if LANTIGEN "E" contains extracts of pollens of grasses, weeds, and spores of Canadian origin to which Hay Fever sufferers in Canada, are usually allergic. Sufferers from Hay Fever are well advised to start taking LANTIGEN "E" about a month before their usual attack begins. The severity of the attack may be greatly reduced, if not eliminated entirely, when LANTIGEN "E" is taken as directed Since bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract frequently occurs with Hay Fever, LANTIGEN "E" combines the antigens of ,these organisms, a vaccine, with the pollens of grasses, weeds, and spores. Iit:li3ijfiij'l Bring Organized iL I... 1t..l.:in ACE n well attended -i hfH in -TVr-IH f-nltrt-u'C way 1o organize the :i'ri " i.i readiness for cm....' v. ..it of the pro- Lbesc-i- .... mobile unit : IS ur.3 (9. bed C.J- 1947 will bring ' ' . lii tlilUL: Lllilll 111 .5j:".iva being to put ft r.:t r -3 than 1500 : pr:onting the :,.:-) Pamic on me i: k ot the clinic . - r rdy and diag-i) it is found : . ' t e c s were 1 start oper- c:- up canvassing !:':. (hp rtlrrctlnn V H 8 at. aud, which t .' headquarters ' c- (o oreanlze a -i t.t:- whole district C rr c-cildent of the Rri Cr heads the .-.nunec. and C. W. '..' cr ;ide over tho nrr.' imitilllpp. nuvmising rays: I" m neaire - -.' ' uouays anu wodnr;days Saturdays at 8 p.m. j dim urtincsuay, Jay 20 ami 21 r.vii'ii'o .... i.a III' l ii.ii sawyhi- 1 Tt :hnlcolor i Great Story ' .111 n . - iK-ncci casi u Auuiniay 23 ami 21 ""-v TIJACY" ff.in Oonwnv Ann toiku Mazutkl lnd Jane Greer. RACE Terrace continues to prosper; the latest Indication of this Is the forthcoming; establishment by Alf Yoxall and M. W'lloughby (Burns Lake), of a local news paper to be named "Terrace Trl bune." A public laundry has re cently started under the direc tion of E. A. Earl. Mrs. R. Haney, who lived In Terrace several yars a?o, Is visiting here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Brocks. Robert Gordon returned to Prince Rupert on Saturday night. He had been out at Lak-else Lake. He will be driving back on Monday. , The Firem&ffc Ball", held in the OddlTcllows' Hall on Friday night was a big sueceas. Constable Mc-Olatehie. RCMP. was in Terrace Saturday on of flcial business. LEDBURY. Hereford, Eng., Q A ewe gave birth to healthy quintuplets at a farm here. A ittle boy had been drawing and his mother asked him whose face it was. Child: -It is a picture of God." Mother'" But no one knows what God looks like " Child: "Well, they do now." for A New Terrace Service Skeena Shoe Repair Shop Park Avenue, TEKKACK G. E. Loveless. rrop. mm irilllinrMimaaMM You saw It, in The Newsl TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace ALA MAY 24 CELEBRATION iu i.rowiiinjr ol the i irsi may wiitm at Terrace Attend Civic Centre Grand Opening hki . MM mm Fm m ... . M m db n 1 a mm m - Trl r ii . . . . . iPki i Trv r HA I II. I A Mil V KhMU I I Sli ami lumber Lumber Manufacturers TERRACE Logs, Poles and Piling -- Firestone Tire & Iiubbcr Co. Ltd. l'liilco Radios Willard Batteries THOMAS ANDREW PASSES AWAY Former Local Business Slan Dies in England at Age or Suty-Eight Thomas Andrew, who was In the bakery business In Prince Rupert for several years, died recently at St. Neots, Hunts, England, according to- word just received in the city, by friends. Coming to Prince Rupert upwards of twenty-five years ago from the prairies, Mr. Andrew took over the old Electric Bakery which he operated for a number of years until lameness necessitated his retirement. A few years ago he and Mrs. An drew left here for Wetaskiwln, Alberta, where the latter died after which Mr. Andrew went to England to live with a sister Recently he took a severe cold from which he failed to recover. Mr. Andrew was 68 years of age and was born In England. He was a member of Tyee Lodge A.F & A.M. when In Prince Ru pert. Hotel... arrivals Prince Rupert Miss E. Turck, Ketchikan; G. Dicks, city; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Brlggs and family, Ketchikan; R. K. Thompson, Vancouver; George Harris, Mill Bay; R. H. McDonald, Cumshewa; E. W. Martin, Vancouver; Mrs. A. Marshall, Ketchikan; Miss V. Young, EIroy, Wise; G de Kergom-meaux, Terrace; P. Sande, Terrace; Mrs. M. M. McDonald, Mil ler Bay; Mr. and Mrs. D. Cuthlll and son, Port Simpson; Mrs. C. Cuthlll, Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hodgson, Billmor; D, Lee, ' Terrace; A. E. Pallant, Sandspit; S. Campbell, Terrace; Mrs. C. Ralston, Southbank; Mr. and Mrs. P. Turner, Queen Char lotte City; Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Gordon, Billmor; Mr. and Mrs, J. Hagen and daughter,. Copper River; Mrs. S. Rollln, Cumshewa D. K. Taylor, Petersburg, Alas ka; T. A. Scholl, Petersburg. Al aska; Mr. and Mrs. D. Steffen son, city; Mr. and Mrs. E. Grant and family, Winnipeg; W. . Young, Terrace; T. Berg, cit; C. II. Callahan,. Edmonton; L. A Sanders, Vancouver; Mrs. D. Mc I.aren. Sandspit: Ray Bassett, Ketchikan; G. H. Martin, Van couver. Mrs. D. McLaren and Mrs. G. H. Kirby of Sandspit are sailing tonight on the Casslar on their return to the Queen Charlotte Islands after a visit with friends In tne city. NOTICE On and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts incurred In my name. O. W. WTLSON, Stewart, B.C. May 14, 1947, Prince Kupeu Full Gospel Tabernacle . 