-1 NORTHERN AND CENTRA! BJWTlSlIXQLjlMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TAXI fcTAXI TAXI3 r r l5o l',,one! 9j 537 .nnHT SERVICE Ktind: X t DAY AND NIQHT SERVICE 3 .noUL Third Ave.J Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt A A A F - ,ua A-M-V1' PRINCE RUPERT,: B.C., TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1947 PRICE FTVE CENTS fv Wins $143,841 On Claim For War Damage ' O Over Bill w I It. fL(;.r 1M.U " UsWalurc-lliinsclf Not . - n.nlil nrimit. ' V" VP'"' he disagreed wim ma , ttnn fieorce . illiww- . rt rradlne 01 industrial Con-. -mil Arbitration Act .nAiit tiinor. I camDUiiory secret niMinitiPs fur .. Mnt inrlr.niiu. Mfifh mv rnl- mvprnmcnt suncr- He said he lavorca in hut HiH nnt think ... ..r 4Un nnirme til . tr Xln alert of administration," j Wr DMrnn rpftitod , Mil' " " , . i IJ BA.-Inn tlln said 'that, because Ij .1 IL,. T Wl ui pnm.nuii, i r mv ronnccllon with . . f - 1--. - H nr u .11111 iiLLiui . an aUo announced lmunscfl (in union iLllllAl., 111 IV, IIIIU1UJ ;ai strikes and lock-bttn cut In half." . i - nt IF Mil 171 & i mi :i I1KV n mombcrs raiser! a Herbert Oargravr. ' ii-.j i.l -i a ; It had In the 1930'i, i y section was one of j K vinous nrnvlKlmiK " province the first In j impose penalties on j sand officials a step! labor had fought all j wld for fifty years. at the second reading brought an Immcdi-1 Ul Umh !) For rn hn! Tlic statement saidi iiauuii ivmi'ts me the llart government ge of Bill 39 even . nnnn in.m i. a - vi(ii, m; lew, ca, win not make M peace but will In J application provoke w and will unite or- ip ftn.1 t. .uu me jn-upic 111 and may well bring dl of the government." TODA TS A Oourw'sy S. D. Vaneointr 1150 .07 .12 Gold 2.65 .25 ;hksne .09 Ma.scot 1.10 .04 feme 3.00 3.80 Border .05 Gold 74 r ask) .50 Donald 1.G5 .10 Gold Creek .22 1.25 (ask, atcr .05 .02 'A ln..l. .40 043 imaij. .00 alley .10 2t'bali05 18 .02 1 i i. 12 20 2.01 2.45 3.25 H. . "BLUE BABY" OPERATION TELEVISIONED- With the introduction of television as a means of surgical teaching, more than 300 surgeons and Internes in Baltimore, Md., were able for the first time to see clear, detailed views of "blue baby" and other operations simultaneously with the operation. This scene, taken during the operation, shows the super-sensitive RCA Image orthicon camera mounted on the operating room light fixture, directly above the operating field. The camera was prc-set and controlled automatically. The microphone, shown suspended, permitted the surgeon to comment. The" audience viewed the operations on 10 RCA Victor television receivers In nearby rooms. Results of the experiment were declared gratifying by the surgeons who say it demonstrates television's possibilities for Use in the field of surgical LIBERAL WINS BY-ELECTION members of the IIiiunc "f Commons loday jaw the result of' (lie iMontreul-Carlirr by-elccllon as a "serious setback for Communism in Canada" and the breaking; of a "possible Communist stronghold in Montieal." Prime Minister W. I -Mackenzie Kin termed it a "very significant victory." The election of Maurice llartt, Liberal candidate in the by-election was conceded early last night. Final night returns for H7 of 152 polls gave the following result: Maurice llartt, Liberal, !),-1'J3. Paul Masse, anti-Coinmu-nb,l and autonomist, C,"3X Michael liuhay, l-abor-l'ro-grcssive, 0,119. Three Independents David Itoiuhon, (). I Ciugras and Louis Valiqueltc lost their $200 deposits. -w950qcH3000000PiO(3000iiOOWOOOPOOOaoncK9 STOCKS : : Johnston Co. Ltd. ' WOOOOOOOoeOOOOiJOOOOOCiOOOOCHjCiOOOtiOOCiSiO . Troiit Allwina . -20 Aumaque .' -51 Beattle Bevcourt 110 Bobjo 23 Vi. Buffalo Cdn, .24 Con, Smelters ...J... 85.00 . Conwcst 1.12 Donalda 1.14 Eldona .55 Vi 1.20 Giant Ycllowknile . G.70 God's Lake' 1.55 Ilardrock .42 Hiarrlcana .............. .13 llcva Gold .71 l'losco : ,'- Jacknife 'v....,..... m Juliet Quebec r'1 LakeRowaiit ..i.:... -23 Lapaska e.....' -31 Little Long Lac Lynx ."r.i,.....: 23 Madscn Red Lake 3.45 MeKcnzle Red Lake .72 MacTod Cockshutt .... 1.90 'Morieta : 51 Negus 2.35 Naranda 47.25 OsJalco Lake I ?7 Pickle Craw 2.80 Rcwcburt -6i San AiUonlo ... 