lywmt A.upui ZJtUiy J.2CU1S Friday, March 14, 1947 . - 1 11 - ' An Independent dally newtptper devoted to the upbulldlnfr of Prince Rupert Kiia iu tuiuuiimiua wiayiiswg uuriurrn una central iinilso Columoia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Poet Office Department, Ottawa) Published every Afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd, Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. a. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. 11. Q. PERRT. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES ByClty Carrier, per week, 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year. 17.00: By Mall. Per-Month. 40c; Per Year; M OO: Menu Cues PEAS and CWR01S .4 "hnwrt Kitrkrn" Rrctf Nrrr 4 la a. 1 "Rojral Ulj" ftmm mad Cunu, 3 laUnrnu Hullrr or ellw jrood fat. Add atta-half ruo Bunt Ira.ra ad a lit 1 1, boiliof l a ad fcoil (of S miaulra. Drain, aM ul and M-Ppr aarl bulla, aod aprlntla a lltlU aufu o.r them Sri la warm ualil I ha luiir mWta. Sr. h a naraiali uf frraa rain I Lair.. PfiYALClTY CANNED FOODS J.C.C. TOURIST COMMITTEE URGED Since the tourist trade ha? become a nation-wide business which annually brings millions of dollars into Canada, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce feels that the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada should organize a tourist committee designed to encourage the flow cf tourists into this cruntry. Xhls is the substance of a presoljition which will be sub-njltted to the annual convention offthe national Junior Chambwr atMontreal next May. The reso- tee,Vras arproved bv. the mem- targes that, since the tour- lafilrlrioc in rv,.J t u. V r;;,;- -i x. . . it (in urL til .LTW ijATnimnn ar-J l a source of much revenue annuailyy the Junior C k-ji ief of Commerce of Canada include tourist business a a national project and, through creation of a .tourist committee, promatf a nation-wide pol- (niHitii.i am ft. m k NiW LOW puias I) I.W.H u 24 29c 100 laalaft 79 Genuine Aspirin is Jiiy MARKED THIS WAV VvV ;INCOME TAX Returns Prepared -. See It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 icy to encourage a steady and expanding flow of tourists." The same resolution will be submitted to the regional convention at Harrison Hot Springs in June while a resolution urging an expansion of Immigration into Canada will be submitted to the convention of the Associated Boards cf Trade of Central B.C. next August. SHARKING INDUSTRY MELBOURNE, Australia tt In South Australia shark-catching is quite an- indurtrv. For some time after the beginning of profevional sharking, the record for a single haul stood at 140. But 230 were taken last year, a record catch that seems never likely to be attained again. DEAF IHARD OF; HEARING? BE ASSURED OF THE FINEST IN HEARING AIDS IN MICROTONE DURATRON VACOLITE BE ASSURED OF PERSONAL SERVICE, HOME FITTINGS AND FRESH BATTERIES AT Rupert Radio & Electric Box 1321 Phone C44 GREETING CARDS : For ST. PATRICK'S DAY EASTER or ANY OCCASION Wefiave a complete and artistic selection DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 : PRINCE,RUPERT PROBLEMS OF CO-OPERATIVES University of British Columbia Extension Speakers Heard A good-sized audience Thurs day evening in the Civic Centre heard Douglas Clark and Miss Lin Brown, of the University of British Columbia who are in the north in connection with the general promotion of the University Extension Course on co operative problems and the relation of the fishing Industry to the same. They will be calling at many Northern British Columbia points, before returning to Vancouver. Last night's gathering took the fornv of a general discussion toward the- end with anyone free to ask questions of the speakers. Many tock prompt advantage of this opportunity and much of what was said proved helpful and thought-provoking. The meeting was presided over by George Viereck and was held In the Civic Centre cafeteria. In his opening remarks, Mr. Ciark mentioned how, at the present time, there appeared to be a sense of insecurity abroad in the world among various labor groups. If not downright anxiety, there- was- a gradually developing belief' that, perhaps by 1950, a depression will actually be here. Even now, it wrxs noticeable how farm products and other varieties of food and clothing were being affected by changing prices, although this could not be called Tar reaching. , Mr. Clark spoke at considerable length on the relation between labor groups and the cooperatives, pay. scales and living costs, value and benefits of the University Extension Course in its application to fishing. The second and concluding speaker was Miss Brown whose pleasing personality made a happy impression on the audience whose members Included ladles as well as men. Miss Brown, who said she would undertake to speak chiefly from the psychological standpoint, re viewed many of the economic problems confronting co-opera tives, producers, employers and employees, from, psychological, mental, philosplcal and analytic classmcatloas. Touching on co-operative progress in Prince Rupert, the speaker emphasized how very necessary all possible enthusiasm was in the steady building up of any objective or move- NOVEL SNOW-REMOVAL METHODS IN ENGLAND A supply ministry official said, "we have found a solution to the country's transport difficulties- after this experiment with two pet aircraft engines which took only five minutes to clear a 75-yard snowdrift, 4'.2 feet high, delaying powerful