. . ..Ml I ADWIIH T I 5PIIAL ,ind Tendf n to .' ' (I. i.lnmc . . nrpIdent -hi: - . Bsard r" ce ssooiaied Brds of nnnsh Col- . througn c 1 ui. ntIV enin? a busines."- t"iP 10 had nil . ---- . tnr the new Out?'-"' Ul,w be established at j-... ain tie caiieu the remodelling of in the old Army Trace which was the wa aj an uw- ... i in.hiul t win uv " -i will have a Starr ,:y ir m VanCOU- pni; ! Adelaide a iirir 111 the eve- i lu ntv- ------ ... for ic Win. tin '' ----- in in course mjf i v.. II.. I.Ur Vill-J. h;!d up railway .!.... Tl u.tf nni.n..h!iii nnv.s to na from Winnipeg during the storm ut one lime in less nS lib HI. SMMUt' up and ready to go to be dispatched, and medical sup- 1111 A A UM iU klV'W eoual the snow- rttt on the prairies ER5 Tinw ilumbia Secretary Local Itranch ' the Prlr.ce Teachers Assocla- in Interesting and .e address last eve- nnfr meetlnp or the la the Civic Centre pw Fvanf utotctflnt the British Cohnn- federation, re- :he growth of the u.ai It.i beginning Charlesworth or iginal association .v mi i Trt rmnvino later the secretary, iniicaied the many es new carried nut. ....v .Ts Tnrr Tl rimt --rger areas played. H-v :;xeo me general The work of the eacner.f Mpra nn ta ine ainuation - 4UU UI nal program o( teen largely based cmi;u inn v rj i na -v- V VHM ' spoke on the Gold- . nttvJUl fclir and the Dp- "vuviu.i, ill; l"e almost universal 'y school boards of -tu;e in sal- -", ne uisciosea. 1 of money spent on me nrnv nro " "ie amount nuni Federation the i-'ncuiars or the ""'- me code of membership ; imh . . - .-""la ia? beh nH fh. nCfs of Canada, nnri w the annual conven- Vote of thanks v. peaKer with J. s, " yicmprt . --mill 01 thn m as -v .ui n i - rTM titt . nUnced to two . " i lOr moli.i... ro,tetwo a.co panes of glass siauon. , "tw CHIEF L. sir Brm, ' .wno com UIW n thn m I n WU 'Gun n, been ap- "'waiter, snr. THIS AND THAT "Name, please?" BODY-STRIPP ING OUTCASTS HAUNT MAGYAR CAPITAL 200,000 Who lied Hungary Ahead of Russians Receive Cold Reception n llcturrx Dy AUREL VARANNAI DUDAPEST (Reutera)-Of all Hungarians, whether prLsoners of war, refugees or Jews, who how arc returning to, the country, the. worsl off are those known as the "westerners. Estimated to number some 300,000 these are Hungarian, military personnel dnd civilians who fled with the German army before the advancing Russians. Many now are. 'in hiding and do not dare, return home fpr political reasons. Those who do not return are regarded as suspicious characters on the ground that their having fled west Im plies pro - f a s c I s t sympathies. Former soldiers returning from the west who previously worked as civil servants' are Instantly dismissed. No relfef Is granted to them although they may have lost everything when, they fled. Their families, homes and belongings Hie BCUlbClCU, 11 lllli ItUUOC Cfl" j taped 'bombing, "eltheT it has been seized by one authority or another or some civilian has been installed there. an! tnr IVio ii'tiriiprs" thprf" streets of Budapest from dusk to dawn, making It unsafe for citizens to walk abroad, while others are working In gangs us smugglers on the Austro-Hun-garian borders. The ministry of public welfare Is co-operating with sev eral social organizations in an attempt to ease the lot of those returning especially of those returning from Russia. While those coming from(the west are treated with suspicion and harshness, those from Russia are subjected tq the same pro cedure as everyone else in Hun gary whatever their profession. HARD O.N OFFICERS The political past of workers. miners, farmers and the like Is not as q rule Investigated top thoroughly and they find jobs almost at once. Officers, on the other hand, whether they were on active service or on the re serve list, are regarded with gen eral distrust. The army will not take them back and they can not return tp their Jobs, The only fortunate ones are doctors, lawyers and engineers who are usually allowed to go on working. A third group of near destitute people now returning to Hun gary Is the Jews, 500,000 of whom were deppited. Many of tntm found their way to the gas chambers of the Auschwitz concentration camp, others to various other German camps. So far not even one-tenth of the total have come back. For those who do come back, prospects arc far from rosy, Most find their families gone and their flats looted. While the bulk of Budapest Jews escaped de portation and survived, hardly any Jews are left in the prov lnces and