Lis and that b Elirw Adatna Srrv.r, In. the daylights out I GOURMETS Y BY teal Slave Uikc SntKiMiu'' Isn't lust I Main Fish P iA denizen fatexs of Great Ike ihe prophet fonar in his own Mian coney, one Lit - of h.ih tak- lake 500 miles oncy threw the. York1- famous ket. into a tizzy iria.ely enough n;;w hta name. ', lie Canadian they taelftti; the cm the French tnowo toome a veteran itni- New York Ei' his fellow fee- name un tin-; auth- il'jcna fisheries Sc :n:y in not at pan. Irom his good eat-i t'.iiM .1 coarse and Sir in five to 20. kets Raoics .75 .29 .08 .25 - .45 48 3 . .75 .09 :lb;, . .25 s, tb, 34 S. .15 r .09 .09 E Milk .19 .10 .15 Stloz .47 ill .3: .35 .25 ford lb. .38 lb. .22 r or .23 tier .45 our libs .31 hard wheat $1.75 1 CO .93 Id Coffee lb. .85 .40 N Fruils .17 .27 .35 .35 .29 ' .25 .33 .59 tins .33 .35 .G4 .15 .33 .17 -and 24 grapc- .21 .50 prcsctalilcs p. each. .. .17 .1!) r .IB .15 lull I) lb. .27 lb. .28 -31 lb: .32 .09 and .14 .37 i .47 .28 - .62 .17 WEDDIMCr RINGS of them by waiting there!" THROWN COARSE CONEY pounds In weight and the lake from hich he's taken also yields such as Arctic grayling, white-fish, lake trout, pickerel and Jack fish. The coney has a short head and resembles a cross between a whltcflsh and a trout. The few conies available In Edmonton sell for about 20 cents a pound. Conies command no premium, said the fisheries man. Their appeal is that of novelty, for tew have been shipped and blase New York has seen only the odd one. . "Well,- mtut you develop a taste to enjoy them?" "iNo," snorted the fisheries expert. "Fry them up and you coukln t tell them from half a dozen other verities." So tar at least, only a few people have eaten conies. They arc a "new" lish in the senss that they arc not as widely known as some of their finny brothers. If they arc going to tai:e their place among the piscatorial nobility, they'll have to overcome the handicap of their - and then m'."iK0Dna., the matter of that coarse oily flesh. HIGH PRESSURE RABBIT SALES VANCOUVER W. L. Temple-ton, general manager ot the Better Business Bureau, has Issued a warning that the chinchilla rabbit business in British Columbia "Is turning into a Lracket." lie said he had written the provincial agricultural department urging measures to protect the public against "misleading advertising concerning the industry. A letter from the National Chinchilla Breeders of America, Inc., to the bureau satd: "While at present sale of breeding stock )s good, many people are taking undue advantage of the situation through high pressure selling methods and making promises to prospective costum-crs that cannot be fulfilled." TO TAKE OVER AT BURNS LAKE VICTORIA Negotiations have been opened by the "British Col- u:i:tbla Power Commission for the taking over ci the electric power plant at Burns Lake, Premier John Hart yesterday told E. E. Rowland, C.C.M. member for Omincca. FISH BEING Shipped TiiAST The Alaska fish packer Sydney was in. port today from Ketchikan with three carloads of rrozen flsto .for transhipment to the eastern United States Over the C.N.R. lines. The motor vessel Palisnnu is expected Wednesday wllh about 26 carloads-. GOVERN DRUGS 'NISW DELHI - A government-sponsored list laying down standards for Indigenous drugs for use' In the country has been published. For many centuries uL ..r .1........ ,.r .-.I ...... int. orlnln iiuiiiuvia ui utii&.- v.. i . 1. . . ... .43 nave Dccn usca dui huh -- .(MS III 119 llnlnnhu lint. Kfifin ImtYmerPd DV c cake .11 - 131 nVio,. nf n.w rrcocnlzed .06 - .081." ." . "".," ..1. iap, i sianaaras 01 sirengm aim tiiua.- 53 .59 1 ity. Local News Basketball Tonight, Civic Centre, High School vs. Savoy. (It) Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this morning to be on time. Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Vance returned to the city on the Co-qultlam Sunday evening from a vacation trip to Vancouver. A St. John Ambulance First Aid and industrial classes will commence Tuesday, Feb. 25 In Health Centre at 7:30 pjn. (47) S. H. Savllle returned to the city on the Coqultlam Sunday evening from Vancouver where he attended a provincial meet ing of the Canadian Red Cross Society as delegate from the local branch of which he Is treasurer. A long and Involved document relative to the affairs of the defunct Rupert Wood Co., which was formed at the insistence of the federal government during the war as protection against a threatened ccal chortage, was received Irom the deputy con troller of wood fuel by cltv council last night. The matter was referred to the city solicitor for clarification. Letters of sympathetic recog nition of the Prince Rupert "Over 70" club's recent resolution urging old age pension In creases, reduction cf the aze limit