ft 44 .' 1 6 ptfncc Rupctt Dn,l J3cuis Friday, March 14, 1917 A Combined CENTENIAL REBEKAH and TEEN TOWN Presentation . . . The PEOPLES 1M7 FOLLIES 15 Acts of Entertainment PLUS 2 NAME BANDS The Esquires and the Teen Town Own PLUS AN EASTER Featuring ... "THE FOLLIES FASHION FAIRS" Civic Centre 8:15 p.m. Friday, March 21 It's a Sell-out at Only 50c Admission HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 Business and J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in : all its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN I HOME SERVICE f I GENERAL CONTRACTORS t Building and Repairs of all kinds 'Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Orccn 480 Red 891 rAINTING and PAPER1IANGING I Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND FJONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 JSM1TH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells, (P.R.) Ltd. LABELLING CONTRACTORS BLUE 980 PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service VI s! ll , J ! i I FASHION SHOW : COTTAGE CHEESE ;New Creamed Fresh Made! VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Professional PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE RED 410 . . . Wc buy . . . PERFEX BEER BOTTLES BOTTLES All Sizes WHISKEY, GIN AND WINE BOTTLES Prompt and Courteous Service GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besncr Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kilborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal Wood' - - - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls-Green 1)77" Prince nupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall order. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave K PROMPT and EFFICIENT SlKVKt well leur qtaitea I COLUMBIA OPTICAL C0.LB NORTHERN MC1IT HOOK ROOM (83) (Over Wallace's Store) for Bibles, Easter Cards, Mottoes Yes, the worst is over but it is no time to let your coal bin run low You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite known brands of coal from us. But don't leave ordering too long. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS ROTARY PLANS MINSTREL SHOW Afternoon Tea Another Novel Function Coming Ui The garment of august dignity normally attributed to Ro-tarians is going to be set aside temporarily by certain members of the local club in favor of the burnt cork and grease paint of darktown minstrels. Their Mason and Dixon antics, along with those of outside talent, will be viewed on the stage of the Capitol Theatre in a Ro Lary Club minstrel show at some' future date. Rotartaas of known musical and n:smonic accompusnmeiu squirmed uneasily in their chairs at the club's weekly meetim; Thursday afternoon when the membership approved' the minstrel show project, knowing that they would be called on to perform. "I have committed many acts if foolishness Jn my time, but none that anyone would pay money to see," was the neat manner in which one member excused himself from participation In the show.- Ncvcrthcless, in the best trar dition of the theatre, the Ro-tarians decided that the show mutt go on and Club President L. W. Kergin named William Terry as chairman of a minstrel committee consisting of E. T. Apulcwhaite, N. E. Gerrard, F. E. Anflcld, H. E. Whalen, II. T. Lork, A. P. Crawley. George Mitchell and D. C. Stevenson. The mood for projects of a cultural nature was carried' proved a proposal for a tea to even further when the club ap-be held on Aoril 17. President Kergin will pour. G. T. Durkin heads the committee in charge cf arrangements. To bring In a slate of officers for 1947-43, Past Pj ssidents Peter Lakle. P. II. Linzey, A. S. Nickerson, George Mitchell and J. II. Thompson were named as a nominating committee. Elections will be held in May. Guests at the meeting were D. E. Campbell, Victoria, and W. C. Little. Woodcock. HABEAS CORPUS, FREEDOM GIVEN Following granting by Mr. Justice J. O. Wilson in Supreme Court at Vancouver ol an application by J. A. Maclclland for writ of habeas corpus, Alex Yeo-mans, 41-year oid Massett Indian, was released from Prince Rupert city Jail today. Ycomans has been held there pending trapstfer to Okalla Prison to serve a six-month sentence for infraction of the Fisheries Act. He allegedly kept salmon in a closed area. The conviction is being appealed. PROHIBITION IN INDIA NEW DELHI The Slnd government will soon introduce prohibition in the province. Country liquor stoics will bo closed first and gradually the consumption of foreign liquor will be banned. New taxation will'mcct the loss in revenue. CAPETOWN 0 Immigrants j from Europe who take up an j elementary course at Cape; ' Technical Colk-gc will be taught enough English in one year to ( ' pass a seventh standard cxami- nation. Concentration will be on reading and conversation. FEDERAL BLOCK FUNERAL NOTICE HOLM In the city Tuesday. March 11, 1947, Hans Holm, age 71 years. Rev. A. O. Aasea will hold services in Grcnville Court Funeral Chapel at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, March 17. Interment In Falrview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (01 FOR SALE FOR SALE G-room house on one floor; 2 lots, full basement and furnace. Very central location. $4500, terms. Less for cash. Apply Collart and Mc-Caffery Ltd. 67 FOR SALE 30 'It. trolling boat and gear and . halibut gear. Phone Red 495 after G p.m. (02) FOR SALE Perambulator and crib. Phone Red 495. . G3) FOR SALE White cuamel range, $50. 247 5th Ave. W. (03) FOR SALE "39 Chevrolet .half-ton panel delivery. Serial No. 9131580030. Model 13-15. Sparc tire and tube. $350. Michael Sawka, 701 7th West or Phone Red 411. (631 FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW on 2 lots with garden; Pembroke bath; part basement; garage; view; on 7th East, near Conrad School. $3500, terms can be arranged. Also THREE-ROOM COTTAGE, recently redecorated; close to McBride on 8th. Reasonable for cash. See Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (62) FOR SALE Heavy duty Imperial 12 h p. propeller; 2 stuffing boxes, shafting, double Ignition. Good power for 30-34-tft. boat. Apply A. Enockson, at Dodge Cove. (62) FOR SALE Counter with hand-wrought Iron grille; also good office safe. May be seen at Empire shop. Make of rer to. Dally Ncvs. (tf) FOR SALE Now and Used Fur niture at the lowest prices. Used 5 piece Kitchen set $14. Radio good player $17.50. Beds and Springs like now $12. Hassocks $2. 0 Piece Dining Room Set $30. Pails 50c. 3 Piece Chesterfield $49.50. Floor Lamps $4. New Scatter Russ lovely designs frfcm $1.65. Aluminum pots new, from 60c. All kinds of other useful articles. Come and look-them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. BUSINESS OPPORTUNE! I Eg RAW LEIGH BUSINESS now open In Prince Rupert. Trada well established. Excellent opportunity. Write at once. Raw-leigh's, Dept. WG-C-166-189, Winnipeg, Canada. fOR THAT COLD w RUB IN... ft JSP mi rim 1 1 i mi r-x 't..:hT 'from . . . ind btciuie you want a happy homt, talct this my, lniptnivt iltp todayi Brighten tvtry room , , . add toucher, of color , . . make loomi teem laijer, airier and definitely mort attractive. Remember . . , - - Classified Adoerlisini - - ClowiricUs: 2o per word x.r Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Ulrtli Notlcci, 6oe; Cards or Thanks. Death Notices, t'uiieral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: (3. Monamc!, the modern finish, it durable, eaty to apply and keep clean. Sec color selection in jlosi e. utin finish. Prince Rupert Dealers GORDON AND ANDERSON HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable housekeeper, liglit housework, good wages. No objection to woman with child, school age. Box 211, Dally News. (U) WANTED Local representativ'e for high grade cosmetics and toiletries. Some business experience desirable but not essential. Preference gWn to financially responsible lady with poise aiid local prestige Head office representative here soon to make appointment and give necessary training. Apply at once to Box 212 Daily News. (06) DEEP WANTLD-lAl.l APPLICATIONS will be received toy the undersigned before noon, Monday, March 21, for position as Accountant. City of Prince Rupert. Apply In writing stating age, experience, quallfictalons and salary expected. II. T. Thaln, City Clerk. (02) FOUND FOUND Waterman fountain pen. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this ad. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Small furnished suite. Phone Blue 638. (66) FOR RENT Single sleeping room, with kitchen privilege. 221 5th East. Phone Red 807. (G2) FOR RENT Flat, Rand Block, 6th and Fulton. Apply Heil-broner's Jewelry Store. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND To A R D- Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. 622 Frasci Street. (80) PERSONAL MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 533. DRESS MjA KINO, Alterations ahd repairs. Women's hose repaired. Phone Blue 273. (72) MACHINERY to SAW better lumber moro economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac turcd by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) BTCH STOPPED a Jiff if or Mone Back tit qnirk r!Wfrom itrhlnf M mi, pimplt, th-!' fiH ralm. wabiM, rtnhn and hr pmnmf eaaani kin troubl, mm? faai-artinf, cmlinf, ant acf liqnwl Tl. II. I. IV-arriptinn. tirrmwriem, atainlwa. SnnthetUTitatMin and quirM? at'if intrnM itching. m trial holll prntra it, nr monrv bark . A b Tow dniuirf today fur DU1. FKIXJUn iON. It It's Rork Work CALL . . . M. SAUNDERS BLACK :ilH CONCRETE SIDEWALKS RASUMIiNTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S kill Wa f? r4 r!wj FINEST SALMON CENTRAL HOTEl Weekly and Monthly Rale for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Koomi CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE II Star Film Now Here Olivia Dollavilland Voted Best Actress of Year In "To Each His Own" Olivia Dellavilland, star of the picture "To Each His Own," currently playing at the .Capitol .Theatre Ihcrc, was awarded the Academy vt Motion Picture 'Arts and Sciences "Oscar" as the best (actress of the year )al the initial presentation of "Oscar" awards In Hollywood, last (night. Miss Ie Havilland won the uward for her work in "To Each His Own." Award- for the best actor went t Frederic (.March for his role n "The Best Years wf Our Lives," which also was judged the lest movie of 1916. "The Best Years of Our Lives" also won awards for the best .screen play, -lic-sl directing, scoring jand editing. A .special award was Riven to Harold Russell, armless veteran who played in "Best Years." Another Micrlal award went to Lawrence Olivier for his work in the drama, "King Henry V." ARMY REVOLTS IN PARAGUAY ASCUNCION, Paraguay CP Unconfirmed reports said today that insurgents, based In Conception, have Joined battle with loyal government troops and have enlarged their forces and range of operations through an Indicated area 100 miles wide. The government charged that "international communism" was trying to set up a "bloody tyranny" in Paraguay. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal Interest arc always welcome. If Al , I y The Trawler Strike Issue - - IS THIS UNIONISM OR RESTRAINT OF TRADE? .. 1 lie anion or me unitcu lUli from beam trawlers salcrs until a minimum trawlers to be sold to the .. in i. - i .i. . ... ..nlrrinr Ilslie rinrn and Allied VVorhri i " " . . ..... 9M must be sold U the iiulcpcndem i" price is established, but icrmiiuii;; Fishermen's C-opeiativc Association ai ..i. ..i ai. i i... . i,.,,w.rlniil iiiranlllSS 10 nil mil iiiiik, n t uaiiKVluin ii criruvii k mat nafl uuibia, its fishermen and its industries. ,llcrc arc the facts: I. A situation has existed since February In the beam trawl fishing Industry of British Columbia where the United Klshcrmcn and Allied Workers' Union has instructed the beam trawl fishermen not to sell to the Independent fishing companies until a fixed minimum price Is guaranteed. But the Union allows the beam trawl fishermen to "sell to the Fishermen's Cooperative Association without any price guarantee, in other words, tlu Co-operallvc pays whatever the mar-kct will allow. This can be interprets, as a trend to monopoly. The Union claims there is no strike In progress. The United Flshennei. and -Allied Workers' Union, by order ing that no beam trawl fishing vessel shall sell fish to the independent fish companies, Is dictating to the fishermen who arc independent producers hi nn apparent attempt to control the. distribution as well as-the production or beam trawl fishing. Is this restraint of trade? . II, Hie Union has admitted the ncces-filty for flexibility of prices by: (a) permitting the Co-operative to pay what the market will bear and, (b) suggesting that" the proposed minimum price schedule to the independents could be terminated or revised on two weeks' notice. (They say that this provides the i 'necersary flexibility). The flaws in this proposal are that it lacks flexibility In a market that Is in a period of postwar adjustment And docs not guarantee that another stoppage will not result in two weeks' time. I. The products of the beam trawltr solc nnd cod species-arc suited only to the fresh fish or frozen fish trade. Only a limited quantity can be mar kcted in I " ance nn! t 1 even thru ' i-ed. Frozen wheat 01 l ! xihlil a in" veloi in- 11 nations ol i supply' dev " markets crated sluri faciliti's i even mn' 'deficient " V T he impi"" it nation m 1 imrtanl. in 1 is Caniul;' cliangdl tin past year 1 competitive b comijetlm umWa.fi;' i 11 foutidlaml t' WeUt en;; Th .'iih Columbii products di i" .ability Ui rjillojl or t 'l' (!, By its ac.li' mi trawl rish'" ' or the ir (; '. fish- d'l Union h'- l" lion ani'i" 1 Uninn who dependent c have been 1 1 to follow if 1 of the , same time ' the Flshcrmi-tlon will bn I the prodiid lug ve.M'l keep Uni' M companies on ine independent fishing companies of British Loiunioia " the ',c 6 to the bcam trawl fishermen. They are simply pointing i'' iXuX " ( rth fithcrmcn wish to continue to sell their catches to the fish nu" llirV Mllivf fifttil lit Mm i, i rw.ain I fltn itrlcltu ..rr,.m,i hv I hose marlu'1' ... minimum rui.n-nntrnl nriri. fop lirnm I mill fish, the Elli" s a HlCIil FRASERH1 mlnulian Ml Eur Sale rh::.8 Kal .1.. rkh ftM . . On . .. .ft r i w " I 'I 1....J A. cu:'"T-ff; ... m r TH ' . T.l .rlfPl lli" r.1 Hl.W .! ilrrl SUV ... . K ... in is ! . !,.., UK ' ' ..h.lrlCB. ' . ..i llstllK . . nl ...J hv U ' "ifll nton . -if trviiiS ni "A will ht i-- ..I late world fish market prices which is obviously ImpovsiMr buvef The alternative conclusion, of course, Is tha? by refusing to sell t J , ibb co-opcrauvc ai irec marncl prices, mc union is riw"(. - thcl"1 marketing agency. The result of a continuation of this P'''v "-' .,, ' n)Ct H ' well be that by means of using the Fishei nn's Co-op"311' icntional instrument, absolute control over beam trawl fishin Union. . rithCE KUrERT WINS a OSr,A, OLIVIA de HAVILLAND , as a tiny tot Is as astonish iy like the exquisite screen actress of today. Years ol hard work have rewarde ! her with the most covetrl award of fllmdom. OLIVIA WON m i: OSCAR . as the best acticss of the year for her portrayal of "Judy" in the picture "To Each His Own" which is playing Today and Saturday AT THE II I-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repair and1 Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBride j, I VUK WHOLESALE imw" PHONE 16 ' 'i'''1' if