J? I5 '4 PtUm Rupert Dailp Bcius " Friday, March 14, 1947 Kincolith and Aiyansh in Native Basketball Final (Continued from Page 1) Letehton 7, C. Nelson. Total 58 YPEA T. McKay 11, Russo , P. Green 5, B. Dudward 11, A. SanXey. W. Spence, J. McKay 2, W. Knott, S. Dudward 3. To-tat-39. KITIMAAT LEAVES OKEILWILLE HEIIIM) After running through the first half all tied up, KiUmaat broke out in a last half scoring drive which left Greenville far In the rear of the 62-32 count by the time full time had rolled around. Greenville got oui to a good start and had a 14-8 lead at the end of the first quarter. Tlun Kltlmaat got rolling ami had the score all tied up by half time at '20-20. The terrific second half got under way as A. Walker and F. Williams began to beat a steady tattoo against the backboard. Greenville could not set started again and Kitl-maat walked away from here en iu. At the three quarter mark the .stoic stood at 41-2G with Kitimaat still flying ahead. Even In the last stanza Green vJlle could not get back into the fight while the winners kept hammering at tire backboard, dropping In ,21 points to th.-lr rivals' six. Walker of Kiltnaai sank 22 points as his leammate, Williams, kept rfehi up to him net ting 17 points all in the last half. Fcr GreeiTille the powerhouse was A Robinson who mvlshed 1C points through the not to lead his squad. K:t!maat earned the right for the consolation play-off which will see them meet Port Simpson's YPEA squad this afternoon. Greenville c. Calder 3, J Ouno 2, P. Mrkay 7, T. Stevens, A. Rcbinson 1G, A. Steven.". J Martin 2, L. Smart, R Calder 2, R. McNeil. Total -32. Kittmaat V. Bolton 2, R Smith 2, H. Ames 8, A. Walker 22, F. Williams 17, G. Robinson, J. Shaw, A. Walker 6, T. Robinson 4, A,. JUy Total -fc2, AIVANSII WINS OVER KITKATLA Tiie powerful Aiyansh squad, which had a pass in Wednesday's opening games, had to battle hard last night as the scrappy Kitkatla squad gave them a hard run before bowing down by a narrow 39-26 count It was not until the last quarts had ccme to an end that Aiyansh was assured of victory and even then they had to fight hard. Aiyansh led at the first quarter post 16-12 but their margin was narrowed' down to 24-23 at the end of the first part of the game. Then Kitkatla got rolling and had Jumped to the long side of the score at three-quarter time with a two nolnt lead, 32-30. Fighting furiously !n the last quarter attempt both squads checked hard and close You can't feel your best if your kidneys aren't working normally. Gin IMlj help give relief rom Backache, Rheumatic Pain and othr tymptomi of tluggiih kid-neyt. Your druggist tll Gin Pills on a katifaction-ur-money-back baiis. Get a package today nie Prom their merit. hr Rtgulor slit, 40 Pills LLS fconomy'ii, 80 Pills ( N lb, VS. A. myklmC.im, N7l Hp I'URNITIJKK REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SriOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre but Aiyanah got throvigh for 9 points while holding Kitkatla dewn to only 4 as the boys from up the Naas forged into the read. Aiya.nsh, by virtue of this wrn, will meet Khu-olith in the Jinals tiiiiM for the It C. Packers trophy for the best native team in Xwthern British Columbia, This same was outstanding by the lack of an individual high .scorer compared with the other matches. G. Gunno netted 12 for top soot but mostly the coring was fairly evenly divided between ail players. Aiyansh P. Brown 10, S. El. O. Gunno 12, B. Wright 1, J. Davis 6, R. Gunno 2, D. Gunno, A. Rtwii, H. Morven 4, N. Woods 4. Total 39. Kitkatla C. Colton G, A. In-nes 6, B. Hill 2, W. Innes 7. J. Vicfccrs 5, J. Spancc 3, R. Gam ble, J. Nelson. A. Viekers 4, 11. Jackson 3. Total 30. kIxcolith wins IX HIGH S( OlilNG The h'shrx wyrinf "ame of the nl?h! fc .; d .. h; ' favored team ; b;ff throiHi STEP up now, good people, and meet the fashion master of the new season. Here's Buick for 1947 st)le-wisc, performance-wise, ciiality-wise and varue-wisc the sweetest "buy" your dollars arc going to find anywhere this year. T.ye well that sparkling new grille-behind it you'll he plainly marked as strictly up to 1917 in your travel standards. Take in the tapering grace of long, sweep-through fenders there's the hallmark of a stjle pattern sure to bring you notice and approval where? ever you may go. Note the reach of the bonnet long, deep, broad-chested there's a lifetime of thrills in such bountiful supply f Huick Fireball straight-eight power. Spot the solid fooling of a carriage big as you deserve the breadth of beam that spells room aplenty the LONG to a 66-50 win for Kincolith over PSAC. A. Gurney of the Kincolith squad was easily the outstanding player for the night as he drove 33 points through, the hoep to take the tournament's high scoring honors . to date. LGurney, so far in the two games he has played, has dropped in a total ct 61 polnte. Ed Sampson of the Port Simpson squad fouht hard for his club as he swished 22 counters in for second place honors. But Gurney was given a terrific amount of cc;-ing support by his fellow player, D. Doolan, who was also in the high scoring bracket with 21. Prt Sipson was ne quHe the flastey teaiuhey toad beu the night before' whKe Kln-ooHth were even, more so. At t first quarter both tke sqaette were ali tied up at 9-9 as Uwy played, very close. nn Grwy broke loose and "Port S'wjwor, could not bold him down. KhwolitlV to6k over the driver's seat and had the lead 0-24 at ha time. In the third frame both squad hammered hard at each, other but stiU KIoooWh mnvw ahead. But Simpsen still i:was tn the filt al!houh on the slwrt side 44-37. Gurney and Doolan teamed up in the last frame to completely shatter Port Simpson's chances and the losers were oufscored 22 13 this frame That high .scoring line of Doo ready-to-o poise of four coil-sprung wheels ready to level the roughest roads into boulevard smoothness. And in particular, mark down this: Not one smart model but nine will present this fresh front to the world this season. Cars in three series, three whcelhascs and three price ranges give you a triple-barrelled chance to know Iluick sie, Iluick beauty, Iluick ability when you travel. rif ' 1 i.UiM-'M ball row. i,a'm " rOKI" ACCURI,I5 lh lan and Gurney has scored 102 of Klncollth's 122 points In the two games they have played. Tonlghtjn the 'final gtime of this series Che Sons oJ,Klnfcoltth and their neighbors arid strong rivals, Aiyansh, will battle.' for the native ehmpJonkljp' of Narthern B.C. Kincolith D. Einn, M. JU1-dane 4, D. Doolan 21, J. Sten, S. Doolan, A. Gurney 35L sol Doolan, R. Calder 1. F. Vlnn 5. H. Haldane, J. Stewart, C... Barton. '' ' Total 6. t PSAC II. Sampson 8, L. Ryan 2, E. Sampson 22, W. Oeopcr 2. A. Reece 5, C. Cooper 5, C. Plce 6. Total 50. The wrfrees for tke nfefet were B. Houjtea ad Fr$4 ClUtne; umpires, V. Ciccone and - Sev Dcminato. They handed ut c total -of 87 fools tn tllsvloui games last nlsht but aH yere highly pleased as they wD in the first night's playing , with the good sportsmaujtlilp and clean playing displayed lijr all the clubs. Bill Bacon was on ; hand again last night handling th? s-aore sheet with N. Pavi-likes on the time. i Hockey Scores THURSDAY Detroit 2, Boston 3. " WEDDNESDAY Detroit 4. Now York 2. Basion 8, Chiiauo 3. You saw i m Tne News! lnl MOTOR Choose from' two versions of the garage-handy SPECIAL four of th6 light-footed SUPER tjirec of the great-hearted RO ADM ASTER scries. In each you'll find a rich abundance of the things that make Buick Canada's most wanted automobile enginei that seem to stay forever young, the matchless buoyancy of DuiCoil spring ing, the spaciousness of great room,-the feathery handling of controls that are always "obediently yours." BR nth ..or, O""', k ft In I0 '.r. nAKf -r""j Thoa CUSHIONS- BUMP"'-' ,OlO Oil"" Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) FRIDAY P.M. 4:00 Carl Trevors 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Carolyn Ollbert 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Tetter 5:00 To be announced 5:39 To be announced 5:45 Community Calendar 6:00 Alan and Me 6:30 Malkin's Melody Money Time 6:45 Purity Flour Program G:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:39 Montreal Festival 8:00 Prairie Schooner 3:30 Winnipeg Drama 9:00 Continental Varieties 9:30 Three Suns Trio 9:45 Lee Sims 9:55 Solo Spotlight 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C.-News 10:15 Says Who? 10:30 Dal Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Mornln? Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 915Junior Concert , 0:30- The Adventures of Monte Crlsto Cor. 7th Street and 3rd Avenue 9:59-.Tlme Signal 10:00 Band Stand 10:15 World Church News 10:30 Hits of the Shows i 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Music For Dancing 11:30 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album P.M. 12:00 Musical Program 12:25 Program Resume 12:10 Polka Time 12:45 Serenade for Strings 1:00 Jeanette MacDonald 1:15 English Favorites 1:30 Hit Songs of Yesterday 2:00 Tea and Crumpets 3:00 El Rltmo Tropical 3:15 CBC News ?:'23 Recorded Interlude BIRD CITIES America's most populous bird cities ure on, the lonely Aleutian island;; For clean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low prico 4 for 1 0ff 12 for 25ff Vm'ttrustto tadyfudcf Our prices are REASONABLE Our mechanics "KNOW HOW!" 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HATCH COVERS SAILS EDMONDSON AWNINGS SAILli riionc r.l.lli: ll!i IGO i:vt 'Ihirit Ave (Next teal Until You Get a New Cor takr cood care of your present car? Knml today mean a higher resale price tnmnrwl SKIC US KOli UKCt'LAU SERVO We are staffed and equipped to handle ll and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Pita M TKKKACK MAC III NIC SHOP ANDCAI gi:m:rai, motors deaier NHV CONSTRI CTION REPAIRS AlnX"1 GREER & BRIDDEI Builders and Contractors I'llONt: ItKII 561 FO ft YOUR .... I'rince NEW tti HOlfl A tlome Awjj Fnl KatrilKa Ml Koum.vliolwl tittr I'HJNCH KUIWl Phone 281 fjl SKATK C01 ton . i..nnrl 311 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIR FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION . . .... , tvn ronstructii rnonc soj IvSlimatPS givrn mr hl-! An Outstanding Opportunity for a Sound Investing FOR SALE TV RmnUhank Building Ideally situated in the new business? trend area ol ITiiipc CONTAINSE.vcellent living Two Hasement OIL UK At K I) iTontajic n Third Avenue husincss quarters on main flo"r v accommodation. j. handsome upstairs suites, expensively P- suite with electric ranjjc and Iiathro ill) MODEKN THROW EASY TERMS AND MORTGAGE AT 5 PERCENT IF REQUl Apply H. C. PKRRY, Or A. HROOKSHA . to. Daily News co. Iyl'havn (Usual courtesy to licenced agents) cm