r'. It k ft: Hi Hi ptfntc Rupert Dally J3cUi;5 Tuesday, March 18, 1947 AIASSETT " The MasscR branch of the Native Brotherhood of IJ, C. held Its annual election of officers here recently, naming Ivan Adams president. Other officers are: Vice-president, Thomas Smith; second vice-president, George Jones; secretary, Oliver Adams; treasurer, Albert Edwards. ,Tlic Massctt Co-operative Cannery expects to begin canning clams and crabs March 19. Four fine trolling boats are being completed by the Old Mas A Combined CENTENIAL RE BE K AH ana TEEN TOWN Presentation . . . The PEOPLES 1047 FOLLIES 15 Acts of Entertainment PLUS 2 NAME The Esquires and the Teen Town Own pws AN EASTER FASHION SHOW Featuring . . . "THE FOLLIES FASHION FAIRS" Civic Centre 8:15 p.m. Friday, March 21 It's a Sell-out at Only 50c Admission Business and J. P. MOLLER , PHONE BLUE 15o 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING - AND PAINTING ! HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in ? all its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Jloofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 480 Red 894 PAINTING and PAPERIIANGING ft Phone Black 823 i H. J. LUND 5JONES NEWS STAND t Eastern and Western Papers Magazines A SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN . Sixth street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. c Plumbing and Heating r Engineers a Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. LABELLING CONTRACTORS nLUC 980 jHAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail tFRUITS AND VEGETABLES sctt Trailers Association in time for the coining trolling season. Harris Okilllc, well-known Al aska nauvc, wnosc nome was destroyed by fire while he was visiting at Massctt, died recent ly at his home- at Juneau. Massctt is busily preparing for the annual convention of the Native Brotherhood of B. C, which will be held here starting March 31. AEGEAN WINDMILLS Mountain passes funneling the steady Aegean winds have long been favorite sites for windmills on the island of Crete. I BANDS iRimigiiiiHaiai Professional PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE RED 416 . . , We buy . . . PERFEX BEER BOTTLES BOTTLES All Sizes WHISKEY, GIN AND WINE BOTTLES Prompt and Courteous Service GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besher Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express , Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Orccn 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST ' A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave PAPERIIANGING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING "For Good, Lasting Work" "JERRY" VREBOSCH PHONE 372 Mft PROMPT mi EFFICIENT SERWCt Mil Ifttir qUis U COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.L m aavaaa. wucauvu.DX. NORTHERN LIGHT ROOK ROOM (83) (Over Wallace's Store) for Bibles, Easter Cards, Mottoes SENSE OF HUMOR Sroltu.li Member .Relieves I'.riti.sli Adventure .Spirit "Crushed by Bad Times" LONDON (CP; A woman In politics needs balance and a sense of humor to keep from becoming cither too masculine in thought or too feminine and ineffective, says Lady Priscilla Grant, newest member of the House of Commons. The 31-ycar-old Conservative member for Aberdeen South has had a full life. She was widowed in 1941 when her soldier-husband was killed In the war. She has two daughters, the first born in Cairo, the second at the ancient Grant home at Mony- nnuk, Aberdeenshire. When the war started she went to work In a Scottish munitions factory as welfare officer, and soon learned the problems and anxieties of the employees. She finished her Classified - - and Engagement FOR SALE FOR SALE 30 ft. trolling boat and gear and halibut gear. Phone Red 495 after 6 p.m. (69) FOR SALE Perambulator and crib. Phone Red 495. (GO) FOR SALE 36 -ft. troller, completely equipped. At Imperial Oil dock. Phone Black 511. (69) FOR SALE Studio lounge. Phone Blue 756, (69) FOR SALE 1932 Chevrolet coupe, serial No. 570915. $330. Heater and spare tire. Administration bldg., Wartime Housing, Hays Cove Circle. (tf) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Friday, March 28, 1947. for the purchase of Lot 23, Block 26, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the estate of Hugh Gregory Hilland, deceased, (73) FOR SALE Attention. Sawmill Logging Companies. Here Is an opportunity to buy Diesel power at a great saving, 225 li.p. General Motor Diesels. Electric starting. Used by the U.S. Navy and prcjicrly conditioned in our shops. These en-, "incs have had harfly any use and are being sold at halt price. Frame, radiator, supplied at cost. A few Diesel powered landing craft, 14 knots. 