unuumciii ... If Y III H II llnriklfl unrv w - , r ll.. IVl i . 01 it w-poialion prcsiocni of America, Wednesday inn ,: would construct a pulp plant on Wat- . . PrilW'P Ull. .- .... .. .. III. line J15,uuu.uu wiui - a ... ........ ! ji-imv. 11 iiiii - it i I... I t . anckc bam (o reserve fcome f - i w.uir tnllrs if sauu auwv - 1v tho Mill- nl Cellulose VI ." - Wednesday Minister K- T Kenncy ui ru- III VIA titl tw inn In nan .... iiinnvniiil men in . nurtl IMI f'PIIUIIIM- nr iu mi" ..1., I klttllll lU'fl I I I.. 11 IMItlf UP KIUl mlfiht be ronsiucrcu .in finer aiiuiii anus i wi Co. Ltd., a subsidiary. hundred and eleven nirr iirrii iiui iiiaavii ft.- Hllrrlilia Inrlllfl 1 IIC I1UIIHV IIH.IHUVH i maun ijwiim ATION r r r r L Mm I M WmU EMM ULI1JI 111 He Automatic Tor n tn oiTi nnfv iim in I 1 1 1" written Into the Public . . i I . Aci. unaer an umciiu- iriinMnnri in inn i .rrriv Kit FHiiAnMnn kJT Mlclnl dc loirowcd by tnc dis- ! a innnhnr nnt nil thus disciplined would i riT'iii. it i niiniin I I un ( tl Mn r "ii rifitn teachers, who would be to 'write themselves membership within six However, there woulcf be .n i i . i i ... . rnrn ninn 1 1. rr I . v,.,,vWit nit i vavn" "vn nuillU guitut aiier brplcirtbcr 30 of r J KoMun (Cln- Van- uiij IllVIIIUlt UI 1L lin .if... 1 r..t .i , vyn .i i . . its win i: if i: iv n:iri. in F. Wt'ATurn Xj'iioiisl v.m i w:is pcnnri - "'.a tuasi ana over ii hi-i i . . . "vioU uujumuu tills . iim . ..uuSii m t-r nee Hii- n Mcn...l . . Dftua wli i: VI fl i . . aaas nun nm lanrvB aim- ..... "cczing tern-were rcnt.ri.vi ,.,... froi all interior m.ini "l""'l.T IS CXDCctrrl tn . must rot? rin. I Urpr! 1 1 a.na North Coat-.n,. fin . ' ... ." "MU oaiura.iv Tn. ram !.... . . n i. .. m i. ii 1. i v 1 m southern Portion, jsnnih.i.. 11. Vr nn r . ' . uayunri tr-j.. .. T en iiiiinu IU REV W GORDON MACLEAN - Winnipeg pastor and Moderator of Presbyterian Church in Canada. He will preach at special services In local church and conduct unveiling of honor Roll. CHURCH HEAD VISITS HERE Rev. W. Gordon Maclean, M.A., B.D., Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, arrived in the city last evening from Ed monton and will be here on an ecclesiastical visit until Monday night when he will sail on the Princess Adelaide for Vancou ver and Victoria. Mr. Maclean Is minister of First Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg, where he has served since coming to Canada in 1932. Born in Scotland, he received his education, in St. Andrew's University and Aberdeen University, where he won recogni tion for .outstanding scholarship. In Scotland he served as as sistant-minister at Ellon Parish Church and the Old Machcr Cathedral. Aberdeen, and also at Alloa and Alexandria until he accepted a call from the Winnipeg congregation. The Moderator served In the First Great War with the Brit ish Army In Egypt and Pales tine and In the recent conflict went overseas with the Queen's n,n Cameron Highlanders of Winnipeg, later becoming Senior Chaplain of the Second Cana dian Division Overseas, and re tiring with the rank or Lieutenant-Colonel. Elected moderator of the Seventy-Second General Assem bly of the Presbyterian Church In Canada held in Toronto In Jnnc. 1946, he presided over the meetings or this national council of the church and has In leant montlis visited congrega tions llirnuehout Canada and ubroad. lie will preach at both services .-i Sunday In First Tresbyterlan Church. An especial event at the morning service .on Sunday will be the unveiling of an honor iDll recording the names of eighty men and women associated with First Prcsbytcrlart Church congregation who scrv cd with the forces during the war. PROVIDE FINES UPON STRIKERS VICTORIA Under the new labor bill Introduced In the Legislature by lion. George Pearson, illegal strikes would render the workers liable to fines up to $10 a day Tor each day of the strike, and officers ol the trade unions authorizing the strike would be fined up to $100 a day. Employers causing lockouts contrary lo the act would be liable to fines up lo $230 a day, and employers' representatives causing illegal lockouts could be fined up to $100 a day. NAZfvVOMEN FACE TRIAL MUNICH ) Society women or the Nazi hierarchy, widows or Hitler's top henchmen, today faced a series of denazification trials -like their husbands before them. Heading the list is Herman Goerlng's wife, who will be indicted next week as a "Nazi profiteer," I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIANS NEWSPAPER TAXI A -i - i hfAXI TAXI3 nc 235 Monti She m 4 537 NIGHT SERVICE ... Stand: :day and night service a Empress Hoiei, "" Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt VUU XXXVI, NO, 62. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS arges Canada SultetiM ATTLEE SUSTAINED LONDON Prime Minister Attire won a solid vote of conr fidencc in the House Wednesday after calling for "full cooperation of industry" with the government in the fight for economic survival. Te Labor Party's majority, 371 to 198, crushed Winston Churchill's demand' for a "non-confidence" vole, climax to debate on the government's postwar recovery policy, WHEAT HOARD CONTINUES OTTAWA The House of Commons voted 173 to 7 last night to give third and final reading to the government's bill to continue the Canadian Wheat Board as the sole buying and selling agency of Canadian ,heat crops until 1950. Earlier the Commons voted 97 to 79 against a Progressive - Conservative motion to send the bill back to committee for revisions to the section setting up a fire-year pool of wheal participation certificates. BURNED TO DEATH PORT ARTHUR Three children were burned to death when a house was destroyed by fire ten miles west of here. The mother rushed to get help but was loo late. NO GAS INCREASE VICTORIA No increase In gasoline price here Is anticipated following the lifting or wholesale ceiling. British Columbia gel, most ot ;1t.v ci'ude, oil from California. POLICE NOT CALLED OFF VICTORIA tt Alan McDoncll, Coalition member (or Vancouver Centre, charged In the Leg islature yesterday that the provincial nolicc had been in structed to "stand aloof" in tho I woodworkers' strike last fall and. as a result; persons were Injured and property damaged. He called upon the government, i for assurances that the law be enforced In future. Attorney General Gordon Winner said he had not Issued such Instructions and had never heard of sJcli a policy but prom ised to investigate'. Opposition Leader Harold Winch said lie hoped the government would not accede to a policy of Instructing the provincial police "to beat the strikers Into submission." :: TODAY'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver Bvulomc 1175 B. R. Con B. R. X. -12 Cariboo Gold 2.C5 Dcnlonla -28 Orull Wlhksnc 09 Hedlcy Mascot L02 Mlnto v -W'i Pend Oifille - 3.00 . Pioneer 3.85 Premier Border 05 Premier Gold 7(5 Privateer 50. Reeves McDonald 1.45 ' Reno v Salmon Gold 2 Sheep Creek L25 Taylor Bridge (atk) 65 Whitewater -02 Vananda 30 Congress ' .05 li Pacific Eastern (ask) .. .65 Hedlcy Amtlg 08'2 Spud Valley 18 Central Zeballos 03 Oils A. P. Con 12 Calmont 27 C. & E 2.05 Foothills 2.15 Home - 3.10 Toronto Alhona 28 Aumaque -55 COALITION WINS VICTORIA The government weathered its first division of the present session in the Legislature yesterday when it opposed a resolution by Herbert (Jaigrave (CCF, Mackenzie) that a standing labor committee be permitted to hear representations from labor management (this session.. The government won 25 to 1C with five coalitionists voting 'with the opposition. STEEL STRIKE ENDS VANCOUVER The three-day strike of employees at the plant of Industrial Engineer ing Co. ended Thursday with ' the signing of a "memorandum of agreement" between the management and the United Steel Workers of America. The union said the men would return to work today. EASTER RECESS OTTAWA The House -'of Commons Thursday voted 141 to 35 in favor of the Easter recess extending from April 2 to 14. FERRY STRIKE SEATTLE Twenty-two ferry boats arc lied up by strike and 20,000 commuters were immobilized today by a strike of GO engineers or Pugel Sound Navigation Co. who have refused a non-strike clause in a two - year agreement giving them. a 20, percent wage increase. Real Estate Boom May Be Starting Prince Rupert may be feel-Ins the first stirrings of a real estate boom which many people feel will result from the construction of the new cel- anese pulp mill at Port Edward. City Clerk II. D. Thaln reported that Thursday he had received two applications to purchase city-owned lots by Individuals, Each application requested Ihe right to purchase two lots. To date, however, there have been no reports of an upswing in the price of the few houses for ealc In the city. Local Tides Saturday, March 15, 1917 High 7:03 16.6 feet 21:11 14.3 feet Low u:48 10.8 feet 14:25 7.9 feet -Bcaltle -87 Bcvcourt 105 BobJo -23 ''2 Buffalo Can. 22 Con. Smelters 81.00 Con west a 1-04 Donaida 1.10 Eldona J Elder. 1." Giant YellowknWe 6.40 God's Lake 1-37 Hardrock 51 Harjlcana .16 Hcva Gold 1 Iosco 53 Jacknlfe 10 Jolict .Quebec 60 Lake Rowan 22 Lapaska 33 Little Long Lac 2.00 Lynx 21 Madscn Red Lake , 3.30 Mackenzie Red Lake .. ." .71 McLcod Cockshutt 1.91 Moneta 55 Negus L95 iNoranda 47.50 Oslsko Lake 1-25 Pickle Crow 2.99 Rcgcourt 64 San Antonio ' 3.90. Senator Rouyn 44 Sherrltt Gordon 4.05 Steep Rock . 2.10 Sturgeon River .23 Conservative British Parliament Hits Out Over Food Situation LONDON (CP) Sir Waldron Smithers, Conser- ivative, charged jn the House Canada is trying to make the most of Great Britain s food shortage to get the highest possible price for' wheat, that Argentina was making "tremendous"' profits on wheat and oil exports to Britain and that' Food Minister John Strachcy. was a "panic-stricken mountebank." "The food minister," Sir Waldron said, "has about as much stability as a beetle on a polished tray." Mentlme raging blizzards In northern England and Scotland today gave Britain one of the worst mixtures, In its history. PRINCE RUPERT IN TRAVELOGUES r Tourist and Travel Ruicau to Concentrate On Area Between Prince Rupert and Prince George This Year ' One of the major -publicity projects of the Tourist and Travel Bureau of the provincial Department of Trade and Industry this year will be the making of motion picture travel ogue covering the area between Prince Rupert and Prince George the Prince Rupert Public Rc lations Council has been advls rtdrff"'rrap'6nseta- IU request that more attention be given to this district. In addition there will be com plctcd a travelogue of coastal waters which also takes in Prince Rupert. v The provincial travelogues have widespread circulation not only In Canada and the United States but in other parts of the world. ASK NATIONAL HEALTH PLAN Resolutions urging the fed eral government to institute a national ncaun msuiaiite jhu-gram and one calling for re,-vlslon of the Old Age Pension Act on more "humanitarian" lines were approved by the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council In the Carpenters' Hall last' night. The meeting also heard an outline of the history of the Typographical Union strike at the Vancouver Daily Province", and' passed a motion that communications be sent to Percy Bensough, president of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, and William Green, president of the American Fed eration of Labor, asking that they call together the various unions involved with a view to effecting settlement. Civic Workers' Union report ed having signed an agreement with the' city council for the balance of 1947, covering out side workers. The organizing committee reported that good progress Is being made in or ganizing other workers in the city. LABOR HITS AT PRICE POLICY OTTAWA O; Government post-war policy on prices and profits is "hastening the onset of a major economic depression," the Canadian Congress of La bor lold the cabinet today, CCL officers said that the policy of decontrolling prices has left labor with no alternative but to seek higher wages as well as "re - establishment of cf fect,lve price control." COASTAL HIGHWAY -Hundreds of miles of smooth beach along the coast were Bra zll's first highways. with Exploitation Member In 1 of Commons today that SMUGGLING GUNS FOR HOLY LAND XpdNTO', 0) - The Dally Jet?? lrji a dispatch from Nia- gra Falls, Ont., said that police investigation Into an attcenpt by two men to smug- gle Bren machine guns into the United States has revealed that a plot existed to send them to the underground forces In Palestine. The report said hat War Assets Corporation originally had sold the guns to a Toronto man. Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials said that investigation resulted from the arrest last month ct two men alleged to have hidden gun parts In their car when they sought entry across the United States border. P ULP MILL Before thought was given lo the building of a eelanese pulp plant on this coast, Celanese Corpoiatlon of America can vassed the possibility of buying its pulp from such British Columbia mills as Powell River and Ocean Falls. They were unable to supply it so the Corporation had to decide to build its own mill. After all the possibilities of site had been surveyed, decision on Port Edward was readied. It was settled upon as the cenltc of the greatest field of suitable timber resources with convenient power and water supply as well as a natural and partly developed site at Watson Island. A large proportion of the employees of a celanese pulp plant, such as that to be established by Celanese Corpoiatlon of America at Port Edward, consists of high paid technical personnel. There are comparatively few or the common labor category employed In such a plant, J. Ten thousand horsepower ol electrical energy will be required bv Ihe Tort Edward plant. The output of the Falls River plant as now developed is about 5000 horsepower. The intention ol the Celanese Corporation is, if postible, to secure its power from Northern B.C. Power Co. x It is estimated that two hun-' dred houses will be, required within a year or so in Prince Rupert for the personnel of the Port Edward mill. The construction crew during (he next year or so will live In camp at Port Edward. The mill site will be on the extreme east end of Watson Israud across the Canadian National, Railway track horn the horseshoe dock with which it will be connected by overhead conveyors. The horseshoe pier, .built by the United States Army during the war, Is one ot the finest 'wharves of its ind in the world. With a. total all-round icnglh of 3700 fect, there Is a loading frontage ol 1200 Teet. The dock Is 60 feet wide and has concrete dock on wooden substructure, 11 lilffMijMBBBBBHHHBHHBMBMHHBWiiilHIstHs QUESTIONED IN SLAVERY OF NEGRO WOMAN Shawn fol lowing arraignment by a VS. commissioner are Alfred Wesley Ingalls, 64, one time member of the Massachusetts legislature, and his wife, Mira Elizabeth Ingalls, 62. The couple is charged with keeping a Negro wpman In slavery for 40 years. The woman, Dora L. Jones, 57, claims that she has been held In slavery by the Ingalls since she was 17 years old. The federal grand jury in Los Angeles Is studying the case. REDS BLAST GREEK AID But Winston Churchill and King C.eorge II Pleased LONDON In Soviet press and radio reports, the Russian people got their first news today of Trefifient Truman's proposal that the United States extend aid to Greece and Turkey. The reports characterizsd the move- as "new interference in the business of other states, directed against the democratic elements of Greece."" Conservative Leader Winston Churchill, commenting on the hiovc, said: "No step that I have seen lately has done more to in crease the chance of maintenance of world peace and .world freedom." In a message to President Tru man, King George- or ureece said that American assistance in "restoring free, democratic institutions and expediting eco nomic recovery" in Greece would help in "strengthening world peace." TO MAINTAIN TARIFFS OTTAWA Canada will not be prepared to 'drop all British preferencial tariffs unless the United States makes unexpected concessions in reducing imposts against Canadian goods, lariff experts here said on Thursday. Basketball Tourney KINC0UTH AND AIYANSH IN NATIVE HOOP FINALS X The semi - finals in the all - native basketball tournament featured four fast and terrific games last night as the two Naas River rivals Kincolith 1 AJ..r..,f.V. tL- tho win fni' trin first, nlnpfi lllaV- off p&sitions. In the consolation prize semi-finals Y.P.E.A. of Port Simpson and Kitimaat made sure i of their wins in two closely contested matches. The nieht oCened up with YPEA lust narrowly edging out Mctlakatla in a thrilling 39-33 photo finish. This was one of the hardest fought matches of the night with the two teams nerk and neck, all the way. , At the first quarter mark Metla-katla had the edge 8-6 but, by half time, YPEA had snathced a one point lead 14-13. Again in tho third frame YPEA had th'r advantage and squeezed out a couple of extra points to close up this frame still out In froqt 25-22. In the last period Metlakatla put on! a terrific drive and crept up slowly to within one point. Then, briefly, the game was tied Push Right For Voice In Peace Talks IB? us MOSCOW B Canada, fAus tralia and New Zealand toti relteraCeWclrjfoboSaTs forfeit? ticipation onfle mldalwcl small powers ?ri drafting the German peace treaty, with' Dana L. WHgress, ambassador to Rus sia, representing Canada. United States Ambassador R. D. Murphy told the deputy foreign ministers that the smaller countries which declared war on Germany as well as those who actually fought should have a voice in making the peace treaty. France also advised the immediate formation of a consultative body of small nations. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vislilnsky was reported favor able to the formation of such a body, and urged that it be composed of 19 countries, including Albania. Australia and Canada were re ported urging Foreign Secretary Bevln to abstain from any c;. cusslon on China during the con ference. The two- Dominions were said to take the position .that the, Chinese situation was part of the general easterii settlement, which they felt, should be separate from the European agreements, and in which they believe Canada and Australia, should have full voices. up. However, YPEA made their free throws count and took thr lead, only to have it tied up once more. Again Port Slmipsoa moved into the lead and this time Metlakatla's time ran out and YBEA had the game. But Mctlakatla at least had the high scorer in this game as V. Auckland netted 14 points for top billini"- In the scoring brackets, YPEA actually won the game on their free throws, dropping in 11 points while Metlakatla only managed to make 2 of theirs count. Mettakatla-ill. Leighton 8. J Wilson 4, C. Leask, F. Auckland 14, E. Lelgbton, B. Nelson 6, A (Continued on Page 4)