, Classified Advertising -- ; nd Engagement Atmouncementi: w nre . r.enerai wospiuu, jvmy , tfr ana Mrs. r :. r. uu- i daughter, KOSe Mar,e- ana jvici ousjcy jy. -LC'Jlse ,,tn announce me arrival 01 . 1 1 r ,4B1 Ronaia, ids. o oz. vj m ine Vancouver wr-altal. CAKI) P THiNKS dosing my uujuicM uikti - 1 desire to sincerely mv numerous patrons for patrons ii'AVTrn Mil r' ..muni awn ArjhrNTTK EXPERIENCED salesman prince Rupert and Cariboo ,..v w r and tax accounting ser- . Knowlcdce of bookkteD- llliJl ' WW" WUWW MAUI. Interview In Prince .Ru- iCan Ltd., 578G Larch WANTED Man wanted steady employment. Apply r.-a Dairy (117) WAMtu waitress iur or iu Sis Mouvny woman ;r? ( r children In her WANTED Car in fair shape. . pi? all cash. Phone Blue lb Your Scrap Metali, Pri;:, P:..d Active Trad-Cr.;any Ltd.. 935 East Jova 6 Vancouver, B.C. I'OK KENT FOU LEASE RoM ANIl iuiaimi ENGINES "EDI a to . 1 (U) RVWT K P0n nop rnnm i n i bii nvc weak. RENT -3 sleeping rooms for (118) RENT Two sleeping rooms. Borden Street. (ti) RENT Housekeeping room, fl fim titi ituii x ruui-iuuiua nu "J Ave on Bus Line. Apply 0. Hflgerspn Ltd. (117) RENT Furnished rooms. tb Ave West. (117) RENT 2 room cabin, 960 Ave Weat Phone Red 807. (117) USASE - (1) Terminal Ifh Q nA M mire vlnnft TTM ret Dartners. (21 Terminal nf "STINGS WANTED at) N0 Your House? We - "uycrs ioomng ior weu- oau s room nomes. PKKSONAt nutu WOMAN Will children afternoons evenings Phone Green 588. (tf) J V HI :A ( IN .ien Dkinnlnff vour "kj rememW t. a v p "ju flutn Camn t fnot.pfl r'h' hejrt f a sportsman's aa!se Clean, comfortable ,. ror reservations write lers. (123) Wftl AND BOAR nf qkid p. " . Ji nOlTlP nMrnv 1 ... ; "ttuic, UZZ r r S P r 5V . . " UlNJia2.cVl. "cw. etc no. VI VI a .h LIMITED., 1100 W. ?vlew ouver, BNrj. Ion Mil) !a tt m Tne News! FOR SALE FOR SALE V-bottom boat, 24 combination pleasure and troller, A-l condition. Phone Red 232. (118) FOR SALE RD-7 Bulldozer and AC-HD-10 -with Hoover overhead loader and bulldozer. Now working and In good con-tlon, recently .overhauled. Apply Good it Enemark, Box 705, Prince George, B.C. (F.M.W.) FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until' .noon of June 10th, 1947 for the purchase of Lot 5, Block 10, BE. of Dl. 931, Casslar District, Map 1515, Alice Arm Townslle, together with three-roomed house and contents situated thereon, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of Harry Owen, deceased. (121 J FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen Seta from $14. Slightly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Pails from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugs, lovely designs from $1.G5. All kinds of other useful articles. Come In and look them over. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE German 7x50 marine binoculars. Carl Zeiss adjustable lens. With case. $435. Phone Black 718. (118) FOR SALE Protection against loss. Fire, Autc, Personal Property Floater and other insurance. Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. Phone 342, (136) FOR SALE 28 fit. gillnet boat with 5 hp. Kasthope engine. Phone Blue 505 after 5 pjn. tf) FOR SALE Brooder started chicks, nexcdor m'.xed. R. O. P White leghorns and new Hamipshlres srllln? May 12 at 2 weeks old, 55c each. Also R.OP. White Leghorn puiets sellin? May 12 at 10 weeks-old. $1.30 each. Add 10c per week on all orders after above dates. Sufficient cockereU free. Your down payment will hold order until required. Bal ance due before delivery. We guarantee satisfaction and 100 live arrival. Shipments F.O.B. Kltwanga. M. Rowe, Kitwanga. X120) FOR SALEr-3 room cottage on Ambrose with 2 lots. Built in '41. Only $800 for cash sale. 5 room .house near Valhalla Hall, basement, furnace and 2 lots. ' $3500. Terms available. Aopfr Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (117) FOR SALE- English pram, good .condition, baby's folding bath and rocker. Phone 858. .