I m 4 ft "7 tPrfrtcc Hupm Dailp lochia Ft id ay Jpi i'U? Social Doings (Contributions to tills section will be welcomed) BRIDE FROM SASKATCHEWAN Memberj cf tlr famJiV .f the bridegroom and fi lends 'A'erc present at the weddin? in St Andrew's Cathedral W?dnesday evening of Miss Clara Tiiersa Tosezak. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tosezak of Woodrow Sark., to Splro Gurvich of Prince Rupert. The rite was performed by Canon V. F. Rushbrook. Tlie bride was given in marrl-se by John Gurvich. brother of the bridegroom. She wore a floor-length gown of turquoise sheer with matching net veil, and carried a targe bouquet of red rose. Her attendant was Mrs. Peter Richards whese floor-lenfith gown of wh.te was gold- i trimmed. Her bouquet was of white and yellow carnations. Groomsman was E P. Smith, and Peter-Lien wa& organist. At the reception in Valhalla hall, 150 friend paid their de- spects to the newly married i couple. The brides table was 'when centered wiui a three-wer wedding cak before which the brtde was toasted by the groomsman. James Ham refponded to the bride's toast. Tlie evening was spent In dancing to music by Andy McNauvhton at the oteno. Mr. and Mrs. Gurvich will reside at 749 Freier Street. Mr. Ourvlch has been employed with the provincial Pnblic Works department, here for a number of years. prepWhandy map of city A handy tourist map. only slightly larger than a post crd. wilt soon be mide availale to tourists by the Public Relations CouncH. Secretary E. T. Apple-whalte reported. The card will contala a map of the city with 16 points of Interest numbered. Drawing of the small map was don bv Donald McKay, local draughtsman. Mor than 5j000 map wW be published in the near future. Internal committee chairman Al Man4Q reoorted that work on. the new tourist headquarters in the Museum Is progressing, and that "there wir be a pretty good tourist bureau at the end of the month " C. E. CulHn. museum curator, will also be in charge of the tourist office. The meeiinc votd to send C. H. Orme a letter of encouragement on his project oi oompil-intr a historv of Prince Rupert and surrounding district. The meetaw authorized the publication nf a half-page ad vertisement In the annual edl mer-re. a publication that contained several columns about Prince Ruoertjn its 1946 edition Present at toe meetirvr were Alderman Arthur Breoksbank. E MISS LOIS HOWE ISHOWER HONOREE : Mrs. W J. Richards and Mrs. i Frank EUison were co-hostesses last night at the home cf the former when a pre-nuptial party was held in honor of MLs Lois Hwe whose marriage to Oliver Keays takes pUe on Saturday. Sprays df "link hawthorn, white streamers and belte decorated the roonas. A ptak and wMte bwtett laden wtth sifts was carried in by Mrs. Richards aad Mias Irene Larsen who wUl be the brtdesnld.. Many lovelv and useful gifts were disclosed and admired. Party games, court whist. Chl-ne?e checkers and group sinking with Mrs. J. R. Carr at the ptano were enjoyed duruw the eve ning. Mrs. John McLeod was winner of a game cnnJett while Mrs. George Hqwe won first prize and Mrs. Fred Hunter, sec ond, playing court, whist. The evening was complete dehekms refreshments were served. A "shower" cake made ana decorated specially for the occasion was cut by Miss How alter which all drank a toast to the bride-elect. Guests included the Misses Lois Howe. Lorna Howe, Irene Larsen. Man- Hunter. Mrs. J. R. Carr. Mrs. Fred Hunter. Mrs. M. J. Keays. Mrs. William Roth-well. Mrs. George Ruddertwm, Mrs. John McLeod Mrs. Vic Menaies. Mrs. W. U. HiH, Mrs. Harry Poulsen. Mrs. Gordon Moller. Mrs. John Johasscn. Mrs. w J Richards and Mrs. Frank Ellison. Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. R Williams. Toledo. Ohio; Robert Williams, ir.. For Better Radio Here Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Sends itrief to Parliamentary Committee Emmlsslon from station CFPR of Prince Rupert of all Canadian Broadcasting Corporation network programs and construction of "booster" or "repeater" broadcasting units at such points as Terrace, Hazel ton, Smithers, Burns Lake and Vanderhoof are requested In a two-point plan for Improvement of radio broadcasting service in Prince Rupert and Central British Columbia which has been dispatched by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce to Ottawa for consideration of the Parliamentary committee on radio broadcast ing. The radio committee and secretary ot the chamber, E. T. Applewhaite, have 'been active lately In efforts to bring about better broadcasting service here, particularly as far as the- making available of more popular network programs is concerned. The Chamber, quoting from its own communication, is asking that the Parliamentary committee consider the' following two general proposals: "First The granting of full use of radio facilities now actually in existence and operation at Prince Rupert but put to a restricted use only. This has particular reference to the land-line on which network programs are fed Into the local station CFPR. At the present time. of programs actually available. the local listening public cannot get those it wants to hear, but only those permitted by existing CBC decisions. The desired programs are commercially sponsored. In so far as the hockey programs are concerned we know that they reach CFPR but are not permitted to go pn the air. We also know that this Is due to negotiations between various governmental departments over the use and revenue of the land-line. However when the Canadian Government Telegraphs. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian National Telegraphs, etc.. axe all supposed to be publicly owned and all have their capital expendl- Toledo. Ohio: Gordon Little. East tures and deficits (if any) footed Kwinitsa: Ray Gob urn. Prince iv e public we feel we have George: M. Reynolds. Terrace; i " ,nterest Further we feel that Lt. M. Kavanaush. Carson Citv. Iac,uues ngmauy consiruciea Nev.: R. A. Iogray, Edmonton; I at Public exPen5e- as war needs Dfek Burns. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. I "awa. snouia oe operaiea xor ris. Smithers; A. Talt, Smithers; W. J. Petorle. Vancouver; O. J. E. Dorser, Toronto: L. Baillie, Port Hjsrdy; L. O. Murray. Vancou- i ver; P. E. Cornwall. Long Beach, T Aoplewhaite Mi?s Honora Calif.; Mrs. N. R Barwick, Fort S'lversides R'oWi Olsen. Oscar Babine: G L Bowden, Haielton: Hnverov. Al Manso;. and J. K. :E. W. Burridge Vancouver: C. F. McLeod. iSolwell. Vancouver "Those men are from the finance company Now you know why this meeting was called T' who helped to pay for them la! Travel North and the first place. Your committee jp Stranded ci A A Become can demand and get authentic Information upon all features More reports, continue to drift and angles of this matter which back south about people lrotn are not available to us. "Second Construction of low power 'booster' or 'repeater' I Mtrrr je m w f 7 far IMS s&l 1 o How proud you ore of your white lintni ...of all your white clothes but only as long at they are truly white! So often white things develop a yellow-tinge and no matter how you scrub, it stub-! bornly stays! The secret to true white is Blue just a little Blue in the final riming water.. .and your clothes will be as white as newl P.S. Seven colours combine la make white one of these is blue. Blue must be added to make true white. An important accessory to eTery well dressed I 'I MKjl ivJaQ nun's appearance, F.CCO Gold-Filled Knives are I ! VPVXT1 in a wide variety of shapes and designs. 7V JXm J Iivailable Unely tempered steel blades. ..Drop In and see ! " -VsJJl them today. Ill K GIFTS for BRIDE Planning a shower for the bride-to-be'' Want to give her something; that is practical and which she's sure to appreciate. YOU'LL FIND GIFTS GALORE AT the larger cities In both Canada and the U.S., confident cf sure Jcbs. and flush wage In Alaska, going there to be greatly dlsap- broadcasting units the line upon Med: ScmetimeS whole fam-now carrying CBC programs, at go tc1jetheri cnly t0 Und such Terrace. Hazel- points as thwe ls no VQX and the C0Jt wn, simmers, aurns iase anailv!n(r ,c ru hi-h Anri k th Vanderhoof. According to our information these points get no daylight reception of standard has the land-line which carries CBC service passing through it At a public convention the Cana dian National offered to have i their personnel throw switches) and do such other operational; chores as may be Involved., so, that there would be no operating ( expense. This covers a large area of British Columbia which never hears CFPR and only gets CBR. Vancouver, after dark and then with no certainty. 1 We feel that both these point-1 ters can properly be discussed by your Committee as matters of a more than purely local Interest. Some slight investigation i of the area covered by the small , towns listed will confirm thls."j The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Is also In communication with W. J. Sheridan, manager of the economic development department of the Canadian Chamber of Com-j merce. Montreal, on the matter, of better radio broadcasting' nhorne ivrrnw w n t w. . puoiic Denem now. i.e.. ior mos? service in mis area. rence. Vancouver: Rita Gaines. Pensacola, Florida: Evelyn Heitseh, Peiuacoia, Florida: Mrs. D. Cramer and family. Ketchikan; Margaret Spencer. Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. H. McDer-mott. Valdea. Alaska. J. D. Rand. Vancouver; W. A. Lowe. Vancouver; H. J. Webb. Vancouver: J. D. Crowther. Victoria; S. F. May. Vancouver; Mrs. Horwill. Dorreen; Mrs. Maltoy. Dorreen: G. N. Streetton, Anyox; Uon of the BC. Journal of Com- !s- So08- Haartton: C. D. Mor time they have oald for the Journey, their fund are next thin? to being exhausted. The wave at all although each town , salvation Army continues to give a great deal of assistance. Classified Advertising Pays! SUIT -ill 1 GABARDINES WOOL CIIEPES Smart for every occasion and smart foe your figure. SURT NEW STYLES in FINEST QUALITY SEE and You BUY USE. OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES r COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made! I VALENTIN DAIRY t Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE PRINCE 6E0R6E IS VERY BUSY "Everybody busy" seems to sum up the situation in Prince i George. The many mills have all the orders they can handle and I in all other respeits the people j have their hands full. About the only development that can be called new Is a possibility of a , strike over the question of wage scale but it U not considered ; Improbable that there may be iah adjustment. However, strike talk is being beard. I These are some of the lmpres-i sions- gathered by Superintendent C. A. Berner. Canadian National Railway, who has Just i returned from a visit to the Inferior city and central BrtMsh j Columbia. Mr. Berner mentions also that warmer weather has set In, in the Rockies, and to some extent, has led to high water. i SINP.RR 4 Electric Sewing .Machines 4 For Kent Reasonable Rates ! JPhbne 864 Prince Rupert a Singer Seuinj Machine Co. A oil? Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL I UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials AvaUable NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE Next to CFPR PHONE BLUE 818 1 pa s Sft bUPtKIUH l-UUD STORES LTD, ARRIVING MONDAY, JUNE 23 WMhiiii v i uri ji in nriiKV Packed 4 Boxes to Crate PEUBOX23c PER CRATE $5.75 ORDERS FPU UEltUIES TAKEN NOW Free Delivery Natutntt No. S comet compUtmly tquipped wiOi nek, inurt pant, tanning taeiet and canning guide. EXPANSION lIln... . WAK AS8FT rn,. Screened Lump, sacked Mine Run Bulk r rvnin t-n . HnMC r a ki 1 1 1 1 1 m a II 1 A- MacKenzie Furniture ...... . , I.,11IU "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY-FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 w tvl, . FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits. Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mall Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. we inirn ir,u i i u . i KANSK PHONE Sll BETTER, SAFER . . . w nhTlA with a PRESSURE COOKER Pnr aafiv tw4 ... . , - . . hvju ajj a your canoinf ians taokjnj, toe bm BCiitiiiw.All'. vi . r..i .....wfn, lUt)I r-" " V.'I Mil 10 prwerve non-iuj Ld Nation a i Pbbnslik Lodiu frvirt a f t. ab ku. L' l McBride Street For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C CHOP SUEY e cjlOVT ME1N 7:00 am tc 11:00 pjnl Enlarged Store PRESENT STOCK MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW MERCHANDISE! 10 to 50 Off on Most Merchandise Earrings and Pins from 25c up TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE REDUCED PRICES ON WATCHES, SILVERWARE, GLASSWARE, : RINGS, DIAMONDS ETC. J Maroon's Jewellers 518 3rd Ave. West 1 v.