-v v.; i i 15 Iprwicc Kupctt Daily BtXua Monday, April 28, 1917 HAM PURCHASES STORK BUILDING a The Second Avenue Building formerly known as the Stork t Block which during the war was : jjsed aa a Salvation Army yicemen's hostel, has been purchased from War Assets Corporation by the Prince Rupert Supply Co., -Alderman C. O. vi Ham, company proprietor, said this morning. Alderman Ham gaid that he plans to move Into the newly-purchased premises about May 15. In the meantime, alterations are being made to the building which adjoins the Prince Rupert Hotel. a J4 K x THE MODEM I; FINISH .fMtAl AIMT COMOIAIlON .V'.H ,t 0 Or! Baltics like liriiilil color. Decorate Ills "canllc" in primary eliailcs. Trim,HOl ' work, furniture, all feliould c CnUlieil in lirifilit, atlrac-llc rctls, lilues, jellowi. .Moiniiurl colors arc fast, hard-ejiriii(;, ttash-alilc, arid resist-iiiB.Sce.Monamrl color elections at jour dealer' today! NATIVE COUPLE ARE WED HERE One of the most colorful wedding ceremonies of the season was solmenlzed at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon when member..-of two prominent native families were Joined before Rev. R. A. Wilson In First United Church. Close friends of both families attended the rites. i Principals were Miss Zora Annie Haines, cfaughter of Mr. j and Mrs. Eddie Haines, of Kin- j eolith, and Charles Edward' Alexcee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexcee, of Port Simp-, I son. I The bride's entourage lnclud j ed eight maids of honor and ! two flower girls, all gowned in ! lovely pastel floor-length dress es. Matron of honor was Mrs Florence Stewart, of Klncolith I The bride looked charming in I a gown of rich, white satin, with floor-length veil which formed a halo on her head. Groomsman was Frank Alex cee, of Port Simpson, uncle of the bride. Following the ceremony, the wedding party was host to 75 friends at a reclption held in the Commodore Cafe. CHICAGO MAN ' IS DELIGHTED WITH RUPERT Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Griffiths of Chicago sailed last Thursday night for Vancouver en-route heme after a four day visit here in the course of which Mr. Griffiths, went on ar steel-head fishing trip to Cloyah Bay which was a climax to his im wl I If.' pressions of deght in regard the rcenery and the genera! BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR T.C.A.: Vhcn Tnns-C nnada Air Lines celebrate . .' 10th l.irtlulay the smallest and largest raoenjp lr. .v.ng D, -rv.il were scven-ycar-old llctcrley Dower an 1'rlmo Camera, both bound for Toronto. Leverlcy cut tS lnZ birthday cake for I'rimo and Stewardess A. C. "rat" Collver. surroundings of Prince Rupert. Mr. Griffiths is a member of the same pharmaceutical firm in Chicago with wl.ich Howard Frlzzell and Douglas Stork are identified and head of which was the late J. B. Roerlg, also formerly of Prince Rupert. Mr. jriffltbs was in Prince Rupert for three weeks lost, year. They :lan on coming back again soon and often. Classified Advertising Pays! IBBHBI : RUPERT PEOPLES SI ORE m "Your Store For Cash Prices" PEOPLES STORE V II Sizes 1 to 3 t Sizes 3 to 6 I ,i. Sizes 7 to 10 H7M gl-M-'U Sizes 11 to 17 l m rrvVi' STOCK ARRIVING DAILY J V Vjl PS unpen reofi Building Supply News! DONNACONA WALLIlOAKDS r nn Per 1,000 txjuasc feet , yOjiliU A limited quantity of MOULDINGS now on hand, Including casim; lattick (JUAKTKK HOUND STOPS, lite. We slock standard sizes In DOOKS - WINDOWS Phones 031 - G!"2 SASH PUILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED COAL Serving (he North Since l'J20 LUAMEll - BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Stor '5 a a B R B B a a a B a B B H a B B n u B B Steamer Service from PRINCE m irr?rT J OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW .(Powell Kiver) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Miilnifihl For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PKINCE RUPERT Her appearance dcf.niteiy improved as a result of the heightening of her stocky funnel by seven feet which allows clearance of any smoke from her spacious sun dcV. Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. John Bo-den, returned tb scivicc on the Vancouver-Prince Rupert-Stewart route, arriving at 8:45 last evening front the south and sailing at midnight for Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound. The government snatr scow E'sip.ston, Caipt. W F. Robert- j son, sailed this morning for th? j Skcena River to resume channel I clearing operations after spending the week-end In port here to take on fuel. Copt. Robertson reported that the heavy ice on the Skecna this fprlng has cleared the sandbars of much j cf the dead'heacJis and Took; which normally are found stranded in the spring. However, there are . large number of trees floating dswr-stream. The freighter Island Princs was overtaken by a duster lr. Queen Charlotte Sound last week. Damage included loss of ruddrr, loosening of oil drums, mashing of port railing. An injured ankle was suffered by Walter Henderson, a member of MUCH MOST rOt'ULAK OTTAWA Pi-About three-quarter of the hardwood flooring produced in Canada is made of birch, accorlng to the Dominion bureau of statistics. Twe nty per cent is made of maple and the remainder of red oak, beech e'm, ash, cherry and butternut. CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Rata for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Koottu CAKE In Connection LICENOEI) PREMI3E0 (Renovated) rilONE II SHIPS AND WATERFRONT the crew. The Island Prince was tcwrd to Varouuvcr. C. P. R. Alaska l.-cr Princess Louise, Capt. Orah-tm Hughes, deckfd here at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon southbound from Alaska ports ccrrying 78 pas-engers, 10 of whom disembarked here, planning to leave by rail to Canadian and American destinations. P. A Hale Is purser of the Louise. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail IKUITS AND VKCLTARLES 214 Sixth Street Dlack 289 ssrsamisBtasBwm NEW SEINER LAUNCHED AT SUNNYSIDE A new Caterpillar dlcscl engine left Vancouver today for Installation In a 47-ifoot seine-boat launched last Tuesday at Eunnyslde Cannery by Alvin Leask of Metlaktla, who designed and built the craft during the last six months. The boat will be In operation within the next few weeks. Fcllcw fishermen, who have watched the boat under construction, anticipate that she will be a scund, seaworthy craft, and will show herself to be both fast and handy at her forthcoming trials. Name of the boat remains a secret until her christening, which will take place within I the next couple of weeks, after finishing work on the hull is I completed The new vessel Is 47 feet long, with 15 foot beam. Her 'keel Is of solid fir, measuring 10 by 14 Inches, aud her kcel--on also of lr Is 10 by 10 Inch dimensions. Six bllse stringers cr three-by-elght-lnch planking run thccngth cf the hull. She has two-by-thrce Inch oak rlts covered by two-Inch fir planking. The fine vessel was designed and bulit by Mr. Lcasks, who Is one of the youngest accredited boat builders on the coast. A Metlakatla natlvn. Mr. Leask passed his mariners tests In Vancouver In 1943 and at the same time won a scholarship In marine architecture. He was 23 years old at the time. Classified Aavcrustns Pays! EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m. Contributors arc asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest arc always welcome. Modern Building Materials Flcxboard Standard Asbestos Flcxboard, the new material for exterior surfaces and interior walls. Fire-proof, pot-proof, weatherproof. Attractive and economical. To be used on the new Lindsay garage. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phono 88 Breidert Air-X-Hauster The newest and best method of stopping down-draughts. On your boat or In your home. The best ventilator yet. Eveirjet A protective paint for wood and all metal that rusts. Will not flake or rub off. PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. fourth Street Phone Itluc 3K9 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 I'KASEK STIIEKT Phone Black 823 IT'S SPRING Time to repair and recondition your home CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone ICED 5C1 r0. Box 721 Hollywood Caf I rillNCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND M08T ' UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 8 A M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATEIJiTO PARTIES CHOI' SUEY VHOVV MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS FIIONE 133 73 5 THIRD AVENUI WEST Sfie onlii isms, Bv' Oil tWjft OllMAN-eiURIIIW TODAY AND TUESDAY SHOWS AT 7:00 P.M. AND 9:05 BAPTONE Ml 0UVIA ULHAV III! S0NEY 1 nil IRONOIL We Have a Complete Stock of BAPCO PAINTS and VARNISHES to Supply Your SPRING NEEDS SATIN-GLO SHINGOLEENI THOMPSON HARDWARE CO, IIP 235 Third Avenue Phone 11.1 Available Now Model 517 - $113iJ CfvicCwi. WE DELIVER Mcliriric Street rhoot 3 A- MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT. Third Al M,n a 32' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING Repairs Installations EXPERT RADfSEKVICE I REE PICK-HP AND DIXIVEKV Phone G44 RUPERT RADIO AND ELH Having Fish for Dinner "DIIDPDT RPAND I U I L l I v eaL Will add taste and quality to jour For variety try our Smoked Dlack Cod, Salmon Sole, Cod and Salmon r W Froen: Halibut and Salmon r Ash for RUPERT BRANP CANADIAN FISH & COLD 9 PRINCK RUPERT Company Limited EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APP