lo in order i flames Ipolice MOUNDED pit, C, J Conquest. Bltelfa criminal In- eprlmcnt, was of-tcd shot and dan-iuded on Saturday ( an automobile In I Haifa, An InJorm-t Conquest was shot i in taxis. Both men h FUND m $450 pr's Fund to assist K of Friday's Clapp Bsc apartment fires M50 mark today as pens turned in pJ- v r i i r m noir.nnn Ifl n n . 1 . 1 Saturdav nltht in mrn nn.,.l II. .. Unadlan Lr.nlon J1B7 donalioaof$50 to yoi Arnold an- reived at. the rtfn wuvuiuuy Iiuuil wt i-.i i rri m rH.... collection WMIV.l, v W o) collections I'frn T Lock PL.... c Furnitnrr y ( Piv,r... noon. ilonal .$ 5.00 5.00 10.00 1 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 20.00 5.00 2.50 10.00 60.00 07.05 Variety .climate varinti..o irom u;e Me Premier Border Premier Gold Privateer Reeves McDonald (ask) Reno ' Salmon Gold Sheep' Creek . Taylor Bridge Whitewater .. Vananda Congress Pacific Eastern (ask) Hedlcy Amal? SpuT Valley Central Zcballos (xsk) Oils A. P. Con .12 Calmont (ask) 31 C. & E 1-99 Foothills 2.70 Home - 3 05 Torcnlu Athona -21 Aumaquc 45 Bcaltlc 83 Bcvcourt ........ 95 . Bobjo .i..7 -19 Buffalo Can. 0 Con. Smelters 81.00 Coiwcst V..i 90 Donialda l-ou Eldona 13 Elder .'. Giant YcUowitnlfe , 0.10 God's Lake l-22 Hardrock Harrlcana 11' Hcva Gold i Hosco 42 Jacknlfc . -08 Jollct Quebec .50 Lake Rowan ,23 Lapaska . ,33 Little Urns Lac l-s Lynx -3l Madscni Red Lake 320 McKenzio Red Lake -5 MnrfjNvi (!()C.kshutt l-'l Moncta ? .Negus iNnrnnrln Oslsko Lake 2.10 .45.00 Pickle Crow 2 Rcgcount San Antonio Senator RouyH Sherrltt Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River personnel, p.nd necessary vehicles. the Cochin China government SOC.-DEMOCRAl b lurro k M vesterdav wnen Vlet-Namesc forces ambushed a convoy 40 miles south of Saigon. The officials were killed when a road mine blew up their automobile. Mortar shells then smashed into the convoy In the most Important attack by Viet-Namrse troops itnee hcstllltlcs began in Indo-Chlna last Decen&er. lo flood, and ,walM JQl) AY'S STOCKS I (dourtcsy B. U. Johnston Co. LW.I I IVajicouver B. R. X. .10 U. It. Con. Bralornc' 10"80 Cariboo Gold 2.50 Dentonla 2..2 Ornll Wihksnc MM Hedlcy Mascot L07 Mlnto -03 Pend OrieUe (ask) 3.10 Pioneer 3,50 SHOW STKLNUltt .56 3.95 36 3.75 2.12 .21 IN JAP ELECTION TOKYO, 0i The moderately leftist Social Democrats, showins a strength which mioiit land them the premler- hin hnnnic the dominant. - - party in Japan's House oi uep-rcsentatives tcday on tho batU-of complete, unofficial returns from .yesterday's elections. The Liberals' Democrats and ' Con servative iartles, supporun?r Drni.r Ynshida's government, held the greater cctr.lblned total but the Social Democrats scored the greatest gains. .03 COMING TO CITY-Hon. E. of lancrs muiistcr T Kenney, and forests, has sent word that he will visit Prince Rupert on May 14 and 15. Several local delegations arc expected to meet the minister who had much to do with the decision of the Cclanese Cor-norationof America to locate its $15,CC0,00O pulp mill on Watson Island at Port Edward. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce planning a testimonial dinner in recognition of his efforts on behalf of the city and district. FINNISH LOGGER DIES SUDDENLY llarnH Koskila Succumbs From 'Sudden Aatlack tat Rivers ,fnlet it.,,.,1 icnskela. Finnish log ger, dropped dead suddenly at MoscJ I"lc- ncar ncavcr Ca"" ncry In the Rlve Inlet area last week, according w received at divisional headquar ters of the provincial -youw here. The incident was report ed to Coroner inn av uceau Kalis who decided uwu was due to natural causes anu no inquest was necessary, nua-kcla had been planning to make Vancouver when his a trip to death occurred. He was a single man and has a brother, Henry Koskela, in Vancouver NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH. COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TTTTTTTTTTrfTTTfTTTTTT f TAXI I .....-. IT fcTAXI TAXH 1235 Phone! Ml 537 NIGHT SERVICE . r DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 3 SUD Stand: , Bill and Ken Nesbitt 1 ,t(li Hotel, Third Ave. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXX"- - PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS' ' IVU'" . Til IUf" neral Marshall Hopeful After Parley r t: D Moderate Tone pGTON, D.C. (CP) American hopes for 1L1 stntps-Soviet tension were buoyed to- lorts that Secretary of State George C. ielieves his country's firmness with Euro-I treaty issues may lead Russia to give t a White .House conierence lasi nigm, ' Disaster Men ives Up l or Eleven !n Mass Said Today r I C. O.UC Thicc mass's were sung In's Church today id twelve miners, irm still f ntombed, ir lives in the fire 1 for days through orkins of No. 4 jtasl Malartic gold c dozen victims of fcdealins inferno, idy of Tralan Lu- rn recovered. The Horn Lucaci suc- fcrn he sought to hay up the .shaft 1 broke out early iirning, liur the eleven men the mine was all- ilnrdav night. U HIGHWAY PATROL HERE IS SQUGHT Representatives f Clumber of Commerce and Auto JVss'n Meet Police Head Desirability of a highway patrol being established on the Prince Rupert Highway was discussed when presidents of the Prince' Ruosrt Chamber of Ccm- , , ,, . . . ' merce and Prince Rupert Auto- juarsnan is win w uavc wu"-mobc- AsEOCiaHon together sclled patience wiin me bovieiwUn certatn committee In the hope that, as they digest the American position In the next few monhs, the Russians may go to London for the next conference In November more amenable to suggestions from UipIp wartime allies on vital mem bers of the two organizations met at luncheon today with Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons, provincial police. 'After the opinion had been expressed to him that the nature of the hl?hway was such that a high- points Involved In the proposed way patrol car was both neces American treaties and German VIET-NAMESE ATTACK CONVOY PARIS, Fourty-four persona Including two ministers of peace scary and desirable, the com Imlssloncr said that the matter (had already been under con sideration but there had been such difficulties as obtaining 1 -., JkHHEP- HENRY FORD, FAMED AUTO PIONEER Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Co.. who died at his estate in suburban Dearborn, Mich., in his 84th year, is shown with Mrs Ford in the first machine he built in 1896. Standing at right is his grandson. Henry Ford II. who succeeded as president of the Ford famed industrialist . resigned as. present of Motor MOWJr Co. UU. The me iamvu - - VALPARAISO, Chile, 01-Nlnc or more crewmen were reported dead in an explosion and fire aboard the 730-ton Chilean onn.c tnl steamship Monemar, loaded with 425 tons of gasoline and ICO tons of fuel oil. POOR WEATHER HOLDS FISHING . r.mr Hundred rollers Now Out IlutiUnablc loAiet Going Seme 400 boats arc now assembled on the vaiious trolling Grounds in this vicinity but weather has bscn too poor to permit of much fishing, boutn-cast winds have made the sea too -rough for the boats to op erate. Around Boat Har'bar, Dundas Island, however, a few fish have been caught. The greatest nuanlber of boats at any single point so far are some 75 at Squadaree. Most of tihe camps are now j out for the season including five I of John Clausen and Son. Hlil USi; SPECIAL STAMP HALIFAX (CP) In the midst oi preparations for Its bi-centen-hlal in June, 1949. Halifax has had a request for a special commemorative stamp turned down. Postmaster - General Bertrar.d advised that "It has been found expedient to confine special Issues to subjects of broad national and international significance." . High (Low Local Tides 8:35 21:49 2:33 15:10 17.4 feet 17.9 feet 9.5 feet 5.2 feet forces of war industry instead of getting training in peacetime jobs. German bombs wrecked hun-rlrrrls m thousands of homes, factories warehouses, docks and other structures, leaving a huge volume of construction and repairs. Industries were unable to put in iipw machinery ana equip ment except for war production and old machinery fell apart for want of maintenance. Tim value of the country's ex' port trade trarin wac was fill cut in In half Ilklll fall iait exports fell even farther since the war brought rugner pneuo. Before the February fuel crisis closed half of England's factories, volume was only 10 per cent above the pre-war level com- (Coiitlnued on Page 5) sWHITESAIL LAKE 1MINING RESUMED I niif V. Harrison who, dur ing the war years became rather prominent in the minims world through an Important dlycovcry of siheelltc near Whltsall Lake, rrcently announced that further work In the way of development will be carried on this year in Om-ineca District. He has been wrosioectlns more widely In Tweedsmulr Park, and Is' re ported to be Interested In opening up another group of claims. Mr. and Mrs. Kaspcr of. Second Avenue who left recently on a holiday visit, have been motoring through southern B.C. They were recently In the Vernon Ihalibut boats starting to CLEAR ON TUESDAY FOR BANKS U.N. MOVES ON HOLY LAND LAKE SUCCESS 0) The United Nations set out today to decide on an aDDroach for setk- i ' jlng a solution to the Palestine crobiem. uauecr mio extraor dinary session, the United Na tions general assembly is scnea-uled to consider a proposal for establishing a Holy Land com mittee of Inquiry. A British spokesman said that Great Britain would be ready to accept any decision the United Nations makes, but will Insist that the world organization en force all its own recommonda- tions. WORLD SHIPPING RACKET EXPOSED , l,jmuJC W) n wunu amii-iB . .LI- iM f A T T tfi ft PQ P 1 1 I the Ford Co. in 1915, but had Deen aoie wj spcm , week at the Ford engineering lacunar " private office and workshop. . Wars and Slumps Seen Cause of British Woes Two Conflicts, Dcsade. Oppression Never Allowed United Kingdom to Fully Reshape Its Economic Life (Britain, sapped by two wars 'and a great depression Is fighting for her national existence in an unprecedented economic crisis. This is one of a scries of stores giving Canadians detailed picture of the crisis, its causes, effects and the battle being fought to overcome It). By JOHN DAUPHINEE Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) The effects of two world wars, not one, and a world depression are causing the United Kingdom's economic prob ems today. The S-45 conflict alone would have been bad enough. CWilian factories were taken over for war use. 0 hers concentrate production m ttene were closed to . I fnrrp was disDersed: and young NINE DEAD IN jmcn and WOmen went into the BLAST ON SHIP racket with its headquarters in the "midget banana" republic ot Panama is menacing the high Dosltion of Britain's merchant navy with a "phoney fleet', the Daily Mirror said today. Panama, a U.S. puppet state has suddenly blossomed into the world's fourth largest maritime nation by inviting shipowners to register their vessels as Pana manian to escape other coun tries? labor, safety jind taxation laws: the Dauer said. Seamen's wages have been cut and safetv rules ignored by ships flying the Panamanian flag and British seamen s unions plan lm mediate reprisal, the Daily Mir ror stated. LABOR GROUP OUT TO BREAK COALITION VANCOUVER Q At an executive meeting of the British Columbia Federation of Labor last night, a motion was tabled urging support to a provincial opposition party In an effort to beat British Columbia's govern-learned today. The meeting,, called to discuss recommendations to fight legls latlon proposed in Bill .32, also .t th rfa'te for 'the Federa- t. nn's convention for June 6-8 An executive member saia that the executive decided to "explore every angle and method to bring about the defeat of the Coalition government." HOPE DIAMOND WEARER DIES WASHINGTON W Mrs, Eve ivn Walsh McLean. 60. fabulous -J ' ' 7 , tn social figure who wore the evu- ing irom ..t.vw.wv -- Diamond for a io,uuy"w- v.' luck charm, died Saturday night, a victim of pneumonia. General Escapes Hand Grenade JERUSALEM General G McMillan, general officer com manding British troops in Pales line, escaped death when a ter rorist crenade exploded In Jer usalem's "Street of the Prophets" early today. McMillan's staff car, escorted by armored Jeeps.'passcd the spot only three minutes before the grenade was thrown. YOU PRONOUNCE IT! M1MICO. Oift. 0) Map-mak ers were nuzzled by a year book of the Lakeshortf District Police Association which Included a business directory of the western Toronto suburbs, including MazenabekasepCfl Inquiry disclosed Mazenabekasepe used to be the title of the Credit In dian Reserve. Customs officers at the port of Prince Rupert today are bracing themselves for the rush of fishermen which will take their office by storm tomorrow and Wednesday, seeking clear ances for deep sea fishing as the 1947 halibut seasorv opens The halibut season officially begins at midnight Thursday, but it is expected that a number of boats will start leaving Tuesday in order to pick up live bait at the herring pound at Hunt s in let. .. . i vessels In the L-to-Z name group will be the first section of the fleet tins season. It antlcirjated thati between 40 and 5C will leave in the first group and about an equal number in the A-to-L group will fellow 48 hours later. Estimates of the number of halibut vessels which will oper ate out of this port during- the halibut season range between 00 and 125 at the start of the sea son. Included In these are scores of small vessels which will make one or two preliminary halibut trips before Joining the salmon trollers