ijfli?'.r':L-' -iji: E' V JPIIIN IS) Marriages E.if?. W -un In fain-Mrs Ethel a ...Guidance cen- ;ia) education Southampton, , ,j girl says ; titles come . ii ,.. ,,j it her relation- a ooi millds up In , lit i . vr.: 0( the proto- .c uncansdou? the'.' -Soukl be an d: Npllne and d make up a BY DAY. nv Mir: 14 T ill l l l w A a m -mcqueline Pow-:: :tund typist b.v -,p curiing orderly She is one of i.e Ministry of i iiclp under- v.t t. ,iitals. From . . . .. ' i - t :s Then, from -.! oelps nurses in iir.' at Padding- v.L.d in the local 1 ;; uu u.um-.t win: !:., ur.-.i closed for c j unwi'V h built in 1C39. L. -Col. Q. M. Schedule fanpsday, Friday eo. J , I'll . .1 I UUJ 91MOC ACTION KKIt J t'I'L'llt T' ,- A r- . . uommission Sales Conducted - til uuuou- II inn MrninrtM, I Itn . U CRATRH T AS PI. - :K KIM'URT ION MART It in f , - . . . I 1.1 T?PO It, A mm 'ot George Steamer Service ' Uivfrl from PRINCE RUPER1 to ' - mis p.m. I pi ttt- . . ,rtaT Mldnljht -"'ji.i run a . - ur wriiA TlAet Offices. The Experts Say - - HEAD GRADE MARKS Just as no driver should travel a road without readirrg the signposts, no housewife should buy food without first reading the grade marks on the packages. These are pie sign -posts directing her on the road to economy, Tor they show the Quality of the goods she Is buying. Many foods sold In Canada are graded" according to quality and so markrd eggs, poultry, butter, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables, catfoied fruits and vegetables, jams, jellies, canned, poultry, and maple syrup may all be purchased Ihway. The Dominion Is the first country In thy world to have a national system of grading, for trifse foods. The Department of Agriculture and Its consumer section lias Just fcas adopted tlW; slogan "Buy by : Grade Buy with Confidence," Issued a new bulletin called "Buy by Grade," which". will be sent free on request. 1'KEPARfNO ONIONS Cream 'em or -. fry 'em too many persons seem to think these are the only ways to prepare onions, but for the cook who's looking for something different, here are two! new onion recipes calculated ,to make her dinner more Interesting In this off-season for fresh vegetables: Baked Stuffed Onions Six large onions; three-quarter cup soft bread crumbs; three-quarter cup thin cream sauce; three-quarter cup chopped meat. chicken, fish or vegetable, one half cup crackers j or bread crumb's; grated cheese; salt and pepper to taste. ; Peel and boil onions until nearly tender. Drain, cut out a slice from the top and hollow them, leaving a three-quarter-Inch shell, or if onions are very large, cut Into halrcs and hollow them. Chop the pulp 'taken rrom the centre and combine with bread crjurribs, crpam sauce, chopped cooked meat and season. Fin cases with thts mixture and top with cracker or bread crumbs. Sprinkle wit'.i grated cheese. Place in a; pan with enough water to keep onions from scorching. f 'Bake in a moderate oven, f( about 40 minutes or until tender. Six servings. HONEY GLAZED ONION SLICES Four .' medium-sized onions; salt and pepper; two tablespoons water; one tablespoon honey': two teaspoons butter. Cut onions into one-quarter inch slfces and place in a large greased1 casserole or pan, sprinkle wltlTsalt and pepper and add water. Cover and bake In a mod erate overt lor 15 minutes, or until tender. Remove from oven, dribble with honey, and dot with butter. Return to oven for 10 minutes to glaze and brown slightly, basting at least once. Six servings. HEAT, ROLLS Rolls always taste better at a meal if they are heated before- '.fL. -i .. i 1U IB AS DEOAULLE CALLED FOR UNITY General Charles de Gaulle, In a series of action speaking poses, when he addressed the people of France, replying indirectly to leftist charges that he aspires to be ai dictator. The occasion for the speech In Strasbourg was in celebration of the second anniversary of the liberation, of Alsace by American and French troops. In hi3. speech, he urged unity of western Europe, to provide a balance between the world's "two. enormous, masses, both expanding,- meaning the United States and the Soviet Union, hand. Try rinsing an ordinary paper bag with water before potting the rolls inside. Then place in a hot oven for five or ten minutes or. until thoroughly warmed. The moisture from the bag will prevent the heat from drying out the rolls and they