(117) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PROPERTIES WITH VALUE Recently built apartment house in central location. Contains three furnished suites with good revenue. $4500 complete. Six room house, partly fur nished, on two cultivated lots, basement. Immediate occupancy, Reasonabl:. Well-built three room cottage close to McBrirte. A bargain at $1500. SeveroJ choice building lots In business section. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342. (118) FOR SALE Salmon troller, fully equipped in first class condition, "Laura L. II." Length 35.8 feet, breadth 9.7 feet, depth 6 feet; 6.89 registered tons, belonging to estate of A. A. Lar-sen, deceased. Can be inspected at McLean's Shipyard. Written tenders including terms to Brown & Harvey, Box 658, Prince Rupert. Highest or any tender not necessarily 126 FOR SALE-Cafe and Coffee Shop hi thriving northern mining town, with modern f nnd monthly In- come over $700. A sacrifice at $1,100. Write box 234, Prince Rupert Dally News. (118) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, (W) B.C, SAVOYS DEFEAT WATTS, NICKERSON IN SEASON'S BASEBALL OPENER Baseball made Its 1947 debut in Prince Rupert bunday afternoon when, after a brief opening cere-many, Alex Bill's Savoy squad defeated Watts and Nickerson by a score 9-5 in a nine-inning game be-tore several hundred fans who partially filled the sun-drenched bleachers. First hit of the day was a short ! inrield grounder swatted by Magistrate W. D. Vance, baseball association president off a pitch by Alderman A. S. Nickerson. This was the ceremony that signalled the opening of the season. Behind the plate was R. E. "Dick" Moore, who with Mr! vance, nad been a member of Prince Rupert's first baseball team. Considering it was the first game of the season, there was some tidy ball playing in evi dence. The field work was par ticularly promising in both teams even though they have made a point of includln; younger players who never be fore have been .in regular team line-ups. Alex Bill, Savoy moundsmari, although definitely not a rookie, made a notable start by strlk ing out 18 batters, a point that was offset only slightly by the four hits which the opposing team rang up against him. Dick Letourneau, pitching for the clothiers, shows signs of making a steady, dependable hurler. Savoys stepped Into a sub stantlal lead in the Jirst Inning, by marking up five runs off three base hits. Morgan made the circuit first on a fielder's error, and -was followed round the circuit by Arney, Pavlikis, Foster and Hartwlg. The latter three came home on a double, hit by Alex Bill who was left stranded on second base when the Inning ended Watts and Nickerson started scoring In the second Innini when Dominate, Scharfe and Letourneau came home. Lamble hit a single which brought Letourneau in but the old vet eran was left on second at tht end of the Inning. The game remained scoreless, and hitless, until the fifth inning, when Savoy again put on a drive. In that Inning, Savoy marked up five hits, bringing home two runners. Neatest field work of the game was a Savoy double play Sim- undson to Hart wig to Forman the latter two recruits. With Lamble of the clothiers the runner on first base, Windle hit a grounder which -was. picked up by Bruce Simondson at short stop. Simundson threw to Hart-, wig at second, putting out Lamble, and then Hartwig hurled to Forman at first, tagging Windle. Savoy scored Its sixth run In the sixth inning when Arney, who had received a base on balls, came home on a triple by Nick Pavlikis, who -was left on third base at the inning's end. Watts and Nickerson marked up their final two runs in the seventh inning when Downle, substituting for Welch, got on base on a fielder's error, and Letourneau got a base on balls. Morgan brought in Savoy's final run In the eighth Inning. Both Bill of Savoys and Let- J FOR SALE FOR SALE 100 acres, fisherman's cabin, float on north side Ecstall River. Lot 6647, Range 5, Coast District. Price $500. 