36'xld. Priced with all equipment $3500. Investigate immediately. Pacific Marine Supiply, 1575 W. Georgia. MA. 7750. (69) FOR SALE Six-roomed house, furnace heat, central location. $1500, terms available. Six-room house, central, excellent condition, furnace, fireplace, garage, on two lots. $6,000. Scvcn-rocm house, furnace heat, ' Eleventh Avenue near Conrad Street, excellent view. Only $2,500. Four-room house, near Hays cove. $2,800. Occupancy by mid-summer. Beautiful new modern slx-rooin home on Ambrose. $8,000. Investment opportunities In revenue block. $6,000 will handle $3,500 proposition. 'Monthly' revenue $275. For full Information call at Col-lart & McCarfcry Ltd., Your Friendly Real Estate and In- surancc Agents. (68) FOR SALE 6-room house on one floor; 2,lots, full basement and furnace. Very central location. $1500, terms. Less for cash. Apply CollaTt and Mc-Caffery Ltd. (67) FOR SALE Counter with hand-wrought Iron grille; also good office sare. May be seen at Empire shop. Make offer to Dally News. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lewest prices. Used 5 piece Kitchen set $14. Radio good player $17.50. Beds and Springs like new $12. Has-tncks $2. 6 Piece Dining Room Set $30. Pails 50c. 3 Piece Chesterfield $49.50. Floor Lamps $1. New Scatter Rugs lovely deigns from $1.65. Aluminum pots new, from 60c. All kinds of other useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more-economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) IS WOMAN'S NEED service with firm ideas of how a woman can best serve In pub lie life, and her own opinions on labor relations. "My feeling Is that relations between employers and employ ees can be unproved and assist the increased production now wanted," she said In an Interview. There arc faults on both sides. Labor caused harm by developing suspicion of employers when ilty was needed. Employers had failed to make sufficient contact with their employees and break down suspicion. sriuiT or AOVENTUKK There should be recognition that the fear of a slump still troubled the British worker with memories of 20 years of unemployment between the wars. If he had a feeling of security In Advertising -- Announcements: 12. I OK SALE FOR SALE Hot Point electric range and water heater; B.X. cable for both units. $55. Phone Red 323. (CO) FOR SALE Kive-room house near air base; -well built, with sun porch; concrete basement; good grounds. Inquire Armstrong Agencies. Ph. 342. (69) FOR SALE 330 Weaver, telescopic sight 1?4, and mounts; new. 405 Winchester rifle. Phone Black 511. (09) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Married woman will care for child of working mother. Phone Blue 325. (66) IIEI.P WANTED COOK FOR HOSPITAL Must be able to take full responsibility. Apply giving details of experience and qualifications to Secretary, Wrinch Memorial Hospital, Hazclton, B. C. (10) WANTED Cook general for hotel at Queen Charlotte City. Fare advanced. Apply Mrs. Barber, Queen Charlotte City. (69) WANTED Canrpmcn for fish camps. Must have some fish handling and store keeping experience. Apply at Cow Bay orficc of the Prince Rupert. Fishermen's Co-operative Association or by mail to Box 261, Prince Rupert, B. C. (68' WANTED Reliable housekecp-i t er, light housework, good' wages. No abjection to woman: -with child, school age. Box 211, Dally News. (tf) WANTED Local representative for high grade cosmetics and toiletries. Some business experience desirable but not essential. ' Preference given to financially responsible lady with poise and local prestige. Head office representative here soon to make appointment and give necessary training. Apply at once to Box 212 Dally News. (06)' ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOAR D Table meals. Home away from home. Men prcierablc. 622 Frascr Street. (80)" I'EUSONAL FREE TO TRAVEL -Two girls J between ase-s of 18 to 26 to handle publishers contracts. Apply Mrs. Blakc-Knox Ru pert Hotel, 9 to 9:30 a.m. andl 7 to 7.30 p.m. (60) RUGS and chesterfields cleaned and shampooed. Phone Blue 310. , (65), MIDDLE AGED WOMANwili look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 533. (tf)' DIlESSMrAKINOy Alterations and repairs. Women's hose repaired. Phone Blue 273. (72) PERSONAL - Wiil the person who got the wrong coat at the Co-op meeting in the Civic Centre last Thursday please phone Blue 441, (05) PEJOSCIXAL-When you dccldtf your premises need decorating, either PAINTING or PAPERIIANGING. and you want a good Job, a Job that' will last, get "JERRY" VREBOSCH, and be sure you've got the best. PHONE 372 for appointment. (69) FOUND FOUND Waterman fountain pen. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this ad, ftf his job his spirit of adventure would be released and produc tion and invention would bene fit. The spirit of adventure in Britain for the moment has been crushed by bad lilnrs The feeling is that the Tories did not plan enough and the So ciallsts plan too much. I believe that much can be done to re store confidence and co-operation." When she successfully campaigned in the Aberdeen South by-clcetion her tjro daughters delighted in attending afternoon meetings. The youngest, Anne, already has decided she Will be a memlber of parliament n the future. Lady Grant says that while women liave a place In oolltics It is almost impossible for them to serve when tbsy have a home to maintain with a husband and small children. Her girls go to boarding school in Scotland where the-holidays coincide with narliamentary recedes and she can rpend much of her time with them. Canadian Guides R.A.F. Air Tour LONDON 0" Wing Cmdr.A.J. sncuoon, i ronton, unt., wits chosen to fly Air Marshal Sir Rodcrlc Hill, Air Council member for technical services, on a 20,000-mile tour of the India and Far East Commands of the R.A.F. Wing Cmdr. Shelfoon was formerly chief flying instructor at the Empire Flying School. He served in the R.C. A.F. from October, 1939. until July, 19 J6, when he was granted a permanent commission in the R.A.F. ATOMS NO SECRET HALIFAX Despite popular belief to the contrary, atomic pnergy is no secret. Dr. J. S. Thomson told the School for the Blind here. Even some "scientific illiterates have had a smattering or its mysteries before now. The end of war must come from a different source than fear of atom bemb. he said NOT FOR CHEWING' Chicle originally was brought to the United Stales as a substitute for rubber. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAWLEIGH BUSLNtSS now open In Prince Rupert. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Write at onee. Raw-leighVs, Dept. WO-C-166-183, Winnipeg, Canada. WANTED WANTED -Furnished or unfurnished 4 or" 5 room house or suite, close in, by loenl young couple. Apply Rupert Radio & Electric or phone Green 930 after 6 p.m. (06 1 WANTED TO BUY Child's tricycle. Phone Green 782. (07i WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room house or suite, close hi. Phone Green 903.- (GCi WANTED Carrier for Sun route. Section 2. Phone 640. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT-Cabin, partly fur-nished. 315 6th Ave. Wost. .itf ) FbR RENT 3 rooms, 1 kitchen, furnished. 336 9th Ave. West. (60) FOR REN T One or two furnished housekeeping rooms, 5th Ave. Apply Suite 1 IIcl-gcrson Block. (63) FOR RENT Small furnished suite. Phone Blue 633. (60) FOR RENT Flat, Rand Block. 6th and Fulton. Apply Ileil-broner's Jewelry Store. (tf) DIBB PRINTING CO. Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and Ceneral Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS BEING MADE AT CAPITOL THEATRE HERE Mitchell & Clinic, contractors, are starting WOii this week on another phase of extensive improvement program at the Capitol Theatre involving total expenditure of $10,000 over a two-year period. The latest contract, amounting to $1700, provides for complete remodelling of the foyer or main entrance! floor and enlargement and Im provement of reception facilities and house conveniences therein. Both women's and men's rest-J rooms arc to be enlarged and facilities extended. The man ager's office is to be moved into the portion now occupied by the ladies restroom which in turn, will be located at the end where the present open cloakroom Is situated. A candy bar will be Installed where the manager's office is at present situated. The prescnl men's room will be re modelled and enlarged as will also be the pay checkroom. A new ventilation system on this J floor will involve the use of forced air direct from outside. Next major Improvement to be undertaken within a month or so will be the installation at estimated cast of $6000 of a fine new modernly illuminated marquee for t;ie whole 65-foot frontage of the building to depth of, twelve feet over the sidewalk. In addition to the foyer entrance, the marquee will include all the offices and business places in the front of the theatre bulld- HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I drive a nail Into plaster without marring the wall? . A. A nail can be driven into a plastered wall without crumbling the plaster if the nail is put in hot water for a few minutes or dipped into melted paraffin. Q. How can I prevent dan druff? A. DUralvc one ounce of Hour o-f sulphur In one quart of soft water. Do not use It until it Is thnrcushly mixed and settled. Apply it at night. Q. How can I successfully hundT ties? A. Before washing tics, baste hem carerul'y. to prevent the lining or pudding from becom-iv lumpy. Remove the basting before ironing and the ties will look like now. SHERIFFS SALE In Hie County Court of Prince Rupert, holdcn al Prince Rupert. THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF CANADA in his capacity as Custodian of Enemy Properties, Plaintiff, versus George Taylor. Defendant. By virtue of a Warrant of Execution In the above action to me directed I have seized of the goods and chattels of the above describes defendant the following, which I shall offer at AUCTION for cash, on the premises 225 First Avenue E., Prince Rupert, B.C. on Thursday, March 20, 1947, at 2:00 o'clock In the afternoon. The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted: 1 Peerless Player Piano; 1 .1-piece Chesterfield Suite; 1 Dokf 1 McClaiy Triumph Range with double oil burners and coppcr.cojl connected to a 15-gal. (I t ii in ; 2 Bods and Springs; 1 Dining iioom Table; several smaller tallies; Easy Washing Machine; Portable Typcwillcr, and other articles (oi) numerous to mention. M. M, STEPHENS, -00 Sheriff.- G li E E G T A I R N I) G S . SINGER Treadle Sewing Machines Available Now! Machines For Rent REPAIRS AND PARTS Sewing Classes Buttons, Trims, Dress Accessories, etc. PHONE SO I Sinscr Sewing Machine Co. 639 Third Ave. West Ing. Two rull length bars o; neon lighting will embellish th-front of the new marquee an:i underneath the marquee, also to full length, will bt another tw i trips. The brightness will b further enhanced by red "Capl tol" neon signs at each end or the marquee while, over the en trance, will be electric lettered! feature title sighs instead of th painted signs which have so far been used. Other Improvements to be made at the theatre during the present year will Include complete new air conditioning of the audi torium and replacement of all I scats. . KEEP REGULAR NATURALLY WBW'ft Headquarters for Your SPRING NEEDS GARDEN TOOLS, SKI. I LAWN MOWLKS, 1m. WALLPAPKIi ( I I 1 POLISH i s A complete line of qualit paint: fur in and outbid? use McISridc Street nosi: hlXTINO -Hi: mxivi;ir. IJ.Vn i;i;ii;S and ACCESSOR!! S carried m PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOI P.O. Box 772 330 Second A CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Ratei for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Room CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) r ii one' ii RCA, VICTOR Man I, el Had'0 MODEL 00 Ad (i Tubes Attractivu Modornly (li'- ' Designed Cabinets (Ivor.v o also V16 Record Player NOW on DISTIL a1 i Sl'EClU "1 HI LAST BOy Hill SASH, WIXI)0YSA!WJ v. t u-il w-- ( '-tail Hl.KM s.sn i rwi P.O. BOX SI ?orlh wihooib.I i;iiu.inml)fj i'1-M I rU-'NE ... .u BRITISH COLUMBIA FINEST Sm fi.