I Hi !li Prlnre Hubert Dally J3cU)$ Thursday, April 24, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - LlMslMtdi: 2c per word per Insertion, minimum charse, 50c. Birth Notlcei, 60c; Cards ol Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Martha Bevan and Flora of Kltselas wish to express their heartfelt appreciation to many friends for assistance and tokens of sympathy In their recent bereavement in the loss of their daughter and sister. Special thanks are conveyed to Pastor and Mrs. V. Graham of Terrace. FOR SALE FOR SALE 8 ft. flat bottom skiff. 112 11th St. 4-5 pm. 197) FOR SALE 30 ft. boat, fully equipped for halibut and salmon fishing. Call Black 511. (tf) FOR SALE-Chesterfield suite, like new; Mantel Radio $5.00: Trilight $5.00. Green 943 after 6 p.m. (101) FOR SALE d'ew tuxedo, prewar material, 43 medium height. Never worn. Patent shoes to match. "2 tailored dress shirts, 18, never worn. Apply "C" Green Rooms. (9G FOR SALE R.O.P. White Les-. horn Pullets 8 weeks old. Selling April 26. $1.10 each. 10c a week thereafter. Free cockerel supplied. Also young fryers and broilers lVi-2 lb. average. April 26, 60c each. Shipments cash. F.O.B. Kitwanga, B.C. M. ROWE, Kitwanga, BC. . (99 FOR SALE 100 h.p. Model T59 Mercury Industrial power unit, complete with frame, power take-off, silent multiple drive chain and outside sprocket. Completely overhauled. Phone 651. (95) FOR SALE Black seal coat, size 15. Phone Blue 896. (98) FOR SALE Restaurant, stove, two ovens, Terrace Hotel, Terrace. (97) FOR SALE-31 ft. trolling boat Eider, at New Floats. (97) FOR SALE Rebuilt ft. seine-boat. Can be seen at Dodge Cove. B. Bertdlckson. (98) FOR SALE 7 h.p. Easthope en gine. $100. Call 1110 6th East, (96) FOR SALE Five room house. .furnished, vicinity of Cold Ktirar Spal fVwp WHfj TVi i 223, Dairy News. (tf) FOR SALE Restaurant and property. Good location. Reasonable price. Apply B.C. Lunch Hazelton, B.C. (110) FOR SALE Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Black 889. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen Sets from $14. Sightly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Palls from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stores. Scatter Rugs, lovely designs from $1.65. Ail kinds of other useful articles. Come in and look them orer. 'B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR BALE Resort til on Lake LakeUe. Price consistent with assessed valuation. Write Frances Poe. 147 linden Av enue. WlimeUe. Illiaoif. 1M FOR SALE 36-1 1. troBer. com pletely equipped. At Imperial Oil dock. Phone Black 511. FOR SALE Scrap lumber for firewood. Reasonable price. Phone Green 471. (97) FOR SALE Triumph kitchen stove, new condition; complete with oil burner, tank, pump, and heating colls. Phone Green 57G. (931 FOR SALE McClary range, like new. Phone Black 445. 183) FOR SALE Bedroom suite chesterfield suite, enamel kit' chen stove, rug, micella ncous household articles. 318 7th E. Call between 0 and 8 p.m. (102) 1 MACHINERY IX) SAW letter lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) FOUND FOUND Sum of money on 3rd Ave., Wednesday afternoon, Owner may have same by Identifying at the Dally News and paying for this advertise ment, 'tf) FOR SALE FOR SALE Three-piece prewar chesterfield; velour davenport; piano First class condition. Other articles furniture. 1058 7th Ave. East. Phone Black 515. (95) IIELf WANTED WANTED Seamstress. Apply Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. (96) HELP WANTED Woman to help with housework. Several hours weekly. Phone 452. (95) WANTED Maids for Prince Rupert a General Hospital, Apply Hospital. (tf) WANTED Men for fish floor and cold storage operation, work starting first week in May. Apply now In person at Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., Seal Cove, Plant Superintendent's office. (97) a HELP WANTED N.-na tor work at Valetin Dairy. (95) FOR KENT FOR RENT Two-room cabin, furnished, Hull bathroom , plumbing. Green 838. (88) FOR RENT 2-room cabin. $14 . permonth. Apply 221 5th East. (99) FOR RENT Furnished apart ment from May 1. Phone Green 688. FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms. All conveniences. No children 519 8ttv Ave. West. (96) FOR RENT 2 room furnished suite, suitable for bachelor. Apply No. 7 Washington Block. (99) FOR RENT Two 3-room suites; newly decorated, furnished or unfurnished. 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (100) FOR RENT 3-room suite, 258 11th Street off 2nd Ave.; 10 minutes walk to town. . (100) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Married woman will look after child of working mother. Blue 325. (95) WANTED WILL Pay Cash for good late model car. Phone Black 49C WANTED Good hand sewing machine. Will trade good treadle machine. Box 224 Daily News. (95) WANTED Hawilan guitar I teacher for Smlthers District! Apply Box 225 Dally News (100) PERSONAL MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 583. (tf) HAVE YOU FILED YOUR IN COME TAX RETURNS? All personal returns must be filed by April 30. Have your return filed by a competent Income Tax Accountant. Consult S.G. Furk, Room 6, Stone Building. Phone 563. (101) IN THE SUPKEME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP THOMAS KENNEV, OTHERWISE njvuww AS THOMAS KENNY, DECEASED IN THE MATTER OP THE -ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that bv order of in Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, maile the oin n.j 01 April, AD. 1847, I was appointed administrator of the estate of Thomas Kcnney,' otherwise known as Thomas Kenny, dr-cpnwfl All parties having claims aealnnt me aaja csuie are hereby required w lurniui same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of May. AD. 197, after which Claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED this 9l)i day of April, A D. 1947. OORDON KRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, rrlnco Rupert, B.C. 01 f KKTIUCm.S ill' IMI ItOVI MINTS LLOYD. LLOYD No. 2. MINTO No. 2, MINTO No. 3. READY BULLION, AND POWDER KRAC. MINERAL CLAIMS. Situate In the Attln Minlnz Division Where located: On the west side of the Tulvouali River about six miles above Its junction with the laicu. Lawful holder: Polarls-Taku Mining Company. Limited. TAKE NOTICE that Polarls-Taku Mining Company. Limited, or 675 West Hastings Street. Vancouver. B.C.. Free Miner's Certificate No. 46422 E, intend, at the end of sixty days front the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for .Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the abovo claims. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act," must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. Dated this 25th day of February, 1347. SHORT SPORT The time-honored game of cricket gradually is becoming the "woe" sport of Britain. Last year nearly all first-class county clubs made appeals for financial help and then had trouble getting gear. This season many grounds were waterlogged and one team, Warwickshire, took over one floor of a department store to use as a practice pitch. . Cricket bats are plentiful this season, thanks to an easing of the quota by the Board of Trade, but there's a scarcity of oil needed to keep them In trim. Linseed oil controlled by the ministry of food is scarce and expensive. Even at 200 ($800) ton, sixpence (10 cents),worth would keep a bat sound for two or three seasons. Jack Hobbs, one-time great cricketer who operates a sporting goods store in London, says he has plenty of bats "but no oil for sale." Another sports dealer gives this sad news to cricketers: "I've had few tins of oil and house painters have been around trying to buy it up." pJDUSTRUll CONVEYORS, PRESSURE I TANKS, SMOKE-STACKS, Etc. I tAtf I' 'Lib J LJ WESTERN BRIDGE STEEL FABRICATORS LID. VANCOUVER, BC. back take it all in and STAND make sure you don't miss a thing. For what we've pictured for you here is the whole Highway Hit Parade of 1947 wrapped up in one glamorous bundle. Those long, flowing, follow-through, fenders there's a style note you'll see echoed in automotivefashions for a long time to come. That generous beam amidships there's the drivingroom you've been seeking, with MUCH FOR LITTLE Half a dozen carefully chosen annuals will make an amazing and long-continued show of blown at minimum of cost and effort. In fact one can develop quite a complete garden with annuals alone which is somethlng' ten-ants on a year's lease should remember. ''ir In selecting,, one should note the height of the plant, the time of flowering and, possibly, the color. And, cf course, where one lives in the cooler sections of Canada it is also necessary to get hardy plants and early bloomers. To mention only a few cosmos, marigolds, zinnias, petunias, portulaca, nicotine, spider plant, calendula, alyssum. stocks, etc., are easily grown almost anywhere In the Dominion. Some of the taller growing ones I can be used in place of shrubs for background, with the little j ones along the front of the beds i for edging. In any good seed ! catalogue, heights of plants are always given. Seeds should be started early and in finely prepared soil. Plants are transplanted to per-j manent quarters when they are well established with several sets of leaves. Ready started bedding plants can be bought from the seed store or greenhouse man I For husky growth, tall things like cosmos, gladiolus, dahlias, giant marigolds and zinnias should ' have about two feet each way petunias and similar things need about a foot.' TENDER VEGETABLE SECRET The real secret of tender vegetables Is first, get them right out cf your garden Just before i they go into the pot or salad and, That spell handy r In'a target, size, Canada's easily legroom, headroom, r . ACCUHTf from Jfownfl.'' tWiWMtAWVXiJim elbowroom all around. That broad deep bonnet spells power aplenty eager, lively Fireball power from an engine that seems to stay forever young. second, gror them quickly without any setbacks. The first point most people know, the second not so well, but It is Just as Important. To get this quick, unchecked growth means planting at the proper time, not too early with tender things that frost or cold weather may check, and then they must be harvested when Just right. Old gardeners push growth along quickly with plenty of cultivation, fertilizer, and water when necessary, and If possible. They also spread sowings out over at least several weeks so that young stuff Is coming along continuously. Another trick they use Is to plant several different types an early maturing sort, a medium and a late. In the seed catalogue usually will be listed the number of days to maturity. T'vj3 one can purchase, say, peas that will be ready for the table In fifty days, some In sixty and some In seventy. By using sortie of all thace there will be a succession" of good crops Instead of a regular feast followed by a j famine. Most experienced gardeners continue- making sowings of carrots, beets, beans, lettuce and spinach from the time the ground Is first ready up to mid-July. PLANTING GROUPS - Most vegetables divide themselves in i to three main plantlnp group; In the first are the hardy sorU These are planted Just as s .on as the soil can be prepared re - i gardlcss of the weather ahrad. t They will stand a little frost, and for best results they must make their first growth vhile the weather Is still cool and wet In this class arc peas, the first , onions, carrots and beets, radish, ; spinach and lettuce. j Next there are the scml-hardy things like potatoes, the first corn, beans and cabbage. These will stand cool weather but vciy little frost. At'the end of the line are very tender plants '.hat can stand no frost at all .uch hug-tlic-road look means steadiness; coil springs on all four wheels matchless, floating ride; widc-swirigihg doors open on interiors both and handsome in arrangement. word here's a car squarely on whether you go for style or performance or value. Here's most wanted car and Canada's most sought-after buy. ONLY BVICK HAS AfOll HNOltSt ili, co otbi, lew Inq confovr of oVmcfiv b.avfr flflMl fOWtt ham ol.-l.li.o J BWCOU ttraighl-alghl tngtoi In rw vi tl. coif CrUNDtt 0INO noollmi (tori end en nngint thai "iforf : Iromfltno. conlrof tut,., oapOaoauaauaoooaciCiaiSOtitib Whifflets From The Waterfront oaaoaoooooaaaaaaooooaaoa Three steamers were. n port yesterday, the Casslar from Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands, the American freighter Sidney with ;titmon from Alaska, and the Prince Rupert with passengers and general cargo from Vancouver. Daylight Saving In British Columbia becomes effective next Sunday but It does not sound so simple as that. Railways and shipping will have their own times and in Prince Rupert there will be some complications. Some steamers will be on daylight time and some on standard. as melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins. There Is no object in planttng these until both soil and air are warm. For the kind of shaves that make you look your best, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. These two are pred sion made, fit exact -ly, and protect vou from the discomfort caiised by misfit blades. Yes, Gillette double edges mean double economy. look'feel'b,, "''Gillette V BLUE BLADES So why'lct the crowd get ahead of you? Why wait when waiting can only postpone delivery, not hasten it. Just remember that faint heart ne'er won a fair car like this and get your order in! The tlemaml for new cars is still so great that it may be some time before you take the wheel of your new Ihtick. Make sure your present car keeps rolling. The better its condition, the safer you are... and the higher its potential trade-in value. , ALL THESE Sffft ' niUWUOHTHSr OHl If HaMng eclien, iwiff rtiponm, rtducto food en boormoi. JPHNGING lokt-oWopod oil- iprngmo for oorpofvof intooffiMU end "ponfhorootl" 'dt. fUU-UNCW TOtQUt-JUU DUVt pn. fncfi moving peril, givnl iltodintll lo wifft rnduiod od for edvirmcnli. SWEETEST SHAVING COMBINATION ON EARTH! liUMUNUSUN AWNING & SAIL WORKS riione HLUK vm 100 i;ast I uird Ate. (Next toSh EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items 'of social and personal Interest are always welcome. r6CffUlS$ ttOHDHM WMiril for ooot lot rntut. kntinr cor conlrof, frwdow from hnl rrf JflPON MKING MAM -H e lee. love, ofiminolol 0-k-orJ kond tolling. ctirntx sfAr cwhionj '"cr con'orf In o nwdWi, fkrtt eorioo rooo en off mil. Cln.AfOUND UAtrtl5 fronl end roar, originoftd hf Itmh lo pro'etf cnotl poiot lulff for bumpor foci, NINC MAIt MODUS In ffi'M inrioi, efl rilh tody bf fiibi PRODUCT Of GINIMl rXOTO$ LONG MOTOR Cor. Third Ave. 7th St. S Ltd MJM PRINCE RUPERT HllP ' X s St. 71 . ' VP ( EASIER s l SAIIiS -I . M .2 NOKTIIMN IS.C AGENT; ..... .MIL IUIII f "V 'ifrrt ... STAND PRINCE IIUPEHT.B "The Nai.vs J.r wr ILhH it. ,..! t. I. aeaiin:; v.:h prsler acttvitip fit '; I; Jonc.- New-; r j f;; i lions a;,' w spy IG Ua i :i' k"e W5 For Sound Advice. on your i On ll SEE 1.IMIT1D 213 ..:. Etrrr: Phmi' EG P.0 it tv ire n i I. i 1 1 I LJ tl .1 II (I i vri I 3 I1 li ' V 1 i i i I 'Buby talk about jf m serve lila ',cs finest qt''",' ' visit our -.,.1 i im: li"' Ol' KVWi " . nilTCAlW irfi- IE C Third Avr I'jlONE i ,TEit $32J HW '.V' 11 10' m. mem -al 13 gclwoi 10 cil. If ary t "