"7 ' ' !5T li! Prince Uupcrt Daflg Jftctos Thursday, April 24, 1947 TEA RITUAL JS IMPRESSIVE Officers of Canadian Lesion Are Installed In Dignified Ceremony At a largely attended meeting of the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Legion in their club rooms last evening the full ritual of the Installation of the officers elected at the recent annual meeting was carried out With J. S. Wilson, zone representative of the Legion, conducting the Impressive ceremony, the various officers were in succession inducted into their respective positions, each subscribing to the requirements of his ap pointment. First came Sergeant at-Arms James Taylor and then, executive council members Graham Alexander, Anthony J. Bussanich, William E. Denning, Fied D. Hardy, Douglas McOil-livray, William A. Osborne, Frank H. Stratford and John A. Teng. Next were the First Vice-President, Ralph P. Smith and Second Vice-President, James Nicoll and the ceremony concluded with the installation of the President, Victor O. Houston. In his concluding address the instating officer reminded the membership that, as they had heard their officers promise to carry oot their duties, it was eowally necessary that each member renew his oath of service in the organization. Briefly tracing the growth of the Cana dian Legion, a constituent body of the world-wide British Empire Service League, Mr. Wilson reminded the members of their' responsibility to their comrades, r T""r. rr"-"- : tts-; Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pjn. Saturday matinee at 2:30 pjn. Friday and Saturday April 25 aid 25 "MEET DR. CHRISTIAN- r i y tt l t V. -. Levett and Robert Baldwin. Tuesday and Wednesday April 29 and 30 -LOVE STORY- . Starring Stewart Granger, Margaret Lockwood and Tom Wallls. TERRACE Transfer &Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace A New Terrace Service Skeeoa Shoe Repair Shop Park Avenue, TERRACE G. E. Loveless, Prop. EAO SB their dependents, the community and the country. As they ever remembered their fallen comrades they should continue to labor on to make the country worthy of the sacrifices that had been made. PKESEXTATIOV TO Aiimr. f.volpsox President Houston then called on Cadet Leading Seaman Albert Eyolfson, Captain Cook Corps, who was the guest of the Legion, to come forward. He congratulated him on the honor of being chosen for the trip to England and assured him of the Legion's best wishes for Ills future. He then asked him to accept on behalf of the Legion a check which the members hoped he would use to good advantage. "Abble" thanked the Legion and said lie would try to be a "credit to the COrus and the city. To conclude the evening's program Sergeant Lance Potter -ton of the B.C. Police showed three films of views which he had taken of the various parti of the province. These were thorouglily enjoyed and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Sergeant Potterton for the opportunity to see such outstand-. lng and interesting views. Generous tributes were expressed to Sergeant Potterton on the extremely high standard of the films he had m,ade. J. Gosroe operated the projector. Classified Advertising Pays! r ANOTHiR JOB FOR JAVEX J JAVEX acts .lids magic on Imbedded grime and slain on linens and cottons. Only a small amount Is needed. Javex whitens as It cleanses ond it's wonderful for keeping sinks and dratnboards spot-Uss. Makes toilets snowy-white. It costs so little .and lasts so much longer too. lvj it Wina! Irs TUNE-UP TIME opi lllg. FOR YOUR CAR With Spring comes the urge to hit the open road again. Don't risk breakdowns. Our expert Spring Tune-Up will prevent trouble before it occurs. See us for a complete Spring Tune-Up. Terrace Machine Shop & Garage GENERAL MOTORS DEALER LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Itough and Logs, Poles Dressed Lumber " It nlfi an( piling Agents For International Harvester Co. ' Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Pbilco Radios Willard Batteries Timely Topics Straightening Terrace Road Impcrtant Piece of Work Rearing Completion Provincial public works crew is making good headway with the heavy rock work Involved In a three-quarter of a mile diversion immediately beyond the Skeena River Highway bridge at Terrace. Thereby will be removed one of th danger points of the northern transprov.inclal road. By July 1 it Is expected the job, which has been in projyess for some time, will have been completed. The jou has included the Installation of two ne-w piers at the south end of the bridge, elimination of a sharp curve Just beyond and the widening out of the road to 22 feet. The site 'of work extends from the end of the bridge to. the Lakelse Intersection. Once the rock work, now CO per cent finished, is completed, it will not take long to put down the gravel and wind uu the Job. Two compressor drills and a small shovel are being usad in the rock work and three power graders are also available. Tills ,1s J.he major public works ! project now In progress near j Terrace where 35 men are em ployed on road work with Arthur Kennedy as general foreman Frank Gavin, road fore man, T. C. M. Foreman, bridge foreman, and Victor Ross, garage mechanic. New! Amazing! Swift Cleanser -N the tfiiy cleanser that gives jou both InsMut grease pitting ami srr.ilcMw cleaning! That-means it's speedy on greasy pots and pans anil safe on fine surfaces. You don't hvc to rinse and rinse to get the surface , sparkling clean! Swift's Cleanser actually. ptlhhts at it rleais.-Tty it for a week you'll use it for life! . ,! Choite of pom Terrace 1 BETTER RADIO BEING SOUGHT TERRACE With many sections of ,he central interior almost .completely without long D. wave reception, particularly during the short nights of summer, and short wave reception spotty, A. the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, at its recent executive nxeeiin? here, decided to fceep up the pressure on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for better J. service. Booster stations at vari ous points along the line of the Canadian National .Railways are believed to be" the inexpensive and effecUve solution at bringing in CBC netwoik programs which are particularly lacking. Boosting ol power of Station CFPR at Prince Rupert ko .that it might enjoy a wider adius is also desired. 1 LKKAVL atA5UlN IS ABOUT NORMAL' TERRACE - "Tile season Is about normal this year," commented Will Robinson, general factotum of Terrace, to a Dallv News reporter as he glanced out 1 or his office window. "The birches on Lakeke Avenue usually leaf out about April 20 to 27 i They were Just a little: a very little, ahead ttiu year." Tlie sol Is Just a little wet around Terrace forsurlne Blow ing and . planting but it will not : be long now before work on the ! small farms and gardens It? that area Is fully under way, 3 colours Radiant. Red CONTAINtRS TO MATCH YOUR Hotel. . . arrivals Prince Rupert W. Tarbuck, Pacofl; J. F.' Gool-drup, in Pacofl; J. Branch, Blllmor; Is J. Hoffman, Billmor; B. F.Lee. Vancouver; R. F. Rudd, Vancouver; O. W. Gould, Vancouver; S. Whyte, Vancouver; J. O. Yendall, Vancouver; A. L. OoulO, New Westmluster; A. Johnson, Powell River; W. Tcsluk, Queeu Charlotte City; L. C. Hart. Vancouver; D. Candown, Vancouver; Hamblln, Vancouver; E. Duval. Queen Charlotte crty; W. B. Lang, New Westminster; W. R Gozzard, Victoria; William SmiUi, Vancouver; H. Cripus. c Vancouver; A. C. Hlnton. Van- Guaranteed You "Regular" Naturally or double your BwSsw i v 'win Gala Oreen Bonny. BluV COtOUR SCHtM! RESEARCH PARTY AT LAKELSE LAKE TERRACE First Fisheries Research Board of Canadu salmon migration investigation party of the ieascn to go into the field the centra) interior this year one headed by R. Brett of Nanaimo Biological Station with five men who have established camp on Iakelse Lake at the mouth of Granite Creek. A new cjibln Is being erected and new fences for observation purpose will be put in. This is but one of many parties which will again be placed on the lakes and streams of the central interior (his year Under the general direction of Dr. A. L, Pxltchard. Oliver; Mj and Mrs. A. J. Mc-Call, Sansplt. to Keep money back DOUBU YOUR MONtlT BACK Cuaraiitft Kiit an ounce of Ktllagg's Alt-Brui every Uy. It a tier usiiig Just our juirJc. oe you do uul agree lliut ilx continued uu u a sUniile, iileoKont, dally precaution to tel you keep regular, mall tlv empty Hat coi lou to us itli a note tUt-liig Uif ulurei of your t'loir and Die i ice you puiU. Wr will refund you not only vi hat you paid lut IXXjnLE your inonry lack. 304-47B mmmj 11 INSULATEQ n. en. a I a I I 1 1 KV x. 1 1JI S&ANU.A I Vl III iVvu m n. i h ii i i..Tm . i wm m u s&ivxjy.i i?i it HWnAVWK V HUB." II mi VMCA f rs VSBK1I Hill A. f.W ' X'TfcX 'u WW HLA M II UU1 - .IHiBH 3 n'-mwr i mm n -- vi vi wiia am . 1 ' W g LOWG-LASTJNG, LOW IN COST! Whelher jiiw're lMiUdinK or rfUoVa,lllg Itituie. viiu run liunroir iiu .- , . . ', , "i'i""''f ami .U e . li, l lonifurl and JaMinx ae M;tii A1t.t" liw.ulut.-il Jlrii L N.iK. 'I'l.U .rior j, ,siwh eJWliM; insulation un.l make 0MrM tmr-4iiifiiriulit' hummer mid Hinu'r.lWa, r M-riiiaiM7it JimMi. Air-IV Itrl. k Si,linK Jin atlraitive flul Indefinitely, un.l wur re-j.ainii,,,, UljUi j, nave fin I, Uh, ami U t.urirUiii)tl) low in(0,t 8 li A t j n ii i a tar niinxHVHii vhiiiiiiiii VIIUVI "IIVUUUIUII WIIIIIIU4I! Tpudprs fnr thi snle nnd rlpmnlitlnn nf th h Known as icooseveii uvmnasmm. lucaiea in m. .1- ...111 I 1.. , J i... (k. l...l...ln..J ..H ..Saturday, May 10. lieatinc, electrical, and other fixtures. Successful tenders will be required to pos to the satisfaction of the City Engineer TiKiiM.ftInn nf llic hiillrliiw nnd furtlicr aeW arransed witli the undersigned, V J)0A1J) I OKWAItli, UOX 340, I'KINCE RUPEHT r l ) i rK rii'iriuvv w 1 1 1 i iMiriiiiin uuim www v- J. P. MOLLEK PHONE ULUE 15d 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Ueauty Culture In all its branches. 2()fl 4th Street : Phone 855 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OKNERAL CONTKACTOlta Uulldlng and Hepalrs of all klnda Hoofs. Chimneys and OH Hume rs PIIONRS: Oreen 486 Hed 89 PA1NT1NO and PAPEitHANniNO Phorw lllack 823 H.J.LUND ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER Orandvlcw Hotel PHONE 'ULACK 412 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box S14 If It's Hock Work CALL BLUE 030 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE RTDRWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the worn. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Certified Weighers ItMJi: 080 vrt A UTinil I IT 1NTFJIIOB 4!WU' PAIN! UTnm n.nnA TASM "JBURVYREJ BOTTLE COL and MJvw ... . .ft Tvnrt we iiuy Tin. rtpmana iui u oreater thanr the full ones roM Keep uir i'-r rilONEEO'' AsontforPacifif I .n T Pi public Acrounw'- income W Hesne r Wock p. N, KUborn nPIfT'S 'UW'V 111"" ANN . MIW" . l x - - . ,.,mvw.r.Coal-w'w Frclgnv - nliKlH I'nnnc PIMNCEB.- A K 1AV " -..all WerldlnBBOa nnlhS - JONES NESfc Sixth Street