freight engines for several days on the London and North Eastern Railway line near Grantham, Lincolnshire. In top photo, the jet engines, mounted On a railway truck, blow a stream of hot air which scatters and melts the snow sis the truck moves along the permanent patch the jets have cleared. A close-up of the operation is seen in bottom photo, with a path being cut as smoothly as a knife passing through soft butter. GYRO ACTIVITIES AND FINANCING Club activities and financing white child to be born In the then new Prince Rupert General Hospital. A luncheon guest was William McNeill of for the year were the principal the tanker B.C. Standard. topics ior aiMMUiion wnen trie Prince Rupert Gyro Club was :n regular monthly business session at Its luncheon oh Wednesday of this week. A budget committee consisting of Maurice Brydes, W. F'.. Stone and Frank Skinner was named and a way8 and means committee comnrls-Ing Frank Skinner, W. J. Scott. Maurice Brydges and Thomas Wllford. Best wishes were extended to Joe on the occasion of his birthday. Thirty-six years ago he was the first always W be sierrrArrotherTief was being up-to-date and keeping in step with the times and modem Ideas. Another was lit the training of young fishermen. And yet another need was a co- operative sign over some busi menu This enthusiasm was not ness establishments in thc-cityl SPECIAL VALUE WATCHES THIS WEEK Men's and ladies' assorted styles in stainless steel and gold-filled 15 and, 17-jewpl grades; some have leather straps, and the ladies' are silk cord or chain bracelet styles. Guaranteed Satisfactory and Tested On Our WATCIIMASTJSR Regulator Before Delivery. REGULAR $24.50 Special PAPER TOWELS Continuous Roll Type Flat Pack or Interfolded For Industrial Uses We have a large stock of the best brands-ready for Immediate delivery Wood's Brompton Nibioc Pacific Economy Jr. and Economy Sr. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE P.O. Box 772 330 Second Avenue Phone 032 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW M EI N 7:00 am, to 11:00 p.m. J. ; '' ;.V"v. ; tr GOOD DRIVING OVER HIGWAY Clear and Dry All the Way To Rainbow Lake Summit, Auto Ass'n Head Reports There U good driving from Prince Rupert to Rainbow Lake summit over the Prince Rupert Highway; It is reported by J Harry Black, president of the Prince Rupert Automobile Association. Although there Is snow three feet deep on either side if the road at the summit, the surface itself Is dry all the way there with little to mar It except some chuck-holes. Culverts which have been put In are proving effective, says Mr. Black, In carrying off the water as the snow mdU Instead of leaving It to lie on the road. The road has been kept e'ear of mow by use of a bulldozer. Beyond the summit toward Tyee. the road Is covered with hard-nacked snow. At the other end, the road U open now from Terrace a far west as Shames River brlcfte, heaw rscked snow having been cleared down to the surface by use of snedal plowins equipment. If this clearln? work was cont'nued anothT five miles west. Len Griffiths would be "ble to reonen his sawmill which s at present tied up, Mr Griffiths, who l? at present on a brief visit to the city, said. LONDON About 300.000 ural women In Britain ard to lavr their own college endowed with money raised by them-relv, Tlirv are members of tlie National Federation of Women's Iiwtitntes whleh has pur-ehaiel pfoperty near Oxford to be renamed Denman College. r IT. CHINESE IIISIIES OUlt SPECIALTY ' Open e a.m. to 2 a-m. PHONE 17.V Prince Rupert Fuel 12" to 14" DRY WOOD flJA Per Assorted tjltCord lengths PHONE IlLUE l)7fi Between 7:00 to 9:66' 'Any EvrntiiV OFFICE 812 2nd WEST- , . $6 Per Cord Available Again . . . McCIacy RANGES in full white enamel 1 finish McRrlde Street iir v m. xix in. I K IIOOKH bUwIt '"' MrrX HiriulM-r if I lie rumlljr OM.V S. OO '"( l1'!) 0 What Viiumh Men Mionlil Kikih. 0 What Young Wnmrii Should K now. 9 What Marrlnl Mm Should Know. What Miirrlrcl W'omni Slionhl Know. 0 WomanhiMHl; ll ut IKr tlrl funfldPiitlal ( lulu Willi Ihi-lmiiiK BLUE BOOK CO. No. a-JIH W. (iiN.rila M.Vunromrr What Does A Bank Mean To You? j ft rs SINGER Treadle Sewing Sfa Available Xwi Machinei Por Be-t REPAIRS AND Pi; Sewing cbsa Buttons. Tfimi Dress Accessories, fli PHONE Mil Singer Sewing MacbiJ tiaa Third A?e, i wo are here to serve you and guarantee you will he pleased I'ltKU l E Y OF AM. ORDU, BLAIN BROTHERS " HOUSE OP PINK FOODS rnuAKOiT P.0.BnCl A Friendltj Neighbour i. Stop and think how close a neighbour a Kink really III And how friendly and useful a neighhour. You can use it to cash a cheque, make a deposit, pay a. hill, ohtain a loan, and perform oihel , hanking hs. A hank is as essential to the welfare and progreti :.. of your community as the locI J drug and grocery stores, church, school, police and fui stat.ons. Over 500 hranches of The Canadian Bank of Commerce serve yom cities, towns, villages and hamlets right V', ', CrOSS Canatla tou can consult our local Managers any. time. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PRINCE ItUPKRT IIItANCII - It. (5. HOPKINS, Man.U'cr. REX CAFE ' SECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTRL Chop Suey Chow-Mein SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert p.Q. llox J TERRA" Transferal (II. SN'"" GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. COMPLETE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SII0 AOF.NTS FOR 824 THIRD AVENUE SI.ATEH SHOFJI Next Cnn"