ft? : Phone-8:1 prince Rupert Dm'Tp- ileitis Tuesday, March 18, 1947 SAVOY PURSUES WINNING ROUTINE With only $lx more' games to finish the seasons Ten' Pin teaue schedule, Savoy continued to' smash its ay to' evert rhore ertcl'uxivy height irt' the leagu standings- at the" weekend, sparked' by the pin-tolling' Virtuosity of Scoop' Ittiry. Savoy now "stands- well it the top of the league with 19' games Wen and five lost. 99 Ta?ti'; the nearest contender, has won 13 games and lost 11. Savoy widened its edge oVcr 99 Taxi on Sunday by defeating them 3-0 in a session which saw the hotelnien add up a score of 2,003 fallen1 pints; Bury performed his almost-routine feat or bowling the high single game or 223 and the leading three-game score of 5C3. imperial Oil, which holds third llace in the league standing', won threo games by default from General Motors. A, glance' back over individual performances 'shows that R. Sparks- of Savoy holds the season's record for single games with a hlh mark of 235, while Euiy holds the three-game record with a score of 593. Game scores: IMPERIAL OIL Dili 1C5 144 209 Howe ...... 165 133 205 Montgomery ... 135 119 125 Currie 144 168 181 Arney 1G9 199 158 Handicap 23 23 23' 301 78(5 901 SAVOY ' ..Sparlts id 173' ico Smi'h 166 194 109 3. Clcrone 107 Slmundson ,:. 161 190 171 Bury 230 194 139 V. Ciccconc 159 169 Handicap u. 20 10' 10" 905 920 818 99 TAXI Baillift . 149 148 137 Stropjdahlr,..l..;i26 159 126 A. ComacP.na 179' 155 149 sr;cqniadlna 121 144 I.. Beaudry . . .! '..'..'162 163 113 Handicap ...?,? 37 37 37 783 706 W-. & N. Irvjii? 176 153 161 t. Dalhcr 203 117 188 teland 114 123 154 Pierre ..,.171 173. 162 Gainer vvT''l48 172 137 Handicap ..J;'-- S9 39 39 851 777 841 B. A. OIL Klnslbr 185 147 178 Wick 147' 1 14' 98 Avinefe . iii 125 153 Pinnegar no 134 142 McMCt'kln ,. llf 155' 165 Handicap- 30 30 30 733 705' 771 TEN PIN LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Pts. Savoy 19 5 19 ' 99 Tai 13' 11 13 Aimeriai Oil 11' 13 11 1 w. & n iw 14 10 K Ai Oil 10' 14 -10 Gen. Motors .... 9 15 9 P F D D Hhdio Dial V f I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) TUESDAY P.M'. 1 4!00 Giselle La Freeholds Stock Quotations. 4:30 Especially for You 4:45 James and John. 5:00 Melodies For Juniors 5:30 String Stylings 5:45 Norrls Trio 6:00 Supper Serenade 0:15 Dinah Shore 6.30 T.B.A. 0:45 -T.B.A. 7:00-CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Old Broadway 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:25 Citizen's Forum News 3:30 Record Album 9:00 Recital 9:15 Mind's Your Business 9:30 Inter-city Debate Van couver and Seattle: 10:00 CBC News- 10:10-B. C. News 10:15 Milton Charles 10:30 Dance Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign' Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns' 8:45 Little Concert 9:00BBC' News 9:15 .Morning: Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10: 00 Morning- Visit 10:15 organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodlea-11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:3 1' Message- Period: 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert .Imtil the busy season ls here and commercial car and yoa come In and let us make THIS AND THAT "Would you mind turning the radio a little louder? Your chilldren are making so much noise we can't understand a thing the announcer ls saying." SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIl WORKS Phone BLUE 120 ICQ East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) It Won't Be Long- truck operators will have to have dependable and trouble-free service from their equipment. We Suggest- That the prevent costly tie-ups later necessary repairs NOW! This will on. OUR MECHANICAL- AND BODY REPAIR DEPARTMENTS are well equipped and fully staffed to carry out this work promptly and efficiently. All Work Guaranteed Estimates Gladly Given Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS Today Basketball Play - Girl Stars Are Going to Ketchikan! The executive of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association held a lively meeting last night in the Civic; Centre-during' which' many local hoop problems and' ideas were thrashed out. And they were literally .thrashed out with all putting in their own thought's. The final conclusion was that it had been a highly successful meeting. The girls' all-star team's pro-'game in the Junior section with ' posed' trip' to' Ketchikan was the the first and third and second opening topic on the agenda.; and fourth teams fighting for It was- decided tliat the girls! the play-off positions. Would leave this Wednesday ! In the- ladies' league Peoples night for the Alaskan city for a Store and High School will have two-game series providing word is received confirming Ketchi kan's acceptance. The team will consist of five Higli "School and two Peoples Store girls. Nellie Bill; Elizabeth McKenzie and Millie Bill- are the guards with Jackie Budinich, Rusty Thain, Edna- Sandahls and Betty Hamilton on the forward line. Vernon Ciccone will be taking the place of Eddie Gladding as coach. The next business- dealt with the rumored visits of outside teams to Prince Rupert during the next few weeks. There had been considerable speculation on the- Trapry Tech' squad of New Westminster or the Arrow Team of Vancouver's Intermediate "A" league coming here during the Easter holidays. However, executive deemed' It inadvisable to have any visiting' team here this late in' the' season. With the' second" half of the local hoop' league fairly well sewed' up and' winner of the second half declared, the most important topic at the' meeting was the forthcoming play-offs. With1 the prospect' of an early baseball and Softball season it was thought advisable' to hold the' hoop- play-offs as soon as possible. So' this coming Saturday, March 22, will see the' first game get under' way. There- will- be an elimination CIGARETTES Venetian Blinds NOW AVAILABLE STEEL FLEXALUM or WOODEN Choice of Colors We will measure your windows and quote installed prices. Phone 46 j GORDON & in Sports offs This Week; the honor of meeting for the Ladies' championship. Port Edward and Co-op wiH play a three-game series with the winners meeting Maccy's fol the Senior ';B" top berth. The winner will meet the High School Rainmakers squad for the Senior "B" title Up- in the Senior "A" loop B.C. Packers anil Savoy will-do' battle in a two-out-uf-three series, the winner of , whiclr will- meet' the second- j half winners; Ito-.Me-Hi Rainmakers, also- in a two-out-of-three match. One stipulation was made '. and that was that no additional plyef t-oiihr be signed Up by any team' in the' league from now until play-off time. The time scheduled for these play-of fs-was not decided last night but further information on' the play-offs will appear in- the wry near future. The basketball executive also Wanted to be put on record as favoring daylight saving time for summer recreation and letter to this effect will be forwarded to the proper authorities. The meeting came to a close With a recommendation that, immediately after play-off time, a meeting be held to clean up any additional business before the season ls officially closed, you say MILLBANK STRAIGHT CUT VIRGINIA ' it means " i good smoking ANDERSON WAR ASSETS BUWLJ rLAT Hell Diver Still1 Leading League' Willi' Gtill arid Spitfires Second' Hell Divers' retained leadership of the War" Assets Bowling League by a single' point margin over Gulls and Spitfires, follow-in? weekr-end leaaue play. The Hell Divers- defeated Chickens two games to one With Gultr and Spltfirer rrorttvr similar victories over Sharpshooters and' Mosquitoes. WlngdtiHertf won two g-anwi to oile over Wasps and are tied with- Sharpshooters for fourth place Scoring' wasr as- follows: cHickm-ei- N. McCaffery 112 113' 100 T. Millef 127'. 110 107 G. Wilson 115 1G5 173 L. Hltchcn 32' 144 203 J. Miillln 215 180 115 701 733 844 HELL DIVERS J. Ham 10ft 102 123 F. Deny 109' 200 lGd B. Salmond' 238 143' 171 H. Brevier 93' 106 103 E. MeManuir 170 15V 170 844' 708' 813 SHARPSHOOTfiRS- V. Carrier 191 174 183 D. Chappie 144- 83 89 E. Morse ICO 109 212 A. Nelson 193 151 292 R. Cornish J43 175 143 857 092 919 GULLS M'. MunUaba 133 207 205 P. Dustln 150 103 142 N. Powell 80 180 218 B. Vuckovich 1'7 189 255 L. Roabe 120 110 140 060 789 958 SPITFIRES V. Torrens 126 101 113 S. Torrens- 123- 130 172 A. DeMaere 137 103 J70 C. Dalglelsh 196 82 119 R. Sparks 213 264 171 795 754 745 MOSQUITOES W. Brown 173 148 159 II. Hartz ... 116 129 147 J. Warren 165 121 131 TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace SHERIFF'S SALE Tenders will be received until 5:00 o'clock p.m. Thursday, March 27, 1947, addressed to the Sheriff, Court House, Prince Rupert, for the sale for cash of the following. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted '. 1 27 h p. Atlas Marine Gas Engine, 2 cyl. H.D., as is;l two-wheeled, hard tire Logging Truck, as is; 1 5 h p., II.I). Fairbanks Gas Stationary Engine, as Id, SI. M STEPHENS, ' 66 Sheriff. EvMennell 4. 198 169 128 ... 113 13S 193 ' 705 703 758 WING DINGERS L. Ham 98 143 141 M": Parker ,..115 103' 130 D! Aird 150' 139 170 Kf; Alrd' 132 152 151 & Parker 155 248 183 G50 845 775 WASPS- E. BUssey 230 171 139 D: H'agblad 154 165 112 Ei Creed 145 105 118 S: MacDonald 112 89 142 S. White 173 308 256 814 833 707 The second1 half standing to date: Hett Divers" 18 12 18 Gulls n 13 17 Soltflros 17 13 17 Sharpshooters.. 10 14 10 Wlngdlngers .. . 10 14 10 Wasps 15 15 15 Mysqultde 15 15 15 Chickens 7 22 7 MANCHESTER, Eng. (P- Four labor experts left for Vienna to obtain volunteers to .staff idle machinery in Lancashire cotton mills. Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pale or Underweight? Get Rich, Red Blood You jbroiP bfflff poor Mood often ranrf tired rundown condition ; brlnn driirnion, ft,rvoutnw. You know thi "llfe-itrMtm rrl IRON to be rich. (rrnrth-trtvtnit. So girt It Iron. But try Iron the modm way, with helpful amount! of vitamin Hi. calcium. I'hosphorui. Ot aft our in Olrrx. Are you thin, too" Well. Ontrex ln't da. signed to make ftt iwnple tttr. Rut ita Iran Mpa restore arl'-tii-. better nmrinhmtnt. 8a thousand!, once "aVir.ny", r IhiUlid to fill out hollow! : rain norms! viekt ai vill ai normal httilk. Introductory it onl Hif 1 Try O'trex Totle Tf'l.ta TODAY for nor. mat pep. vim. vigor, nrrv normal weluht, for aale at all sxi dixf Vo;tl cveryh -e. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian .Male Tupples For Sale $25 Phone Black 823 Vw'ttmsfto 8P rW- IV Our prices are REASONABLE Our mechanics "KNOW HOW!" You'll save time, save money, and nave yourself a lot of worry ... IF you have your car "tiinnl nil," then serviced regularly liy our expert mechanics. Tliey have the. "know how" to make repairs quickly, anil at inoncy.saving priceo. Arid tliey use only factory engineereil jiartfi. For ilt-IiemlaMo, (juality work at rraaonalilc cost come in r ' jilutnc today 1 RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Phone 566 All-MfMP KAZOR. r mmm WORLD'S O SHAVINO I For tl,. -i. Gillette BlueSI are nrpriei .4atl ble economy, too Wffl Jookfeelie A use fit it blue mm For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Tort l-dwanl, U.C, UHOP SUKY CIIO IV MU) 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 p.m. Hoi 1308 l'hone IDS PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL ItUKNFU SAI,HS ANU SCKVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. NEW ROYi HOTEL A Home Away tm l Ratei "k tj 50 Rooms, Hot id t water PRINCE RUPERT, ll Phone 281 PAM Until You Get a New Car.,, take good care of your present car! nrmrabn, today means a hljjhrr resale price tomorrow. ' SEE' US FOR RECULAU SERVICE Wc are staffed and equipped to handle all nu:iii1 and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Drive m TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GAR.ll GENERAL MOTORS DEALER NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATION GREER & BRIDDE Builders and Contractors I'lifiNi' irrn iiti r.0. BOll FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION D Estimates Riven for any type construr!""1- l'hone 5G3 '! y-. JPP An Outstanding Opportunity for a Sound Investment FOR SALE The Brooksbank Building Ideally situated in the 131 new business trend area of Prince Riipfi ' Frontage on Third Avenue CONTAINS Excellent business quarters on main floor with living accommodation. . Two handsome upstairs suites, expensively pa"c" led, electric ranges. nnd bathroom. - -"aw rit Tin tmnn Villi lll;iUI'ill EASY TERMS a.' a. I! a, v " f 4 I trviM.-ixT TlIIlOUl'' HIUI'li'Ai -- Ann MnnTnAnt! at s PERCENT IF REQUIRED Apply II. C. PERRY, Or A. RROOKSnANJ'.. Prince Rupert, R.C. (U5ual courtesy to licensed agents) Dvbliavn ft-