Classified Advertising . an vrr word per -Jnsertlon.inilnlmuni charge, 60c. Birth Notices, hards of Thanks." Death Notlwi.Funtral notices, Marriage nd Eugwtnnent . Announcement : J. UCI) OF fTHANKS esle Campbell dcalrcj, as her gratitude to and mem-ic j-mpathtzers parhh ol Annuncla-all who came to her e after last week's fire, ts of kindness wpre all pprecnted. FOR SALE LB-95 sq. i Bast. ift. masonlte. (98i .LE--30 ft. boat, fully ed for halibut. and sal- slung. Call !Blaek. 611. (tf) ;j,-G0 horiepower'Falr- More full dlosel marine with electric start In condition Including lor and exhaust pipe, esh water cooling .sys-hune Black. 935 or write b Prince Rupert. (1021 .LE-R.O.P. White Lc i'ullcts 8 weeks old Sell )ril 2G. $1.10 each. 10c a thereafter. Free cockerel (d. Also young fryers rollers l"2-2 lb., average. 20. GOc each. Shipments F.O.B. Kltwanga, B.C. M. :, Kltwanga, B.C. , (99) LE Black seal coat,slze ione Blue 89(5. (98) .LB Rebuilt 45ft. seine-Can be seen at Dodge B. Bendickson. (98) LE , Five room house, died, vicinity of Cold ge. Seal Cove. Write Box )aily News. (tf) ALE Restaurant and rty. Good location. Reas- e price. Apply B.C. Lunch ton.B.C. (110) LE Johnny's S;i&ck Bar. e Black 889. (tf) LE New and UsedFur- c at the lowest prices Kitchen Sets from $14. tly used Beds, complete $20. Hassocks $2. Palls 50s Floor Lamps $4. New Used Wood and Coal es. New Cabin Cook s. Scatter Rugs, lovely de frcm $1.C5. All kinds of r useful articles. Come In look them over. B. C NTTURE CO. Black 324. ALE- Resort site on Lake lse. Price consistent with sod valuation. Write ices Pee. 147 Linden Av-'. Wilmette, Illinois. (104) SAL E Triumph, kitchen e. new condition; complete i oil burner', tank, ,pump. heating colls. Phone Green (98) SALE- -McClary range, like Phone Black 445. (981 SALE Bedroom suite, sterficld suite, enamel , kit n stove, rug, mlcellaneous sehold articles. 318 7th E. i Detween 6 and 8 p.mJ (102), SALE Hotpolnt electric iMnatlon range for roal l wood or with .nil burner. Phone Green 245. (99) SALE On? cot with mat-two wicker chairs, one st cf drawers, one small " and bed head -stand square linoleum, set of iains with rod, small mir - one trunk. All goods In but in reasonably sood aPe. What's offered for 7 Bargain, call at for-T Empire office .any time ln 12 and 4 or In even- after 7. tf SALE -console non-elec-'c Eramaphone, automatic ''P. perfect condition for $30; walnut-flnlsh dresser, l good mirror and man's 'icning dresser hnh tnr "ii Painted wicker easy chairs, e l for $5; 2 painted klt-chairs, $i each. Box 227 News. (D9) NOTICE ' j JJe Dally News wishes to r attention to the rule F CliirslfUj j . . vo-nT u u"u transient nLat.lhe o'ce at time In. ii "5 cPy for adver- Mv m hls manner in the js nJu fc flce and resPect &S22'JSS JIELr WANTED WANTED Men for fresh fish and cold storage work May 1. Apply now In person, Atlln Fisheries office. 1100) WANTED Maids for Prince Ru- 'pert 'Oeneral Hospital, Apply .Hospital (tf) HELP WANTED Apprentice to sheet metal. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd.,-Murphy Building, 225 First Ave. 100 WANTED Ctrl or married wo man with good, appearance for clothing store; permanent po sltion for right party. Apply In writing to Box 228 Dally. News. WANTED Ilawllan guitar teacher for Snilthers District. Apply Box 225 Dally News (100 WOKKWANTKO WOHK WANTED-Married wo-, man .will look alter child of -working mother.- Blue 325. (105) WANTED WANTED Rccm and board for Co-op worker. Sober, quiet. Box 220 Dally'News. (98) FOR1RKNT FOR RENT -Furnished two- room suite with private bath near Cold Storage. Phone Black 825. (102) FOR RENT 4 room furnished apartment. 708 Fraser St. 199) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Ap ply 00 4th Ave. 'West. ( 98 ) FOR. RENT ;Front 2 roomed apartment. 221 5th Ave. East. Phone Red 807. (99) FOR RENT 3 room suite with bathroom and basement. Phone Oreen 378 or call 354 Biggar Place. (tf) FOR RENT 2-room cabin. $14 permonth, Apply 221 5th East. (99) FOR RENT .3-room suite, 258 11th Street off :2nd Ave.; 10 minutes walk to town. (100) FOR RENT Suite, furnished, nice, dean .and warm. 1142 Park Avenue Phone Oreen 224. (3) FOR RENT-Small house, no rcom ior iihitdren. Phone Black 990. (98) FOR RENT 'Furnished house keeping room and one sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (102) PERSONAL MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) HAVE YOU FILED YOUR IN COME TAX RETURNS? All personal returns must be filed by April 30. Have your return filed by a competent Income Tax Accountant. Consult S.G Furk,. Room I, Stone Building, Phone 563. (101) LOST AND FOUND LOST Ladies' black fcandbag, vicinity McBrlde and 4th Ave. Finder pleass return to Nur ses. Home. Reward. 99 LOST Key case with keys be tween Post Office and 11th St. Finder please return to News Office. (98) ENGINES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY VIVIAN OAS ENGINES 2 -cyl 15 h.p. Latest features. Enclos-pH.rhiteh. duai lenltlon. Bosch magneto, etc. Gas Engine Dept., VIVIAN ENOIKE WORKS iLIMITED., 1100 W'. Cth Ave., Vancouver, B.C. BAyvlew 1520. ' (U7) TO SAW better lumoer more economicillly, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B, C. .MACHINERY CATHOLICS RALLY AIDIFIRE VICTIMS Prince Rupert's Roman Catholic congregation Saturday night put the Christian spirit Into concerted application by spon soring a shower for lourof their members who lost their household and personal effects In Frl day morning's Clapp and Short ridge aparUnent house fires. Donations of household goods, including linens, dishes and other articles, and also money, received from scores of people. many of whom attended th" (unction In the Knights of Col umbus Hall, and from others who were unable to attend. Sympathy for their clrcura stances was expressed by Father J. Carroll on behalf of members of the parish and Father Carroll was requested by the fire victims to convey their gr. tl tude to those who had raided to their assistance. (tf) NORTHERN BC AGENTS FHIt "THE NATIVE VOICE" JONES NEWS STAND PRINCE RUPERT B.C. m. M-iiiun vnirp." a Darjer nub- llshed monthly In the Interests of Indians of Canada and U.S.A.. dealing with problems news and i. nf thp Ind ans. See Jones News Stand for subscrip tions and advertising space. NATIVE VOICE PUBLISHING 509 Holden Bldg. 10 Hastings St. E.. VAN., B.C. The shower was concluded by a luncheon prepared by Mrs. L, Dolron, Mrs. J. Bouzek and Mrs, Joseph Oaron of the Catholic Women's League, which sponsored the shower. WARS jANI) SLUMPS (continued rrom page 1) pared with a long-term .targe, of a 75-per-cent Increase. ; There Is still a big over-all deficit In the nation's overseas accounts, and It is most seriuui In Canada and the United States frnm which the; United Kingdom must get half Its Imports. The Second World War made Britain a debtor nation Instead or a creditor. DKPKICSSION But It Is necessary to go back to 1914. to get the full picture The First World War cost Britain almost 8,000,000,000. at was followed by a short-lived boom, a depression, another boom and another depression. Basic industries, already out-of-date In comparison with their foreign competitors, carried out little leorganlzatlon. Mass un- ror greater mecnanization. iji os-pcrity was returning 'in the late 30's under the spur of war pre-paiedness, but even then exports were less than imports, the. difference being met by "Invisible" exports such as investments abroad and shipping services. And, when the Second World War, came, Britain had not yet iully adjusted Itself to the new economic situation created in 1914-18. Today the country's economy is "more battered and distorted" than it has ever beep, says Sir Stafford Crlpps, president of the Board of Trade. There is not enough manpower to pro duce as much as the United Kingdom needs, unless there is increased factory mechanization and modernization all of 'which takes time. "The central fact of 1947,". said list month's economic White Paper, "is that we have not enough resources to do all that we want to do. 'To get all we want,.prpduc Hon would have to be Increased by at least 25 per cent. This is clearly impossible In 1947. 'Baby Talk' We're always ready to talk about yaur baby and serve his needs, too. For finest quality products visit our. Tender Arc Centre WE FEATURE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR BABY McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED (E. C. WALLACE, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth, Street PHONE 71) T,HrI S -AND XRA.T DRAMA IS POIGNANT Hi' Cl "Say, Mr. (Ellis, It's ipretty late! Don't you think you lought'to be in bed?" 'beivo'Uon,'' .feature picture tonight, and Tuesday at .the Cap4 tol-Tfrea tr e.- te-Hhe -stlrrln- rcmance of tw;o sisters who fall In love with the same-man. Ida Lupino and Olivia de Havllland are the sisters iand Paul Hen-reid is the man, a curate in the parish, of .their father, flayed by Montagu. Love. It Is actually the story of the romantic , lite of Charlotte Bronte, who wrote the famous novel "Jane Eyre" and .her sis ter, Emily, who wrote "Wuther ing Heights." Arthur Kennedy has the role of the erratic bro ther of the .two girls whom they believe to be a genius but who turns out to be. a failure. Scan- del and pokmant. drama enter Into the narrative. MOOSE WHIST DRIVE. DANCE Regular Saturday night Moose Lodse whist drive and dance held in the Moose Temple attracted a largenunvber-of members and guests at the weekend. The whist drive was -dlrest- cd by William Terry, entertainment ccmmiittee cl airman. while W. D. AVelss was master- of-ceremonies . at the dance which followed. Ladies' whist prizes were wov by Mrs. Salhstrcm and Mrs. J Ratchford while Carl Davidson and John Mostad wcm the men's prizes. Distribution at iprizes was made during an Intermission in the dancLiii, when refreshments, were a-sn served. Committee In charge consist ed of William Terry. Percy Bond. Everett Morrow, Malcolm- Blair. Joseph :Ratchford and Joseph Long. MR. MERCHANT . . -iM .1 Are You. Helping Her to Smile? Many women become cross patches when it comes to fiffurinff out their shoppinff problems. They do not know where.and -what to. buy. Are you helping the women with your message of what -you have to selL' your. advice of how and what to buy? The women of Prince Rupert read the. Dally News. They are the principal buyers for the home, for the children, even for their husbands and, of course, the sifts. Make No Mistake ' NEW.BOOKS,EOR IiOCALklilBRARY Several new books of current intern, have been added recently to the shelves cf the Prinze Rupert Publlc'Llbrary as follows: "Harvey Cush-ns" (John F. Fulton), 'Well Math Wo 'Fury" (John Fleming), "Pick Your Victim" (Pat MeOelr). "Tangled Trail" (Roy Manning). 'The Kenne th Roberts 'Reader" (Ken- i neth R I'jerts). ThetBlackiKey" (F Michel), "TheAngellc Avengers" R. Andre7el), Three For Bedroom C" (Ooddard Llfi1-ersoni. "Where Two Way Meit" (Grace Livlncstone Hill) "White Man" Peter Freunhcn). Three sailings Per Week; for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL-TIMES-SHOWN 'DAYLIGHT SAVING) ; Tuesdays. 1:30 pm. i .coojauam. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. 'KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. j STEWART and WAYtPOlNTR Sundays, 10 p.m. j QUEEN CHARLOTTES j FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS I May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight TOR SOUTH ISLANDS 1 May ana im.-juhc i t Miunigin. . FRANK J. SKINNER Prln'e Rupert Agent Third Ave ' Phone 568 mm m Is Prince Kupert's most effective and most economical advertising medium. ARE YOU USING THIS SURE AND SIMPLE MEANS OF KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH THE MARKET OF ' CITY AND DISTRICT? cSanltary ' ii it 'Htipcrt -Da Hp , Monday. April S3, 1917 . OLDESIVINN' CLOSED I closed Its doors recently- Hn,.,..1 rlalr's Inn It was opt ned in 1743.1, ,w ANNAPOLIS ROYAL. .NA D nht Masonli amJ ,t b -The oldest hotel In this town I meeting In Canada was hi Id wltl in Canada, he Annapolis hotel, In its walls. Efficient 'WAre-Most Anxious to Serve K ou 3REAICEAST MORNING COEiiEE LUNCH AFTERNOON tTEA sDlNNER LATE LUNCH . ,jln.a .well ordered Banquet Hull we serveT-Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets .and . : eaten to parties of .all 'kinds. . (Oall(17 .for full particulars). A Constant -Supply of .Ice , Cream Us Assured at the'Commo'dore . GEO. DYBHAVN, Proprietor. For WhdtParty CHOP HI Klf OTM HOTEL A Home Away From Home .Rates 75c up 60 RoomJ. Hot and Cold crater PRINCE 'RUPERT, B.C. .Phone. 281 P.O; Box 185 We 'Serve You No thin g fButi.the'Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES ( AND'iFRUITS COMPLETE XINE OF GROCERIES p DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats jRoasi Chicken Meat Pies and Salads .'Daily iR;UP;ERT BUTtCiHjERS ; Phone . 21 Third Ate. '.West W. T. COOPER, :Manager. at Port Edward, B.C. 'SUEY CHOW MKIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S i '4 FINEST SALMON iFor Sound Advice . . .;; ' ., i on your t Insurance Problems -a SEE H;G. HELGERSON LIMITED J" 216 Sixth Street ' Phone 96 P.O. Box 593' ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE Don't be Satisfied with your Watch -- UNLESS WV CAN RELY ABSOLUTELY ' 1 iON ilTS i-TUDTHFULNESS . If Ititaries do one of two thlnfs let us( fix t . . , or (set -a new one. Often the latter plan is better. If you think it Is. you can find a choice here of tnany -dependable watches. And we can prove them t you on lour WATCHM ASTER regulating: machine. Prices from 20 to $60 for the guaranteed kinds. T is A'CtlASSiriED rAD IN THE DAULY NEWS WILL BRINQ RESULTS