larger provincial town's although the population In these areas before the war consisted .of between 15 and 20 percent Jews All Jewish women and children In the countryside were murdered by the Germans and only a few hundred at most or the younger male Jews survived, Ka'ph East- having succeeded In escaping from their forced labor groups and getting into the Russian lines. But, favored by the fact that their persecution by the Nails caused them to be regarded RUSSIA LINES UP AGAINST BRITAIN ,s no redr;. Under the strain, t JAWtOTC OT- H ussla has many of them break down-and R , h become thieves, burglars and "T body-strlppers who haunt the ter of , mining Mediterranean waters off the north coast of Greece. Andre Gromyfco said yesterday that the British charges against Albania were groundless and not proven by evidence. There war no Justification for the United Nations security council dealing with the matter. The United States deleprate, on the other hand, felt that Britain had presented a convincing case against Albania. ABERDARE. Wales O Seven men and five women have launched a new Welsh Industry near here. They are making Wilton carpet- the first ever produced this side of the English border, in mm S1 0 anU0H 11 l! ,n,or ctsiA O O K I R Canada's Navy Being Split Future Disposition of Sea Strength .Announced Distribution Between Coasts OTTAWA, (CP) Minister of National Defence Brooke Claittu announced tq day completicn pf .ilans ,for future composition laud disposition of operational in,ils of the Pvoyal Canadian Nayy, disclosing that Canada's fleet two light cruisers, (tw-p cruisers, ipumercus destroyers $nd other craft will be almost equally distributed on the 'Atlantic and .'Pacific k-oasts. The new carrier Magnificent will operate fro.ni llalaflx. The cruder Ontario with the destroyers "Cayuga, Alhabas-kan and Crescent will (operate from Esquimau. In reserve iwifl lie Canada's ether carrier Warrior, the cruiser Uganda pnd Jive Eisenhower Speaks On Defence Matters ST. LOUIS While the atom bomb was An Important offensive weapon, there was .still need for more conventional defensive measures, said General Dwlght P. Eisenhower In speak ing here. A co-qperatlve spirit from the time of the liberation ' was needed in world affairs, said as absolutely trustworthy, those the general. Jews who have returned to Hun- " gary have set to work, with a ...tit In U..ln 4t.nl.. 1 1 if no nnnln Will lu LTlgJII mill iiftra Ubuiiti i Kfinu nf Ihpm nnur firp fllin administrative posts and their vitality has made itself felt In and post-war development. RAIL DISASTER CLOSE TO TOKIO TOKYO, 0) Kypdo News Agency re-ported about 300 persons killed or injured in a train wreck at Komcgawa, 23 miles weft of Tokyo yesterday. The train plunged down a canyon after leaving the rails. GOVERNMENT iUNDER FIRE the field of trade and commerce. GLACE BAY. N. S., The To these, indeed, is largely due fpdera, overnmcnt caill(, un. Budapest's rapid rehabilitation dcr criticism of United Mine and Mill Workers of America i (CCD officers . yesterday as three union officials left Ot tawa and Washington to discuss inter-union plans for helpin: 13,000 striking maritime mine workers. District President Freeman Jenkins said the government was planning "to wipe out every vestige of subsidy" by which miners' wages were supported ana company losses compen sated In wartime. I KEEP SUM KEEP REGULAR KEEP LOVELY For Itvtluvinij Divls All BRAN I ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made I VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally 1 ALL-WEATHER SERVICE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue The Unexcelled Pressure Cooker Now Only $15.95 U McBride Street Phone 311 ROCHER DE BOULE This is an old scene of mining activity on Rocher de Boule Mountain near Hazelton. Interest Is again centred In this area with the announcement of reopening of the Silver Standard mine with ambitious plans for development. DROWNING VERDICT Verdict of death by exposure, was brought in last nlgh ft the concluding; session ot the. Inquest into the recent dearth of Peter Spalding who JosV Ids life supposedly with six cximpan'lpns whose bodies have never been found, when their boat met with disaster In tfit-Skceua River lea between Inverness and Esslng- ton. Spalding's body and the wrecked boat, found a long dis tance apart, were all that were. located after the disaster. CANDY KATIQN CUT LONDON The candy ration in the United Kingdom is being cut from four- to two uuruts effective .March 1. H is announced. 25 CENTUniES GLORY The glories of Greek sculp ture and architecture have sur vlvcd for 25 centuries. Now--sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH SINGER Repairs and adJuKtroenU to all makes of sewing machines. Free estimates given. Sewing Machines for sale and rent. Enroll now for Singer Sewing Classes. PHONE SOI Singer Sewing Machine Co. C39 Third Avenue West MOST SCHOOLS STILL CLOSED Teachers' "Walk-out in lluffalo D,tuies Classes, jp 'Must. f V City's Children BUFFALO, O) Over two-th'.rds of Buffalo's 2900: public school teachers are still on strike today In the largest teachers' walk-out In United t States history. School officials ordered all but 20 of the city's 08 mUcoU closed, leaving about CO.000 of 71,000 sebool-agers willHnit classes. The strikers are members of the Buffalo Teachers' Federa tion (independent) which seeks minimum apnual nay ranging from $2400 to $4000 and Immediate annual raises. LAWS OF LIFE Bionomics is the studies of the "laws of life" dealing with the revelations of organism themselves and to their enrlvon ment. fi- YEAST WVBi It's so easy to bake delicious, smooth-textured active fresh Yeast. Fleischmann's loaves if you use TMs fresh yeast is falLUrength. It goes right to uvrk best baking results every time. v jelp you get It VOU BAKE AT HOME-insist on Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast. The cake with the familiar yellow label! Dependable-Canada's favorit? for over 70 years. MADE CANADA .. r A. MacKcniic Furniture LIMITED rr "A GC-OD PLACE TO BUY" a size 8'io"xii'iO" $i:i:i..-o O. riental f 9'ii"xir ui7.0( TEHRAN 9'3" xlQ-3" 210.00 " S'lVxlOT' 21. '.OO C a r pets s'ir'xu'lo" 215.00 These rugs are beautiful and warm, a treasure to own. Phone 775 327 Third Avenue WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Bulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 and NOW ... ALL PURPOSE RT 25 lovely colors to make your "old. things" FASHION RIGHT. All purpose RIT Is guaranteed to tint and dye ALL fabrics including Celanese, Acetate Rayon, AP Spun Rayons, Nylon and Mixtures ZilL "ww PKO. THE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" Prfnrc Utipcrt DaU? fictos Tuesday, February 25, 1947 German Atomists Helped Russians GOETTINGEN, Germany, tf Dr. Wener Heisenfoerv, foremost German atom scientist, disclosed that Russia had made a 'standing offer of 6000 roubles mommy (iu to any uerman atomic expert who would engage in research for the Soviet .jcAtrnment. T!r 1912 Nobel prize winner in physics said that three Germans were known to have accepted tlvs offer. Helsenberg said that production cf atcu-n benros "is no longer a prcolctn cf science In any coun try but a problem of. MASS POWER PRODUCTION British Government Considers This. As Wa$ Qut of Fuel Crisis. LONDON d-i-The government today considered mass, produce Han. of dlesel oil electricity gen erating units for self-contained use in Industrial establishment as a measure towards relieving Great Britain's fuel crisis on a. j long-term basis. i Authoritative quarters thought today that Industry, paralyzed Telephone communication be- by coal shortage for the last two tween New York and London weeks, mightbe fully resumed was first established la 1327. iby the end of next week. "SAIADA iflk iEi mm YOUR CLASSIC Buy Your COMPLETE OUTFIT HERE on the Budget Plan BEAUTY IN PRINT If you've a yearning to be the topic of flattering conversation we urge you to add this dress to your spring wardrobe. An unusual prin in exquisite colors . . . styled right . . . pticed right. " to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER . Thursday at 11:15 p.m. f Steamer Service from, PRINCE RUPERT To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations .call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices! PRINCE RUPERT Geo.- J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales , Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales' Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE UUP BUT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Klilg.'J PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 15 Res. Red 127 ' Ask for George DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS CONSUMERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and the supply situation Is not so good. You are advised to keep your orders well in advance to give us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS V