V. ; r - i3 II 1 t J i t I I u m PEOPLES STORE - A Idrfnrc Rupert D.iHp fScuis Monday, April 21, 1947 CIVIL SERVANT, 82, AT DESK FOR 70 YEARS Served 11 tremicrs, Ile-- members When Early I'hme Kept m Vault " TORONTO t Governments may ccmc and go but Charles Alfred Fitch, consultant in the Ontario government criminal Justice department, seems to go on.forever. On April 1. he besan ha.70th year as a civil servant --an occupation folks back in 1878 said he wouldn't like nor keep. Now 82, he has served under 11 premiers and 17 attorneys-general, a record believed unequalled in Canada. And, having no desire to leave, he's go-ins to carry on. "My wcrk Is an extremely important part of mv life," he confesses. SILsht of structure and mild of manner, he launched his career with the government a FINEST SALMON Clean Up a boy of 13. "Ah, how well I remember that first day. The 'precious' telephone, the only one in the office, was locked in the vault and one person was designated as attendant. The rest of us were afraid to touch it." As for the typewriter, it was still on probation. It had to prove its worth and instructions were Issued that It was not to be used for documents of record for fear the writinz would fade When Charlie F.tch was a green office boy there were only two wemen on the staff and he said seme officlsls looked on them with disfavor. "Now. there are hundreds of women " While the stress of years ha compelled him to forego his former pursuits cf fishing, hunting and bowling. Charlie Fitch is still a keen movie fan and a motorist, and a civil servant! SALTIER THAN SEA The Great Salt Lake in Utah is six to eight times saltier than the ocean. Classified Advertising Pays! RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Sizes 1 to 3 Sizes 3 to 6 Sizes 7 to 10 Sizes 11 to 17 STOCK ARRIVING DAILY "Your Store For Cash Prices" ' k to r-ro The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S ICOAL WITH - mm r nryi GOOD STOCK NOW OX HAND ma Up PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Serving the North Since 1920 COAL LUMBER. BUILDING SUPPLIES THIS AND THAT MUSEU-M Uupert Peoples Store Yes, the worst is over but it is no time to let your coal bin run low You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite known brands of coal from us. But PHONES 110 and 117 don't leave ordering too long, Courtcsyand Service ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1;30 pin Coqultlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pm. Carnosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prin' Rupert Agent Third Axe Phone 568 "the Cmtf Matlhv .Wtt 5n -rfmni 'atop looking at things, or we'll never get around all the floors." EXTRA CROPPING From one piece or land, even in Canada's "relaUvely short growing season, It Is possible in a single season to get two. crops of yegetc'jlcs and several oi flowers. Where this sort of gardening is practised, there Is greater satisfaction but al5 oi course, a little more care Is required. Indeed, with flowers. If one hopes to have anything like continuous blocm this multiple planting is essential. T.ie first bloom In this case Is usually secured" from fall-planted bulbs , like tulips, snow drops, hyacinths, etc. Almost as earry as these will be the .firrt of the perennials like ! dwarf nhtnx nnrf the firs rvfhi' iris. By late June the. first an-' nuals will be In blocm, especially !f started plant!, have been used; Frcm then until the October blooming chrysanthemums, continuous bloom is easily achieved. Usually ithe experienced car- dener will use a combination of perennials, bulbs and annuals flanked by, 0r in front of. flbV-ering shrubs. By using a little selection In- each group It is pbs-f 'ble to .get a succession of bloom ' from the time the snow goes away Until It arrives again In the fall. In some cf Oils multiple gardening actually one layer of plants will lie under another; such as the deep planted tulips under the shallow planted an nual. Certain later blooming an nuals, too, will be -used to screen others that are fading. In this Intensive gardening with flowers. as with vegetables, extra fertilizing and extra cUlt!va lion and. in dry season, extra watering will " " b necessary; " double; pi;ntlng-. Where' one aWsat getting two crops: of vegetable! from the same ground, usually a combination Is selected of something early and late such as radish; lettuce, spinach and peas, followed by late bceis, beans and carrots. Just as soon as the soil is fit to work one can Dut In thi first three mentioned. By the irmc these arc ready for the' table there will still usually be time to make the last sowing of beans, beets, carrots, corn, etc. Another method of double cropping is to have alternate rows of quick maturing things wnn siower out larger growers. Thus in between the rows of potatoes, beets, beans, corn, etc.. we will plant the lettuce, spinach and radish. The last wlllibc used up and out of the way before the first named require full space. NEW VARIETIES Both beginners and old-timers should remember that the business of improving flowers and vegetables doe3 not stand still. There are strains and types today that were not in existence before the ar, and each year there are some brand new varieties. It is a sound rule to try something new each season. In this way, variety and interest will be added to the garden. Plant breeders are constantly striving for new colors, more disease resistance and hardier and earlier plants. SOS OF 1906 The distress call SOS was adopted internationally in 190?. Social Doings (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) MASONIC DANCE SOCIAL HIGHLIGHT Highlighting week-end social funrtions was the annual Masonic Ball on Friday nljht when Tyce and Tslmpiean Lodges were hosts for. the evening. The temple hall was decorated in blue and white for the ccca-idon. Music was provided by the "Esquires," Ladlesfccf the Order of the Eastern Star supplied the delicious refreshments served at midnight. CONRAD STREET SALE SUCCESS Many Attended Affair Saturday Over $100 Realized A white elephant sale held at Conrad Street School on Saturday afternoon realized Its sponsors, the Parent-Teacher Association of that school, well over $100. The money will help to buy a combination radio and record-player for the school. Mrs. Barney Eyolfson was gen- J eral convener. ' Booths and ccmtniitbt.'i 4 f ce: China, silver and sfaM-Mrs. Gordon Durkin and Mrs. S. Kristmanson. ' Household goods Mrs. Stanley Boshier Jewellry and cosmetics Mrs, H. Thorn and Mrs. Armand Lund. Clothing Mrs. T. O. Batcman, Mrs. Geo. Golds and Mrs. Jensen. Books Mrs. G. Varfeldt. Children's handicrafts MLss Hilda House. Food Mrs. Murdock Mackenzie. New articles Mr. C. Ander son and Mrs. Ulmer. , , Serving" coffee, tea, llcl-abtf v ( and-dou-ghnWfrcrc MfsfPcrfy Knutson, Mi's, J. Currlc, Mrs. Lclghton and Mrs. David Owens: Mrs. Johanscn was cashier. A number, of the school .children, manifesting iatcnt qualities as salesmen and sales-ladies, gave a great deal nf assistance ;n many of the booths. DONT NIBBLE NAILS The chewing of finger nails actually endangers health because the many contagious diseases that enter the body through the mouth. HCOTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) ' raoNi 11 Scores Attend Moose ! Whist-Dancing Party Prince Rupert Lodge. Loyal Order of Moose, was host Satur day night to scores cf members and their friends who enjoyed an evening of whist and dancing. William Terry, chairman of the entertainment committee, supervised the whist which took up the early part of the evening. Prize winners were, ladies: Mrs. Rlffou and Mrs, Lawly: men, P Slwicki and J. Ratchford. Dancing commenced at. 10 o'clock with W. D. Weiss acting as master of ceremonies and with music provided. by Robert's Orchestra. During intermission delicious refreshments were served and prizes distributed. Committee members in charge were W. Terry; chairman. Everett Morrow, J. Long, J. tlatchford, Percy Bond, Malcolm Blair. MERRY UNITED CHURCH SOCIAL The Senior Women's Auxiliary ! cf the United Church fponsored a merry social In the Church ' Hall on Friday evening. I A real party program had been arranged by Mrs. Wm. Holt. Mrs. Erllng Pcdersen, Mrs. C. T Young, Mrs. R. A. Wilson and Mrs. C. J. O, Olscn. There were game and dancing both old time and modem and tables for cards. Mr. Milton Hauser and Mr Roberts made sweet music for the dancers. Refreshments and community singing rounded off an evening cf fun and relaxation for the 63 or more .guests present Geo. J.Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND, HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED. TRACKED , Nlt "CRATED, F Estimates ijo fven. Free ilpRlVcE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 15- Res. Red 127 Ask for George FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering Slip Covert Drape Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 174 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND" Will add tasle and quality to your meal. For variety try our Smoked Wack Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon Fillets Frozen: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE prince rupert Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA i Today Only: Its Murder k&k In The. MIRTH DEGREE i Betty's a liot as lhe"innocent"gal who couldn't go wrong... became she didn't know how to get therel SonmTuffs '6m My 'TEAK I Tltr 7 which has proved beneC.;.;:t? ; trmy who foraci suffered from these di ;trc ,?z c:r.diti .is;, lintip: "D" contains antigens derived from c'aphylococr.: albus and aureus, the orgamT. v - ually considni responsible for these skin eruptions and blemiskl Taken as directed, Lantigen D" w.:l treat, tt build immunity againrt f ;r.hcr infection frd these organisms. GALVANIZED Ml Tubs Hoilers Oil Cans For That Party . Tails Sprinklers Garbage Cai THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 11 rtoK' 235 Third Avenue INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. AIOKTIMKK 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 ...-trC FRASERH0US Phone pnone Bla 1 I 1 iw-m Ormes l& Pioneer Dru&W PKKSCUirTION CIIKMISTS The REXALL STOM PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STOnK HOURS DAILY from 9 m )p SUNDAYS and IIOUDAYS ft " 7 pjn. till 8 P -m- PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Kdward, C-y jtf 7:00 am. to 11:00 P-- EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE