it n n M !! II II II. II II li II II II II II II II II II i i i i li pnii a uupcrt Da fly sdms Tuesday, June 3, 194? The Board of Trade thTew its ivLeht behindja move to have a post office branch opened at . Seal Cove, The request had been repeated continually by a number of Seal Cove residents In petitions. .;5$IJ?: Mines and mills in the Interior would reduce operation until settlement was made in a current freight r.ite dispute, John Wllbnan, interior mine and lumber operator, said. Buyers, he P. H. LINZEY (Authorized & Second Clus Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunaay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HDNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCUIATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES B7 City Carrier, per week. I5c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, $4.00. tMOiV RESPONSIBILITY INDUSTRIAL PEACE in both the United States I and Canada has been given great support by the recent order of Philip Murray, president of the Steelworker's' Union, to its 3000 locals in the United States that they refrain from strikes during the next two years of their new agreements with the steel companies. Mr. Murray told them that they muwt meticulously respect the provisions of their collctive-bargaining contracts. These provide for an adequate grievance procedure, arbitration and no strikes. As Mr. Murray is also president of the C.I.O., which has many branches in Canada as well as in the United States, he wields an unusually powerful influence in labor and his demands for orderly methods of adjusting difference with management will, doubtless, cause many men outside his union to follow his lead. His pronouncement should be far-reaching in behalf of labor peace. Much needed also is his advice that steel union officials be not anti-company but sincerely concerned with the best interests of the business. Too many .unions have insisted that employers carry out their contracts to the letter but have not been so particular themselves. There has been trifling with norstrike and walk-out pledges, particularly among the newer unions. Many youngsters going into labor organizations don't know what a union is and often think that unionization just means going out on strike. Wildcat strikes unauthorized by top union officials, not only in United States but in Canada, have been added to strikes called by veteran union leaders who knew better. Coming up from nothing to a membership of around 850,000 within the last ten years, the Steel-workers is now the largest union in the United States. Its emphatic1 stand for sticking by contracts evidences, as we have already said in these columns, that labor is better realizing its responsibilities. THE T.B. CLINIC THERE HAS BEEN a thorough canvass of Prince Rupert for the setting of dates of adults and teen-agers for the mass tuberculosis survey clinic which is now here with its van. This is just a word to those who have been "dated" to keep their appointments without fail and to those who may have been missed to get dated. It is not only personally beneficial to see that one is in gpod health, particularly when no personal cost is involved, but it is good citizenship to co-operate in every .way possible in finding where disease lurks and thus be in a position to stamp . it out. Briefly, one is not only helping one's self but one's community by attending the tuberculosis survey clinic. 25 YEARS AGO June 3, 1922 Dally train service between Prince Rupert and Jasper went Into, effect. Eastbound trains left Hie lty in the morning and the .fcbound arrived at 7:15 In the -evening. said, would not purchase pro ducts at present when faced with the possibility that the freight charges on them might be reduced at a later date. Classified Advertising Pays! Sua i sparkling, cleans Ing dash of good tasting Abbey's Salt I Acts quick-ly, gently, helps neutral-lie acidity rftea the cause oi headaches. 03 ltt Jul PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. 98' J INSURANCE - RENTALS - REAL ESTATE 212 Fturth Street (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all type's of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Carers for every .occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE 'GYMNASIUM DEMOLITION BIDS AWARDED Contract for the demolition of the Roosevelt Park gymnasium, material from which will be used to build an auxiliary gym attached to the Civic Centre, has been awarded to the partnership of Harden, Jorum, Hen-riksen and Brown, Civic Centre manager Don Forward announced this morning. The contract was awarded on a basis of demolition costs per thousand board feut of lumber Bids alfo were received from North West Construction Co.. John Moritz, and Allan ManDon-ald and Ralph Wick. All material will remain the property of the Civic Centre Association, and part will be used to construct additional gymnasium space at the Civic Centre. The Civic Centre Association decided to demolfeh the building several weeks ago when it felt conclusively that repair of he building would mean exorbitant expenditure. The building has depreciated considerably c1nce it was purchased trcm War Assets for $5,000 more than a year ago. Contract for the purchase of plumbing fixtures in the former BOY FARMERS HAVE THEIR DAY Grooming his Jersey cow and calf is Dowlin Young, one of 70 boys entering livestock In the "Future Farmers of America" show, first event of Its kind held In Los AngelesCalif. tical than repairing the Roosevelt Park building. It is expected that demolition costs largely will be .offset by the sale of excess material. American flrmy Duucung was TRACTORS FIGHT JUNGLE nnnrrlnJ I Da... .1 A ... .1 ........ . I a""UCUWBai uuunuuewuii. c,3NGAPORE,P)-)nehundxed A bid by W. D. Lamible for out- and ten caterpillar 'tractors ar-right purchase of the gymnasium rlvcd In Malaya recently Jor was rejected on. grounds that short term production. Primar me material win dc newea tor ji;y Uiel for cieilrln3 Jungle and construction of the new addition removal of tree stumps, the to the Civic Centre. tractor.? will play ,a role In pre- Cost of building the new C'.vic paring the land tor food cultl-Centre addition is expe:ted vatlon. about the same as would havej been required to rehabilitate the i LONDON, 0 A ii imis .racket, Roosevelt Park siruct:ire, and I four feet long, the" frame of Civic Centre authorities fe! that which was made from ash -and more gymn:-rm .-ace at the Canadian birch, was displayed at Civic Centre w id b; more prac- the British Industries Fair PUBLISHED IN THE I N.T E.R EST STENSTROM HERE ON PULP MILL D. G. Stenstrcm of the Port Edward Cellulose Co.. wilch Is to build a $15,CC0,0M. pulp mill at Port Edward, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday alternocn from Vancouver and is proceeding today to Terrace. Everything is going well in, connection with preparatory ,work for the mill, .said Mr. Btenstrcm, and, a;, announced before, actual work cn the site Is expected to get under way within the next two months. Classified Advertising Paysl BEST WISHES OF RAILWAY Message (o V, G, Iiriejrs From Vice-President of Canadian National Railways Among congratulatory messages received In connection with the institution of the Brlsgs Steamship Co., of IU, new Alaska freight service out of here with ; tihe motor-:hlp Southeastern, is one from W R. Devenlsh, vlce-prptlde'nt of Canadian National Railways, westarn Ilnee. Winnipeg. On behalf of Mr. Devenlsh and the railway management, whlrh is taking a ki-en and act ive Interest in the venture to dovejop further Alaska traffic hrptiKh Prince Rupert, the message was conveyed to Phillip G. Br s by C. A. Beirncr, divisional superintendent. 14 FIRE CALLS DURING MONTH City fire department respond ed to 14 fire calls during May, according to the records of Fire Chief II. T. Lock. Total fire damage during the month was heavy, but has not yet been completely surveyed. Largest fire .was the blaze that damaged the Home Oil Co. dock on May 23. "BEEF" AGAINST MEAT LONDON, CT Horruay Housewives' League tent a delegation to the Food Ministry complaining about, the "poor quality" of meat. Old? Get Pep, Vim tupolmtnU With inritn IRONi ikoni plu piu CALCIUM, CALCIUM, V VITAM.N U MEN. WOMEN III f iiw' L.t- '.r- ; - p. k u TOIJA1 t l.'Ul In 1622 GALVERT said: nFair dealings lead to union" EARLY in the i7th century, Calvert foresaw the development bf the New.Wprld through united effort. "Assist your neigh-bours'J he said," They are men of high, esteem." ,Farro.vis English statesman, Secretaryof State to King James I, (ouoicr (of colonies in New-foundland and f!aryland, .Calvert .championed unity far hack in jhe, .ItJOO'js. ''Prepare for the OF 4; .." U' Tiin't bt future" he urged his pioneer settlers, "preserve unity." Man of Vision 300 years ago, Calvert's ideals have been shared by all men of vision since Calvert's time. Today let each of us be a man' of vision. work earnestly for a united Canada. The jull measure of our stature as a nation depends upon unity oj purpose. There is inly one Canada for .clear-headed Canadians. Clear heads call or,., a United Canada .DISTILLERS (Canada) Limited AMHEISTtURG ONTARIO tut wiir ","'C"' ' 'Jm W'r" -C.X mrrv.. In 1864 TUPPER said: In Toronto on iVovember 2nd, 186-1, Sir Charles Tupper urged an immense torch-lit throng to support federation. Long an advocate of unity, his leadership did much to ensurv Confe leration. Premier of Nova Scotia, Prime Minister of. Canada, Sir Charles Tupper gave freely of his genius tu develop the Dominion. Wlf "Create a union . . ;of understanding" N A'Tll O.NAL UNITY BY CALVERT DISTILLERS 206 B usmess an J. P. MOLLER .PHONE BLUE 1.5a 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING dl- HELEN'S ' BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty .Culture in all Its branches... 4th Street Phone .655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners phones: ;. Uiten 486 Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Oreen 301 PAINTING end PAPERHANOING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.C Box 274 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. I Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BLUE 992 1? rvom BLUE SKIES' PRINf'F. m BOTTLE COLL and MFSSEN We Buy ALL The demand fore'' is greats ev he fu r um, Keep the eattc , tl PHONE Red , Agent fo: p.!r i? B( t GEORGE L. R Public Accountant, An Income Tax Rettfrru . II..... m BERT'S TRANj and messe:, L,umoer - coaj Wood J "eight ExpiJ Phone Blue 8:1 nigni uai.. rtfi Prince Rupt: PRINCE RUPERT 1 A. R, LOCi Wedding Bouquets Designs pottfjl Bulbs Set MODERATE PRll rrumpv aueniiotl ti tl U0X316, Phone 777, ..JONES NEWS Eastern and WesterJ Magarlnei SUBSCRIPTIONS J Birth Street NORTH E K N l 11,0 0 k koi: (Over Wallac: J Father's Day Cards, Sacred Krcordiil Mil tut "ALL HY MYSELP Sammy Kaye Re::d : Benny Goodman Record C-828; Count Bade RecorJ Johnny Long Record 23622; Perry Como- -ic iwiw nri-i is tiik orr.AN" nick Havme Rc ::d "YOU KEEl COMING BACK LIKE A SONG" MaSvs "Jim Pioneer Drtqpits PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS A IHj A i iU X.U ' " PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 a.m. till 9 pO Alii 1 n SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from vi noun " ' 7 p.m. till 9 pjn. ROYAL CAFE (Mrs. ,C. C. Swanson) SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CHICKEN AND WORKHSGMEN'S MEALS GOOD HOME COOKING Third Avenue m. 1 n.m. l . . -- --i"vKTrTrT'in YOUR HOME THIS SUMMEK .CALL GREER & BR DPt mnT.nRRS AND CONTRACTORS Rcnairs -r Construction nione RED 5G1 1.0. B"