10 acres, all cleared, large house and outbuildings, 1 mile from Alice Arm. Block A of D.L. 51, Plan 1800. Price $1500. Both properties must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. Write: Klnnon & Company, 425 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C. (119) I.ANI) ACT Notice or Intention to Apply to I.eiiKe Land In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate along the south' easterly shore of Gordon Cove, southwest corner of Ollllatt Arm. Cum-Ehewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Loggers, Intends to apply Sot a lease of the following described lands: being part of the foreshore bed of Gordon Cove, Cumshewa Inlet, Q.C.I. Commencing at a post planted ap- nroxlmately 750 feet S72E. from the SE. coiner or Lot sb (t.l. marl, thence N.43 degrees E. approximately 1800 feet, thence In a southerly and westerly cMreotlon alonrj the .high water mark to tne point or eom-mencement and containing 13 acres, more or less. Date n' RVln Anril 17th. 1947. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. Claudn fi. aermvn, Agent. DATED April 17th, 1947. m s-ia-ifl-aa ourneau of Watts and Nickerson stayed the full, nine Innings on the mound, turning in. credit able performances. Watts and Nickerson started to make sub stitutions in the fifth inning, moving Lamble to third base from centre field and taking Beynon from third to replace Pierce at jhortstop. Cloutler, who went to centre field 'was replaced by Antone, and later, Downie went to second base in place of Welch. Box score: Savoy AB R II Simundson, ss 5 0 0 Morgan, c .'. 5 2 0 Arney, 3b 5 3 3 Pavlikis, cr 5 2 3 Foster, rt 5 1 1 Hartwig, 2b 3 1 1 Bill, p 4 0 1 Gurvlch, if 4 0 1 Forman, lb t 4 0 0 40 9 10 Watts and Nickerson ' AB R H Welch, 2b ;.. 3 0 0 Lamble, cf J 3 ' 0 2 Kerr, If , 4,0 0 Windle, c - 4 1 1 Beynon, 3b 4 0 0 Pierce, ss 3 0 0 Domlnato, lb 4 10 Bcharfe, rf 4 11 Letourneau, p 2 2 0 Cloutler, cf Downie, 2b ,.,. 2 0 0 Antone 1 0 0 34 5 4 BUFFALO BHX-S JOB "Birffalo Bill" Cody once held the position of "Buffalo killer; for a jallroad company, . TEAM STANDINGS "Jl" MIXED LEAGUE W L Brown woods 11 4 Rebels 9 ' (fl Sharps, Flats 9 6 Blue Jays 8 7 65 Cabs 7 8 Fighters 0 9 Whizbangs 6 9 Hangovers 4 It TEAM STANDINGS "A" MIXED LEAGUE W L Highway Service 10 5 Cougars 9 6 Tornados 9 6 Cuckoos 8 7 Zephrs 8 7 Screwballs 8 7 Sureshooters 5 10 Dodgers 1 11 GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, ' Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. IJox 1426 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert MIXED "A" BOWL SCORES Mixed "A" league bowling saw lan uunuar oi .screwballs, ron the highest individual single game score oX 277, v;hlle H. Tubb of Cougars bowled the Tiigbest three-game total, 607. Both the ladles high single and the triple were bowled by E. Anderson of Cougars with 2C4 r.nd 648 re spectively. Cougars walked pff with the team scoring honors too, tallying 1.171 for the single and 2,171 for three games. Game t:eords Highway Service 3, Dodigers 0 Cougars 3, Screwballs 0 . Cuckoos 2, Sureshopters :1 Zechyrs-2. Tornadoes 1 TORNADOES D. ChaDple L. Raabe ... V. Carrier . H. Brewer ... E. Btissey ... A. Nelson ... .129 ...120 -133 ...128 ...185 ...201 Totals 152 126 86 183 132 143 ' 1087 1005 HUCKOOS B. Ccwglll J 61 B. Salmond 119 L. Sylvester .... .. 131 E. MnManus 218 I.. Caminbell 122 H. Hartz 95 Handicap 104 Total 3i3 1104 PURESHOOTER Menel' 119 R. Londn 143 B. Vuckovltch 133 M. Munlzaba 160 M. Parker . 