will come out as if newly baked. Classified Advertising Paysl Aboard Grounded Atlantic Liner Most Rev. Anthony Jordan, Roman Catholic Bishop of Prince Rifpert, was a passenger aboard the liner Queen Elizabeth when she went aground outside South ampton, England recently. Bishop Jordan Is on his way to visit the Vatican, after which he will visit England and Ireland. Building Neglect Results in Fine R C Mutch was fined $25 with an option of 14 days in Jail by Magistrate W. D. Vance Tuesday ; wiien he was convicted under the city's sanitary bylaws of Sail-' ure to keep his premises, known ; as the York Hotel-, up to the . I I DID ANVEOOV SEE YS4, PF3 standard of sanitation prescribed in the code. The prosecution resulted from an inspection of ,he Third Avenue building by Medical Health Officer Dr. R, M. i Lane and the city police. CAR AND TRUCK IN COLLISION An automobile driven by D. S Negrych and the city waterworks truck driven by Carl J. Gustaf- son were damaged Tuesday after noon, out no one was injured, when they collided at the inter section of Park Avenue, Second Avenue and Third Avenue. Ac cording to eyewitnesses, the ve hides collided as the city truck turned on to Second Avenue from Third Avenue. The automobile driven by Negrych was proceeding east on Second Ave. Mrs. Chris Sather is leaving on the Prince Rupert this evening for Victoria where next Thursday she will attend the graduation of her daughter, Miss Olga Sather, as a nurse from Royal Jubilee Hospital. Also graduating at the same exercises will be Miss Betty Black, daughter of'Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Black of this city, and Mis Patricia McClymont formerly of Prince Rupert. NO. MOM.-H BUT ILL HELP, W Ai IMP i I IF W-K hUR IT ' " LOOK OUT J itK vv 4 3 I I fii J ,j i I Pi(l, KB ' 11 ( T"6? MUST BE wn. I I Yf h i- WE ALL HAVE TO HELP J . f. MV tLUCKV DAV- , Ol?) ( MAMA LOOK FOR HER -I y- ( THAT lUST MISSED . rf'AS- J, W V. LITTLE BITTy SPOOL OF JH 'l jt&SSjf' I l.S GLOPY BE P I a m 1 I (THERE'S SO MUCH VIOLENCE frtS II I Jjt S IN THIS WORLD "IT'S " z :vf$W& V ( rNEVEPTHOLK-C Xk ro rvwotiG ( good to get into the) C(jp p I'Vgja g Copt. 1HT. Kim rethirtTsrndintf, Inc, tPotldXNy. " " ' T'1 jP I 5 i tfncc Rupert Danp.X3cto4 Thursday, April 24, 1947 Pre-School Co-op Aids Tiny Pupils REGINA, tt A nursery school for children up to six years is the fatest of Saskatchewan's 2,000-odd co-operative organiza tions. Last month 22 children attended. The plan, which took four months to crystallize, was first suggested during discussions over tea cups, when mothers ot Regina's Lakevlew ' d i s t r i c'l voiced th need of a nursery school for their pre-school age children. A room In the district public school was donated by the school board. All other organi zation and equipment was prov folks your family ided by the co-operators, who. hired one teacher and were offered services of- lW -Volunteer teachers. t j The system of Tltancing and share loans which Include a $3 registration fee and 5$S fee per child per term, was evolved during a series of weelcljmeetfng.i of the mothers. . One family loaned a pfano and others built and pajnted p4nt-sized chairs and. "tables. Toys were repaired and1 dpnted. LONDON, R-Fires in woodland belonging to the Brttblr Forestry Commission last year caused damage estimated at 2C,CC0 ($104,000) and destroyed l!l00 acres. - k'c the deserves Ayltner 1 IMMERSOUP Hollywood Cafe PRINCE KUrEKTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS I ItO.M II AJ1I. TO 6 AJlf. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY 255 Third Avenue CHOW MEIN rOR OUTSIIJt- ORDERS TIIONE MS 735 THIRD AVENUK WEST ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING Repairs Installations EXPERT RADIO SERVICE mm--m-. m FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Phone 644 RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC GALVANIZED WARES Tubs Boilers Oil Cans Pails Sprinklers Garbage Cans THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Phone 101 Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND r r Will add taste and quality to your meal. For variety try our Smoked Black Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon r diets Frozen : Halibut and Salmon i Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUrERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA