(gait 01 - .a Page 1) - hc 5id fee3 10 meet ""Sr Solved by more JUvltic of the Cham-Ocularly this year In view hiding here of the an-of the Aon- 4fB . ...... ...1H..O ketone reported oil prp- " liivinir itr ni m ikiiiii k iiv n ftA r"- r,r,adian Pacific Airlines Ltitulinc a scheduled I ? .... v.:.. . .,.wlr . . ihf mail" "tins "L'roniide ration of the isttr (ieneral'ji depart- .... ... :;(! was aiso . T '. . 'f drive to have . -i both commer-pi',-,, u; eliminating the by W Masseii. mere ... . enlace no fn r J7.. ,u,U OUVtWW e , Tra" were. cn- j rr.merciui uuun ,,,jbcund by the offend- :jn " ..... I ir" rong repprvea W , , --nmlttee which had, uj the matter or tnis ais- at ine tic. - represented k rial Exhibition in avL-r Recommendation , xr.o of pictures be en- w adapted and the matter ged t;::k to the committee - '"im the entertain j remittee, J. II. Black, xy: :i a recent success-V -t meeting for Hon. E.T read and received ESEXTAT1VES rlHANKtl) . D: :ki ill. who has been i i ) I u& AlKAi-ti n h Columbia Committee, ia Columbia Tourist Coun-Parc: n Trade Conference of COAL THE CALVIN-Provdlng the utmost in functional convenience and comfort within ah area 2G'x3p', this attractive two bedroom, one story home Is the small house reduced to the irreducible minimum. Its floor area ,is only 780 square feet. It contain about 10,000 cubic feet. It ,1s :the nearest thing to the $5,000 house, craved by so many families, that can be built at today's costs. Although yie house Is small, there Is ho cramping of rpom sizes. The living rpom with Its open fireplace is a grand room. There; is a separate dining space. There Is no basement. Heating and hot water equipment go in a utility room. the Canadian Chamber of Commerce jsent a report. In view of his effective representation, a letter of thanks and appreciation is being sent to Mr. Dock-rill. Senator J. O. Turgeon, who has been active on behalf of the Chamber In port development matters at Ottawa, Is also being thanked. At his suggestion, a new brief Is being sent to the Department of Transport to be used in connection with the campaign to have Prince Rupert relieved of existing discriminatory international load line regulations. Another appreciation which the Chamber will express is to C.vO. ,Qockshutt, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, for having paid a special visit to Prince Rupert recently. The meeting .was advised of a visit to be made here Sep-tember 10 by a party of forty British lumbermen. A luncheon will be held in their hpnor with .special Invitations to timber operators in this area, the lumber , committee of the .Chamber bejng delejated to make arrangements for the THECALVJN visit. A request from the commu nity of Dodge Cove on. Dlgby Island seeking co-operation of the Chamber in efforts to have city .power and light and' tele phone service extended there to was referred to the public utill ties committee with power to act. The Associated Boards, of Trade of Central British . Colum bia resolutions committee was asked to consider resolutions for the annual meeting ;pf the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to be held in Quebec in October. is available Now.. . BUT There is still a Coal Shortage. Play safe . . . order early ... be warm next winter. There is no better coal than our Foothills Alberta NUT - PEA LUMP - EGG - . . . Phone For Better Quality, Better Service LPjOTT, EVIIT & CO, LIMITED Serving the North Since 1M0 Coal - Lumber - Paint - Buildintr Supplies Phones 651-652 i UaMIO I I " (i fee jn&5SsmmMim&asm: tutu- MAY BUILDING PERMITS SLUMP Building cpnitructlon In Prince Rupert for the first five months .of 1817 slumped ,by m.ore than $36(000 under the value of construction for tle same period In 1946, a survey o .building permits .issued by the .City Engin eer's o,ffce indicates. ! Permits issued In May were valued at $9,325, bringing the year's total to date to $60,117, as compared with $86,752 for the first five months of 1946. Permits issued in May of last year totalled $14,353. Largest individual permit issued last month ws for the construction pf a $3,000 build ing to be used for a stoxe .by Harold Helgerson on Second Avenue riear the Pirk Avenue in tersection. Here is the May building per mit list: S. P. Woodslde,- $150, McBrlde Street, repairs. W. McLean, $200, .Seventh Av- enlie East, fireplace. A. E. Blomberg, $2,000, seveptn Avenue East, construction. Mrs, R. Lind.q.ulst, $U50, Eighth Avenue. .East, repairs. M. Mathews,- $50, Eighth Av enue East, repairs. R. C. Roberts, $250, Eighth AVr enue East, repairs. ,Caxl Zarelli, $300, Emerson Place, garage.. A. Dalzell, $200, Hays Q)ve Circle, extension. H. B. Eastman, $100, Eighth Avenue East, repairs. " H. Helgerson. $3,000, Second Avenue, construction. ' D. Zille, $300. Third Avenue, repair?. M. Heise, $75, Ambrose Avenue, septic tank. A. PavllkLs, $50, Third Avenue West, repairs. W. Moorehouse, -$50, Eighth Avenue East, repairs. M. Michaluk, $1,200, Second Avenue, addition. C. Paulson, $150, Sixth Avenue East, extension. L -r i r I GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, 'Etc. 147 4ti Ave. E. (To rear- pf Pioneer Laundry) I'lione Black 489 P.O. Box 1420 cm A breakfast cereal made ol two grains instead of one 1 was big news in 1897. EveAbcy watajking arut the dUtinctively-different .Grarte-Nuts flavor - achieved throueh a skilful combination of .both wheat and malted barley and other fine ingredients uniquely blended and double .baked. Still high .on top in popularity, 2 that same glorious flavor is yours today in a grand flake cereal-POSTS GRAPE-NUTS FLAKES as well as Post's Grape-Nuts. tttf And all this good two-grain nour-ishment is in every delightful serving of Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes: carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus' for teeth and bones; iron for the blood; other food essentials. When you reach for Post's Grape-Nuts 4 Flakes you get "gimme more" flavor, ''up-and-at-lem" npurish-ment", and a choice of either regular or large economy packages that carry tested recipes for.muffins, souffle and other delicious cooked things made with those same curly, honey-golden flakes. Get some. m GfWe$i$ f lakes For Yjour Eating Pleasure Bro Cafe (Formerly Boston .Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST .COOKING A t rodutt ol adway BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND eriniiri' ASTKItNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes P Chow Mein Chop .uey "TAKE - OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A,M. ,.to 1:30 A.M. WIONE 200 mm RIVER FALLING FAST High Vater panger Now Appears to Ite Over Water level of the Skeena River, which had been alarming ly high toward the end of the , week, has been rapidly receding since then. There hai been a- four-foot drop at, Kltwanga .since Saturday. -There was no trouble from high water any where along the Skeena today, divisional superintendent's of fice reported. For a time last week there had been water over both railway and highway, the wont point belnr Kitwarwia. One small highway brkiire near Klt-wanga was loosened but the road wai not impassable. BAR WOMAN AKfTHETTST AUCKLAND, NJ2., Auck land Hospital Board declined to appoint a womah doctor as anes thetist on ground that -she would have to work on many operations with her husband, a member of the bor.rd's medical staff. A majority of the board held that It was undesirable for ,i husband and wWe to work on the same operation. STOLE ONLY FAT . .ORAVESEND, Eng., Thieves who jbrake Intp two houses in a private road .stole pnly the fat rations from the larders. AIDS ATOM THEORIES NEW DELHI, 05 -A new de velopment in understanding the behavior and properties of solids generally has resulted from investigation pf diamonds by Sir C. V. Raman, famous Indian scientist. This study has thrown new light on the theory of atomic Structure. DARLINGTON, Durham, Eng.. W The freedom of Darlington was conferred recently on Winstpn Churchill. ii Npivthal Summer Is Really Here... ,Come in today and rg out in one of our . . . Lovely Slack Suits Just Made for You. Have you seen our . . . Intriguing Bathing Suits USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYINQ CHARGES j Tnesday, June 3, 1947 EXTRA QQOD BREAD) There's no lost action with Fresh Yeast! And Fleischmann's fresh Yeast goes right to work because it's actively fresh. It gives full delicious bread Savour, tender smooth texture perfect freshness. IF YOTJ BAKE AT HOME, always ask for Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable Canada's tested favour ite for over 70 years. far We have a variety ol patterns tochoose from IN 3-Piece Sets from SAVOY HOTEL Cake Boxes EggTurners Egg Beaters Bread Boxes Kitchen V-aste Cans Carl Zarellij Prop. rhone 37 ' P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Box 1308 'Jfev : V Kitchen Wares Bowls Brooms Toasters Strainers Perculators Flour Sifters Slicing Knives (Jpffee Brewers THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD.. 255 Third Avenue PHONE 101 A. MacKenxie Furnituri rhone 775 LIMITED "A GOOD, PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES .RIGHT " 327 Third Avenue Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND ervice Ccr. (2n4iAve. and 7th Bt. V.I A! REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RXTPERT HOTEL Chop Suey CJorMein CHINESE DISnES OUR S,P. E.C I A L T Y Open 8 ajn. to 2 am. ' PHONE 173 i 1, "If 1! V. ii. it: A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILC BRINO RESULT8 f 1 ! I i f i f