lay n Sports in 4 k r.l I D-.L.L II League and Playoff Series hool basketball for the -en came to a roar- on Saturday night as games of the season .a nnce again there hundred howl-Jheerlw l three Weir favor-..intirv Beta house in. nAi school "'ague wiui wi ,ile Gamma came sec- 17g, Alpha was iar Hting only o. in ! tt-h en eoi un- 5C1 I" on Friday, uamma on top j"'" next with 106, and Al- brought up me rear In Che games piuyru nioht Oammn ancd up m two of their ntests Beta won one one while Alpha1 drop- ;ames girl's games Alpha iosi OIIP lit, .... TTi11G0 nilllll.f L IlilllLl sserved points. ; D. Lyncss, M. Matt-Won;; 4, M. Addison, ten 2 A. Stromdahl. i r if !I1 T Tn flrr T 111 A 1 1. 1 l V r-t .... 4 RirL Intermediate i i .1..1 l.. nr 114 I1UU..I- Kins awuuij- hard-flnhting- rivals :iha rot off to a bad the winners get a ?:me although they n; Iho fViniiH mm I'.l flrrltmH vtrtft nt venlng from Van- for Sttnvart and other whence she will ITU TlSmm ikuu John Jonsson. after 't rs$ Ti.t . . for a while. He Is now I I Itli, Tl 1 v.. - "uiu laiuim, in prefer the early openln? aiuauu lie UUS engine aboard the ucniau:ea. "juic ui rnnce his halibut boat repainting. Other nor- " who are au sei include E. Elling- -" me isoDena ' SllffU., avuuuuoil lne slllnetter Porcher 1 PA KILLS flies mosquitoes mollis bedbugs roaches ants, etc. ,uu applicallons. h,lS WANT.,., ta local agency. (T rt pLY HOUSE I'hnne C32 WOODSIDE WINS SOCCER OPENER Woodslde's Wonders defeated Arney's Antelopes In the sea son's first city soccer scrimmage by a score of 1-0 at Roosevelt LPark Sunday afternoon. The single goal was scored by Dous; Chrlstlson In the second half when he caught a rebound from live goal post, sending the ball sizzling- past goal-keeper Minor Simundson. About 1C0 spectators watched the game. of M. Strackan. 9B Alpha M. Lykegard, P. Smith 2, I. Hansen 0, It. Ratch-son, B. Prince 4, M. Greenwood 4, Tipton. Total 16. 9U Gamma O. Sawkes G, M. Strackan 12, H. inbberd 2, M McAffee 4, M. Keyes 9, fi. Hudson. Total 33. BETA JUNIOR ROYS WINNERS Beta won the Junior boys' mlx- -B Alpha opponents a I V " m nv vv .Beta bv a 24-15 n nut nnin2 s""'" i .i i . .... . i 1 " " " J " V v w k.lHll(. U1J 11UII1 L1IT .,itht Alnhn drmi-, """"f 1"ot single poini. int.- wucc- . ...,. ctnnrl nt Hi. I thP last auarter the 1 Alt"'4 but the dineience in o too great for them t dai arenn nr i im House snuad led the i. , llo nnma half of the match Gamma had the lead with the first half score standing at 12-8. But after the breather the lads from Beta began to roll and, led by the 13-polnt scoring attack of F. Johnson, they swept through for the win. Sather, E. Mostad 4, S. Hamilton. 2. Total 15. 8M Beta B. McChesney 9, F. Johnson 13, 3. Hills, A. Saunders, T, Holt 2, Black. Total 24. '. SENIOR CAME WAS CLIMAX Climaxing tire evening of sport was the senior boys' battle between 12 and 10H Gamma and 11B and 13 Alpha with the Gam-mites coming out on top of the very close 50-48 score. The jyamc was rough and aggressive but It kept the fans right im oif their toes. At the first quarter mark the score was 10-6 fo Gamma. Then the winners swept through In the second frame for 16 points to bring the score to 20-19 at the half-way mallei .ird. .Gamma. JiafLiuelAlnlm.iM.ixiA n ir.iiin. rrnrt .luJ wed up. The 9H girls , the third stanza which saw thenif !iV (IIP I2.1V1II1L Kpni nf 1 nnma m h n nnn nnlnl nf Ihn in se ind of two vov- SHIPS AND WATCD'CDOMT 16, was recently at Namu. After the salmon season he will take up scrap-cod fishing. Crowded with tooth passruycrs and freight, C.P.R. steamer Princes? Louise, Capt. G. Q. Hughes, was in port Ms morning bound for Skagway. Ten were round trippers, practically all the others returning to their seasonal duties In Alaska and the Yukon. &50 BATTERY J. A. MclSAAC DIES ABOARD FISHERY BOAT John AfiYed Mclsaac, cook aboard the Dominion Fisheries patrol vessel Chllco Post, died aboard the ship while lt was moored at .the Butedale wharf early