221 6th Ave. West. Rev. J. Llnney, Pastor. MISSIONARY CONVENTION Conducted by Rev. W. Brown of Liberia, West Afrlct, assisted by Rev. V. Graham of Terrace, B.C. Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. You are invited l..M ACT Nolltc r Intention t Al'I'l) lu Land ItccorcllnR District of rrlncc Rupert nnct situate at the westerly cnU of Clinintt Arm, Cumshewa Inlet, Cjuecn Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, or Vancouver. n.C. occupation LoBKcrs. Intends to apply for n lease of the following described lands: being part of the foreshore and bed of Oilllatt Arm. Cumshewa Inlet. (Juccn Charlotte Islaixds. Commencing at a post planted at tho easterly end of a large gasoline tank located approximately 33 chains S58 degrees E. from tho N.E. corner of Lot 36 (T.L. 1112P). thenco cast 5 chains, thenco north approximately B chains to the high water mark, thenco westerly along the high water mark 10 chalps. thence S4S degrees approximately 12 chains to tho high water mark, thence easterly along the hlsh water mark to the po''1' of commencement and containing 10 acres, more or less. Dnto of Staking April 17th. 1917, PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. Claude C, Dermyn, Agent. nAirn Anrll 17th. 1947. " M3-12-19-28 BLONDIE GYRO CANDIDATE IS LEADING MAY QUEEN CONTEST Alice Nickerson, 12 -year -old Borden Street School student, Gyro Club candidate for May Queen, Is leading the field In the race for Royal honors at the Kinsmen Club May 24 celebra tion, according to figures releas ed this morning by Stan Savllle, May Queen committee chairman. With 17,200 votes, Miss Nicker son .has a 4,250-vote lead over her nearest rival, Margaret Olske, 12-year-old King Edward School candidate, sponsored by Sons of Norway. Miss Glske has 12,950 votes. Between the top two and the other three of the candidates In the five-way campaign, there Is a wide margin. Third In the line is Arlene Pope, Conrad Street School, Kinsmen Club candidate with 6,000 votes. Junior Chamber of Commerce candidate Doreen Batman, of Booth High School had 700 votes listed this morning and Chris tina McDougall of Annunciation School, sponsored by the Loyal Order of Moose, had 500. Ticket sales with voting credits for the candidates, close Wednesday evening, Mr. Saville said. MOOSE WEEKLY WHIST, DANCE Prince Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moos?, was host to a record turnout of members and friends at the weekly card party and dance Saturday night. W. Weiss was master of cere monies for the dancing, and William Terry was director of the whist drive. Winners of the men's whist prizes were L. Rcmer and C. L. Davldron, while Mrs. Suniberg and Mrs. E. Bajrshaw won the ladies prizes. Dancing to musLc by Roberts' orchestra bean at 10:30. Dur ing the Intermission, refresh ments were served and prizes distributed. Announcements All aavcrttseim-niit -m tins corumn will bo charred for n full month at 25 word. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Port Simpson Celebration Committee will be holding their anual day of sports on May 23 and 24. Cash prizes and trophies for field, track and water sports. Tea and Food sule May 28, Salvation Army Home, Catholic card party at School Hall, May 29. 8 p.m. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrs. Berner's, May 29. Eastern Star Tea, Civic Centre, June 4. Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs. C. G. Ham. United Church W. A. Tea on June 12. Tea and delicatessen sale at Catholic School Hall, Juna 14, and card party, 8 pjn. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs. Watts. Hill GO Rose Tea,' June 19. BIRMINGHAM. Eng., 0) Stainless steel Instrument strings normally made from catgut will be exhibited at the British Industries Fair here. low Available! LOOK VQK THE NEW RED AND WHITE COLD SEAL LABEL Local News Items... Vote Doreen Bateman the people's choice for May Queen. (117) George Sells, well known Ket chikan halibut fisherman, arrived in the city from the north on the Camosun Saturday Prince Rupert Horticultural Society meets in Civic Centre Tuesday May 20 at 8 pjn. Come and bring a friend. (117) T. S. McLachlan, who has been following the typographical trade In the city for the past few years, is sailing tonight on the Prin cess Adelaide for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. -J. H. Black, who drove into Prince Rupert at the end of the week over the highway from Washington State, sailed Saturday night on the Camosun for Vancouver enroute home, taking their car with them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Brlggs and family and Roy Bas sett were among arrivals In the city on the Camosun Saturday night from Ketchikan. Mr. Briggs and Mr. Bassett are Ketchikan school teachers. They proceed East from here on to night's train. BIRTH NOTICE GORDON Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gordon in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Monday, May 19, a daughter. SCHERK Born to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scherk In the Prince Rupert , General Hospital on Sunday afternoon, May 18, a daughter, Lyn Rochelle, 7 lba. 4Vi oz. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 FOR A FRESH COMPLEXION Sufdc-lileind fragrant DuBarry Face Powder u of medium texture ; : : wHfly popular because it gently clings to a dry tlin . ; . will not cake on an oily (Lin. ..by Riclwd lluduut.. '2. -Motherhood Has Its Ups and Downs. Mr. and Mrs. David Cuthlll of Port Simpson returned to the city on the Camosun. Saturday evening after making the round trip to Ketchikan In company with Mr. Cuthlil's mother' from Edinburgh who Is pr.ying a visit p.t Slmpso'n. They proceeded to Port Simpson on the Coqultlam last night. W. J. Thwaltes of the Dominion Tax Systems Ltd., Vancou ver, after a two weeks' visit to the city In connection with the Introduction of o new simplified bookkeeping system In a number of local businesses, is leaving by this evening's train for Prince George whence he will proceed back to Vancouver by way of the Cariboo. Classified Advertising Pays! Window Dressing Contest For the best dressed windows featuring the Welcome to the Visiting Shriners The Prince Rupert Shrine Club offers: First Prize . . . $25 Second Prize , $10 Third Prize ... $ 5 Judging will take place Thursday starting at 4 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at Cercmon'.al Ball To ensure judging, phone 853 of your entry NOTE Shrine colors are red, i green and yellow. Do You Buy A fSew Fur Coat Every Year? Of course you don't 'but you want your fur coat to be up-to-date every year. Why not re-style or alter your furs during the summer months? HERE'S OUR PROPOSITION . . . Get in touch with your SWEET SIXTEEN store and arrange to store your lurs with us. We will send the furs to our shops in Vancouver (you paying only the express charges down and back). An expert will Inspect every piece of fur and make a report showing any work needed and estimating the cost. You authorize what work you want done and state when you wish your furs for use again. When we return your coat you may, if you wish, pay on our Budget Payment Plan. Thus our Prince Rupert customers get the same service as Vancouver. Western Canada's wrnj Accepted for advertising by Canadian Medical Journal Great Fur Service McCUTCHEON PHARMACY By Chic Young ' MAMA, L( FORCE THAT MAKES 2r THAT TEA WHAT lSr EVERYTHING W rf , BU ' ( GO UP J spavjt; v!2i I ! r2?; : ' ' ' l $tHtcc ttuuert Dally J3cuitf Monday, May 19, 1947 Arrow Shirts Yes, the Spring range of smart appearing, perfect fitting shirts lias arrived, and includes White Broadcloth Fused Collar, from $2.75 to $3.50 White Broadcloth Soft Collar. The famous "Trump" $3.25 Patterns In Broadcloth Fused Collar $3.00 to $3.50 Arrow Pajamas 1IMJL LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning snd pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street these rfrfSfci; dress Tj'Tk fSk4?!. "vk $3.75 and $4.50 l!ii"rfilllllV5l1i7l'lll Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.Cz Do Your Guests Whisper Behind Your Back? Keep your home and yourself splc and spin this sum mer by removing spots' and soil . from wearing apparel and household articles" with good cleansers. Your clothes and furnishings will last longer and look better. ! ; SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN ' Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery Caras for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern Haddie Fillets Place your order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA