SAIADA ' n . ft i MASTER DISTINCTION ..h gc o who arrives 'U v snduct Toronto ....... 1 M .ic cxaiiium- . r studied exien s but i if, - nn3 v. Hi .1 mm a a . a TEA :a France and itc He was a mau? pedagogue :d He does not Lely to piano director of the Cicir of Canada alo a teacher both lnstru are occupying m America and 3f highly o Chopanesque Uie piano. His De Pachman, Choi!; authority on great com- f' force the pi nper limlta-in?lng and ive and his k . f art. Geon ; z .ike he doe r:c :: With consumatc 1 rrc- His touch is a innouncemeiits bclurmT for full month it SM word. 1st ' . T a Civic Centre, : . Thurs. June 5 t ,.. m.. t m w- tes 12. sd dc; lessen sale at Sc::-cl Hall, June 14, 4 Mff'f fl nm - i - f wa ici, June is, Mrs. 91 R'-A Tl1 Tllnn 10 V UI4W iMl race ineaire wne cn Tuesdays and Wednesdays matinee at 2:30 pjn. June 6 and 7 Lllt. III.1 Tllf T aflkT oruc? warren, Ruth ; ana Rer Williams. Tuesday June 10 n. "'illlLIS UF Kil l X O'DAY" rarer Peter Cookson, RPn and Lorna Qray. ''ediwsdav. 'ny Mack Brown and i-nd Hatton. Hotel. . . """- arrivals Prince Rupert Eri.dc Llknesv-, Vancouver; S. Skog, Vancouvtr, Collin Wales. Vancouver; E. Johnson, Vancouver; C. McKinnell, Vancouver; Grace Nelson, Wells; D. Iverson, Wales Island; E. Oakley Wales Island; W. Olsen, Wales Island; James Morgan, Vancouver; R. A. Doyle, Winnipeg; R. Steen, New Westminster; A. Larsen. New Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. G. Stevens. Vancouver; D. G. Sten-strom, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Milne, Nanainio; R. G. Ferguson, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Talt. Nanam.o. WEEKLY MOOSE WHIST PARTY Members of the Moose Lode and their Iffienrte enjoyed an evening of whUt, followed by dancing, in the Moose Temple Saturday night ,'n one of their regular Saturday night parties directed by entertainment com mittee chairman William Terry.-Mrs. B. J. Da-crn and Mrs. H. Laldlaw won the ladies' prizes for whist, with Mrs. II Munde receiving the consolation prize. Winners in the men's section were D. J. Bacon and P. Latch, with II. MacDonald winning the consolation trophy. Dancing bey an at 10:30 with, music by Roberts' orchestra. During intermission, refreshments were served and whist prises distributed. YORKTON, Sask. The Yorkton board of trade knows where to obtain a few pounds of tiger fat, a bottle of dragon's blood, a water lizard skin or a loote-fltyng leopard skin. C. Zogbl of Bombay, India, in a recent letter to the board, offered these articles among S3 that he has for sale. E RRAC E IMPORT ITALIAN LABOR ! STOCKHOLM. - Sweden will import 500 skilled Italian workmen to he!n alliviiite the manpower .shortage. They will receive the same wages as Swedish works in the same category,and their living conditions will be the same. They wlh be permitted to send money to chelr families In Italy. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace e:M! IT'S TUNCUP TIME apring: FOu vouu cak With Spring comes the-urge to hit the open road again. Don't risk breakdowns. Our expert Spring Tune-Up wilt prevent trouble before it occurs. See us for a complete Spring Tune-Up. "race Machine Shop & Garage HUE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. T.lltultnf IVTnmifnf ilirorS ' and Logs, roics Lumber T E It It A C E and Piling A8ents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. l'lillco Radios Willard Batteries Local News Items . . . Mrs. Ingvald Urseth sailed Saturday afternoon on the Cat-ala for a trip to Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. withers and son, Donald, sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon for Vancouver on a holiday trip. L. J. Rennle arrived In the city at the week-end from Port Clements for a two weeks' visit to the city. .Mrs. J. E. Bodd'ie sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vernon to attend a Rebekah Grand Lodge convention. Ehe will also represent the local Naw League at a meeting of' the Brl-J usn Columbia Mainland Division In Vancouver. Dr. Clough-Qrtniston, a re cent graduate in medicine of Middlesex University, England, has joined the stall of Miller Bay Hospital as a resident phys ician. He came to Canada from England In April. Envoy and Mrs. J. Walker, Sal vation Army missionaries at Canyon city on the Naas River, arrived in the city this morning on the Coqultlam and will spend a few days here before proceeding by train to Winnipeg on a holiday. Mrs. A. 0. Aasen sailed Saturday afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. In a couple of weeks she will be Joined y Rev. Mr. Aasen, who has been in charge of St. Paul's Lutheran Church here for the past year or so, and they will proceed to New York City where Mr. Aasen will take over relief duty. Arthur E. Langiey, regional traffic representative for War Assets with headquarters in Vancouver, and E. G. Biart, formerly of the local office and now of Vancouver, sailed by the Princess Adelaide last night on their return to Vancouver after spending the past few days here on official business. . LONDON, 0) During the interval of a fpecial theatre matinee an auction of dogs, whisky, flowers and fruit took place. The shew raised funds for Britain's Land Distress Fund. MOMS-EYE VIEW? No fun for parenti looking at cenery like this. Ferhapi Feen-a-mint is all you need to start smiling like this. Feen-a-mint is a deliriously mint-flavored chewing laxative that everybody likes. It's gentle, yet really effective. And won't upset your stomach or disturb your sleep. Millions use Feen-a-mint. Get a package at any drug counter and ' keep it handy. a-4? LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Reopening May 28 wilh a new, line of upholstered fabrics and plastic leatherettes UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Seat Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 O. R. S. Blackaby sailed this afternoon on the Coqultlam on a business trip to Vancouver. Clarence Dixon .has taken over the Terminal Lunch business from Mark Hill. The latter con tinues his business as the North ern Distributors. Mrs. Matthew Robinson, In dian woman from Butedale, was brought to the city -at the end of the week from down the coast for treatment In Prince Rupert General Hospital. She was removed from steamer to hospital by ambulance. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Findlay ar rived in the city on the Casslar Sunday from Massett, bringing in a party or sick, Indians for Miller Bay Hospital! Mr. Find-lay will return In a day 'or so to his duties as Indian Agent at Maurice Bridges returned on the Prfncess Adelaide Monday aftern'con from a business trip to Vancouver. Dr; L. W. Kergin and Arnold Flaten are on a motor trip to the Ootsa Lake country. They expect to return-to the city on Friday. Mrs. L. Dyson of Port Clements was a week-end visitor to the city, returning to the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Casslar Sunday night. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Copeland and daughter arrived in the city on the Chllcotln Saturday night from Ketchikan and left by car Sunday morning for Fort Klamath, Oregon. George Brett and George Green were welcomed! as new members at the dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night. Allan Arm strong, secretary of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, repres ented that body at the senior Massett while Mrs. Findlay te- chamber meeting and was also turns to the Islands. I welcomed J. S. Wilson returned to the city Monday afternoon -on the Princess Adelaide from a week's trip to Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Armlstead of Victoria arrived in the City Monday afternoon on the Prin cess Adelaide, leaving by train for Jasper on the "triangle" tour back to their home. Mr. Arml stead is C.P.R. district freight agent at Victoria. A bush fire between Eighth and Ninth Avenues Just west of McBride street brought out the city fire department at 3:13 Monday afternoon. Believed to have been caused by a small boy playing with matches, the blaze was pui oui Deiore spread to adjoining homes. it mm-1 1 It's no trick a all to turn "hopeless" gloomy surroundings into an enchanting, cheerful ........... ,; , 72vrj.!FIMYU Local Dealers in Consoleum Gordon & Anderson Ltd. THIRD AVENUE A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. iNNOUftGIHG . . . A TheT e ARMY AIDS CROPS LONDON, i) The army is assisting farmers with the loan of mechanized equipment and lighting sets to enable every pos sible acre of ground to toe sown with maximum crops of sugar beet, potatoes, and suitable . Rented room: room. Yes, even on a slim-Jim budgetl Try a gay print bedspread . . . wallpaper trim around the windows .i;a cozy writing nook. But be sure you sfarf with a sparkling new Gold Seal Congoleum rug! That's the way to get a floor covering that lends excitement to your whole color scheme . . . that Is smooth, easy to clean, comfortable underfoot. Best of all, it's such a good ''buy" I For Gold Seal Congoleum both rugs and by-the-yard has a wear-layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equaf in thickness fo 8 coafj of best floor panf applied by handl But remember without this familiar Gold Seal it isnt Congoleum I So look for it before you buy! You'll be surprised how much quality you can buy for so little money. Gold Seal Congoleum is a product of Congoleum Canada limited, Montreal. Your deoler may be temporarily out of Congoleum became imolisi are still very short. Please try mm ogam. receives limited ihipments from time to time. as he Wc handle Congoleum Products . . , GORDON'S HARDWARE Mc BRIDE STREET Congoleums of every description when stocks are available. i i terminal Lunc h' Smart Short-Order Service Has been taken over by Clarence Dixori untter whoso personal management it will now be conducted. The new management, through making of improvements designed to increase dispatch and efficiency of service, hope to please Prince Rupert people requiring snappy and attractive short orders. A renewal and continuation of former generous patronage is confidently expected. , (A P.A. system will announce bus arrivals and departures) EWnec Utipctt DaUg J3ctusi Tuesday, June 3, 1947 Swim Trunks Sport Shorts Sun is warm . . . skies are blue . . . water U Just right for swimming . . . and our new swim trunks are Just right for swimming too. TRY A JANTZEN OR A REID'S . SKINTITE for the utmost In stlylng and comfort. PRICED FROM f 2 4 JANTZEN SPORT SHORTS 1.11 "&v '!, : M V J.ptVjSg COMPANION yfl Imw ,asSm v ku jj u lis 1 9"- m Shaving Cream (iOO 4W .M& rfS? ' . Hair Tonic Jjil.OO 7jMLJ-JJ Creme-Oil Hair JjW Wf Hair oil I'::: 7 colonial club shaving lotion After-Shave Talc . 100 Uokinth mirror and ee,ihe glow , . j.tu. Colonial Qub Lotion brought to your Deodorant 0 ,kln.H fine your fseeferftl Try ii. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 70 Moving, racking, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 (Pi DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 33 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 33 MM Projectors, Amateur L'nlarger s and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. We have a large selection of your BABY NEEDS such as: Dresses, Panties, Overalls, Shawls,' Klmonas, Bibs, Bottles, Soap and other articles too numerous to. mention. Come and see them at the m an i ii i ii in ii in iii i v.---i t i in i ttt i inis Tnsrw LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd, Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality if i Eastern . Haddie Fillets riacc your order today with your local butcher CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH . COLUMBIA