and abolition of the means test" received from Sol on Lowe, national leader of th? Social Credit party, Harold Winch, provincial C.C.F. leader and H. O, Archibald MJ. for Skeena were read at last night's city council meeting. Council recently endorsed the "Over 70" resolution. University Airmen Start Flying Club FREDERICKTON, J Claiming to be the first university flyln? club to have its own aircraft, the University of New Brunswick group, mostly R.C.A. F, veterans, launched activities here recently by taking Its president Dr. Milton F. Oreeg for an Instructional flip. Purpose of the club Is to provide an opportunity for university students to obtain flying instructiCiis.atxosUand to pre mote interest In university flying across Canada. Besides flying there will bs instruction in air navigation, meteorology, airmanship, aero engines and airframes by qualified ex-R.CJVJ'. personnel, now attending the university. LEAFY SAILING Sails, made from leaves, propel the swift outrigger canoes of one group of Solomons Islanders. Announcements AH cvcriisvnt ntia Kiii column ulll bo chnrpod for lull month . t 25c word. C.W.L. card party, Catholic School Hall. Thursday Feb. 27 8 p.m. United Fishermen's and Allied Workers' Union Dance, Odd fellows Hall, Friday, February 28. Dancing 10-1. Admission 50c. Registered Nurses' Association, Prince Rupert Chapter, Tea, March 6. 3 to 6 p.m., Nurses' Home. Presbyterian Tea at Mrs. T. W. Brown's, March 13. C.W.L. St. Patrick's Tea and Sale. Catholic School Hall, Monday March 17. United Church Tea, Mrs. R. O. Large March 20. Booth P.T-A. Tea Muslcale March 22. Juvenile Orange Tea and Sale, April 9, Oddfellows' Hall. rrcsbvtcnan Spring Sale, Anril 10. Orange Ladies' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. Baptist Tea, May 8, Mrs. Gll- kcr's. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8 General Items... A CNlt. Crlbbage, Civic Centre Cafeteria. Wed. Feb. 26, 8 p.m. (It) William Cruickshank return ed to the city at the end of the .week after making a trip to Ketchikan on Canadian National Railways business. A THE NATION'S BUSINESS Hear Donald M. Fleming, K.C., M.P., chairman cf the Progressive-Conservative Security and Housing Committee, CFPR Wednesday February 26, 8 p.m. (48) Stan R. Yates, Casualty Rehabilitation Officer D.S.C.R. will address Members of the Canadian Legion at the Legion Hall, Wed. Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. Subject "Rehabilitation of the Disabled Veteran." Moving pictures. (48) Notice Re: Gunnar HJalmarson Wall- degk. Will anyone knowing the address of ;t(he above olease communicate with Swedish Vice-Consulate, Prince Rupert, B.C. . (H) MEN'S FIVE-PIN LEAGUE Co-op, Malkin's and Post Office each won three games in the men's flve-pln league Mon day night, leaving Fish Dock, Moose and Norti Star scoreless when the chips had settled. High single game score was rolled by H. Duncan of the Post Office squad with 34s, wnile the high triple went to S. Whyte of Mal kin's with 774. me league now has a new team, Manson's, which replaced the Gyro aggregation after the latter withdrew. Game scores: Co-op 3; Fish Dock 0. Malkin's 3; Moose 0. Post Office 3; North Star 0. Morgan's 2; Manson's 1. Peoples Store 2; Grotto 1. Stone's 2; Burns 1. BRIGADIER PLOW VSITOR HERE Brig. E. C. Plow, general officer commanding, Military District' 11, Vancouver, arrived In the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelalue on an Inspection tour of military Installations In the area. Brigadier Plow's visit is his frst here since he was here in March, 1946, representing the army In the controversy regarding the Civic Centre building at hat time. Get the Vitamins vou need j - CONTAIN VITAMINS C 0 plus IRON ind LIVER CONCENTRATE fiiafkm MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you take just 3 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the colden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins in your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day aupply $3.00. VITA-VIM Mvhipli u Ny4l Quality PnJuct, leld mh l Njsl Drt Sttrts. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LiMm;i Contractor rHIIIM-LHrdlifilH We do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and wc will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 " PRINCE RUPERT TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) (Vancouver Bralorne 12.50 B. R. Con. .03y2 B. R. X ,. ..... .12 Cariboo Gold ..... 2.85. Dentonla .. 25 Grull Wlhksne 102 Hedley Mascot 1.15 Mlnto .05 Pend Oreille 3.00 Pioneer 4.01) Premier Border 07 Premier Gold . 1.20 Privateer .57 Reeves McDonald 1.45 Reno 10 Salmon Gold ..... 57 Sheep Creek ..:... 1.43 Taylor Bridge . .67 Whitewater .'. .. 