TTENDED ENTRt II .Ult' ili-iU" t' : ' 11 1 (VnnuaJ i during n0 Novem-,. Rupert's )tai Vstl- s (92 dur pcciocl. ac-yport re-in'cung of n-.iuon. !; o part ol v.nnasium -ecorded i; ; n, fereni , nere m. not fa m n popu- . endancs ....i.i il-. and u poor , leakins p:. (t gym-uQunce of fio there i acrosse ilfUIICS. i vie Cen ts,;- during nth i)i' '10 0 614. and and ""r 5S! I -itv ",u.f wall ami ccillnir use the i h the Tne Labor : orogram 400. oraniza- mnted for C20 in the t.. inn : - j. m organlza- r.- VlMl .... ..... rh nr- ili..' -llA'li,. t- ...... 1"---- i;ai, .mi- occasion, F .rw o wnen no czuio c:- 'nund 99 9.369 16 12,170 TS IC.909 3 19.448 number of the an:llation of auimg that arrivals T - V m.V.'I- Mr T Woo: Smlthers; E tve Kcichikan; '". T ace Mrs. li- r- - T.nut V:; -jvs'i . E. Gll- Kc- hiKun L A. Bod ally News wishes to nuon to inc ruic rifled and transient the otrice at time iting copy for adver-hasc dc-lrlng to ad- U.UU.IVI til Mil: tl.IVVU n nfrin .i by refraining from mb classified adver- 11 ' WLL v II MURESCO 1 "b apDllcd TTi.vAT. TrftK PiANTiSKS Tne two yo-ung sons or and Duche.-i-. .of Glouce ster, took part in a tree planting ceremony in Au.straliu. where their father Is serving as the governor-general. Here Prince William, right, the oldest, holds his pet terrior, "Piper," as he and his brother, Prince Richard, examine their handiwork. CAKII OF TJ2-VNKS We wisfh t ) e5epres our sincere thanks to our friends in Port Esalngton and Port Simpson for the many kindnesses, and beautiful floral 'tributes extended to us during our recent bereavement in the loss of Capt. Henry Prevoat. Special thanks to Indian Agent Anfield and the Salvation Army of Prince Rupert. THE PRKVbSTT FAMILY Thoee sending flowers were Salvation Army Officers and i comrades of Prince Rupert, Sal vation Army of Metlakatta, Brig, and Mrs. Gllllngham. Metlakatla Council. YAI.B-A., L.J3JV., Inver ness Cannery. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hyan and'family, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Leask and family, Mr- and Mrs. Howard Leask and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ryan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nel son and family, Mr. and Mrs. R H. Ryan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ryan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ryan and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. HaWane, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Lelghton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Auckland, Mrs. Alice Lelghton and family., Mrs. Fred Phcasty. Mr. and . Mrs. Gus LeLgblon. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wouden, Mrs. Christine Lelghton, Mr. and Mrs. O. Dalgren, Mr. Geo. Woods and family, Mr. David Spauldlng and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Spauldlng and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua McKay,' Perry, Nlta. Raynold, Carole and Irena, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bey-non. 'Mrs. Clara Spencer and family, Mr. Allen Brooks and family. The News! Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Are your ioints .nl miistlcs tiff androie (torn Khr.imnttc V.tfnf .; quick, sate relirl Willi 1Vml-t ,n' T-lt-C .". Uwl nil teconiincrnlfl li- ttiotifunJ. T-K-C' ate pwiHy made to relieve Kheumatlc, Artluitic ami Neuritic pain and stillness, LiitnlWRo. St int,ca. Neuralgia. Get a box todav. SOc. $1 bl drui:Kist3. T-J YOUR Hew to toke the ruts out o( v ur LirroMast routine . . . to mak"? your kitchen "homcv" what color to choose 'or r-j living room . . Thce of i-.t o f'-w of the intrigues dcoi (uinlihcd doily on the Woman' Page of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR jnt" hclplul Idcns ore "plir value" in this doily newspaper tor "s h;rrre thot give-, you world newt interpreted to how itj lmP:: on . u ond vour fk Chri-.tion Science Tubliihing Society One Norwoy Street, Boiton 15. Moochiett Pi-cue enter o fpeeiel introductCM-y subscription to The Chrr,lion Science Monitor 5 week (30 tue for 1 Nomr .trc:t ""u Ine enlfire ntt.i .uu rti ri.ii.ti pausing, """till loo: for 41 Kfl c average room! .Stote I'UNKUAL NOTICE Members of the Canadian i.plnn wishlne to attend we funeral of the late Albert Leigh ton at Metlakatla are requested to nctlfy me before 10 am. Sat urday January 18. Boat will leave Armour's Salvage Dock at l pm Saturday. Philip M. Ray, Secy. Mgr, Announcements All advertisements m tnu column will be charged lull montn fit 2M BLONDIE for ior a a ii a word, Card Party, Catholic School Hall, January 23, 8 p.m. Burns Banquet, Saturday Jan, 25, at 6:30 pjn, Presbyterian Church hall. - . . Ski Club Dance, Civic Centre, Friday, January 31. ' Conrad School P.T.A., Bridge, Whist, Crlbbagc, Friday, Janu ary 31. Refreshments. 35c. Hill GO Valentine Tea. Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Borden School Rummage Sale, Feb. 12. 13. Cambral Valentine Dance, Feb ruary 14, Civic Centre. Harmoneer's Dance, every Sat urday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows" Hall. Everybody welcome. Local News Items A S.O.N, Meeting Tonight, 8 pjm. J. L. McEwen is leaving on this evening's train for Smlthers to attend the annual bonspiel of the Smlthers Curling Club. Alex Armstrong and William Barton of the local Royal Bank of Canada staff returned to the city on last night's train from Terrace where they conducted the weekly office hours of the sub-branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is it pzrmisrable to apply make-up In an office, comb the hair or manicure the nails? A. Never, Q. When callers arrive in succession which should leave first? A, The first to arrive. Q. Should toothpicks be used at dinner? A, Never In the presence of others. FUNERAL AT METLAKATLA Final Jtilcs for Laic Albert Leighton Arranged for Tomorrow Funeral of the late Albert James Leighton has been ar ranged to take place on Satur day afternoon from the Metla katla Anglican Church, Rev, Basil Prockter officiating. The agency launch Northern Cross will transport any veterans who wish to go over to pay their last respects to a former soldier. Deceased was a veteran of the First World War. He passed away at the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Thursday. Born November 10, 1878, Albert Leighton was educated at the Metlakatla boarding school In the daj'3 of the late Rev. J. R. t. He enlisted for active ser vice In the First World War In December 1916 and served In England and France with the Canadian Forestry Corps. He was given an honorable discharge in 1919 and returned to his native village of Metlakatla. In latter years he had becoms more and more disabled by rea son of war service and In Sep tember last was admitted to the General Hospital for treatment. Mr. Leighton was quite an authority on Indian affairs and could quote chapter and verse of the Royal Commission proceedings and the Indian Act as re lated to the welfare of his people, He Is survived by Peter and Robert Leighton, brothers; Mrs J. T. Cook, Vancouver a sister Mrs. Violet Brown, a niece. ISlondic Get Your Gun! Moose Whist Driveand Dance, Saturday, Jan. 18, 8:30 p.m. Members and friends. (15) Arthur Murray and Neil Mac- Donald sailed last night on. the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver, James Warner leaves tonight for Vancouver on the Catala to join the crew of one. of the surplus Canadian corvettes being delivered to China He expects td return home In about three months. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) FRIDAY PAt 4:00 Carl Trevors 4:15 Mid-Day Melodies 4:30 Songs In Sweet Style 4:45 Sleepy Story Time Teller 5:00 wing Time. 5:30 T.BA. 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 Alan and Me 6:30 Community Calendar 6:45 Purity Program 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Heritage of Music 8:00 Prairie Schooner 3:30 Winnipeg Drama' 9:00 T.B A. 9:30 Three Suns Trio 9:45 Lee Sims 9:55 Solo Spotlight 10:00 jCBC News 10:10 B. C.;News, 10:15 Milton Charles 10:30 Dal Richards Orch, 11:00 Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY AM. 7:30 Musical. Clock 8:00 CBC New3 8:15 Pick of the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:09 BBC News 9:15 Pops Oh Parade 9:30 The Adventures of Monte Cristo' 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Medley Time 10:15 World Church News, 10:30 Hits of the" Shows 10:45 CBC Newrs 11:00 Music For Dancing 1 1 : 30 Message " Period 1 1 :33-Recorded,' : .Interlude 11:45 Personal Album . RM. . 12:00 Musical; Program 12:25 Program Resume 12 :i0 Polka Time 12:45 Serenade for Strings 1:00 John Charles Thomas 1:15 English Favorites 1:30 Hit. Songs of Yesterday 2:00 .Tea and Crumpets 3:00 El Rltmo Tropical 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude 3130 Music from Scotland You saw it In The News! CIVIC CENTRE SHOWED SLIGHT PROFIT IN Although dealing In thou sands, Prince Rupert's Civic Centre ended its 10-month operating period in 1946 with a net profit" of $10, according to the operating statement read by Treasurer Maurice Bridges at the Civic Centre Association's an nual meeting last night. However, Mr. Sridses tcld tlw members, the Civic Centre op erated well within the budget drawn up when the building was taken over from the Department of War Services last March. Operation during the first seven months, under the Civic Recreation Board, showed a profit of $335 while, during the final three months of 1946, under the Civic Centre Association, expenditures exceeded revenue by $325. Items disclosed by the financial statement: Net operating revenue for the 10-month period was $14,644 of which $9,040 was taken during the first seven months and $5,603 in the final three-month period Revenue included $1,443 from membership fees; $2,100 from patrons; $2,260 In pledges and donations from societies and clubs; $3,220 In rentals for the facilities of the building; $2,745 from the Recreational Council, and smaller amounts from several other sources. Operating expenditures showed that cost during the first seven months was $5,113, and $1,976 during the final three months of 1946. Administrative expenses totalled S4m irom March to October and $2,301 from October to December. In crediting membership fees as $3fo ior tne unai rnree months of 1946, Mr, Bridges ex plained that, while actually fees received during that period to talled about $2,400, they also carried over Into 1947 and, therefore, the membership re celpts were divided on a quar terly basis In order to show them accurately for the three-month period. At present, the Civic Centre has a membership of 826, about 400 of which are adults, General Secretary Don.Forward told the meeting. . EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this'ln mind. Hems of social and personal interest are always welcome. By Chic Young snsss) hx esasiv tSWA -p Bt J j ep-e The End of a Hcautiful Friendship! rmiE ii i i n . ii miiiiiiiiiiiiiii , . ll i i3H homo rT.Y R I SS ' " A , r 111 HiJg t&p-l The Wrong Number. prince Uupctt Daily J3cAutf Friday, January 17, 1947 FOUR ELECTED TO BOARD OF CIVIC CENTRE Four members were elected to sit on the board of directors of the Civic Centre Association by the annual meeting of that or ganization last night. Three of the members were re-elected after serving previous terms. ite-electd by the 40 members at the meeting were Alex Armstrong, Maurice Bridges and Art Murray, while F. E. Anfield was elected for his first term. Thp meetlne also armolnted George Rorle & Co. auditors for ' the association for the coming year and passed a vote of thanks to D. C. Stuart for his work as auditor In past years. I SCCESSFUL APPEAL j PONTYPRIDD, Wales W-A baker appealed successfully against an order requiring him i to reinstate a former employee at a wage of $18 a week, a rate the umpire said was "far greater than that which the baker himself derives from the business." FROM SN1FFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF UeadColdsl DOUBIE-DUTT NOSi DROPS WORKS FAST RIGHT WHERE ROUBIEISI Instantly relief from head cold distress starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-nol In each nostril. Also It helps prevent coios irom uc.vy- lng II used in time i iryiu w You'll like It! Y1CKS VA-TRO-NOL OCKWH?HWft0KOHJ0IHKllKH5 ft Prolecl Your Boat From FIRE See Us for KIDDE-LUX C02 Fire Extinguishers We recharge C O 2 Extinguisher after use, in our own plant In Prince Rupert. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Building Supplies Coal Phone 651 and 652 as hi on- Suit For QUALITY For STYLE For VALUE The skill of crafts men has cone into the desiirn and manufacture of a Fashion-Craft suit. Our stock now offers you a good selection i n pattern and styling at prices $n.50 33-50 53 r-nii',ai'r,iji i.n.i A. MacKenzic Furniture "A GOOD LIMITED PLACE TO UUY' Lloyd's Baby CarTiagcs The latest design, fully upholstered, waterprfllnlng, 5-bow hood; PVJ climate. Colors blue, maroon and grey. Priced at .. it i port for r.hild who Is out of lirfaiit stage! i be used as walker; equipped with $n.7.- rubber protection Mall Orders can be given immediate delivery j I IMionc 775 327 Third Avenue Trincc KupcrtBC. I ) Be Sure of the Best 1 ll I II I AVE UEL1VEK DAILY SBulkleyJ LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OP CANADA AND U.S.A.. ' FOK QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68 NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS GREER & BRSDDEN Builders and Contractors B0X 721 561 r-- PHONE RED V i it 1