Saturday morning, succumbing to a heart ailment. Ho was 61 years old. Born at Charlotletown, Prince Edward Island, deceased had been a resident of British Columbia for 25 years. During that tlmie, he worked intermittently for th-s Fisheries Department and was a fisherman at Prince Rupert and Vancouver. ITis body was brought to the city aboard the Chllco Post, Capt. Nell MacDonald, Saturday afternoon. Deceased was a veteran of the first World War, In which he wrved overseas with the 30th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, from 1917 to 1919. He was a member of the Canadian Legion. Deceased Aras unmarried, and is survived by one brother, D. J. Mclsaac of Halifax, and a sister In Nw Hampitifre. Burial will take place Tuesday afternoon in the veterans' plot, Fairvtew Cemetery, arrangements being under the avpiccs of the Prince Rupert branch, Canadian Legion, of which deceased was a member. Rev. F. Antrotius of First BaD- list Church will officiate and B. C. Undertakers will be In charge 8H Gamma A. Mostad 7, v.j,lvals as the frame 'closed up at Compagnola 2, B. Todress. N. 32-31. It was ding-dong all the way from there on in but Gam ma kept their narrow lead and. although Alpha kept up the ter rific pressure:, they could not snatch the lead. High scorln- honors for the game and night were .shared by Hauaan of Gam ma and Hartwtg of Alpha, each dropping in 19 hard-earned points. Gamma Sunberg 5, E. Moore, Owens, Thompson 7, Flaten 10, Haugan 19, Voungman 2, Skog 7 Total 50. Alpha Eidsvick, Shier 0, Wong 5, Haitwig 19, Olson 2, Hill 2 WVsch 8, Kennedy, Intermela 0 Total 48. BRING IN YOUR CAR OR TRUCK WE'LL FIX IT... RIGHT, and at REASONABLE COST You'll get much better performance, greater economy and longer life out of a car or truck serviced by our trained me chanics, using factory-engineered parts. See Us NOW to PREVENT Trouble, Tool VVve seen so many casej where a little foresight would have prevented costly repairs that wc earnestly urge you to let us check your car or truck NOW! Our work is dependable and our prices are reasonable! ISUPERT MOTORS LIMITED l'lionc ."(iO Sfllfe THE S.GN Of BETTER SRV.ry; KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED - ItOOMS REDECORATED SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES - LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Managers: TOM PESUT STEVE VKKLAKN REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 8 a.m. to 2 a m. PHONE 17:t TOMATO JUICE SALES ZOOM HAMILTON, Ont. tP The Canadian palate is demanding an unprecedented quota of tomato Juice these days more Ihan three times' the pre-war average yearly consumption. Records show that as recently as 1930 only 7,000 cases of tomato Juice were packed In the Dominion. By 1939 the yearly average had grown to 1,300,000 cases. The 1940 pack, according to Canadian manufacturers' estimates, hit a record of more than 4,000,000 cases. With in creased acreage planned for 1947 (and with the blessing of good weather and adequate supplies of labor and materials) the yield and total canning pack may reach new heights. Tomatoes were fiist-Jntroduc-ed as a palatabfe -and "non-poisonous" food about a century ago. Prior to that time tlwy were considered fit only for a witch's brew; the- French, once prescribed them as an effective love potion. A woman In Trenton, NJ., born In 1833, recalled that when as a child she ate a tcmato, her parents rushed her THIS AND THAT FrFirirT 'to a doctor certain she1 would die. . It was not until 1928 that to mato juice started to become popular result of the enterprise of a Chicago hotel man who Introduced It in the form of spiced Juice cocktails. Almost overnight Its popularity became nation-wide in the United States. Canadian production began to climb simultaneously and by 1936 it had reached th 1,500,090 case mark Although the canning of whole tomatoes has shown a decline in volume in recent years an estimated 1,750,090 cases In 1916 compared to 3,500,000 In 1037) the comlbined packs of whole tomatoes and Juice In Canada last year were enough to provide 12 tins for every man. woman and child In the country. Classified Advertising Pays) "I Just wanted to make sure you were around. I'm read'ng an unusually scary mystery book." Picture of a Spring Motorist i . arranged by a husband who knows that CAREFREE MOTORING STARTS AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A Nature doesn't put. springtime in your car but B-A Service does. "V. Your B-A dealer will lo a thorough cliangc-ovcr job with . . . B-A 9 Point Change-over Service 1. CIUNKCASE Drain, flush and refill with Summer grade B-A Peerless Motor Oil, 2. CHASSIS Lubricate with quality B-A Lubricants. 3. TRANSMISSION- Drain, flush ami refill with Slimmer grade B-A Transmission Oil. A. DIFFERENTIAL Drain, flush and refill witli Summer grade 1UA All-Purpose Hypnid Hear Lube. 5. FRONT WHEEL BEARINGS Remove, wash and repack. 6. HOSE CONNECTIONS Check radiator and hose connections. 7. RADIATOR Drain, clean, reverse-flush and refill with clean water. 8. BATTERY Check voltage and hydrometer readings. Clean and grease terminals. 9. SPARK PLUGS Remove, clean and regap for greater efficiency. Phi Tfiefe Extra Services'. Check Oil Filter (inttall new rrlr!,lge if requlr,;!) . . . Clean Air Filter . . , Check Tim . . . Check Funlieltor uear and tension. Drive your car in now for a complete Spring Change-over THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED v. . Prftifc tUipcrt Daflp Jftctos Monday April 21. 1947 The economy of coal heating-with the drudgery taken out FAIRBANKS-MORSE Automatic COAL STOKER Next winter look after the furnace when it suits yon. No need to get up to chilly rooms and hurry down to the cellar. Set the thermostat the night before and the house is at the temperature you want in the morning. Just fill the hopper once a day. Once or twice-a week lift out a solid clinker. That's all the attention a Fairbanks-Morse Automatic Coal Stoker needs. F-asy to install, too! No extras to buy. Stop playing nursemaid to your furnace. See the new F-M Stoker AW UP MADE IN CANADA CUTS f UEl BIllS. T h ' F-M. Stoker burns luwtr-price tinker coal and every unit U hear ie extracted from it. NO MORE LOOSE ASHES to fly around and dirty- (K house. jWJid cttnkrra ir euy to lift out and caune no duL THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED 798 Beatty St., Vancouver MA C321 For Sale By BARR & ANDERSON Second Ave. and Fourth Street Red 389 May Wv Suggest ... Iiefore Taking That Holiday Trip . . . You Sec Our Slock of Accessories FOR YOUR CAR'S SPRING CLEAN-UP Klecner, Sponges, Wax, Soap, Chamois, etc. ACCESSORIES Fog Lights, Fender Flaps, Mitlget Vacuum Cleaners, Chrome Grill Guards, Wheel Wrenches, Hot Patches, Jacks, Miscellaneous Tools, Seat Covers, and many oilier items. Bob Parker Limited FORI) AND MONARCH DEALERS 'The Home of Friendly Service" ' P.O. Box 38 i ' Pfihce Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 SAVOY HOTEL Carl .Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Sit FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM II A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CniNESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE. CATER TO PARTIES CIIOP SUEY CHOW MEIN TOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's moccassin front Oxfords See them while sizes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. 4 AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES S24 THIRD AVENUE Next Commodore Cale LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while 70a wait. PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street DEVELOPING PRINTING & ENLARGING Amateur Supplies - Cameras Enlargers - 33 m.m. Projectors WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Prince Rupert, B.C. SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone RLUE I2 1C0 East Third -Ave. (Next to Shenton'sl ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. h m