02 Vartanda 42 Congress 062 Pacific Eastern .65 iTffvYliW imnU 4 At. """J -mioijj .1472 apua valley M .20 Central Zeballos 02 Oils A. P. Con.. .u Calmont ,zi C & E. 220 Toronto Athona --,',' .30 Aumttque ..... .60 Seattle . 82 Bevcourt .... 1.27 Bobjo i;. .21 Buffalo Can. ....... .... .31 Con. Smelters ............ 87.25 Conwest '...... 1.26 Donalda 1.44 Eldona .....!.:. .72 Elder ...J.,i 1.15 Giant Yejlowknife : 6.00 God's Lake. 1.01 Hard Rock; 56 Harrlcana. .. .17 Heva Gold .871-. Hosco .62 Jackniife 11 JoUet Quebec'.!:...... .75 lake. .Rowan .25 Lapaska ..' .37 Little Long,Lac;r.: 2.10 Lynx .24 Madscn Red' Lake 3.60 McKenzio Red Lake .. .79 McLcod Cockshutt 2.05 Mon(ta 62 Negus .j.; 220 Noranda 49.00 Pickle Crow 3.15 San Antonio 4.20 . Senator Rouyn .57 Sherritt Gordon 4.35 Steep , RoSE 2.43 Sturgeon River .24 BLACKHEADS Gt two f ptroxln powdt r from your drujfiit. Spriakl on a hit. wt cloth ad apply lo th fan ftnUj. Eitrr black, hrad will b ditaolved. The en iaf, aura and limplt war to famov MackhwU. RLONDIE (I hmmmh llHI Ml imm li Stewart Bride Is Shower Honoree STEWART The home of Mrs. Roy Sharp on Seventh Street was the setting for a very charming post-nuptial shower for Mrs. George Luplck, the for mer Vana Jacobsen of Stewart. There were twenty-five ladies present and, after the bride had opened all her lovely gifts, among which was some of the most modem electrical equip ment for her future home, she thanked those' present In a brief speech. A delightful afternoon tea followed. Co-hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. R. Sharp, Mrs. J. Wolsenholme, Mrs; E. Jenkins and Mrs. R. Stevens. WANT TAXIS LIMITED HERE A petition signed by 17 city taxi operators, urging that the number of taxis In Prince Ru pert be limited to four per 1,000 population, was presented to city council last night and a dele gation consisting of Llbero Basso Bert, John Gurvlch and Joseph van Wallegham received assurance that the aldermen would investigate the suggestion. TOO JLATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Duo-Therm oil heater. Good condition, tank included. 4-piece bedroom isulte complete. Apply T-81, CNJl. Park. (49) SINUS PAIN RelievedFastThisEasyWay! Put a few drops f Vicka Va-tro-nol up each nostril and eel It go to worlc onnging quiCK, soothing relief ' -?TA i from miserable VICKS VA-TRO-NOL The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON i.ilj. i in i., "Hi. i, mi, -irtS1 1 JLJ0 The Forgotten iMan. NOTICE Annual Meeting of Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association which will be held in the Oddfellows' HaU February 26, 27 and 28 Commencing; at 10 a.m. on the 26th Forms for Proxy Votes may be obtained at the Cow Bay Store or at Chris Mill Bakery. (48) Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PllOIlC lied 110 We buy . . ALL sizes Pcrfcx Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles ' PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE . 1 I vimr 1 1 .illlll fm ifaWtTffnflim III III III' I V J.:.rK . '"'V v l I aajjmiiJ- I tHJiNti lu ItlUL I v YUJ I ' i u'me K ZWY .... ....,r-) in A DIME FROM WOULDN'T ( 1:,,,, 14r"M5J.N 3 YOUR ALLOWANCE r)OTOAT K 'XJ mm FOI3 EVERV LIGHT T " ' ffiSHLi vouleaveon- Iprincc Kupctt Dally jQcIujj , Tuesday, February 25, 1047 Famous HUDSON'S BAY Point Blankets There's no let-down on quality in these all-wool blankets that are famed throughout, the world. . . ; ; ! Our Spring quota is In, arid includes shades of .gold, rose and green as well as whites. One weight only 4-point. $27.00 - iirnTrm i - - -"si!H Three sailings Tcr Week for VANCOUVEIt VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 pm. Coqultlam. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pjn-Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridavs. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY TOINTS Sundays, 10 pjn. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering: - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 971 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre $29.50 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rate, for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Room CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) : PHONE, II WATCH REPAIRING at BULGER'S Since the wartime rush Is over we can now handle your work quicker and better than ever,' Our electronic watch testing machine will prove how a watch runs in any position. No guess work. You'll find prices reasonable. By Chic Young VUUAT IP I'D START .CHAI5GING VOU FOR ALL THc tuMrwkl AND OUV WE CHILDREN BRING PARENTS? EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED ViWdrm I extravagance k &h V) m& r.vk 7s rqcTV. r MINUTE. V KX AND" BORROW IT WAS ABrr t 1 VSSX' DAGWOOr0 (MR. DITHERS, (WOODLEVS PLWBERS s T -f A ffe s. KlBBM i PC w j.