4-10 Senator Rouyn -1 Sherrltt Gordon 4.15 Steeu Hock 2.15 Sturgeon River 2'i DIVISION ON C.N. AUDITING 'iiTir ;f ; Leaving It In II; amis of Private Firm OTTAWA Q- The Itouic-of Commons voted 10C to 20 last 'night, to leave the auditing of books of the Canadian National Railways in the hands of a private firm. The division climaxed an unexpected debate during which James Sinclair, Liberal member for Vancouver North, argued that a more efficient Job could be done by the Dominion's ' auditor-general. BIG BLAZE IN NORTH ONTARIO TIMMiNS, ttvric vi the most spectacular f ires' iii the history of this northern gold belt centre destroyed the George Taylor Hardware Company'j warehouse today. Damage was estimated at $250,000. At the peak of the blaze, 100-gallon oil drums cx-plodcd and ualnt cans popped jike giant fire crackers. STRAIGHT TALK FOR M0L0T0V (icnrral Marshall to Insist On Nonpromisc On Soviet Reparations Claim MOSCOW 0) Secretary of State George C. Marshall was reported determined to tell lor-cign Commissar Molotov of Russia that, unless the Soviet Union is willing to- compromise In Us rrnaratlon demands for $10,000,- 000 over a twenty-year period. there would be stalemate oil German unification as aiv"ccojf nomic poorhousc. Bulletins MINISTER COMINO WEST OITAIVA Hon. IJrook Clax-lou is leavinc Vancouver western tour on a twelve-day which will include visits to Vancouver, Victoria. Edmonton, Winnipeg and other ten-tres. APRIL FOOL PANIC EINDOVEN, Holland This Dutch city was thrown Into near panic today when a newspaper said that it was to be sprayed with atomic mist. Frantic efforts were made by radio to squelch the report. ' CONSTRUCTION DURING MARCH TOTAL $16,1 Increase 4n the value of building, permits lsiued during March presaged a trend toward greater construction activity in the city although the total for the first ' three months this year is still considerably legs than for the similar period cf 1946. Permit's Issued last month totalled $1C807 which .showed a considerable rise over the two earlier months of 1947 and brought the quarterly total to $32,832. During Marsh", 1945, bulldin-5 permit values were $16,-025, while the total for the first three months was $42,267. Large! item on the list of 26 permits issued last mouth were a $4,700 ner'litTi ior alterations to the Caoitol Theatre; $3,500 to V. Bagshaw for construction of a residence; $1,500 to Mark Hill for alterations to the Terminal Lunch, and three permits for $1,000 for repairs and alterations. ' last month's lit: John Gurvich, $200, Fraser Street, repair II. A. Spofford, $100, Fifth Avenue West, repairs. John Jch-on, $200, Atlin Avenue, construction. Mrs. C; B. Curie, $200, Mc-BMdc Street, garage. J. L. Parent, $250. Cow Bay, addition. TV Elliott, $200, Sixth Avenue-Eait, repairs. Mitchell and Curric. $75, Seventh Avenue East, -repairs. W. A. Thorn, $1,000, First Av-emic, loconvci'slon, "iw. O. Knight, $1,000, Eighlfi Avenue West, rcteonversion. Bea'a News Stand, $32, Mo-Bride Street, repairs. J. Addison, $25, Hays Cove Avenue, rcipalrs. M. Hctnbcrg. $500, Eighth Av-cnue'West, repairs. P. R. Roofing Co., $200, Fourth Street, alterations. Mrs. A. Ritchie, $200, Seventh Avenue East, repairs. Louis Rossi, $200, Third Avenue, extension. . Mrs. C. B. Curric, $250.. Mc-Bride Street, construction. Mitchell Bnd Currie, $100, Third Avenue, construction. J. L. Johnson, $50, Beach Place, construction. Famous Players Ltdf, $4,700, Third Avenue, alterations. G. T. H!tib3rd. $125, Eleventh Street, repairs. Mark Hill, $1,500, Second Avenue, addition. William Thain, $150, Ninth Avenue West, garage. Kaicn" Industries, $1,000, Covi Bay. reassemble building. V. Bagshaw, $3,500, Nintli Avenue West, construction, P. Pierce, $250, Fifth Avenue West, garage. T. Bjornson, $500, Eighth Avenue East, addition. GANDHI IN LIMELIGHT Trying to Tacify Disturbed Sections of India Moslems Assail His Efforts NEW DELHI M-Mahatma Gandhi returned to the centre of the political arena in India today following wcarv, attempts to pacify disturbed sections in Dlliar and Bengal provinces. Moslem leaders assailed the efforts of Gandhi in Moakhali !s designed to focus attention on a section where Hindus had been killed by Moslems while Ignoring a Bihar outbreak where Hindus hud killed Moslems: EIGHT DIE IN HOUSE FLAMES CAMDEN, N.J. & A motlicr, six of her children .and a grandson were burned to death Sunday in a fire that swept their home here. Six other members of the family of Andrew Johnson escaped. Three other children were away from home at the time. Mt. Hekla Erupting Icelandic Crater In Action For first 'Time Jn 15 Years REYKJAVIK, ICELAND (CP) Sightseers flocked to look svt blazing Mount Hekla today while geologists set up stations near the U,761-fool volcano in expectation that th eruption that began Saturday night will continue for several JDOTltllS. The flaming peak, In eruption for the ifirst timo since 1815, tonluiued lo toss thou-aiubj at twns f lava rocks aijd fishes high in the arr, tpreading r pell ipver a wide area to !