later. Trnnnlni- of Mice ceilings is --rr- o m expected to bring about a rush to land the first halibut here and capitalize on the early-sea son high prices wrucn cuswm- arilv nrevall on. a' .tree maritci The season, -fishermen, believe, will be a short .one, probably aout the same as last year, which lasted 43 days In Area Two. One Prince Rupert vessel, Capt. Chris Parkvold's Takla, cleared port at the week-end for Ketchikan, where it will take ice and fuel and clear for Area Three. Ttiree. So so far iar this mis U is ths only ward. Scores of trollers have obtain ed clearances within the last few days, getting the spring salmon season under way. MARIfiNY TO BE DEPORTED Ottawa a Resources Min's ter J. A. Glen, whose department is in charge of, Immigration, said tndav that Count Alfred de Mar- lgny is being deported lo Mauritius, an Island in the Indian Ocean as soon as passage cun be arranged. The Minister said: "He is not acceptable to this country" MarlEnv gained international notoriety in 1943 when he was accused and acquitted in the Rahamas of murdering Sir iiarry Oakes, his millionaire lather-ln law. THE WEATHER Synopsis An active storm approaching the west coast has brought an end to British Columbia's warm and sunny weather. The distur bance Is expected to move mio the northern, coastal areas this afternoon and will reach the southern Vancouver Island and lower mainland areas tonight, rtaln Is now falling over the entire coast and southeasterly gales will blow over the exposed coastal waters during the day. rtaln is cxDected to become showerv tonight but weather will continue unsettled and cool on Tuesday. Forecast Prince Rupert. Queen Char lottes and North Coast Overcast with continuous rain, becoming Intermittent during eve nltif Rain showers tonight rinnHv. occasionally overcast with rain showers Tuesday. winrfs cnnl.lieasterlv (35 m.p.h.) gusty, shifting to southwesterly FRENCH MEDICOS MEET (25) late this aliernoon. fnnizht At Port 'uanay regional convention of the Asso-' 40, Massett 40, Prince Rupert ir. u i, i An iriirhs Tuesday At fori Ciaiion Ol r lentil - a y s '"s - o - Physicians of Canada will be held Hardy 53, Massett 50, Prince Ru here June 13-15. pert 50. GREETS SON Laralne Day; movie star wife of Leo "Llppy" Durocher, is shown hugging one of her adopted sons, Christopher. 2 years old, at the municipal airport In Los Angeles, Calif., when she ar rived from New York. She paused long enough upon ar rival to comment briefly to newspapermen on her husband's one - year suspension from baseball. She .ald "I think it is truly unfair and un-American to condemn someone without a hearing and to deny him the right to speak in his own defence. ARCHIBALDS CALLED "DRIP" Independent Member for Comox Charges "Wcaseling" Around Japanese Question OTTAWA During debate in the House of Commons at Ottawa on the ouestion of the re- - , . . . .. ,l. t,.. r.,.,f fwt turn of the Japanese to British vessel oi uie riiMtc ivuii vw, - tj- ihat is going directly to west-jcolumb to i L Gibson JW e- berni, in discussing the aimuae 'of the C.C.F. to the Japs re ferred to II. G. Archibald (C.C.- Skeena) as "one drip In year party" who had remained "strangely silent" at tunes, no hoped the next time Mr. Archi bald spoke he would not "weasci around" the Japanese question. Knocks "Solitary" For AWOL Soldiers LONDON (Reuters) Solitary confinement as a punishment for soldiers who desert was criticized by Dr. W. L. Neustatter, an army psychiatrist writing in me British Medical Journal. "It is very questionable," he wrote, "if solitary confinement is not un economic In retarding uaeser- ters') rehabilitation as soldiers, which is the aim of military prisons." SAFE TO START CLEARING SLIDE Members pf Highway , Committee (tf Chamber ) of Commerce so lAgre T?Pil,pratliiK a statement made at the end of the week by Hugo Kraupner, secretary of the Prince Rupert Automobile Asso ciation, A. M. Budlnich ana j. Boddie of the highway ccmmlt-ipa the Prince Rupert Cham ber of Commerce, after motor ing out to the Kwinitsa suae yesterday, were in accord that the situation at the slide is not nearly as bad as It was a year ago. Mr. Boddie and Mr. Budlnich inspected the slide at close hand and were in agreement that n should be safe now to start clearing the obstruction with a view to getting the road be tween here and Terrace open soon. MILLIONS MORE YEARLY India's population of about 400,000,000 grows at the rate of 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 a year