eaf Tots ,w "Ears" ... ,i rv Ans- denusi carrying out research are with nearim? dren. oun as three ... i i n fitted Win nearuis will be they hoo use . as fm nnr. f n 'lU- )c w (lj nr.w ,u aluJ "v,;t children and ,. deu' . ln.lrAr1 ... . ...... 1 .V THIS WAT I HELP WANTED y. nil 1 lju vjiuuuabc it Prince Rupert Gcn- :plta) Full particulars 'lIA INM VkA Vll AIM Afl Matron, (tf ), Rupert Genera" Hos- nnlv fntrnn tit D Housekeeper for :miiy Sleep in; light (tf) Housekeeper, live 1 salary Call 722 Fifth west (tf) WANTED uu- .j oj-ioou iroi Automobile radiator lit 1 111:1 v iiiimm n 1 .v New- on payment of (tf) .-.! on ring, owner vn wi 411 . -..v ljj mailing Uk U Ma it m -1 1 dement. (tf) STRAYED- Pup, four Old. htarlr nnrl ti.Vilt. i v.4 W silica it, Black 141. (31) MACHINERY better lumber more '"lly, use the modern e Sawmill. ...... 10, iiiaiiuiac- . nai ivitttiiiiicry - ....,.u, Vancouver, v Mm tLCOME (tf) news items, to ensure ion, should be In the 10 a.m. Contributors tn Iua. 41.1- , m uus ,n rnina. f socla-l and personal are always welcome. TELLS ABOUT CHURCH LADIES' MISSION WORK Work of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada in British Columbia, across Canada and in the Orient was outlined at the opening session of the Prince Rupert presbyterial last night by Mrs. A. Campbell of Vancouver, president of the conference branch of the VfMS. The meeting, attended by more than a score of ladles, was under the chairmanship of Mrs. J. A. Findlay of Bella Coola, r ri -Jitif I" .-VST! i. w .as- r i n mils' m. i'f J aa 1 n it U r ii. president of the Prince Rupert Prrcbytcrlal, and received greetings from delegates from wom en's organizations of other local churches and other groups within the United Church. Telling of the work of the W MS. in British Columbia, Mrs. Campbell said that the society completely supports the hospital at Rums Lake and gives annual 'wants totalling $1500 to operation of hospitals at Hazelton, Bella Bella and Bella Coola. Total budget for its work this Classified Advertising ir ntr word nor Insertion; minimum charm, f.oc. Birth NoMcts. Cards ot Thank. Death Noticed, Funeral Notices, Marrlace ana Engagement Announcement: M. STIi XOTICK VVL'UIICJUUV II1UM1IIIX. rv 5 a daughter, 8 lbs. rOK KENT ri i h irruvT Hti riiinvM (tf) (33) P Tinker & Co. Ltd , 57 (tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Five room house, hot water heated, 114 0th Street. Phone Red 835. (tf) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet built-in flour-bin). Wall cabi FOR SALS Westview Poultry Farm. Four-roomed modem house, extra bedroom In basement. Fully furnished. Cement foundation; hot air furnace. Washing machine; oil-burning range. Three lots, large garden. Chicken house 16x50; 112 laying birds average 32 dozen ,pm FOR SALE Beautiful cocker puppies, 4 months, registered, champion) stock. $50 and $75. Write or wire R. MacDonald, Massttt, Q.C.I. (32) SURPLUS U. S. Naval Landing Craft and high speed dlesel engines at a fraction of their cost. Don't miss this worthwhile opportunity. Write or phone this newspaper. Box 199. (32) FOR SALE New and used furni ture and hardware at the low est possible prices. New drink lng glasses 10c, Electric hot plates, Fancy mirrors $2, Billy Boy bicycles, Aluminum pots from GOc, Mattresses all cotton filled $16.50. Used articles; Palls 45c, Kitchen sets $12.50, Steel couches $7, 3 Piece ches terfleld, $49.50, wool blank ets, Sheets D5c, Single beds FOR SALE Small house, newly decorated throughout. Full plumbing; oil heating, etc. Phone Red 284. (34 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. G22 Fraser Street. (32) ..Hundreds of beau-tifuhvays to express your deepest sentiments on Valentine's Day. Choose from our wide assortment of lacy and plain cards . . . exquisitely designed appropriate verses. ii r v n u i l i v i i u k H l I I I I i u r L RE Y0UR DIMES ARE LITTLE DOLLARS" -uisea a year in advance and no debts are thus Incurred. The society has 2ul paid workers across Canada iV.rrying out its great, work, Mrs. Campbell declared. Out of last year's budget, which-was similar to the amount to be spent this year, $48,000 was allotted for work in British Columbia; . Claims on the organization's overseas budget are extremely heavy this year because of the great amount of rebuilding to be done to hospitals and schools In the war zones of China and Japan. SIRS. CILLINGUAM IS ALSO SPEAK ICR Tlie meeting also heard an ad dress by Mrs. Joseph T. Gllling-liam, wife of the local Salvation Army divisional commander, who srave a description of the native girls' hostel recently opened In the city. She outlined the. need for such an Institution and the place it will play in the ecmmunlly life. The meeting received greetings from the Anglican Women's Missionary Society brouzht by Mrs. Lionel Holtby, from the United Church Senior Women's Association by Mrs. G. A.. Johnson, and from the Junior Women's Association by Mrs. B. R, Dndd.?. Mrs. J. R. Carr brought greetings from the United Church Women's Auxiliary. Entertainment was provided witli two vocal solos by Mrs. F. E. Anfield, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Basil S. Prockter, and a piano solo by Miss Rose- net, glass doors; buffet; dining marie HnrWU. table and two chairs. Good condition. Phone Black 84. (3G) year, Mrs. Campbell said, Is' $1,000,000, all of which Is raised oy tne various Women's Missionary Society groups in the country. The money I3 always Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the meeting. Steamsbin Sailings For Vnnconvti Tuesdayas Coquitlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 a week all this winter. Egg 1 From Vancouver-trade, steady customers. Light Sunday ss Coquitlam, pjn. delivery Ford car and garage. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. Two goats and shed. Plenty of ;P-m. wood for furnace. Easily de-1 Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, veloped into small holding as; 10:00 ain. poultry and goat milk farm Monday ss Princess Adelaide Located 1600 Moresby Ave., 15 , 10 p.m. minutes from Post Office. Hli Friday ss Camosun, 3 pjn. health compels me to sell. ' Friday ss Catala, pm Write P.O. Box 273. FOR SALE 26-foot cedar poles. Ideal for foundation posts. Also quantity of plumbing. 947 2nd Ave. West. (35) (32) 1 For Alaska and springs like new $12. All kinds of useful articles. Come and look them over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Wheelchair, never used, Sacrifice. Phone Green 708. (32) Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun. 7 pjn. RADIO ON ROYAL TRAINS IN AFRICA LONDON OfWhen the King and Queen tour South Africa, officials and pressmen aboard the two royal trains will be able to keep in touch with the out side world every minute of the day and night. The Marconi company was given the task cf devising and providing radio equipment which would fulfil all the requirements. Both trains will b fitted with broadcast re--eiving equipment and announcing facilities for broadcasting announcements over the more than 60 loudspeakers with which each train will be provided. British Fabrics Called Too Dull MANCHESTER tfi Appeal to the government to free the furnishing fabrics industry rrcm the "shackles of wartime restrictions" so it can brighten Britain's homes has been made by W. Turmbull. chairman -of the fabrics section of Manchcs ter Chamber of Commerce. "The building program is providing standard homes and standard equipment," he told the Board of Trade. "We are living in a dull era of standardization. "The furnishing fabrics industry is eager to present to the harassed but home-loving housewife the opportunity, of reflecting her personal taste In the choice of curtains and fur- nilure coverings, thereby mak Timely Recipe Here's a favorite luncheon entree which has exceptional flavor and plenty of vitamins too. Stuffed peppers are green sweet peppers w."h a' macaroni and cheese filling dotted liberally with large wedges of ripe olives. The meaty texture and mellow flavor of the olives appease even the heartiest of ap petites. Stuffed Peppers 8 green sweep peppers 1 8-ounce package macaroni 2 tablespoons butter or mar- gerlne 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour Vz teaspoon dry mustard V2 teaspoon salt ',4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup milk 1 cup cubed cheese' (quick-melting type) 23 cup coarsely chopped ripe olives 2 tablespoons grated cheese Prepare peppers by washing. removing top, inner fibres and seeds. Drop Into boiling water; cover, remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes. Cock mac aroni, broken Into 1-lnch lengths, in boiling salted water until tender; drain. Melt but ter In ton of double boiler, add Hour and seasonings and blend until smooth. Stir in milk grad uany; cook until thick. Add cubed cheese and cook and stir over hot water until sauce Is lng her home distinctive andJsmooth. Add with olive tn the beautiful "We hear people say. 'Away. dull care.' This might well be changed to "Away dull Finds Irish Have Nothing to Sell DUE LIN O Marcel J. Alder, Argentine Importer, came here with 400,000 ($1,600,000) to npend and took it all away again. He wanted high-class Irish goods tweeds, linen, machine tools, drinking glasses, electric light bulbs and other things. "But there has been nothing," he told reporters. "Just like England nothing, nothing, the Continent. They do much business there. I am not Interested in rubbish and the 'take it or leave it' way ci doing business does not appeal to me.'" Alder said, he had made some business contracts "but they all joy they have no export licence and cannot da anything at pre-, sent." You saw )t m Tne News! macaroni and toss until well mixed. Drain peopers, stul.f with macaroni mixture, and tcp with grated cheese. Place peppers in a baking pan; pour water around pepners ' inch deep and bake in a moderately hot oven (375 degrees F.) 25 minutes. Makes 8 servings. NO COMPLETE AMNESIA Complete amnesia is practically impossible, as without some memory no Intellectual action would continue. TAKE NO CHANCES WITH nothing. I am going away now,( )Jf M l to Holland and other parts oflKIIKl N V.ULU DON'T LET yoor baby't little cold dwlop lmo aomnhiag wone. Let Mn. Ceo. McBride ofr Scarborough tell you whit (o do. "Mr baby of 26 months caught a naty cold, so I tried baby't Own Tablet! and she threw thia cold oft quicker thin ever before. 1 certainly am for Baby't Own Tablet! from now on." Baby't Own Tablet! help in the treatment cf colds by their laxative action. They are tweet-tasting, easy to take and may be crushed to a powder if desired. Effective in teething troubles, constipation, simple fevrrs, unset stomach, tummer comolaint. diarrhoea and other minor ailments. No "sleepy" stuff no dylllng effect. . Xet a package today. Sickness so often strikes In the nieht. 25 cents. Your monev back ii vou arc not satisfied. I mt A Product of Quality M A superfine tissue, creped for, III i pujiEx ; I OVATION FOR METLAKATLANS Given Great Recepticn In Performance at Vancouver-Will Appear Again jn Return North i VANCOUVER (Special to Daily News) iA capacity audi ence here was thrilled at the rendition of the Metlakatla, Al aska, native choir and demand ed a return engagement In a larger church when the choir gets back from its tour to Cali fornia. The choir, which was met and welcomed here on arrival from the north by a host of old friends as well as by newsmen and photographers, headed south yesterday to fill, a month of engagements between here and southern California. The choir has been booked for an ngasement at Prince Rupert on its way heme to Alaska. The date of the perform ance there will be .definitely announced later. liUIIM'GROOM'S DILEMMA OLEAREROOK, Devonshire, England OrArthur Blake had difficulty getting names correct when his brlde'3 relatives came to their wedding. Fifty-four of them turned up. Classified Advertising Pays! is HtPiHSSBBB3 MM lr w II BSITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER. CANADA Erfnrc Uupcrt Daflp j3chis Thursday, February 6, 1947 TEA OA jo CREDIT R estrictions R emovei We arc pleased to renew our credit terms in accordance with our pre-war policy. Down a Payment Terms Household Refrigerators -. .-.i.. JQ ; 24 months Radios selling to $125.00.....' 15 12 months Radios selling $12G.OO to $150.00 ' 15!: 15months Radios selling $151.00 and over,. ..... 15 18 months Electric Washers and Ironcrs . 10S 18 months Ranges (Electric, coal, and oil....- 10, 18 months Furniture 20 ,12 months Vacuum Cleaners 10 10 months Power Tools : 25 12 months Sundries up to $50.00 10 6month Sundries over $50.00 x f. 15 . lOmontlis GORDON & ANDERSON LTD. Be Sure of the Best Bulkley Market HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 WE DELIVER DAILY 3rd Avenue Phone 178 INCOME-TAX Returns Prepared See; R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone S8t REX CAFE P SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mein Chinese Dishes our specialty. Open 8 ajn. to 2 am. PHONE 173 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street SINGER Repairs and adjustments to all makes of sewing machines. Free estimates given. Sewing Machines for sale and rent. Enroll now for Singer Sewing Classes. PHONE "SC. I Singer Sewing Machine Co. 639 Third Avenue West Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE We buy . . . Phone Red 11(5 ALL SIZES Perfex Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE We have just received a shipment of SMOKED EASTERN Haddie Type Fillets Ask lor them today at your butchers CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre '