Bit Fashion spreads tier skirts this -pring . . spreads t? li o m about you in a whirl of 'pleats. Fashion enhan-ces even further ith soft drapes tluit make complimentary conversation behind your back. From our new spring and Easter series. III""--.,,!, IEET1NG : CENTRE 1351 mi Chani-ticld its aic ladies' - ion that, Scwmt? of .cut L. -A. - common b. ::: mcet- :. week in i.: C'ham-,ii .:ivy Thrre ,ircit last P Crawley . :uii Thursday, :auvi! was sen-1 :..! in the pro-u- nc pleaded i,: o! breaking with .:;. -icctlon ;.,"s News .lnii-nins Clif-no uiso plead-;muar charge jjn " ui: iame ai-Sle . T) n ;ix months tin: -,i::e a iuvcnile. received six dt?nce. Duncements ' c in nils column ir.'f ' full mouth fit 2S word. S Dt :t Dance, ' Mr Black's Rem ;uin 75; evcry- h: !" I.OD.E.. Tea Hall. It Paulrks lea and Ms' -:m) nartv. eve ly Mm 'h 17. purnr Tea, Mrs. R. G. pa inci' Odd fellows' Hall. 'MO ( a) P-T ft Tea Moslcale f'lfv school Choir pi ft: m ore sent oner March 28. oi"- Sale, March ( ta; ler Sale, liK':- ' Ml S:ili Oiii'imi B'lf' ".O.U, Easter Pi"" ' u) the Jiome 1,1-ku, ian ;, Tea and Sale, fellow Hall. Ut) S () r i n ir Rnln Ladiet Tra and Sale, N May 8, Mrs all. ' i" vilv, Mav 8. KZlF"I. ui.'t ok Km L 'a"'UM HA pay '"TItATlON ACT" miii B nJLHK WTATB W of h . lslrator w'tti Krhv WKI - bttl(.;Y"..ll.Al.LETT, Nin, n.c ntotrator' n The Eally News. Rupert as proceeds. m liuy Your qoMi'LBTB outitt Here on the Uudgct Wan Dr. C. H. Harfkinson sailed last night on the Princess Norah for a brief business trip to Victoria. lie expects to be back next Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide. Ladle Parka Is another local man planning a visit to' his old home in England this summer. He has booked to all from New York on the Queen Elizabeth June 11 and will visit London and Uirmlngham. D. G. Sbenatrom, cojwultlnK engineer for the Gelanese Corporation of America in connection with the Port Edward mil! construction project, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver. He will frenuent visits to Prince construction work 1'njoy tlicm often Delnor Frozen Fooils, Mcslcrn-growii ami jiackcil . . . filmed for suiiiiiier-freslincss! 1 Local News Items Valhalla meeting tonight. (It) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison sailed last nlsht on the Prince Rupert on a trip to Vancouver. Miss Margaret Blckle of Burns Lake arrived In the city on last evening's train and Is vLslttns with Mrs. It. U. Skinner, Borden Street. , Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday, 8:30 pjn. (63) O Famous HOLLYWOOD PAT TERNS are now on sale exclusively at Wallace's. Over 800 patterns to meet every need. Prices 15c, 25c and 35c. At WALLACE'S of course. (06) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Erickscn and family of Vancouver arrived in the city thLs afternoon on the Camosun from Vancouver. Mrs. Erickscn Is the former Miss Muriel Eby. There will be a mcctine held on Monday, March 17, at 8 p.mj for all Corvette Club members, in UMCS. "Chatham" Naval Drill Hall canteen. All members please attend. (G3) M. J. Harper, who has been sanitarian for the Prince Rupert Health Unit for the last three years, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Kelowna where he has been transferred by the Department of Health. Mrs. Harper left for the south two weeks ago. e Prince Rupert Junior Cham ber of Commerce St. Patrick's Day Dance, Friday, March 14, at Civic Centre Auditorium. Every body welcome. (62) Jack Rcnnic sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for New Westminster where he will attend the funeral of his brother, William G. Rennie, who died at the Royal City on Wcdnesday-H peccased was formrely a ser geant with the- Edmonton Fusiliers and was stationed in Prince Rupert for about three years during the war. f RESH AS A BRBEZB VICl'TABtK VARIKTItS (,'rrrn Femt . . Cat Crrrn Brtni . . Corm an Iht Cub . Crrrn trplr ... Spinmrh DELNOR FROZEN FOOD'S War Assets coal, $12 per ton. Hyde Transfer. (It) Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moore are sailing tomorrow night on the Camosun on a holiday trip to Vancouver. O. G, Walker sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a holiday trip to San Francisco, Hollywood and other west coast American cities. Garden soil, load $7. Hyde Transfer. (It) Mr. and Mrs. Clifford John son arc sailing Saturday night on the Camosun on a holiday trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson and family are leaving on Monday night's train for a trip to Sweden. They will sail from New York April 11 on the Gripsholm. Enroute cast they will visit with relatives near Gait, Ontario, for a week. MRS. DOUGLAS PASSES AWAY Mrs. Josephine Douglas, wife of George Douglas of Port Es sington, died in the Prince Ru pert General Hospital after an illness which caused her to en ter hospital here two weeks ago She was 29 years old and is survived by her husband. The body was taken to Port Essington to day for burial. AUSTRALIAN 10 1 L CLYDE, Australia tt -In 'three months, six shipments of oil, totalling 62,720 tons, worth approximately $1,440,000 were shipped from' fields In this New South Wales district. TONIGHT... and cu" THE traiVEfc'S SEAT "high oumiti, NMUIMU JI4III MSi Oil How Improved RPM Motor Oil Tokis Bitttr Care of Your Car Dflefflfnt Onidation Inhibitor Corroion compound to to pr"t gum Inhibitor Clean tngine. ond iludje. reduce! wear. De-foonH'r to prevent air bubbles, THE REASON-WHY GUY . . . takes nothing for granted, wants to know why RPM Compounded Motor Oil is so much better. Learns that "RPM" is the only motor oil fortified Avith all the special compounds which prevent harmful carbon deposits, cling to hot spots other oils leave bare, stop cor rosion, sludge and foaming. Hotel. . . ass-" arrivals - Pilncc Rupert F. C. Parsons, Kamloops; W. H. Willlscroft, Terrace; H. B. Scott, Vancouver; Duncan Kerr, Terrace; J. F. Campbell, Prince George; Mrs. V. A. Cane. 'Port Simpson; D. BJarnson, Sunny-side; Mrs. R. D. Simmons, Sitka; W. G. McLean, Winnipeg. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES' TEA Beautifully arrayed spring flowers set the atmosphere for the Presbyterian Ladles' Aid tea and home cooking .sale at the home of Mrs. T. W. Brown, Fifth Avenue West, Thursday after noon. There was a large at tendance at the function. Convener was Mrs. J. C. Gar rctt while Mrs. Peter Lakle, Mrs. Arnold Flaten, Mrs. J. W. East wood and Mrs. E. McCubbln act ed as pourers. Servltcurs were Mrs. Sydney Elkins, Mrs. W. D, Lambic, Mrs. Joseph Naylor Jr. and Mrs. Robert Parker. Cash ier was Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill The home cooking table was under charge of Mrs. H. M. Foote and Mrs M. J. Keays, and Mrs. Neil MacDonald and Mrs. Dan Kristmanson were In charge of the kitchen. BRONCHITIS COLDS visi J0HH FISHER gives another of his unusual stories in the series of programs "This is Canada" PrtunUd by lh milltr v( PORITy FLOUR PURITY OAiS. Members of the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. are invited to attend a Church Parade to the ' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH on Sunday Next, March 16th, 1947 "Fall In" at Legion Hall at 10:30 a.m. Forage Caps and Medals to be worn PHILIP M. RAY, Secretary-Manager. Be Sure of the Best J n I I WE DELIVER DAILY TERRACE GETTING 'PHONE SERVICE TERRACE After spending part or the week her O. C. Schubert, district manager of the Government Telegraph an d Telephone Service and Jack Bur gess of Camplbell River left for Prince. Rupert on Tuesday night. Willie here, they made detailed plans for Installations to provide a telephone service In the district. It is expected construc tion will start in the near future. You saw it m The News! ( ARE AS LIGHT AS A I J FEATHER-M-M WHAT flAVQR! atlltK V KEEP THE GRIVDLE J H0T MOM I I iiff' - Apr ml 'I (ifJK rulMA5m it Hit Quiktr Oil! Company tf Cinadi Limited We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast. Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Pbonc 21 Third Ave. West Preserve those Baby Memories Something New in Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold Will save forever those dear little bootees . . . To grace your mantel and be always a lonu reminder for you and yours of happy baby days. THE COST 18 SMALL 11RINO THEM IN TODAY Guaranteed Watch anil Jewelry Repairs. Special attention given to mall order work. T MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Uctler Jewelry' prince Rupert Dnllp Ji3cU)g Friday, March 14, 1917 ASTORIA CANADA'S FINEST Shoes for Men by Scott and McIIale WAS MmnLmb mmmmmwi The CONVOY Full Brogue, brown only. WIdtlis C, D. E. Pair The HAIG Double sole Bluchcr Oxford. Brown Scotch grain. Widths C, E. Pair $14.50 $12.00 A. MacKenzie Furniture MMITLI) "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" SIMMONS BED Complete with felt $36.50 3-foot size Phone 775 VISIT OUR . 327 Third Avenue Bargain Counter You can't afford to miss the real values a t HALF PRICE at 518 THIRD AVENUE WEST WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $1- Mine Run Hulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 PHONE RED 400 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ormes Ltd. jjiA Pioneer Druqg fats PRESCRIPTION C1IKMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 a.m. till U p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS irom 12 Noon till 2 pan. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ! Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND". Will add iaslc and quality lo your meal. lr variety try our Smoked Mack Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon Fillets Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH Company Limited Columbia H. f K'