... Mi IP" I?rfnrc Rupert DafIp.J3tta3 Tuesday. June 3, 1947 Classified Advertising - - Ol49firird: ne per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. Birth Nutlet. 'Oepeuxls ot Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Mamas and Engagement Announcement: H ENGAGEMENT NOTICE , i Airs. R. Tosczak oi Woodrow, Sa$UVrannounces the engagement other daughter Clara to Spiro Gurvlch, son of the late Mr. auq Mrs. Nick Gurvich. The. wedding to take place June 21, 1947. , CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to'all our Christian friends for their attendance at the memorial service and luneral cf the late Jessie Alexander. Special thanks to Rev Basil Prockter and t those who lent their cars. r Percy Alexander and family. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-storey building, 47x30 (dairy barn) wired for electric light and power, suitable for mill or workshop. Apply Valentin Dairy. (130) FOR RENT Suite 3 rooms and bath for a quiet couple. Phc-ne Red 441. (130) FOR RENT One room and kitchen, all furnished. 336 9th Ave. West. (129) FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 843 9th West. (153) FOR RENT Sleeping room for working sirl with kitchen pri vlleges. Apply 241 7th Ave. West. (133) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Woman for general housework. Phone Black 85, evenings. (tf) WANTED Woman or girl for out-of-town housework. Apply P.O, Box 908, city. (tf) HELP WANTED Active elderly man' owning small home In city wants elderly man to look after him for six to eight weeks. Phone Red 614, (129) WANTED Waitresses, cook and kitchen help. Apply Terminal ' Lunch. (131) WORK WANTED MARRIED Woman will care for children of working mother. Blue 325. . (131) WANTED WANTED Furnished living accommodation for summer months for respectable couple with baby. Write Box 540 Daily News. (135- SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Active Trading Company Ltd.. 935 East Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED Old chesterfields and chairs, any condition, to tear up for springs. Lovin's Cabinet Shop, 330 2nd Ave. Phone Blue 818. (129) WANTED Piano, to buy or rent. Phone Red 168: (129) LOST AND FOUND LOST Black box camera. sz4 120," left In McCIymont, Park. Flnderplease leave at Dally . . News, - (134) FOUND Jtcsary near McCIymont Park. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) LOST Man's Malton Hermetic wristwatch, sweep second hand luminous dial. Phone W S. Palerson, Black 554. Reward offered. (129) PERSONAL MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings, Phone Green 588. (tf) LISTINGS WANTED BELLING Your House? We have buyers iooklng for well-bul)t 4 and 5 room homes. Cash or terms. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. (131) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up4o-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM1 and Board $40 a month if double; $45 single. Clean, respectable. Mea preferred. Only white trade preferred. Mrs. Lavley, 22 Fraser Street. . . - (134) Classified Advertising Pays! FOR. SALE FOR SALE Combination Electric and Coal and Wood cook stove. Box 233 Dally News. -(134) FOR SALE Seamstress sewing machine, rotary shuttle, small Victorian chair, needlepoint arm chair, 2 single beds. 101 7th East. (129) FOR SALE Special mated New Hampshire pullets from government approved flocks. $1.25 each. We P3y crating and shipping charges. Delivery date June 24th. $1.00 deposit . holds your order. Buy now and get the pick of our 400 flock, Leroy's Ranch, Kltwanga, B.C. (129) FOR SALE New aiid Used Fur riiture and Hardware at the lowest prices. Office Fixtures, Desks, Rugs, Chairs, Mirrors, etc. Used Kitchen Sets from $14: Used Electric Hoover; ' Bathroom Fixtures Basins and Toilets. Basins from $4. Hassocks from $2; Palls from 50c; Slightly Used Beds, complete from $20; Barber Chair $30: New Cabin Cook Stoves; Scatter Rugs from $1.25; Lawn mower. All kinds of other useful articles. B.C. Furniture. Co.. Black 324. tf) FOR SALE Protection against loss. Fire, Autc, Personal Property Floater and other insurance. Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. Phone 342. (136) FOR SALE 28 ft. gillnet boat with 5 h.p. tistnope engine. Phone Blue 505 after 5 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE Coal and wood cook stove. Red 930. (129) FOR SALE Revenue producing property near centre of Terrace. Monthly rentals of $50. Price $2500. E. T. Kenney Ltd, Terrace, ,C. (132) FOR SALE 19 acres including large orchard, Hi miles from town, with small cabin. $2100. E. T. Kenney Ltd., Terrace, BC. (132) FO RESALE Alii! Chalmers HD. lO'Tractor, recently overhauled. Complete with Isaacson dozer and logging winch. May be seen near Prince George. Apply Box M. R, Citizen, Prince George. (i34) FOR SALE Lockstave building. 16x36 in tfirst class condition, like new. Ideal for summer home or camp. Easy to demolish and rebuild. Apply Box 237 Daily News. (133) FOR SALE 4-piece bedroom suite, monarch range with oil burner complete. Can be seen at 1333 First Overlook. (130) FOR SALE Puppies for sale, Thorotfbred Labradors, Male $50; Female $40. Can be seen at 730 6th Ave. West. (130) FOR 'SALE Trollitte boat Navi gator, H. 43'xliVfulry equipped. Apply Box 236 Dally News. (139) Steamship Sailings For VanctroTM , , Tuesday ss Coqultlam 1 :30 p.m. ' ( ', Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert 11:15 pjn. .Friday ss Catala, 10 pjn. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coqultlam, p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. pjn. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaid 10 pjn. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, pjn. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska-Thursday s Prince Rupert, ; p.m. Saturday ss Camosun. 7 pjn. 10:45 pjn. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. SHORT SPORT Montreal will spend $350,943 during 194! to maintain 8 playgrounds and at the same time Improve children's health and decrease juvenile delinquency During the last six years, the city has developed many new parks and organised play and recreation centres. In 1942, Montreal had only nine recreation centres with an average attendance of '. about 1,500 children. In 1945 there were 62 centies undrr the guidance of trained monitors. ' Durini that period, as shown I by official federal government) figures, there was t drop ci ZJ oer cent in Montreal Juvenile de linquency although the ratio across Canada increared in that Toe vfliF rvrtronlTpri ....... .. rfv- ' IIUU. j i"' - creation centre? numbered 85 and the downward trend in delinquency continued A survey of 256. children stricken -with poliomyelitis during the country -wide epidemic last year showed, only seven were regular attendants at city playgrounds; 54 went occasionally but the majority never went at all. Today, Montreal has 80 public parks and 88 playgrounds. 33 of which are side-iby-slde that is oark and "playground combined. Future plans cill for 39 more parks, one combined park and olayground, and two new playgrounds. Total area of parks and playgrounds Is 1,950 acres, six per cent of the city's total surface. Recreation Is supervised by monitors who are cancelled to attend a spring course in organized recreation. Tennis, Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections Wandering back through the files away, awsy back through the musty, dusty newfpaper files with limp and faded pages we met up with the late Captain Hoomes K. Freeman. He had written another letter to the paper. Reading it. one could al most hear his voice and watch the play of expression across his weatherbcaten face. Skipper Frecman-of the Narbethong had his convictions and ilked to give theoi an airing. Every letter to the press he would conclude with this bit of moralizing ''the best governed country is the least governed country." Evans was the name. He met the boats and sang the raucous praises of the Calumet bunk-house at the head of Centre Street. Harry Evans, short and stoutish, flourished when Prince Rupert wj.s young. His chief claim to fame was the' power-but not the sweetness of his voice. Once passengers were safely ashore, he wcuki turn it on with the starry Heavens the limit. The stranger in town was apt to give a start, as that piercing, penetrating yell drowned all minor noises, as Evans told his brief and simple stoiy. Follow the track up Centre Street, and rest at the Calumet. That's all. there was to It. , . ; ' Prince Rupert has. a mountain in" her backyard and some day there -will be a mt-tor drive to the summit. Part of it is known as Mount Hays, the other part Mount Oldfield. The time ,1s coming .when the vieiwfrcm the crest will, be a star attraction, con venient as well as superb. Away to the north, gleam ranges not visible from the city. The town-site seems almost ut one's feet, Irlands little and islands large dot blue water Chatham Sound and Hudson Bay, Edye and Bell Passages. Isles are near and far, hilly and flat. To name Porcher, Stephens, Dundas, ipigby, Klna-han, Lucy, Tircjwell, Melville, Kalen, Tree Knob end Baron Is only to specify a comparative few. And Kalen. of course, is the best known of the lot. There is a reason. 'Tourists were spreading across the dock one enchanting summer morning. A rangy looking old gentleman, with what could have been wife and daughter, paused and considered. His gaze rested on the Tsimpseah peninsula In other words, across the harbor. "Now," he remarked, "where we are standing Is in Johnny's Snack Bar (Under New Management) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee Waffles Lunches ' "A Pleasure to Serve You" ''1 TIES WORLD RECORD IN 100-YARD .SWIM Ann Curtis of San Francisco's Crystal Plunge Is congratulated by Mrs. Helene Madison Mclver left, of Seattle, after Ann tied the accepted world record and bettered the U.S. record (1 minute flat, held by Mrs. Mclver since 1931) for the 100-yard free-style. Her time was 59.4 seconds. Mrs. Mclver said: "If I could have hand-picked the one girl to succeed me with a new record in the 100, that girl would have been you, Ann." and swimming lessons are given and folk songs taught. Campiire meetings are organized, handicraft Instruction given, and monitors return to parks and playgrounds better Inf ornred and qualified to turn in a top-notch Job. Kennedy. But over yonder see where the shore is? Well that there is Alaska. Tht south coast," -v m m mm w m u a 1 CUT OUT TEA. AND m Perhaps lh! happened to yon vrhen your doctor, or lome wite friend, told you it would be a good idea to cut oat tea and coffee ... Dut if someone mti "Drink. Postnm instead", that really rings a belli Yes Postum is a p-and way to top drinking tea and coflee if jhc caflein in tiioee Leverages upsets jour nerves, keep you awake. You can Jrink Postum ahy hour of the day , or night enjoy as much as'you like, as strong as you like and not miss a wink of sleep. Post urn contains no caflein, por any other drug can't affect heart or nerves or digestion. Make Postum right in the cup, just by adding Lolling water or hot milk. Costs less than If; a serving. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and . Monthly Rate for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms' CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONl II You saw jt ia The Newsl Fastball Schedule (Men's First Half) June 4 Co-op vs. HI School. June 6 CNRA vs. Gordon & Anderson. June 9 Co-op vs. General Motors. June 11 HI School vs. Navy. June 13 Co-cp vs. CNRA. June 16 HI School vs. Gordon It Anderson. June 18 Navy vs. General Motors. Postponed games will be played Tuesday evenings. All games listed are lor Sundays and Thursdays. a a r COFFEE)! OUT TEA AND COFFEE) Classified Advertising Pays! inin.ut - j t r yO CUT ) L- POSTUNy j INSTEAD ) POSTUM COMEQY OF ERRORS AT GYRO PARK It wasn't exactly fastball as the critics would recognize It but, nevertheless, everybody seemed to have a fumbling good time and the fans weren't noticeably offended last night. Af-1 ter two hours and seven Innings I of mis-play, Navy managed to give Gordon and Anderson 41 runs while the merchants Issued the Navy credit for 15. Obviously, error is contagious. It was a session made memorable by the almost complete disappearance of fielding ability on both sides although Gordon and Anderson managed to retain a fairly substantial capacity to smite the ball. Umpire George McWhlnney summed up the shambles by en quiring politely if the players would be satisfied with seven Innings because he feared, if it went to nine, the game would not be 'over in time for tonight's game. Baseball Schedule June 5 Savoy Moose June 8 W&N Savoy June 12 Moose W&N June 15 Savoy Moose June 19 W&N Savoy June 22 Moose W&N June 26 Savoy Moose June 29 W&N Savoy W&N represents Watts and Nickerson. Ladies Fastball-First Hall June 5 Gordon & Anderson vs. High School. June 10 Khata'da Club vs. High School. June 12 Moose vs. Gordon & Anderson. June 17 Gordon & Anderson vs. Khatada Cbb. BLACKHEADS impi; diuoln and diuppcar by thli ost imple, lift and lore method. Get two oonoet of twroxint powder from any drug tore, sprinkle on a hot, wet cloth, and irply enuir rer7 blackhead will t gene. ainears? - C7 PostuiD 1 ; V I j DRINK DRINK P0STUM i bj58 Interior Motorists When Driving to Prince Rupert . . . Why not make "The Home of Friendly Service" your motoring headquarters? With the Skeena Highway open again we look forward to seeing many of our Interior neighbors In town. For Prompt and Efficient Service It's Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. phone 83 For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. chop sIey enow mein 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. I ; SWEETEST SHAVING COMBINATION ON EARTH! For the kind of shaves that make you look your best, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's OilVttc Rlne Rlnrle. These two are pred- 'fjJ? sion made, fit exact' ly, and protect you from the discomfort caused by misfit blades. Yes, Gillette double edges mean double economy. use Gillette 3LUE BLADES With the -a''' dge ever honedl CALL THE EXPERTS AT i RUPERT RADIO AND ELECT! WE HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY; II. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYI'j OIL BURNERS CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNEH ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUR ROM SAANICH PLUMBING & HEA1 P.O. Box 1158 (Station B) RUPERT MOTORS LI Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Distrj WE REPAIR AND SERVICE ALL MAKES OF G AND TRUCKS Phone 566 SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE CO EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WO Phone BLUE 120 160 Eat Third Ave. (Next to St PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service ALBERTS McCAFFERY LTD FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIA Hollywood Caf PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEAL FROM 11 AJL TO C A3L Special Dinner Every Sundayi- 5 p.m. to S CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 711 THIRD FILMS Superpan Press 111ms Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 210 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. A "HI i j Radio Serv at its best . . , If your radio falls to brinj clearly; if distorted or static si enjoyment . . . i Thone BU WRECKING CRANE AND TOWING SERVICE It's good busin keep your con full! You get speedic-sible delivery oi favorite brands from us. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALS WE CATER TO PARTIE! CHOW MEI ORDERS PHONE 133 AVKMUI WXBT WAR ASSETS Screened Lump sacked Mine Run Bull HYDE TRAJ PHONE li