..cittino has long been a recognized activity dividual 'teen age girls but now the thing is De done on an organized basis by the young .ininMt r - The Idea was sprung on the Teen Town, council at Its weekly PORT HARDY in i hit ..... ,w,,. I 1 1 II I .1 llllll I'ustrios: Lumbering (' various logging 1 UDOr. vllfn w . on ww . i V)7r ' ' I r IK M rv Am A . . MUVI1M -11 l j VI 1 KrniiMni nloi,nB year ... uui rntini- it. ?kZ,TMn m been rCuui"lor James Law-11C"W5 H . Whit. . "ugncs, L&RARY NORTHERN AND CENTR 3 NEWSPAPER TAXI i fcTAXI TAXH UnP jtMU 537 tftfDSIOHT SERVICE Stand: 1 DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE W. Hotel, Third Ave.? Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Bill and Ken Nesbitt VOL, XXXVI, No. 14. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS KkkkkkkkkkkkkkkAkkkkkki, . Leave Baby at , ui j Town Girls' Nursery SIONS RE AS E ENT I A L . . .... .rl V. u.irn n ivinrn -iii, lender In the . rVinf rlelnrr nacs It Impcra- io ago pensions re- ovcrnment will spend -. I I A 1 A j o lie saia wiai, iw.rnu eovernmcnt did orovinclal revenue fi -3 suggested that . it A I. 1 I run C C.F govern -applying medical, and optometry . o::::ioncrs. .. ict- needed a mod- unii- '.niing forth the IS SIDE NT Vtr.:ent Aurlol, s . z Icadcf, was ; or n t of France ( ' ttndidatcs de Rl-w Cl:menceau, It was r.j cast in two days for f? fan ot aop who had on Tuesday as c Natloiial As-R x.auon of Leon president, was ac- ! -ununisjj supported u Uicy desired tu l :mi) a national 'ec;ived 452 votes and c opponent, 242. n QUID rr a r - mr A & -; -n orousht the first -id ncre 50 years ago Ii LLI UH..LI I IV LI 1 1 ---"O r:') to the northland. ' nt-mrn t, . meeting last night by four girls who have taken responsibility for getting the service under way. They are Rosaline Thaln, Mary Addodjc, Mickey. Murray and Betty Hamilton. Their plan is to organize a day nursery In the Civic Centre on Saturday mornings, and look after small children while their mothers arc circulating through the downtown stores. They calculate that a service which would allow mothers to do their shopping without the distraction of having to watch their young children on downtown streets Is bound to meet with success. The Council shared the enthusiasm and endorsed the idea unanimously. Rup-Rec Director Nell Ross, who Is adult advisor to the Teen Town council, told the girls that space probably could be found In the Civic Centre for such a worthy project., Another suggestion adopted by the meeting was the creation of a record room In Civic Centre where Teen agcrs could pause to ponder the latest In song hits and maybe do a bit of rug-cutting if the platter sends them. Space probably will be set aside In the Teen age game room. The financial report of Teen Town, read by Nell Ross, was adopted by the meeting, as was a report from the publicity committee which sugyested ancx-panslon of publicity for the or-canlzaUon. Deputy Mayor Mel Thompson was chairman in the absence of Mayor Reg Lavignc. CANADA-FRANCE IN AGREEMENT Two-Way Trade Between Countries Due for Boost OTTAWA,. Oi Two-way trade uetween Canada and France ap geared due for a boost today In the wake of a Joint move to stimulate transactions between the two countries. Under a new Canadian-French agreement, casing Canadian credits will permit France to use part of pu unexpended balance or a $2n.O00,0OO loan from Canada In private purchases. mce Kupert s v.ase ror Air Kl II . - l . . ul y irs iiiivHV iii minimi "v kMI T III VWVI 1 tvtTCtH v in n. ..f r..i in .1 .. v 1 1 1 - , I, ..ull .n.i..tlAHAi Ilt u. ijiiiiii, iib ,'ALiiUlLAIl blUl IlULllb IIU4I II V IVI. anu rnncc itupcri. inc uanaaian raciuc aituucs 1 an Ant, i . . . . . .. iAJUbuvc survey of the business, resources ana tl'is area. Since then Canadian Pacific Airlines has iai application ror permission to operate such a information thus obtained and presented to the tvh on m is rritvcirinrnri. nr cnrriinit intprpsr. in nun is the principal industry, companies all contract to I5.C. iiiihimI nivvrlnnt inn .viillin 5 lsl- - - ... Average level ol wages in tne lstcncc in Port Hardy. Tills centre is the focal point for the lumbering industry in the northern part of Vancouver Island, and is, at the present time, served by B.C. Coast Steamship Services and Union Steamships, both of hch. make weekly calls ut Port Uardy. The proposed air service would make dally calls at Port Hardy, providing the travelling public with more frequent as well as more rupld trunsport In and out of the district. The advantages of air services as discussed In connection with the whole area between Vancouver and Prince Hupert applies equally to Port Hardy. Cocktail Bars For EPIC OF HEROISM OF FATHER ON TREACHEROUS FRANCOIS LAKE ICE BURNS LAKE Oj Tale of a father's heroism Is being told In this central Interior town where a young girl is recovering from a fractured leg. George Hanke crossed the treacherous Ice of Franchois Lake Thuesday night to get his seven-year-old daughter to medical attention. The child was wrapped in a blanket and placed on a tiny sled. The temperature was ten below; At, times Hanke was forced to take daughter and sled In his arms and leap across large cracks in the ice. OIL SUPPLY IS CRITICAL Major Companies Are Kef using Orders, Being Unable to Keep Up With Current Demand TORONTO, 0; A spokesman says that the present fuel supply Ls "critical and major oil companies are not accepting any more orders for oil burners or furnace oil contracts. The oil demand ls estimated at twice that of this time last year. Most of the refineries are operating at full capacity and are still unable to meet the demand. Deadly Atomic Dust Discussed Conjectured Tliat It Might riay Hideous Part in Future Warfare OTTAWA ttStalenicnt by Defence OlTnlsler Claxt'cwi that by-products (of lalonilc .energy research at Chalk Jtiver, On-tarlj, (might be used for defence purposes -directed conjecture towards the deadly powers of radio-active dusts spawned In the atomic process. It is learned reliably thai, while dust could play a hideous part In any future war, its current status at .the Rational research .Council pilot plant, 125imllesnorthwest f Ottawa, is that r an industrial hazard. COMPETITION VERY COSTLY Transportation J'aradux as Between iltailway and Highway MONTKEAL Artificial conditions of competition between railways and highway operators havejesulted In Increasing Can- adlan transportation costs by $75,000,000. Tills is a penalty for running counter to economic laws, declared S. W. Falrweather, vice president or research and development, Canadian National Railways, in an address here last night before the Montreal branch of the Engineering Institute ot Canada. On his subject, "A Transportation Paradox," Mr, Falrweather pointed out that, even stripping from both highway and rail operators the special considerations one or the other hai received, no significant change In the relative costs or transport by the two agencies would result. "All that would happen," ho said, "would be that, Instead of saying that highway transport (except for short haul dis tances) was friMii three to five times ns expensive as railway transport, one wo,uld! have to state that It was anywhere from four to six times as expensive." Diesel, Furnace and Stove Oil Price Up Diesel and furnace oil has gone up ',f.c a gallon and stove oil has been boosted 8-10c per gallon In Prince Rupert as well as elsewhere in the province following a general price Increase made by the oil Industry throughout Western Canada. Slides Hit Rail Line Engine Derailed East of Kwlnilsa Traffic Tied Up As Jlcsult With two large snowsides blocking the track and a loco mctlve derailed by striking one of them, railway traffic in the lower Skeena Valley ls tied up today as Canadian National Railways snow plowing and track clearing equipment lsmai-shalled i from both the Prince Rupert and Smlthers ends., to meet the situation. One of the snowslldes, about 200 feet long and 20 feet deep, came down during the night about nine miles east of Kwln-Itsa. It was Into this that the engine of a westbound extra freight plowed at 4 o'clock this morning and went off the track. Neither Engineer Ernest Trus-sler or any of the rest of the train crew were Injured. The other M; U. about fQiir miles wesr orKwfrui tsrns about 300 feet long and 20 feet deep. Willie auxiliary equipment was being dL'ipatchcd from Smithcrs to handle the eastern obstruction and get the derailed engine back on the track, a rotary plow was sent out from here to work on the western avalanche. The slides, due to a sudden moderating after heavy snowfall, also carried dow.l the tele graph lines, wire service being disrupted until this afternoon. The way freight which was to have left early this morning for Pacific was cancelled but It .was heped that the line might be cleared by tomorrow morning so the regular eastbound train might be dispatched, possibly by 10 a.m. Ease Up on Recruiting last Year's Objective Cut To 75 Percent Defence rcc.noniics llelng adc OTTAWA W Hon. Brooke Claxton, minister of national defence, told the press yesterday that Canada's three permanent defence forces were 42,905 strong at the end of 1946 and announced that it was "not intended to lecruit personnel greater than 73 percent of the number set Tor planning purposes a year aso." The 75 percent lias, already been reached in navy and air forces so there will be no more enlistments except by specialists. Recruiting for the urjny will continue. Mr. Claxton said that "the International slluatUm. United Nations proposals and weapon type changes made It undesirable to settle composition or character ot the future armed services of Canada." ' The minister said that coordination of armed forces, amalgamation or civil service personnel attached to the three services, consolidation of several of the directorates of the three services, Including medical, dental and hospital, Were all under consideration to bring about the greatest possible economy and efficiency through co-operallon. FISHERIES DEPUTY OTTAWA Appointment of Stewart Bates as deputy minister ot fisheries is iuuiounced. RETURN FROM MOSCOW Elliott Roosevelt and his actress wife, Faye Emerson, are pictured alighting from the American, Overseas Airlines plane which brought them to the United States from Europe. He was received by Premier Joseph Stalin during his extensive visit in Russia, and ls said to- have told friends that he found Premier Stalin in excellent health despite reports of his being a sick man. Bulletins 1 VILLENEUVE DIES K B EC Cardinal -ViUe--neuve, head of the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, died here today after a long illness. He was G3 years of age. NEW YORK FIRE NEW YORK Three persons arc dead and several injured as a tesult of another New York hotel fire. KING CHRISTIAN BETTER COPENHAGEN King Christian of Denmark is considerably better after receiving penicillin treatment for a lung ailment. CABLE BLOWN l)V HAIFA Mainline J-ommuni-cation jn Palestine Was disrupted ,-v.ith the blowing up late yesterday of !a eection of the underground eable between Tel Aviv and Haifa. . NO FREE TORTS OTTAWA A committee investigating possible free ports hi Canada has recommended against such ports being established at this time. In view of world conditions, they Avould be undesirable, it is held, REDUCTIONS BY FORD SUPPLIERS However Employees of Motor Company Will Insist On Wage Increase DETROIT fo Falling in line with the Ford Motor Co. which lias aunounccd immediate price reductions in its current models, a number of suppliers of Ford .....i.. I.,..,.. nnnj iilmllur MiUkS HUTU UllllUUUVlU ., , , reductions. However, union em- ployccs or Ford have stated they will still press their demand tor a 2314c per hour Increase In wages. Moving contrary to the general trend or Industry In recent months, the Ford company on Wednesday announced price decreases amounting to as much as $50 on some models. It is the first cut to be announced by any car maker since the war ended and, apparently, forecast Ford expectations of greatly increased production volume this year. The announcement did not give a breakdown on reductions by models. British Columbia TERRACE VISIT IS CALLED OFF Snow conditions in the lower Skeena Valley which caused cancelling of the way freight yrfjiF-k,,5a.vji ji J. for. Pacific early1 this morning prevented a delegation of members of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce from proceeding to Terrace for the annual meeting and banquet of the Terrace and District Board of Trade this evening. J. T. Harvey was to have addressed the Terrace gathering on "Citizenship" and other local Chamber members who were to have gone were O. A. Hunter, president, W. D. Lambie, Gordon Durkln, George Dawes and E. D. Forward. CIVIC CENTRE PRESIDENT REVIEWS YEAR'S OPERATION OF BUILDING Reviewing the past year of Civic Centre activity, which was termed "probably the most important in the history of the Association," the annual report of Civic Centre Association President T. N. Youngs lists highlights of operating "what has "often been referred o as probably the most advanced organiza tion of its kind in Canada." The report was delivered at last night's annual meeting of the Civic Centre Association by Vice-President Dr. R. G. Large, in the absence of Mr. Youngs. It outlined! the' events which surrounded the taking over of the 'building by the Civic Recreation Board, and later by the Civic Centre Association. Mr. Youngs' report .ald in part: YEAR MOST IMPORTANT "The past year has been probably the most Important in the history of the Association. After manv years of planning and working, the Civic Centre Asso- flullnn nt. last, hns not lust OllC v. - i biiildlnz Dimaing but Du two mu, omu either " one " of I which, would a Tew years ago haye bccn Iookcd upon as a wortilwhiio Civic Centre. The Civic Centre building is of course, the 'main home of the Association but the Roosevelt Gym is also a very tine building and accommodates the overflow activities from the Civic Centre. "Late in 1945 the Civic Centre Association was advised by the Department of National War Services that the Y. M. C. A. would be discontinuing its operation of the recereational building early in 1946 and that Uie department would be agreeable to the Civic Centre Association entering into and op- Legislation Now Being Framed for Legislature ? RATIONING OF ALL KINDS OF CANADIAN SPIRITS MAY SOON BE LIFTED, VANCOUVER PAPER HEARS VANCOUVER (CP) Vancouver Province, in a newspaper story, says that amendments to the Government Liquor Act now being framed at Victoria for the coming session of the Legislature will include provision for a limited number of coktail bars in GEORGIA SCRAP NOT YET ENDED Military Phase Said to be Over Courts Now to Decide ATLANTA, Georgia, CB After Herman Talmadge, backed by National Guard officers and state highway patrolmen, had seized Georgia's executive department yesterday. Ellis Arnall denied admission to either the governor's ofHce or the offlcia; residence, told newspapermen that "this completes the capturt of the state government as fai as physical properties are concerned. It-has been done by gradual, military infiltration." Arnall set up his personal office in the rotunda of the capitol building and announced mat nis secretarial stall was quartered in a downtown office building. Governor for the past four years, Arnall contends that he Is still, the state executive and describes as Illegal legislative action- In namtog 'Talmadge'to nit miii itis iiiuici, cugene Talmadge, was prevented by death from accepting. It is expected the state Supreme Court will decide the Issue by March 31 under a declaratory Judgment. THE' WEATHER Prince Rupert, Hecate straits and Queen Charlotte Islands Continued rain, little change in temperature. 45-mlle an hour gale due tonight. Aid. T. N. YoungsChairman ot Prince Rupert Civic Centre. , crating the building until such ,,u tlrt. time as the uie noard uoara oi of Arbitra- Arwira tlon had met and settled terms on which the Association would purchase tnc ouiiamg irom tne Department of National De fence. The Civic Centre Asso ciation then entered Into an agreement with the Prince Ru pert Recreational Council, whereby the executives ' of the Council and the Association would form a joint body to op-crate the building and the Prince Rupert recreational program during this interim period The joint executives elected an operating Board which was known as the Civic Recreation Board. This Board ssumed re Continued on Page 2) Vancouver and Victoria. "Officials made it clear that the amendments have not yet been approved but there is now some certainty as to their gen eral tenor," the Province said. System of by-the-glass sale of pirlts would be by gradual itages, possibly based on local plebiscites In smaller centres. Rationing spirits of Canadian origin may end within the next few months, the Province also suggested. Prowler On Job Again Fifth Avenue Home Entered By Marauder Back on the "job" after a week's rest, the city's "coal bin" prowler struck again last . night,, sticking faithfully to the routine that has puzzled the city "police" in more than a dozen instances in the last month and which has set-tire Tttrves nf 'mlditowh' residents on edge. This time the prowler, believ ed by the police to be a crank, crawled into the residence of J. Carpenter, 615 Fifth Avenue East, through the coal bin and performed the now familiar routine of rummaging through drawers and cupboards., then leaving without taking anything. The report of the intrusion was turned in to the city polke at 8:10 last night by Mr. Carpenter when h? returned home. It is the first time that;police have received an authentic report of the prowler's activity since he visited the home of Don Fitch on Sixth Avenue aiweek ago. Actions of the prowler were similar on that occasion and many earlier ones. Residents of the district between Fourth and Eighth Avenues east and west of McBrlde have been in a state of tension for more than a month since the series of puzzling house entries began. Theories as etrange as the actions of the prowler himself have been advanced to explain his illegal visits. The city police say they are convinced that the series of incidents' is the work of one man and they are hoping for the break that will reveal his Identity. Residents of the area hunted by the prowler fear that his actions, which so far have been merely annoying, might expand Into some more dangerous direction as he makes his nightly visits. "He's some screwball and there is no telling what he .might do next, commented one irate householder of Eighth Avenue. aw iitw 5Vb ou uiav A. unit v unc to leave the house at night. A character like that is liable to do anything." "Maybe he has lost something?' suggested another: 'But, !f he has, fie sure is going into some strange places to find It." During the last week the police have received a number of reports of prowler activity but there were no complaints- of housebreaking until last night. "We don't mind getting those report?," ''Police Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton said. "It shows that the citizens are on the alert and one of them is liable to pay off." Local Tides Saturday, January 18, 1947 High 10:45 19.0 feet Low 4:40 10.2 feet 17:45 5.4 feet