(hc south land polluting drinking water Ion the island. 'principal damage was done lofgrazing lands which were covered with increasing lay-eijjrjf r olca nic ash. SAWLOG SCALE UP IN MARCH ! Productifn V,o Far K"his Year iioutlc of Last Sawloz scale for the Prince Rulkrt forestry district in J Majxn totalled 14.588,763 board feet; according to the monthly bulletin or District Forester J. li Mathicson. This brings saw-log'production for the first three months of 1947 to 43,771,851 board leet, more than twice that prt&Rifd durhgltij Ifrmt petted last year. Pole and piling production, last month, was 772.951 lineal feet, as compared with 180,530 for March, 1946. However, production for the three-month pcrlcd this year Ls 968.051 feet, as compared with 1,241,894 last year. Tie production in March was ncghblc, and ' there were 334 cords of cordwood cut In the district. The sawlog scale was made up of the following varieties: . Fir, 396,103 Cedar, 2,361,352 Spruce, 6,751,467 Hemlock, 3,872,490 Balsam, 345,613 Jackplne, 816,457 Miscellaneous, 5,230 Local Tides Wediiesday, April 2, 1947 High 11:10 19.7 feet 23; 58 19.7 feet Low 5:09 7.4 feet 17:38 3.4 feet WOODWORKERS ARE DEMANDING NEW CONTRACTS VANCOUVER P-iNew de-mar.c"? for a 20-cent an hour general wage increas, a 40-hour treek and union shop conditions will be placed before pro vincial lum'bjr operators thli frmmer by the International Wccdworkers of America, delegates to the wages arid contracts conference of the union decideu here at the week-end. .A special $100,000 strike fund for the use if a "strike becomei necessary" will be raised -by voluntary donation at a day's pay toy members of the union, in addition to the regular strike fund. Government to Buy Trucks and Buses VICTORIA?!?- Premier John Hart announced yesterday that t ho fTrivprnrrSnnf' . mill nt.m,u $200,000 for - the purchase of ! ine faenale IorelSn a"Urs corn-buses and truckby the Pacific mlttee' sald t8day that fiUdt "Great Eastern death of 'Kta' 11 of Railway to oper-!den ate a passeiiger and freight ser-i ' vice over the Hart Highway into! the Peace River district. It will be in addition to $663,000 already provided this year for the purchase of railway rolling stock and equipment. APPROVAL FOR FRANCO BILL Succession Measures Expected ! lo-Oo Thrmtgh -Spanish-Parliament" Easily MADRID 0;-Overwhelminz Parliamentary approval is fore cast today for Generalissimo Franco's proposal to declare that Spain is still a monarchy and to outline procedure for selecting the country's next ruler, a King or regent. The throne has been vacant for sixteen years. Franco said that the world, had! finally Joined him In hating and fearing communism. The measure, labelled "Bill of Succession to the Chief of State," was Franco's first public admission that his. regime was only ' temporary. Coal Miners Quit Work to Protest ESSEN W Coal miners left their Jobs in Hamburg and Duis- burg today and marched through the streets protesting food shortages, It is estimated that 8,000 miners participated but later returhed to work. CANADA'S NEW SWEETHEART World's skating champion Barbara Ann Sc'ott sees the original of the Lou E. Marsh Memorial trophy during her visit to Toronto. A replica of the Marsh trophy was presented to her as the outstanding Canadian athlete of'1945. Thousands lined the streets to greet Barbara Ann during her visit in the city. Check Being Forwarded; Work Program To ProceecJ Long Campaign Culminates In Gratifying News Relayed By Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs The federal government is forwarding to the city of Prince Rupert a check for $143,841 in settlement in full of the city's claim for damage done to streets and utilities of Prince Rupert during the war when the city was an armed fortress in the Battle of the Pacific. The city's war damage had been assessed at King George, Greece, Dies Balkan Monarch Succumbs Suddenly Paul Is Successor May Effect U.S. Relations WASHINGTON, D.C. ffi Sena tor Walter George, member of l KING OF GREECE DIES George II who succumbed suddenly to heart ailment. Greece should not change the proposed United States program of aid to that country. The Greek King died unex pectedly today in Athens of a heart ailment and his 45-year-old brother Prince Paul, called to the Throne, was proclaimed the new King during the afternoon. The 56-year-old King, who was unmarried, had been complain ing recently of pain from angina pectoris, an aliment arising from disease of the coronary arteries. Death came to the King six months after his return to riis throne from London following a plebiscite favoring the monarchy. He had first taken over the Throne in 1922. Death of the King brought a new angle Into the question of morning and scattered rain American -aid to .Greece, now showers were occurlng else-being debated in Washington. where. Skies are expected to re-The new King Paul is the main mostly overcast today .with third son of the late King con- stantlne. LEWIS CALLS 6-DAY STRIKE FOR THIS WEEK WASHINGTON, (CP) A six-day (ivork stoppage In the lUnl-tcd States soft coal mines from coast to ooast in mourning for the (111 ICentralia, Illinois, disaster victims, commenced today, the dale Lewis had set for a tlrike until the Supreme 'Court stopped him. MARSHAL TITO MAKES CHARGES Says Greece Is Being Made Bate For Impel ialistic Plans BELGRADE Cfc Marshal Tito, Yugoslav Premier, told Parliament yesterday that, as a result of American Intervention, Greece had "become a base" for Imperialistic plans" which might threaten world peace. He said the United States embassy at Belgrade had circulated "lies and slanders" about Yugoslavia, a. total of some $351,292 and tentative agreement had been reached to accept about half , of this amount . in settlement of claim. The city obtained the co-op eration of Hon. R. C. MacDonald, provincial minister of municipal ' affairs, In dealing with the fed eral government and it was from him that the word came that the remittance was now forthcoming.. The city put on a renewed effort this year to have the federal government pay up and S. E. Parker, in Ottawa recently for a liberal convention, pressed the matter. Mayor Nora Arnold expressed extreme gratification over the prospect of the city being at last in a financial position to proceed with muchr.needed, .rehabilitation which will be concentrated first upon the street, "We will be able to go ahead In earnest now," said Mrs. Ar" nold- The city Is already planning to float a loan of $150,000 to further augment the rehabilitation fund. ON FORMOSANS Chinese Are Tried By Writer In Magazine SHANGHAI 1John W. Pow- i ell declared in an iartlcle in his magazine China. Weekly Review on Sunday that Chinese troops sent to Formosa to quell riots which sarted there February 28 had perpetrated some of the "most unimaginable atrocities; He said that a conservative estimate placed the number of Formosans killed t 5,000, with thousands more Imprisoned. THE WEATHER Synopsis Colder weather will be general throughout British Columbia today and tomorrow as a .re-sult of an outbreak of cold "air from the northwest. Snow' was falling on many daces In cen- tral and northern B. 6. ,thls seme clearing tonight and Wed- neisoay. p Forecast ; Prince Rupert, North Coast and Queen Charlottes Southern, section overcast with rain showers today. .Wednesday 'Cloudy with widely scattered ralm showers, clearing In evening. Northern section Cloudy with widely scattered rain showers or snow flurries today, clearing this evening. Wednesday Cloudy, winds light, little change In temperature. Lows tonight: Port Hardy 33, Massett 30, Prince Rupert 30. Highs Wednesday: Port Hardy 45, Massett 43, Prince Rupert 43. NEW TRIAL FOR BOYER MONTREAL, HI1 A new trial for wealthy Dr. Raymond Boyer was made necessary when the Jury failed Monday to agree on a verdict in his trial. The Montreal scientist ls charged with conspiracy to communicate Information unlawfully to Russia. Basketball Finals TONIGHT CIVIC CENTRE 4 Games 6:30. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 9:30 High School vs. Savoy Admission 35c Students. 15c t-'l