159 T. Parker 230 299 103 203 161 198 127 104 157 192 176 259 173 138 132 127 200 161 220 170 Totals 896 822 101C ZEPHYRS H. Watkln 137 175 147 S, McDonald ".88 179 109 A. Grimble 181 130 129 E. Trumibell vjjr, 244 114 B. Pavne "1 P0 19' A. Matheson 106 239 197 Handicap 38 38 38 807 134 172 134 115 91 143 104 898 2952 183 155 20S 127 257 178 Totals 949 !C95 1103 COUGARS E. Anderson 216 163 264 B. Anderson .. 175 181 179 m. Siharff 155 135 149 S. Rhrff 185 145 1R7 O. Tubb 210 110 45 R. Tubb 230 248 189 Totals 1171 987 1013 SOREWBALLS J.vThornton ,.. 143 166 158 Orr Dunbar 155 177 277 I. Foot 155 &0 I Dumas 156 127 B. TJslck . 150 108 M. Blaln 178 171 Handicap M 16 Total '003 875 DODGERS S. Ramsay 109 110 H. Eedgar 131 127 E. Clark 131 142 G. Clark 115 200 I. Ramsay 165 116 E. Horner 152 145 Total 863 840 HIGHWAY SERVICE C. Bellamy 175 86 B. Bellamy 151 163 J. Palmer - 186 145 B. Helgerson 136 101 L. Erlckson 133 152 C. Erlckson 114 202 Handicap 17 17 Totals S12 866 1 ' T y . fh ., mm If you're wearing an expression your barber juit loves to slap hot towel over ... 111 137 106 15S 16 S64 124 158 152 160 160 123 880 229 194 97 200 137 118 17 992 Classified Advertising Pays! BARBERS-EYE VIEW? Feen-a-m!nt may help. It'i the modem chewing laxative with a delicious mint flavor that makes laxative-taking a pleasure. Gentle, yet' really effective. Won't upset the stomach or interfere with sleep. Millions use Feen-a-mint. Get the handy package at any drug counter. 7-47 Interior Motorists When Driving to Prince Rupert . . . Why not make' "The Home of Friendly Service" your motoring headquarters? With the Skeena Highway open again we look forward to seeing many of our Interior neighbors in town. For Prompt and Efficient Service It's Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS rhone BLUE 12(1 1C0 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Managers: TOM PESUt STEVE VHKLAKN For Your Eating Peasure . . . iBroadway Cafe (Formerly Hoston Cafe) ) THE BEST FOOD BANQUET HALL FINEST COOKING i FOR LUNCHEONS, ; ? DINNERS AND TOP SERVICE AFTERNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE-OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME HOURS 7 A.M. to 5 A.M. PHONE 200 3 L . Prince Hupert Daflp jQctos Monday, May 19, 1947 Good Companions -tt. OLD CHUM The Tobacco of Quality MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED feel like loafing? Then Brownwoods have the shoes for you . .. , .-; Moccasin-style casual shoe ta ..Man Styled for leisure . . . cut right for comfort . . '-. Choose from many leathers and styles in -j ., from Brownwood's extensive selection. , $5.50 " $9.95 . I 4 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 p.m. RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Complete automobile repair service by experienced mechanics, assures first class workmanship at the right price. LUBRICATION is vital, be sure your grease job is right. We have the best equipment to do your job and use nothing but first line lubricants, the correct type In each fitting. PHONE 566 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 ERASER STREET Phone Black 823 : : 4 ' ' INCOME TAX Returns Prepared -,SeeJ R. E. MORTIMER y 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 WE JIAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY FriR H. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE ; j fc. OIL BURNERS I ? " '!' CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNERS j j, ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUfl",UOMBi " ! SAANICH PLUMBING & HATING? P.O. Box 1158 (Station B) Phone'BLACK $03 FOR MEN OMLy WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe PjO. Bdbc 1 1 5te i Ik h37 4- ' i i -m-.