED TO All Styles Selections of Colors and Styles es Store 2 ior J DRESS TIME HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Just select the 2 dresses of your choice. If both are the! same price, pay for only one. If the prices are different, pay for the highest price ONLY In either case GET THE SECOND ONE FREE. Priced $5.95 to $20.95 TAKE ONE FREE! 65-GIRLS' SHOW HEAD PARKAS . . . Our Entire Stock. Colors red and blue. Buy Several. k $2-95 50c 95c 29c NO EXCHANGES - NO LAY AW AYS - CASH ONLY Come Prepared To Buy!! These Values will gel you!! LADIES' FUR & UNTRIMMED COATS NOW SIZE $15 44 $35 42 $32.50 40 $46 20 $37.50 20 $50 18 $17 18 $68.50 16 $16.50 15 Yr. DESCRIPTION Tweed, Untrimmed Originally $25 Fur Trimmed Originally $45 Untrimmed Fur Trimmed Untrimmed Fur Trimmed Originally $65 Tweed, Untrimmed Originally $28 Fur Trimmed Leopard Trim 15-Year-Old Girls' Size SALE PRICE $ 9.95 $25,00 $16.95 $25.00 $18.95 $25.00 $ 9.95 $40.00 $ 7.95 LADIES' ANKLE SOCKS buy 5 PAlR SVi to 10'2. FOR INFANTS' ANKLE SOCKS w -AVi to 6'z. ' and Get Buy Them Assorted 6th Pair If You Prefer. FREE les Stor IBBI O B B B B fl B ?L " ......... 1 M $12.50 -GIRLS' REVERSIBLE RAINCOATS Wear On 2 Sides. An Ail-Year Coat. Sizes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. J. 73 45c PLASTIC RAINHOODS-A11 Colors 0QC Limited Quantity. 50 Lucky People Vill Get These for , 1 $81.95 to $12.50 -SNOW SUITS. Sizes 5, 7, 8, 10 $M "T 3 And Only Z Infants' Sizes Regular $5.50 Now $3.95. ff To Top W All-LADIES9 MILLIE Regular $2.95 to $7.95 Choice of Over 100 AND B B a B B B B B a B B B B B fl B a B B B B B B B B fl B fl n q a B a s B B B a B B B B B B B fl B B B fl .fl B B E fl n B H H H H B B B B R B B B B B N m n n a u B fl B fl Q fl fl B B n a a B 0 fl fl B B H n MB; BATSMAN GUIDES PLANE TO SAFE LANDING The batsman (more properly called "the deck-landing control officer") is the man on board an aircraft carrier whose split second decisions may mean the difference between safety and disaster to planes landing on the flight deck. Shown here is Lieut. (P) E. M. Dais, R.C.N. (R), of Oakville, Ont., signalling landing orders to an incoming air craft on board .the Canadian aircraft carrier, H.M.C.S. Warrior in the tropics. Below him is the communication rating linked by telephone with the commander (flying) who is in over-all charge of aircraft operations. Build Up Highlands B B fl fl fl B B H fl M B a n H B fl fl H a H n n n a a n a n a b a Poverty-Stricken Areas Made Test Case in Broad Experiment to Aid Dying: Communities By JOHN DAUPHINE Canadian Press Staff Writer OEOMARTY. Scotland, it) A plan to make part of poverty- stricken Ross and Cromarty, one of Scotland's biggest counties, a "test-case" experiment in West Highland rehabilitation, is put forward by the county council. Already the health department Is co-cperating in a survey of condition in the west coast Applecrcss area with' its oparse population and primitive communications. The plan is to extend the' study to other main land districts and try to find a way to spire Highland d'ifficul ties. The dual problem is to over come congestion in the Isle of Lewis and the population col lapse in parishes of the north west Mainland. Even though the east fringe has fertile soil and some Indus try, only 'Dingwall and Inver- gordon among the four biggest through the failure of the her ring fishery and a strong inclin- WILL DRAW MUSICIANS Edinburgh Plans Annual Event To Rival Prc-War Salzburg EDINBURGH, '(F) Edinburgh's first International Festival of Music and Drama next year . claimed as an annual event rivalling the pre-war splendor of Salzburg, Bayrcuth and the 1916 Lucerne festival is taking form. Renowned orchestras have contracted to play. The Vienna Philharmonic under Bruno Walter will lead off, and other concerts will be given by the Col-onne Orchestra of Paris, the Halle Orchestra of Manchester under John Barbirolli and the Liverpool Philharmonic. Opera from Glyndefoournci Sussex, will include Verdi's seldom performed "Macbeth" and Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro," I accompanied (iby tne Scottish Orchestra. Four of the world's outstanding virtuosi of the piano, violin, viola and 'cello Schnabcl. Szi-",-cti, William Primrose and Pierre Fournier have agreed to .give individual performances and combine in a qiiartett. Lotts Lshmnnn will slng(for(the first time since the war, Vccompanied by Maestro Walter . English drama willuc supplied ':v London's Old VicCom.panv mid French drama by a Paris ?.rrroany headed by firm actor Louis Jouvct. Edinburgh hopes to attract more than 36,000 visitors to tnu '(festival and has chartered a istcC'iner to anchor in the Firth of Fourth as a floating hotel. Harry Archibald, M.P. for Icccna, who went home lo North Vancouver to fipcnd the Christmas and New Year holiday sea-ion, returned to the city from the south on the Coquitlam yes terday morning. Mr. Archibald will leave Friday night for Ot tawa where the session of Par liament will opeii January. 30, attending a C.C.F. conference in the fqderal capital January 28 Mrs. Archibald Is already in the east. ation in Scotlana toward economic centralization. The county council has asked the government to. direct new Industry Into a proposed ,np.w town in the Invergordon area and plans construction of new roads, housing, social centres ed there and the herring industry board contemplates making the Kyle of Lochalsh a fishing port. Lewis has an eye on the great new airport built beside Storno-way for military purposes and already being used hy an infrequent civil air service to the mainland. But most of the enterprises now in sight are completely unrelated and they do almost nothing to meet the land hunger cf Lewis and the depopulation of the western mainland. Congestion is at its worst around Stornoway where the and water and drainage schemes along the eastern seaboard. Build Generating Station The north of Scotland Hydro-Eicctric Board i uuiiding a big towns have shown population I generating station at Loch Fan-growth during the last 90 years, nich in mid-county and smaller Cromarty has declined rapidly units to bring electricity to the western coast. The forestry commission is already establlsh-houslng shortage is so critical that the town council will not consider applications for houses from any outsider. In contrast, a survey of crofter housing on the mainland showed there are almost no able-bodied residents between the ages of 18 and 50 in the coastal area. One house in five, is empty. In all Galrloch parish there were only 30 men of military age when the Second World War began less than one-quarter of the number who joined the Scaforth Highlanders in one day in 1914. Twenty years ago,there were 24 children in the school at Kishorn at the head of Loch carron. Now there are six. On Applecrass peninsula,' 60 per cent ojf all houses are unfit for habitation, judged by normal municipal standards'. These aifp the problems which Ross and Cromarty hope can 'be solved if lis "test-case" experiment is carried out. LOCAL COMPANY CHANGES NAME Notice is given in the latest issue of the B.C. Gazette, official provincial government publication, that Killas and Chris topher Ltd., 628 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, Intend to .apply for approval under the Com pany's Act to change the name of the organization' to Killas and Co. Ltd. "Here is a letter from your wife saying you are the father df a 10-pound boy." "Does she say anything else?" "That's all, exccipt at the end of the letter she says, "Truly Yours." TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 2-room cottage, 2 lots, built 4 years ago. $700. Armstrong Agencies. (5) FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartment, or furniture for sale; all in good condition. 2 minutes from Post Office. Can be .seen 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., No. 3, Rand Blocks Phone Black 727. (6) FOR SALE White enamel Mc-Clary kitchen range, like new. Phone Blue 922. (9) and Jzu s7D . n v I I ,.THE NEWjsoivm" u TODAY TO WED. MAT 2:30 EVE 7:00 -9:00 MUM"" I gn BBjflj jm J bAUTOON I jgliPllIlM CONSUM A CL"' 5 .4'". JT 4 k DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS GO TOO LATE! Orders arc piling up and the supply situation is not so good. O You arc advised to keep your orders well in advance to give us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS ) A COMPLETE CANVAS (iOODS SERVICE WE CAN RE MAKE PAIR PLACE ALL CANVAS PRODUCTS PHONE, BLUE 126 EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works 160 East Third Avenue (Next to McMeekin's) Pocket Diaries Office Diaries Appointment Books ALSO IDEAL CALENDAR PADS Varga Calendars "Beautiful Canada" Calendars MeuMvs.d Wood For Sale First, Class, ll-incli lengths, free of nails $10 per cord Second Class, trimmings up to , 11-inch lengths $8 per cord Third Class, various lengths, uncut $G per cord Immediate Delivery Phone : Blue 976 Night- Phone : Red 976 Office: 812 Second Avenue West IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS